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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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14 minutes ago, JSND said:

Oh yeah i LOVE Liu Bei's old design so much

That armor just looks at the exact spot of being cool

Its really good, it has this sense of elegance yet majesty to it. 

His Dynasty Tactics 2 look was pretty good too. 

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21. What's your favorite thing about the classic PS series, then?
22. When did you realize that Rune's silly magic names were actually the spells from Japanese PS I?
23. Opinions about PS III?
24. Have you tried the Generations remakes of PS I and II? What did you think of them?
25. How many tries did it take for you to defeat PS II's Dark Force for the first time?

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- when are you posting that smile picture from way back when i asked you in the photo thread >:/
- what kind of traits do you look for in a friend?
- the same as the above but with romantic partner
- favourite website (not including sf :smug:)
- what do you think of home brew tea?

4 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

c. Sukusuku Hakutakus

what are you doing 

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3 hours ago, Jedi said:

7. I'd be annoyed but pet the attention seeking bastard anyways.

That's what happens with me.

8. Favorite Ys boss?
9. Ninjas or pirates or cyborgs?
10. Do you think the Dragon Ball Fighter Z game will reference any Dragon Ball memes?
11. Favorite character of each party in Fire Emblem Echoes?
12. A game franchise you want to see revive?

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16. Did you see the Trails in the Sky movie (yes, that is a thing)?

17. Weirdest game you've heard of or played?

18. Can your Smash mains get over the Green Base?

19. Should General Tso be impeached?

In case you don't get it:

20. Did you get the Cipher characters in SoV?

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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10 hours ago, TheEnd said:

21. What's your favorite thing about the classic PS series, then?
22. When did you realize that Rune's silly magic names were actually the spells from Japanese PS I?
23. Opinions about PS III?
24. Have you tried the Generations remakes of PS I and II? What did you think of them?
25. How many tries did it take for you to defeat PS II's Dark Force for the first time?

21. Honestly the setting, I love when Sci-Fi and Fantasy is really well integrated and they do it really well, PSIV is also just so goooooood as a whole. 

22. it was quite awhile actually several years later. 

23. Its ideas were beyond its time, unfortunately it falls a tad flat, I do think it gets too much dislike though. 

24. I have not, would you recommend them? 

25. Uh, around 10 I think haha. 

10 hours ago, Futaba said:

- when are you posting that smile picture from way back when i asked you in the photo thread >:/
- what kind of traits do you look for in a friend?
- the same as the above but with romantic partner
- favourite website (not including sf :smug:)
- what do you think of home brew tea?

- I've posted it now! 

- Generally I look for kindness, and stuff I can relate to, but I also really like learning new things and opinions so I like people who have different likes than I do. It varies from person to person. 

- Maturity, I have a fondness for slightly older women than myself, intelligence, goofiness & such are also traits I like to see in a potential romantic partner, but most of all I feel they should be understanding of differences between me and them, and we can make anything work if we really want to make it work. I also appreciate someone I can confide in, this goes for both questions. 

- Probably youtube because it has music, videos and how tos on things that help me. 

- I'm not much of a Tea person but i'm always willing to try a brew. I don't have a particular favorite besides Peppermint Tea.

9 hours ago, Ercdouken said:

That's what happens with me.

8. Favorite Ys boss?
9. Ninjas or pirates or cyborgs?
10. Do you think the Dragon Ball Fighter Z game will reference any Dragon Ball memes?
11. Favorite character of each party in Fire Emblem Echoes?
12. A game franchise you want to see revive?

8. Galbalan the final boss of Oath in Felghana

9. Ninjas! Especially if its Ryu Hayabusa.

10. I think it'll have Yamcha's "Death Pose" as his loss pose, but besides that unsure. 

11. Forsyth in Alm's group, Genny in Celica's

12. Ogre Battle, please for the love of god. 

6 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

16. Did you see the Trails in the Sky movie (yes, that is a thing)?

17. Weirdest game you've heard of or played?

18. Can your Smash mains get over the Green Base?

19. Should General Tso be impeached?

In case you don't get it:

20. Did you get the Cipher characters in SoV?

16. I've been meaning to see it, i've heard its rather hit & miss 

17. Parodius 


18. Lmao no. 

19. Yes of course, also I love that show :P: 

20. Not yet but Emma is adorable from what I've seen.

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1.) IS ROY TOP 20
2.) IS IKE TOP 30
3.) How much do you like Star Wars (I know that's not the origin of "Jedi")

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5 hours ago, Jedi said:

17. Parodius 



Oh wow. That is all kinds of messed up. That might even approach the level of weird that the weirdest game I've heard of gets to.

21. Opinion on the World Tournament stage in Super Smash Flash 2?

22. Who are your Smash 4 mains? (I dunno if this was asked before, but with an ambiguous answer for V Hole and definite nos on Death Pool and Green Base, I'm getting curious)

23. Three Giant Bosses are trying to swarm one Giant Boss, and that one is headed in your general direction. What's your gameplan?

