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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

I'd ask what your favorite Pokemon is but I think I know the answer. Instead...

6. Who is the character in your avatar? She looks like a recolored Azura from Heroes, but you also have a pic of her in your sig, so who is she and what is she from?

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1. Is your least favorite fruit a fruit that most people generally like?

2. Why does Ampharos have a mask?

3. Favorite Bravely Default/Second character?

4. Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask?

5. Why would a CIA agent shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

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1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

5: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

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Round Two is go:

1. Strangest or most novel thing you have ever eaten?

2. Favorite cinnamon roll?

3. Most inspiring historical figure?

4. Why did you choose your major? What branch do you want to specialize in?

5. Any conspiracy theories you believe?

6. Thoughts on this badass?

7. Luckiest number of consecutive 7s?

8. Any recreational activities you indulge in besides FE or TV shows--collecting, card games, etc? If they're less than savory then you can decline to answer.

9. Do opposites attract? Would you prefer someone with the same or similar personality or something different?

10. Go here and click "Generate" on the right-hand side of the page. If the result is an even number, you must play the game Subterranean Animism. If it's odd, roll again say something nice about your least favorite character from anywhere.

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hi hello~

*: If you were a character on Fates, who would your S and A+ supports be?

**: What would your personal skill be?

***: if you could have participated on any battle in an FE game, which would it be?

*v: What is your favorite skill in FE?

v: Do you like  the way FE has been handled lately/the direction it is going currently?


v*: Social construct you dislike the most?

v**: If you could write a message on the moon for everyone to see, what would it be?

v***: If you had to chose three songs or books to have some one listen to or read them and get an understanding of who you are, which would you chose? not that you have to share, of course.

*$: Do you believe on superstitions or supernatural, like astrology, etc.?

$: what do you do to pick yourself up when your feeling down?

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7 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

I'd ask what your favorite Pokemon is but I think I know the answer. Instead...

6. Who is the character in your avatar? She looks like a recolored Azura from Heroes, but you also have a pic of her in your sig, so who is she and what is she from?

1. I'm going to assume by "classical elements" you mean the standard fire/water/air/earth (if not feel free to correct me)? If so, I'm definitely going to go with air! The free-spirited nature of the element really appeals to me, and honestly I just like that element the most overall. The Chinese elements are a bit different, since they don't include air, so I'll have to go with my second favorite of the main elements: water. 

2. In the past I would have said Envy, but I've been working on that to a decent degree of success. Now it's probably Gluttony (since no one gets to control how much I eat in college >:D), though you wouldn't know it from my thin stature (hyperactive metabolisms are great). I would like to believe that, of the seven virtues, I embody Charity the most, as I enjoy going out of my way to help people and volunteer pretty regularly during the semester. I also try to tip my servers at least 20% since they honestly deserve a lot more money for all that they have to put up with during the day (seriously, customer service jobs suck). 

3. Like many people, I was first exposed to FE through Smash Bros, specifically Melee. I had zero idea who Marth was at the time, but damn was he a badass swordsman that my childhood self had a lot of fun using (even though I couldn't land tippers to save my life). 

4. My first FE game was actually Awakening, and around when I wanted to get more into the min/maxing side of the game, I went around the interwebs looking up all kinds of optimal pairings and skillsets and such to figure out what to do with my team. As it turns out, a lot of my searches led me to this site full of nerds

5. I'm not sure if I can think of one off the top of my head, but I've always been enraptured by Greek mythology. It was intriguing to me because it was my first time seeing gods that weren't worshipped as omnipotent, perfect deities but rather beings with their own sets of personalities and quirks and character flaws who messed up just as much as we did (sometimes worse). 

5b. You'd probably guess right, but as a bonus I'll throw in my favorite legendary, which is Latias! I've always really loved her design and her playfulness in the movie, but what really cinched it for me was the fact that she was my first ever shiny pokemon! And I will always hold her dear to my heart because of that <3

6. Her name is Scathach, a character from a mobile game called Fate Grand Order (it's currently JP only, but there's actually going to be an English release this summer, which I'm super hyped about). I wanted a Heroes-styled sprite of her because I really liked her design, a recolored Azura (well, with a few other characters mixed in) was the closest thing. I'm really happy with how it turned out though!

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

1. Is your least favorite fruit a fruit that most people generally like?

2. Why does Ampharos have a mask?

3. Favorite Bravely Default/Second character?

4. Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask?

