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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. First? Kind like Ice Sage, I thought you had shit taste in naming. I thought his was way worse. You always came across as a quiet City-dweller to me, in a family with many older brothers.

But I don't live in the city and I only have an older sister. :<

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How does a typical day is for you?

Impression question?

Would you travel all over the world if you could?

How much do you like doing Vincent's job?

Edited by Naughx
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But I don't live in the city and I only have an older sister. :<

It was my original thought! That you lived in like Perth or Adelaide

Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, or Serena?


Though I really do appreciate Dawn as a capable Pokégal and can see why people dig her.

How does a typical day is for you?

Impression question?

Would you travel all over the world if you could?

How much do you like doing Vincent's job?

  • Wake up at 6:30, mash the Snooze button three times, Wake lexi up and get her and I ready for school/work. I get out of work at 5, head home, Prep dinner, then handle cleanup stuff with Lexi after random playtime and/or homework time. Bed for her at 8:30-9p after brushing teeth and bath/shower time. Then I get to do my stuff like unwind, unpack, game, etc until about midnight usually.
  • Remember when I said I know less about you now than I did before, to someone else? You're the same. I always thought of you as a hardcore french DeviantArt artist who actually could produce cool stuff. Now though, I really don't know what because your hobbies include HHH and that's not a hobbies
  • Absolutely. First stop would be Europe.
  • Arguably, more than he enjoys doing it himself I enjoy it, but my job here is just handling front page news and such. I don't have any forum mod powers or official authority.
Edited by Elieson
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Hi Elieson.

  • If you would be turned into FE character, what class would be most fitting to you?
  • Out of all the FE games you have Cleared, Which game has your Favorite Main Antagonist?
  • If you were forced to live three days in a tropical stranded island and could take one character from any game series with you, who would you pick to help you out at surviving? (Note you cannot escape the island until 72 hours)
  • Super Mario World VS. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Whats your impression of me?
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Hi Elieson.

  • If you would be turned into FE character, what class would be most fitting to you?
  • Out of all the FE games you have Cleared, Which game has your Favorite Main Antagonist?
  • If you were forced to live three days in a tropical stranded island and could take one character from any game series with you, who would you pick to help you out at surviving? (Note you cannot escape the island until 72 hours)
  • Super Mario World VS. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Whats your impression of me?
  • Class? Arguably a Myrmidon or Archer, because I can't ride a horse worth a shit and feel like Myrmidon sums up the most realistic of typical human capabilities
  • Antagonist would definitely be Lyon. The dude had some pretty serious turmoil going on in his head, and he became the antagonist by accident, rather than just being a bad mother f****r. Kind of a sad story, asking your childhood best friends to kill you while you slowly lost your grip on reality because your one passion for doing good things ended up turning you into the secretary for the embodiment of historical evil
  • 72 hour survival buddy would probably be Minecraft Steve, since that dude can built anything out of anything and has amazing pocket space.
  • SMW hands down
  • Since I just met you as of now, You arguably have good waifu taste and are incredibly laid back. You totally use memes in normal conversation when possible and have one or two people that you shout them with. You dislike FPS games because you just haven't tried them out.
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  • Class? Arguably a Myrmidon or Archer, because I can't ride a horse worth a shit and feel like Myrmidon sums up the most realistic of typical human capabilities


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1. First/current impressions?

2. Impressions of HHH?

3. Have you ever walked out of a movie?

4. Do you like Star Wars?

5. Are you proud of your home state?

1. First? Random melee fan who likes pichu a lot. Probably really young, a dude obviously. I thought you were Shin for a long time, and ergo british

Current! Intelligent but not quite as charismatic as Shin. late-teenager, and i bet you have slick hair

2. A cesspool of random. I like it there but I can't keep up with it anymore which is why I no longer visit :(

3. Once, because I threw up during it. It was Superbad. I threw up because the movie was super bad

4. I like the older stuff. The newer ones look too flashy and have stupid hair

5. New Jersey? Yea, except the DMV there sucks


You've never done a backflip when on LSD before, have you

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one thing you'd love to do if you had enough free time?

one thing you wished you did in hindsight?

what inspired your un?

You need to keep your confidence up though! I hope you have been doing that well as of late!

confidence boosting is hard when you got people left and right saying i'm dumb and shit

they're not entirely wrong

but thanks for the concern at least

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More free time? Game & Stream. I'd love to be #TwitterFamous and have a collective of friends and such interested in watching me play neat and obscure games.

Hindsight uhh...been there for my grandfather's funeral 11 years ago. It's probably my only regret in life. I didn't go because my parents would not fly me to his funeral site because it was on the first day of SATs and they deemed that it would distract me too much from focusing on my SAT and that retaking it wouldn't be feasible. It still haunts me to this day.