24. Opinion on Captain Ginyu's return in Dragon Ball Super?

25. Do you watch Family Feud?

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1. Do you like internet parodies of series you have enjoyed before?

2. What are the most enjoyable things in life in your opinion?

3. Which units are in your team in FE Heroes?

4. Have you played Bravely Default?

5. Opinion on Final Fantasy series in general?

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You should try this tea - come over to LA and i'll brew some.
also Okinawa tea is great too

- do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? if you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. And for reference, here are some common traits of each:
rigid boundaries: 
* avoid intimacy and close relationships
* unlikely to ask for help
* has few close relationships
* very protective of personal information
* may seem detached, even with romantic partners
* keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection
porous boundaries:
* overshares personal information
* difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* overinvolved with other's problems
* dependent on the opinions of others
* accepting of abuse or disrespect
* fears rejection if they do not comply with others
healthy boundaries:
* values own opinions
* doesn't compromise values for others
* shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* accepting when others say "no" to them

- branching from the first question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* physical  (personal space and physical touch)
* intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* emotional (personal feelings)
* sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* material (money and possessions)
* time (how someone uses their time)

- would you say you're assertive or submissive overall?

- favourite youtuber

- favourite male characters in the following: 
* trails in the sky fc
* sc
* 3rd
* zero 
* ao (if applicable since you only listed zero for girls)
* trails of cold steel
* cold steel 2
* cold steel 3 so far

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3 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Oh wow. That is all kinds of messed up. That might even approach the level of weird that the weirdest game I've heard of gets to.

21. Opinion on the World Tournament stage in Super Smash Flash 2?

22. Who are your Smash 4 mains? (I dunno if this was asked before, but with an ambiguous answer for V Hole and definite nos on Death Pool and Green Base, I'm getting curious)

23. Three Giant Bosses are trying to swarm one Giant Boss, and that one is headed in your general direction. What's your gameplan?

24. Opinion on Captain Ginyu's return in Dragon Ball Super?

25. Do you watch Family Feud?

21. Its really great, but I need to play Flash 2 still. 

22. Ike, I'm still deciding on the secondaries, but most of them can't either

23. try to lure the one boss back around at the 3 so it gets tangled up. 

24. Wasted Potential entirely :/

25. I used to quite a bit. 

3 hours ago, James Bond said:

1. Do you like internet parodies of series you have enjoyed before?

2. What are the most enjoyable things in life in your opinion?

3. Which units are in your team in FE Heroes?

4. Have you played Bravely Default?

5. Opinion on Final Fantasy series in general?

1. Yeah I used to like stuff like Dorkly although their humor is a bit bleh nowadays. 

2. Inner peace, self respect and a sense of independence, i'm working on all 3 of those haha. Also having someone to share your life with. 

3. Well I don't have any like super good team setups yet so its like 
Katarina, Roderick, Takumi & Camilla 
Kagero, Effie, Nino & Olivia 

I wanna try a good Jeorge & a Ryoma darn it. 

4. I have no but I do intend to. 

5. I love pretty much all of the mainline games (barring 3 but thats like from bad old memories, I do mean to give it another chance). 

3 hours ago, Futaba said:

You should try this tea - come over to LA and i'll brew some.
also Okinawa tea is great too

- do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? if you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. And for reference, here are some common traits of each:
rigid boundaries: 
* avoid intimacy and close relationships
* unlikely to ask for help
* has few close relationships
* very protective of personal information
* may seem detached, even with romantic partners
* keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection
porous boundaries:
* overshares personal information
* difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* overinvolved with other's problems
* dependent on the opinions of others
* accepting of abuse or disrespect
* fears rejection if they do not comply with others
healthy boundaries:
* values own opinions
* doesn't compromise values for others
* shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* accepting when others say "no" to them

- branching from the first question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* physical  (personal space and physical touch)
* intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* emotional (personal feelings)
* sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* material (money and possessions)
* time (how someone uses their time)

- would you say you're assertive or submissive overall?

- favourite youtuber

- favourite male characters in the following: 
* trails in the sky fc
* sc
* 3rd
* zero 
* ao (if applicable since you only listed zero for girls)
* trails of cold steel
* cold steel 2
* cold steel 3 so far

That tea looks very enjoyable. 

- With Acquaintances I have rigid boundaries.

 - Friends Healthy 

- Close friends, Healthy but can get to Porous depending on the friend haha. 

- Romantic Partners, well the closest to one I have had we were both Porous with each other lol. 

Physical - Healthy 

Intellectual - Porous 

Emotional - Porous with people i'm close to, Rigid & Healthy depending otherwise.

Sexual - Healthy but may be Porous depending on the person I talk to

Material - Rigid

Time - Rigid

- I'd like to say assertive.

- My favorite youtuber is ProtonJon He's really funny and enjoyable to watch, his streams are really great too. 

Favorite Trails Male characters 

Sky FC - It was actually Joshua, back then. 