5. Why would a CIA agent shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

1. Watermelon. Easily watermelon. I don't like the taste, I don't like the taste, and most of all: I don't like the fact that my mouth swells up when I eat it (allergies are fun)

2. My favorite pokemon is Ampharos, and I really wanted my SF username to be something related. I thought of Masked Lucina from Awakening and then imagined Ampharos wearing the mask, which led to all of this. 

3. Oh man, that's a bit difficult. In the end I'd probably have to say Ringabel since I find the flamboyant flirt-type characters to be entertaining (but only under the conditions that a) they don't take it too far, b) they're serious when they need to be, and c) they get more development as a character later on that adds depth to their character besides the humor) (luckily, he fits all 3!)

4. To prevent anyone from being able to tell what the hell he's saying without subtitles.

5. Style points

Presumably the agent shot him to ensure his death and then threw him off to dispose of the body. The agent couldn't have simply thrown the man out to kill him in the first place because he would have struggled too much, so he had to be shot first. 


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59 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

5: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

1. First: "Oh look a Kyubey!" and also "Yikes this person really does not like Sanaki, huh"

Current: I need to make sure to befriend her, so she'll save me when I'm dying. Also respect for going through med school! I ended up dropping out from the premed track prematurely myself (though it was more for personal reasons than academic), but I know firsthand how thorny the path is (or at least part of it. Obviously I haven't experienced med school for myself). 

2. It's a simple and cliche answer, but I just want to make people happy. I want to be able to nurture people and help guide them to finding meaning in their lives. That's also why I'm between becoming a psychologist or a teacher right now, both of which fulfills those things but in different ways (and I'm not yet sure which way I'm leaning more towards). 

3. For whatever reason, I've seen quite a lot of hate on the internet for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, which I cannot for the life of me understand because I honestly thought it was a phenomenal game. Maybe I'm just on the wrong places :/

4. "Hate" is a rather strong word, and I can't think of any form of entertainment off the top of my head that I truly hate. So instead, I'll answer "what's a game that everyone else likes that you think is overrated" for which I would answer FE7 (don't stone me, guys). I thought it was a good game, and I enjoyed playing through it for sure. But I didn't find it nearly as amazing as everyone hyped it up to be. 

5. I love kids, and I definitely intend to have one or two when I'm older (though of course it also depends on the wife). I have a pretty nurturing personality in general, and I'm also kind of the "dad friend" in a couple of my friend groups because I'm the responsible one who cares for everyone and makes sure they're eating properly and chastises them for doing dumb things at times. 

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53 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Round Two is go:

1. Strangest or most novel thing you have ever eaten?

2. Favorite cinnamon roll?

3. Most inspiring historical figure?

4. Why did you choose your major? What branch do you want to specialize in?

5. Any conspiracy theories you believe?

6. Thoughts on this badass?

7. Luckiest number of consecutive 7s?

8. Any recreational activities you indulge in besides FE or TV shows--collecting, card games, etc? If they're less than savory then you can decline to answer.

9. Do opposites attract? Would you prefer someone with the same or similar personality or something different?

10. Go here and click "Generate" on the right-hand side of the page. If the result is an even number, you must play the game Subterranean Animism. If it's odd, roll again say something nice about your least favorite character from anywhere.

1. A lot of Chinese cuisine comes to mind lol. Probably "cow tongue" or something like that. Maybe frog or jellyfish. Idk there's a lot of interesting stuff. 

2. Why must you make me pick favorites when I love all of them

Within Fire Emblem, I'd probably say Nino. If we're going to include characters from shows, movies, books, etc... I'd probably be here for days trying to decide tbh, so let's not.

3. I'm inspired by Shakespeare's ability to become a world-renown name for essentially coming up with really, really well-written/worded dick jokes. That's some next-level trolling and also literary talent. 

4. Without going into too much detail, I'm very much familiar with mental disorders on a very personal level (whether that be me, my family, my friends, or some combination, I'll leave up to your imagination), and I wanted to learn all I could about them, specifically what caused them and how I could help those who suffer from them. That's also why I intend to go into clinical psychology, in order to directly talk to people and help them heal and lead better lives. Also the subject itself interests me, so that's a nice bonus. 

5. Bit of a boring answer, but not really actually. I've never been one to put much stock in conspiracy theories. 

6. He should be in Heroes. I'm glad you picked someone I actually know for this one lmao. I think he's super cool, and it's nice that he's getting the recognition he deserves. Also slight tangent, but wouldn't it be cool to have a Fire Emblem game in an Ancient Greece/Rome setting? I mean we've done medieval Europe to death. Fates' feudal Japan was a nice change of pace, and I want to see them go farther and delve into other settings for future games. 

