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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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31. do you like your school?? what do you like/dislike about it?? or are u just neutral

32. how many pages is your school yearbook (weird question bUT IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME)

33. what is one thing you would change about yourself physically

34. what is one thing you would change about yourself........unphysically!!!

35. favourite instrument to hear in songs??? like you probably wouldn't go out of your way to find pure cover thingos of this but if it pops up in a song you're like "oh nice"

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36. im about to ask a lot of "whose visuals are better" is that ok or does that make u uncomfy

"y would it make me uncomfy" idk i only really talk about this with damian!!!!

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26. thoughts on turtlenecks??? bonus: thoughts on chokers, if any

27. have you ever been to a concert!!!

28. apples or pineapples

29. favourite natural hair colour u may have answered this before maybe in the qotd thread

30. so where did the username "maybe" come from. i have most definitely asked you this before

26. they're ok but i am not too fond of them personally

27. no!!!! i really want to one day but i haven't. maybe it's because so far there has been no one i like enough to be sure i'd want to go to a concert. or because there's no one me and my friends all like so we can go together.

28. apple

29. i have answered it before in the qotd thread! it was like, brown or something. but honestly i like a lot of colors. i like black too actually.

30. you have i think!!! this may not be the reason i used it on some things but it probably plays a factor into me using it

ok so a lot of the times when i was younger when i played video games i'd name the character my name

but later on i started to really not like my name

in fact, i don't like my name!

so i started giving characters really dumb names

and sometimes it was just a random word because i like to see how it goes in the dialogue since it was somewhat amusing to me

and sometimes i used "maybe" and that was kind of a favorite of mine

i don't even think i initially used it thinking of how it would be in the dialogue i was just like "idk what to name it i'll just put some word" and then i stuck with it because of that

so yeah that's how maybe happened, i think

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1: Impressions of me?

2: Impressions of the name Rachel?

3: Opinion on Leo from Fates?

4: Opinion on the name Leo?

5: Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

6: Opinion on the name Est?

7: Aspirations in life?

8: Opinion on kids?

9: Any plans to have any?

10: Something you like that everyone else hates?

11: Something you hate that everyone else likes?

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31. do you like your school?? what do you like/dislike about it?? or are u just neutral

32. how many pages is your school yearbook (weird question bUT IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME)

33. what is one thing you would change about yourself physically

34. what is one thing you would change about yourself........unphysically!!!

35. favourite instrument to hear in songs??? like you probably wouldn't go out of your way to find pure cover thingos of this but if it pops up in a song you're like "oh nice"

31. it's ok! there is not much to say about it though

32. i have no idea! i have never gotten one at this school

33. my face would be different probably. but not like if i could have it happen since then no one would recognize me. i just don't like my face or something.

34. i'd be better at paying attention to things!!!

35. acoustic guitar probably! it's very pretty a lot of the time. in fact, i play the acoustic guitar myself, and this may or may not be a reason why! i say may or may not because i actually don't know

36. im about to ask a lot of "whose visuals are better" is that ok or does that make u uncomfy

"y would it make me uncomfy" idk i only really talk about this with damian!!!!

that is ok

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1: Impressions of me?

2: Impressions of the name Rachel?

3: Opinion on Leo from Fates?

4: Opinion on the name Leo?

5: Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

6: Opinion on the name Est?

7: Aspirations in life?

8: Opinion on kids?

9: Any plans to have any?

10: Something you like that everyone else hates?

11: Something you hate that everyone else likes?

1. you seem nice but i haven't talked to you much

2. it reminds me of how rae said that most people named rachel she knows are jerks. but also rae herself is really nice and her name is rachel! in terms of the actual name i like it

3. he can use a book to make trees! that was not something i expected to see in a video game

4. it's a nice name

5. uh i don't know i haven't actually played a fire emblem game in a while

6. i'm not sure, but it seems ok. though in french it'd just be pronounced "a" so that's my immediate thought which makes it kind of funny to me

7. to get a cat!!!! and also to have a decently ok life. that's all really

8. that's too broad for me to answer i think

9. nope! due to reasons, i do not plan on having any. but i'm probably too young to think about that much.