My username is Elieson, which is a mispelling of Eleison, is derived from the Latin "Kyrie Eleison" meaning "Lord, Have mercy." It's actually a skill in Ragnarok Online, which I was notorious for mispelling. Eventually, I remade my priest after a server wipe and just went with Elieson, so people could identify me more easily. The name stuck and I've been Elieson for over 15 years now.

Tristie, I promise you

People will express negativity, everywhere you go. The only thing I can say for certain is that the greater-than-0 quantity of jerks and/or sarcasm at any given location is what will vary. The sooner you become capable of consistently putting it in one ear and out the other, the better.

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confidence boosting is hard when you got people left and right saying i'm dumb and shit

they're not entirely wrong

but thanks for the concern at least

When you say stuff like the bolded here, people are going to think it's okay for them to do it too.

You can't expect yourself to have confidence when you allow things like this to happen.

Basically, if it don't apply, let it fly.

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11. If you could make any fictional world real, which would you pick?

12. What is your favorite video game genre?

13. Have you seen either of the Kung Fu Panda movies?

14. If you could speak any foreign language instantly, which would you pick?

15. Would you like to be taller, shorter, or are you comfortable with your height?

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Onward to my questions

6. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

7. Would you prefer to travel by sea or air?

8. Will you resume that Shimmying Farce 2 thing one day?

9. Favorite fruit? Can it be juiced? Have you have juice of it before?

10. Cake or pie? What kind?

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what would you say is your favorite rpg?

anything new in general you wanted to try out?

what are your favorite amiibos?

what got you to sign up for serenes forest?

whats been helping you stay on this site?

what inspired the sara theme?

[spoiler=my apologies for taking time out of the interview]

Tristie, I promise you

People will express negativity, everywhere you go. The only thing I can say for certain is that the greater-than-0 quantity of jerks and/or sarcasm at any given location is what will vary. The sooner you become capable of consistently putting it in one ear and out the other, the better.

When you say stuff like the bolded here, people are going to think it's okay for them to do it too.

You can't expect yourself to have confidence when you allow things like this to happen.

Basically, if it don't apply, let it fly.

i see...


thanks you two, i kind of needed this

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6. Impressions of me?

7. Would you rather live in extreme heat or extreme cold?

8. Do you like bubble tea?

9. if so what's your favorite flavor?

6. I think you're somebody that I should be friends with just because of your username. Cute in public and probably have the messiest bedroom

7. Extreme Cold. I can always bundle up; I can't take it all off and be comfortable

8. & 9. ...?

11. If you could make any fictional world real, which would you pick?

12. What is your favorite video game genre?

13. Have you seen either of the Kung Fu Panda movies?

14. If you could speak any foreign language instantly, which would you pick?

15. Would you like to be taller, shorter, or are you comfortable with your height?

11. Heaven.

12. RPG and its variants. Puzzle games are up there too.

13. I love KFP, but I wasn't too fond of the animated series of the 2nd movie tbh.

14. Probably Latin, since it's an incredibly broad derivitive language for so many European and South American nations.

15. I'm 5'10 right now, and I'm actually quite content with being plain ol' average

Onward to my questions

6. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

7. Would you prefer to travel by sea or air?

8. Will you resume that Shimmying Farce 2 thing one day?

9. Favorite fruit? Can it be juiced? Have you have juice of it before?

10. Cake or pie? What kind?

6. I don't know if I could survive witnessing it, but I'd love to see a star explode

7. Air, honestly. It's just so much faster. Bad weather? Just fly over it.

8. Yea. Now that i'm moved in; I'm basically finishing setting up my new home and once I'm done I just need to install Camtasia on my PC and I'll pick it back up. Camtasia's currently at my office I just need to get it home.

9. Personal favorite fruit; probably Blackberries. I totally juice it and I've made my own jam of it before. It's hella expensive...Trader Joe's has it for passable prices at least.

10. Lemon Meringue pie, all day erry day sunnnnnnnnnn

what would you say is your favorite rpg?

anything new in general you wanted to try out?

what are your favorite amiibos?

what got you to sign up for serenes forest?

whats been helping you stay on this site?

what inspired the sara theme?