7. 3 of course gotta win those slots if I wanna pay for my Heroes addiction

8. "If they're less than savory" excuse you what kind of monster do you take me for 

I was on the marching band in high school and still occasionally play some euphonium and piano. I also play tennis and frisbee, swim, and do minor parkour (can't nail the flips, but I can do most of the wall-jumps and stuff). I'm also down for most recreational activities, like ice skating or kayaking or billiards or poker (no betting actual money ofc) or misc board games like Settlers of Catan, but they're not things I do regularly. 

9. I do think opposites can attract but only to an extent. For example, I like girls that are more quiet or reserved to counteract my energy and to keep me grounded, but I would want us to be similar in terms of kindness or overall moral standards. That said, it's not like it's a grounded rule; I could just as easily see myself with a bubbly, quirky girl (and likewise, two reserved individuals could be perfect for each other). 

10. I got 66, but since I don't feel like it I'll pretend it's a 67 so...

Uhhhhh, Ramsay Bolton (from Game of Thrones) was a real goddamn piece of work, but if nothing else he was quite cunning and had very effective battle tactics.

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1 hour ago, ___ said:

hi hello~

*: If you were a character on Fates, who would your S and A+ supports be?

**: What would your personal skill be?

***: if you could have participated on any battle in an FE game, which would it be?

*v: What is your favorite skill in FE?

v: Do you like  the way FE has been handled lately/the direction it is going currently?


v*: Social construct you dislike the most?

v**: If you could write a message on the moon for everyone to see, what would it be?

v***: If you had to chose three songs or books to have some one listen to or read them and get an understanding of who you are, which would you chose? not that you have to share, of course.

*$: Do you believe on superstitions or supernatural, like astrology, etc.?

$: what do you do to pick yourself up when your feeling down?

Hello hello :D

*: S would be Felicia and A+ would be Elise (maybe I'm supposed to pick from the males, but I just think Elise and I would be best friends and have all kinds of fun hanging out with each other and stuff :D)

**: Can consume twice as much food as anyone else (and reap both the benefits >:D)

***: Night of Farewells from FE7 just so I can smack Sonia with my own goddamn hands for all the shit she put Nino through

*v: Astra (not the Heroes version). The quintuple hit just looks so frickin awesome to me every time I see it.

v: Yes and no. Fates' premise actually had a considerable amount of promise imo; the main problem was the execution. I really hope they don't continue bringing back Avatar characters though as I much prefer the main character to have a strong and interesting personality. I also don't really want them to bring children back unless they can implement them as well as they did in Awakening or Genealogy. Fates' Deeprealms were just...no. Echoes looks quite promising, so I'm going to play that first (3 MORE DAYS) before adjusting my thoughts on the direction FE is going in. 

v*: Unnecessary gendering

Seriously why is blue associated with males and pink with females? They're literally just arbitrary colors? And if I son wants to play with a doll or if my daughter wants to play with an action figure, I don't see any reason they can't, society be damned. All these arbitrary restrictions on how a person "should be" make no sense to me, to be honest. 

v**: I wouldn't write anything. Instead I'd draw the face of the moon from Majora's Mask >:D


*$: I'd like to say no, but I do sometimes catch myself getting irrationally scared of ghosts or other supernatural forces appearing behind me. Usually if it's right after I watched a horror movie.

$: I escape into the world of music. I close off all other sound, all outside influence, and just let the emotions of the songs wash over me and take my mind away from whatever it was that was upsetting me. After that, if I have time, taking a nap also helps. 

And if I'm with friends, I'll never not feel better after a nice, big, warm hug. 

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54 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

>makes sure friends are eating properly

>doesn't cook

I mean I take them out to lunch/dinner often :/

I won't go into too much detail, but I was fortunate enough to be born into a more well-off family than most. As such, I try to use that privilege to help people and generally try to pay for my friends/treat them out to meals whenever I can if they can't afford to eat healthily. 

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I mean I take them out to lunch/dinner often :/

I won't go into too much detail, but I was fortunate enough to be born into a more well-off family than most. As such, I try to use that privilege to help people and generally try to pay for my friends/treat them out to meals whenever I can if they can't afford to eat healthily. 