10. i don't know, i'm sure there's always someone out there who likes something! (that means i actually don't know sorry)

11. i don't know, i'm sure there's always someone out there who hates something! (that means i actually don't know sorry)

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Gonna milk the reporter avatar for all that it's worth. It's show time!

0) FMK Hillary Trump Jill

1) Let's get the obvious out of the way; first...current, and future impressions of me?

2) Is there anything you feel particularly strongly about? You seem kind of like me in the sense that your opinions don't tend to come across through that well unless it's directly relevant.

3) Do you have any particularly fond Christmas memories? You should totally share one, if it's okay.

4) Why didn't you pick miniskirts instead of skirts????? It was clearly a trick question!

5) What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?

6) Thoughts on Inside Out, which is definitely a movie made by a company and it premiered in theatres for $$$ dammit this doesn't sound like a question anymore, or does it?

7) What do you have against short haired girls??????????? Please provide a comprehensive response, you're definitely being judged for this question (well not by me, I'm INFP).

8) Oh yeah, what's your Myers Briggs personality whatever-the-fuck-it's-called and do you think it's an accurate representation of you?

9) What do you think about personality tests in general?

10) Do you hate fun? Not asking this because I got the impression that you do, but it's an important question to ask people.

11) Did you lie on that last question?

12) Are you suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure?????????

13) Are there any games that you're looking forwards to coming out? Why's that?

14) What games do you get super nostalgic about (or just think sort of fondly about if you don't have any STRONG BURNING FEELINGS IN YOUR HEART)?

15) Oh yeah, speaking of STRONG BURNING FEELINGS, what do you think about Shounen anime? I know you like Jojos but that's kind of its own thing even though it follows some of the tropes.

16) What do you think about the moderators (praise be to Nightmare)?

17) Do you have any siblings or cousins that are close to your age? How cool are they????

18) How are you feeling about Halloween?

19) Thoughts on the Battle Network series?

20) What's the funniest thing you can remember off the top of your head?

Edited by Refa
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11?. Do you reddit?

12. What kind of makeup do you prefer on people?

13. Opinion on the number 13?

14. Favorite cookie???

15. Cats or dogs?

11. not really, but i do visit some subreddits occasionally sort of as an update on the thing they're about

12. i don't know sorry

13. it's a pretty good number

14. chocolate chip cookies!!!

15. cats. but i like both a lot. and also i don't have either and have never had either so i don't have any experience with them really

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wow refa is almost outjournalisting me

now all i need to do is throw a bunch of pennies on the street, watch to see how bothers to pick them up for a few hours, and call it a social experiment

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21) Speaking of cats, thoughts on my hero Pusheen?

22) Oh yeah, I forgot that the animal kingdom was a thing and thus the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF ALL TIMEâ„¢...do you like frogs/toads?

23) Wait wait wait, I remember you really liked Mega Man 4, right? I'm just asking because I thought you were the only one but I met this other dude (Batter the Beast, if you're curious) who totally loves MM4 as well. I dunno, I thought it was funny. In retrospect, this wasn't really much of a question but it had the proper punctuation for one so it still counts!

24) If you had the power of teleportation, what would you mainly use it for? What would you use it for on special occasions?

25) Oh man, speaking of powers, what would you do if you could transform into a space ship? Not the BORING (not actually boring, actually kind of rad) real ones but more like the ones in a shmup.

26) First and current impressions of Undertale?

27) How do you feel about its fanbase now? I know it used to be overbearing, but things are different now! Probably! I dunno, I haven't actually been paying attention.

28) Back to the easy questions, what are your thoughts on Calvin & Hobbes? TRICKED YOU IT WAS LEADING INTO ANOTHER QUESTION WITHIN THE SAME QUESTION. Do you think modern comics can learn anything from it? Oh yeah, and while I'm on the same question instead of moving on, thoughts on Dilbert?

29) How cool do you find Kinumi?

30) What are you planning on majoring in (not sure if you actually have plans yet, I always forget how old you are)?

30.1) How old are you?