[spoiler=my apologies for taking time out of the interview]

i see...


thanks you two, i kind of needed this

  • My all time favorite RPG has always been FF3 (6)
  • I want to try out Shovel Knight and whatever the heck this Undertale phenomenon is. I also want to play FF14 really really really really badly. As far as not-gaming stuff goes; I want to go skydiving and climb a radio tower one day!
  • Considering I just got my Villager the other day, I now have the whole NA-released smash set. That doesn't matter though, since the Woolly yoshis are the best thing since sliced bread
  • I lurked here a lot for FE info but posted more on Gamefaqs forums. I ended up starting a PMU run (and I think it was one of the first), and I brought it over here because I needed more people to suggest more units. I ended up staying and just calling this place my home.
  • The people, really. It's a great casual atmosphere and it follows Fire Emblem which I can't get enough of ever. Lots of good people keep me casual and comfortable, and the fandom really isn't that toxic.
  • It all started in EPICMAFIA, where I bumped into a user who kept thinking that I was her friend, Sara. I kept trying to tell her otherwise and she was like Nah you're sara I know you like to keep things secret but it's ok you can tell me. I told people in SFMafia chat and they were like LAWL WE ARE ALL CALLING YOU SARA NOW. Some time later I was wanting to change my username and posted up a thread requesting name ideas. Someone came in with Sara and it just got voted up the ass. I just did it because why not and was too lazy to ever change it back. Low-and-behold, Eliesara was created?
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6. New York or Chicago pizza?

7. Have you ever played Ys?

8. Would you rather live a long boring life or a short exciting one?

9. Have you visited Yellowstone?

10. Have you played Senran Kagura? (any of the games)

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6. New York or Chicago pizza?

7. Have you ever played Ys?

8. Would you rather live a long boring life or a short exciting one?

9. Have you visited Yellowstone?

10. Have you played Senran Kagura? (any of the games)

6. Lactose-intolerance sucks monkey dong, but I prefer Chicago since it kinda doesn't make me as sick since there's often less cheese in the kinds that I do eat

7. I own Ys origins and I have yet to play it...

8. Long, boring life. I would inevitably come across something that would be interesting and be worth living for, and hopefully cause less emotional distress if I do not just die suddenly for [Reason]

9. Yellowstone national park? No sir. I've visited a few others, but that's a region of the US i have yet to visit

10. what's that again?

29). first and last impressions?

31). favorite foreign word?

32). favorite word made by shakespeare?

36). what do you think of emoticons?

50). if you could own 1000 of one item, what item would it be

29. First? Chen.

Current! Very Chen. *Editted* I like your artistic skills and you're extremely charismatic, but a bit vulgar and informed on too many things for me to keep up with. YOU MAKE ME FEEL OLD OK!

Thirty One. Zhanzhu, meaning STOP WALKING in Mandarin (i believe)

25. fe3c06aa7ecb99419961b8e4280d2652.png

25+4. I <3 to :) with emot!cons ;) =D ^_^

Cinquenta. Give me 1000 $100 bills, or more practically, 1000 different PocketWatches

Edited by Elieson
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1984). you are the final boss of a game, what is your quote and boss theme?

201). would you write a long and awful crossover novel of 2 things you hated with gratuitous sex scenes if it meant being paid a large sum of money?

11). who was the greatest russian?

490). if you could, would you make a contract with a higher entity with the possible chance of overthrowing that entity?

2222222). what is a mole?

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1984). you are the final boss of a game, what is your quote and boss theme?

201). would you write a long and awful crossover novel of 2 things you hated with gratuitous sex scenes if it meant being paid a large sum of money?

11). who was the greatest russian?

490). if you could, would you make a contract with a higher entity with the possible chance of overthrowing that entity?

2222222). what is a mole?

1984. You are about to die. Make it worth my time, will ya? :

201. I would write it to be longer than One Piece

11. CrazyRussianHacker

490. It kinda depends on the morality of said entity. If kyubey came up to me and offered a contract, I'd be all "nahh, I need this in writing, douchebag"

twotwotwotwotwotwotwo. A mole is a delicious chili pepper & chocolate Mexican sauce. duh

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1. Which FE games have you played?

2. Do you cycle?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

5. Are you interested in law?

6. Watusi was a dance, right? Should I learn it?

1. I've played them all from 6-current. I haven't beaten any Tellius game though. My RD disk is scratched and freezes when any unit promotes to Tier 3. I could never emulate PoR well enough to get beyond Ch12 (w/e...Zihark and Crows on a Boat)

2. Yea, with Alexis now that she can ride~

3. Not really. History already happened. I'm more interested in what will happen, not what has happened.

4. I wish I could speak fluently, one or two other languages. I'd love to be employed as bilingual. HOWEVER I shrugged off Spanish class for like ever and now I won't ever learn it because i'm not that motivated

5. Law...I'm curious about it but honestly, after my English 202 class that has featured nothing but interpretation of law, I've had enough of it.

6. Yes, if you want to be hip with the ladies, men, and people of gender that do not fit within those two categories

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