That's very generous of you! I usually treat people if they're visiting from out of the area. Otherwise I'm too stingy because I still need to get a job 


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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

That's very generous of you! I usually treat people if they're visiting from out of the area. Otherwise I'm too stingy because I still need to get a job 

The whole point of spending money, to me, is to make you happy, and seeing my friends happy and well-fed does exactly that! So in a way, I'm doing it for myself :P

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Whew! Answering all of those questions took a long time .__.

I wouldn't normally let them build up like that, but today was a pretty busy day (I had final exams, then I had to pack and move out of my dorm, then I had to drive for 3 hours back home from college, etc). 

I should be able to answer more quickly now though :D (unless Breath of the Wild sucks me in too deep again)

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11 hours ago, Arcanite said:

9. As you already know, the robots are planning on taking over the planet. There are some humans who deserve to stay alive though and you are one of them. I don't want you to be miserable, so you get to bring one family member with you. Who would you bring and why (you don't have to say why if you don't want to)?

10. Isn't Oboro the greatest character in all of Fates?

11. Have you ever cooked before? If not, would you want to learn/are you interested in learning?

12. Would you eat my food if I cooked for you?

13. What's your opinion on this (watch the whole thing)?:

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14. You want a burger. Where do you go (Say Mcdonald's and I'm flying to your house and slapping you in the face)?

15. Lamborghini or Ferrari?

Whoops I somehow missed these in the rush to answer all the questions, mbad. 

9. My little brother because he's the only one that doesn't try to make me feel like a failure of a person.

10. She's the greatest character in Fates that happens to be a spearfighter who serves as a retainer to Takumi :D past that I'm not so sure


I actually quite liked Oboro in Fates, so if I ever poke fun at her it's mostly just to mess with you. She's definitely not my favorite though. 

11. I can make a pretty delicious bowl of instant ramen if I do say so myself :P

Otherwise no, I don't cook. I'd be interested in learning though and most likely will next semester since I'll be living in an apartment instead of a dorm.

12. Sure but I'd spit it out afterwards when you aren't looking

I'd happily eat your cooking :D

13. Wow. It's very you.

14. I don't like McDonalds, but I'm tempted to say it just so you can fly to my house. I'll take a slap if it meant getting to see you <3

If I had the money to spare, I'd treat myself and go to Hopdoddy.

If we're talking fast food burgers and not sit-down-restaurant burgers, I think I'd go with Wendy's. In-N-Out's decent too. 

15. Doesn't matter. I'd have to sell it to pay off my student debt.

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6 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Doesn't matter. I'd have to sell it to pay off my student debt.

You're telling me you'd rather sell it?


6 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

My little brother because he's the only one that doesn't try to make me feel like a failure of a person.

I was expecting you to say your little brother, but the reason why seems quite interesting

It almost makes you sound like my "older brother" LOL

6 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Wow. It's very you.

Really? You think so?............








16. Do you think I'm really psychic?

17. What wild animal would you have as a pet and why?

18. Do you think you can beat me in a random battle on Showdown (be completely honest)?

19. Do you have an opinion guns? If so, what is your opinion?

20. Adele or Beyonce?

21. Who run the world?

22. Hello?

23. Do you think I could teach you how to cook?

24. What's the first thing you want to learn hot to cook?

25. Geronimo, cowabunga, booyah, or bombs away?

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Round Three is go:

1. Say something terrible about your favorite character.

2. Have you ever fallen victim to a scam?

3. Hardest game you played that you completed? Any that you didn't finish?

4. Least favorite genre of music?

5. An old movie you've always wanted to see?

6. An objectively bad film or show you couldn't help but like?

7. Do you draw? Do you use art and design programs recreationally?

8. Favorite author from the Modern period? James Joyce pls

9. Favorite work of writing from any point in time?

10. What act could you imagine yourself performing if you traveled with a circus?

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4 hours ago, Arcanite said:

You're telling me you'd rather sell it?


I was expecting you to say your little brother, but the reason why seems quite interesting

It almost makes you sound like my "older brother" LOL

Really? You think so?............

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16. Do you think I'm really psychic?

17. What wild animal would you have as a pet and why?

18. Do you think you can beat me in a random battle on Showdown (be completely honest)?

19. Do you have an opinion guns? If so, what is your opinion?

20. Adele or Beyonce?

21. Who run the world?

22. Hello?

23. Do you think I could teach you how to cook?

24. What's the first thing you want to learn hot to cook?

25. Geronimo, cowabunga, booyah, or bombs away?

17. Would you lose as many Arena battles as you do if you really were?

18. Yes, actually. I'm pretty confident in my competitive pokemon skills and spent a fair amount of time on Showdown myself.