/offtopic i loove refa


thanks! i actually did a lot today, so i'm in a rare moment of not self loathing...gotta savour it, probably.

38. favourite stage name between rap monster and feeldog

oh man those are both amazing

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Gonna milk the reporter avatar for all that it's worth. It's show time!

0) FMK Hillary Trump Jill

1) Let's get the obvious out of the way; first...current, and future impressions of me?

2) Is there anything you feel particularly strongly about? You seem kind of like me in the sense that your opinions don't tend to come across through that well unless it's directly relevant.

3) Do you have any particularly fond Christmas memories? You should totally share one, if it's okay.

4) Why didn't you pick miniskirts instead of skirts????? It was clearly a trick question!

5) What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?

6) Thoughts on Inside Out, which is definitely a movie made by a company and it premiered in theatres for $$$ dammit this doesn't sound like a question anymore, or does it?

7) What do you have against short haired girls??????????? Please provide a comprehensive response, you're definitely being judged for this question (well not by me, I'm INFP).

8) Oh yeah, what's your Myers Briggs personality whatever-the-fuck-it's-called and do you think it's an accurate representation of you?

9) What do you think about personality tests in general?

10) Do you hate fun? Not asking this because I got the impression that you do, but it's an important question to ask people.

11) Did you lie on that last question?

12) Are you suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure?????????

13) Are there any games that you're looking forwards to coming out? Why's that?

14) What games do you get super nostalgic about (or just think sort of fondly about if you don't have any STRONG BURNING FEELINGS IN YOUR HEART)?

15) Oh yeah, speaking of STRONG BURNING FEELINGS, what do you think about Shounen anime? I know you like Jojos but that's kind of its own thing even though it follows some of the tropes.

16) What do you think about the moderators (praise be to Nightmare)?

17) Do you have any siblings or cousins that are close to your age? How cool are they????

18) How are you feeling about Halloween?

19) Thoughts on the Battle Network series?

20) What's the funniest thing you can remember off the top of your head?

0) this one is zero so i can pretend it's not there!

1) first: this refa (pronounced reefa) guy seems ok i guess. current: reefa intentionally pronounced wrong but occasionally pronounced correctly is actually a really cool guy!!! future: happy birthday refa

2) i think i don't but maybe i do idk. i guess music, actually

3) no

4) because im bad

5) someone who i can talk to easily

6) i have not seen it!

7) i'm terrible that's what (i actually do not think short hair is that bad but i much prefer long hair)

8) it was like estj or something and yeah i guess it was pretty accurate wait let me get the screenshot of it

it was actually estp! this took me 5 minutes to find!

9) no opinion i guess. not really sure what they're for actually.

10) Yes!

11) Yes!

12) Yes!

13) Not really, no. I guess I just don't know too much about what games are coming out?

14) I don't think there are any. For games I think of sort of fondly... I'm not sure about that either actually. I guess i don't have enough feelings about video games!

15) I don't know what that is! Funny thing about JoJo, I have hardly watched the anime! I've seen all of part 1, like 4 episodes of part 2, like 2 episodes of part 3, and all the episodes of part 4 from 21 on (so like 9). I don't really watch anime at all and have seen pretty much no series that i liked sorry

16) they're all ok

do you want individual thoughts? i'm bad at that

specta and integrity are good friends of mine who i like a lot and talk to frequently

nightmare is really cool too and i've had a lot of fun conversations with him and he is the reason i have watched blade runner which is a good movie

i don't have much opinion on the others since i haven't talked to them much

17) not really! i have one cousin who i enjoy talking to a lot. to put this in perspective, i have like 14 cousins i'm familiar with!

18) seeing all the spook things is fun but the day itself isn't too interesting to me

19) i have played it for like 10 minutes

the music in battle network 2 annoyed me a lot!

in more recent use, i found this funny gif of mega man from battle network completely expressionlessly doing the ATATATATATATA thing that i thought was funny despite having never watched fist of the north star

actually now that i think about it i think i saw a few episodes of that show, it was pretty alright

20) that gif i posted not because it's very funny but because i just posted it so it is easy to remember

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