SC - Agate (this is when he became the favorite) 

3rd - Kevin (Guy had a really good arc) 

Zero - Probably Lloyd 

CS1 - Gaius 

CS2 - Crow or Rean 

CS3 - Agate 

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6 hours ago, Jiac said:


1.) IS ROY TOP 20
2.) IS IKE TOP 30
3.) How much do you like Star Wars (I know that's not the origin of "Jedi")




3. I do actually like it quite a bit, but not as much as my name would indicate. 

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the tea is pretty good! i think it's a kind of green tea? though wikipedia probably said all to be said lol

- opinion of this
- do you have any preference on water you drink?
- can you tell i'm running out of steam on questions?
- what do you think of orange shaded hair on girls? yes i'm asking for myself
- would you buy a suku plushie for yourself?

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1 minute ago, Futaba said:

the tea is pretty good! i think it's a kind of green tea? though wikipedia probably said all to be said lol

- opinion of this
- do you have any preference on water you drink?
- can you tell i'm running out of steam on questions?
- what do you think of orange shaded hair on girls? yes i'm asking for myself
- would you buy a suku plushie for yourself?


- The art is adorable and the style is really nice to look at

- Uhhh I usually just drink whatever bottled water, sometimes from a clean tap. 

- Just a tad, you've had really good ones

- Makes it look nice and fiery and I like that haha. 

- Uhhh not sure on that one, but I'd consider it more if I got into touhou I guess?

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you don't need to get into touhou for sukus! ... well i suppose so to know which suku it is.

- favourite colour
- rank your trails games, from least favourite to most (even if you've said it in discord)
- if you could have one thing in the world, what will it be?
- preferred controller
- favourite phone brand

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13 minutes ago, Futaba said:

you don't need to get into touhou for sukus! ... well i suppose so to know which suku it is.

- favourite colour
- rank your trails games, from least favourite to most (even if you've said it in discord)
- if you could have one thing in the world, what will it be?
- preferred controller
- favourite phone brand

Maybe down the line haha. 

- Green, although blue comes really close. 

- 3rd>CS2/SC>CS1>FC 
Zero is unranked right now

- Well if I could have anything, it'd be my old sweetheart from highschool, she and I were really close. We're still friends today but we went our separate ways, not the fault of either of us just circumstance at the time.

- The gamecube controller probably, PS controller is really nice though, and I don't mind the Xbox 360 one haha. 

- Android 

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- do you believe in fate? as in that everything happens for a reason at that certain time.
- what region of foods do you enjoy? 
- what desserts do you enjoy?
- soup or meaty part?
- how do you feel about communicating with your online friends via text? video/audio chat?

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26. Have you played A Link Between Worlds?

27.  Most pathetic performance in Fast Money that you remember? It can either be one person or two people.

28. Favorite and least favorite FE skills and why?

29. Favorite and least favorite FE classes and why?

30. Favorite video game princess?

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I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Quite late, but through skimming, I didn't see it asked, so are you lifting the question limit?

(I have no idea why I asked the last question.)

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9 hours ago, Futaba said:

- do you believe in fate? as in that everything happens for a reason at that certain time.
- what region of foods do you enjoy? 
- what desserts do you enjoy?
- soup or meaty part?
- how do you feel about communicating with your online friends via text? video/audio chat?

- My Faith & Fate kind of go hand in hand in certain aspects? Its hard to explain. 

- I'm willing to give all kinds a try, but I mostly notice I'm a fan of just how we americans do food, (I also love Mexican a bit too). 

- I'm a sucker for Ice Cream and Lemon Cake. Not to mention COOKIES 

- meaty 

- I'm fine with it when I get comfortable with em. 

5 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

26. Have you played A Link Between Worlds?

27.  Most pathetic performance in Fast Money that you remember? It can either be one person or two people.

28. Favorite and least favorite FE skills and why?

29. Favorite and least favorite FE classes and why?

30. Favorite video game princess?

26. No Sadly, I need to fix that 

27. Hmm i'd need to go over the episodes again haha. 

28. Favorite is probably Astra because of how cool it looks, least favorite is like any of the +stat skills, I just find them lazy. 

29. Favorite Class is Swordmaster, i've always liked Eastern stuff, and this is no exception. Least probably Thief outside of like FE7 (I like them there and in 10), never used them much besides those two games and maybe 11/12

30. If I said who, it'd be a spoiler to those who haven't played Trails FC. 

3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Quite late, but through skimming, I didn't see it asked, so are you lifting the question limit?

(I have no idea why I asked the last question.)

I. Water and Steel

II. Envy, Kindness

III. Smash Brothers Melee, I then picked up FE7 in a Gamestop. 

IV. A Tv Tropes link that doesn't exist anymore. 

V. Yes


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1. How do you enjoy your interview so far?

2. Do you like summer?

3. How has 2017 been so far to you?

4. Do you hate repeating yourself all the time when someone asks you the same question again and again?

5. Do you mind PMs?

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