19. I think it's ridiculous that in many countries around the world, there's been a direct correlation between stricter gun regulations and fewer gun-related deaths (which, you know, seems pretty self-explanatory), but America's reaction to any gun-related incident is somehow that we need more guns.

20. I like them both, but I'm gonna give Beyonce extra points since the two of us share a hometown :P

21. Girls, we run this motha

Celica does. She is the one true goddess. 

22. Wassup home skillet


Sorry, I'm never talking like that ever again.

23. If you're willing to come here in person maybe

24. Mapo tofu (though @GuiltyLove's got me covered there)

25. The only real answer.

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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Round Three is go:

1. Say something terrible about your favorite character.

2. Have you ever fallen victim to a scam?

3. Hardest game you played that you completed? Any that you didn't finish?

4. Least favorite genre of music?

5. An old movie you've always wanted to see?

6. An objectively bad film or show you couldn't help but like?

7. Do you draw? Do you use art and design programs recreationally?

8. Favorite author from the Modern period? James Joyce pls

9. Favorite work of writing from any point in time?

10. What act could you imagine yourself performing if you traveled with a circus?

1. All of FE6 is your fault (why didn't you kill Zephiel, Nino, smh you had one job)

2. Yes, actually. Had all my luggage stolen in Spain several years ago :/

3. Honestly? Conquest Lunatic. Off the top of my head, no. I'm actually pretty good about finishing games (rather, it bothers me greatly to leave things unfinished)

4. Certain genres of rap (the ones with no real musical melody and focuses more on the words while the same few chords repeat in the background)

5. Maybe Terminator? If only so I can understand all the references people throw around.

6. Star Wars: Phantom Menace

It always seems to get a lot of shit, but I honestly didn't think it was that bad :/ 

7. Lolnope

8. Sure let's go with that

9. If we're going with any point in time, than I'm going to pick my eventual autobiography from the future. A true literary masterpiece, that one.

10. Probably the flying trapeze. It looks the most fun to me, anyways. 


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2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Mapo tofu (though @GuiltyLove's got me covered there)

I plan on cooking that in the summer when the real cookery starts.

*maniacally rubs hands together*

3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I like them both, but I'm gonna give Beyonce extra points since the two of us share a hometown :P

Now that's what I like to see!

4 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I've never heard of this before!

This is not a valid answer but whatever

6 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Wassup home skillet


7 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Celica does. She is the one true goddess. 

Thought you'd say Nino or some other cinnamon roll but eh

Oboro or robots would have been accepted

9 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Yes, actually. I'm pretty confident in my competitive pokemon skills and spent a fair amount of time on Showdown myself.

>Two new accounts

>Mono-Type Random battles

>First to five

Loser has to change their profile picture to a to Dunsparce for a week

Challenge me or be forever known as a wuss


1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Yes, actually. Had all my luggage stolen in Spain several years ago :/




26. You like cinnamon rolls. How would you feel if people started calling you the "Cinnamon Psychologist"?

27. You feelin drunk and high?

28. LG, Samsung, iPhone or no preference?

29. What do you think about Kanye West?

30. Do they really look at Kanye West like the glitch?


Last name: Ever

First name: Greatest

Who deserves this title?

32. Do you listen to Drake? If you do, can you explain to me why people think he's good even though he can barely even carry a tune (just his singing skills, not his rapping skills)?

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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

26. You like cinnamon rolls. How would you feel if people started calling you the "Cinnamon Psychologist"?

27. You feelin drunk and high?

28. LG, Samsung, iPhone or no preference?

29. What do you think about Kanye West?

30. Do they really look at Kanye West like the glitch?


Last name: Ever

First name: Greatest

Who deserves this title?

32. Do you listen to Drake? If you do, can you explain to me why people think he's good even though he can barely even carry a tune (just his singing skills, not his rapping skills)?

26. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that .__.

27. Always

I don't drink or do any type of drugs, nor do I intend to.

Watch this question be some song reference I missed

28. iPhone because I'm more used to the interface. I wouldn't be opposed to using an Android though.

29. I think he needs to work on his naming sense

30. I know I do

31. Nino

32. I don't, but one of my best friends does. I'm as confused as you are.

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