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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. Opinion of the following:

a.  Meow_Wow_(Spirit)_(Battle)_KH3D.png

b. Flowbermeow_(Spirit)_(Battle)_KH3D.png

c. Meowjesty_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

d. Catanuki_(Spirit)_KH3DHD.png

2. Favorite and least favorite FE skills and why?

3. Favorite and least favorite FE classes and why?

4. Favorite Rotom forme?

5. Favorite Eevee evolution?

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1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

I. Favorite of the Classical and Chinese element?

Is this like, the astrology thing? In that case, fire.

1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

For the former, lust and envy. For the latter, patience.

1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

Super Smash Bros. Brawl. That's when i first learned about the series. With that said, i never saw the game in stores nor did i ever see gameplay of the series until Awakening was revealed. The first FE i played was Sacred Stones but the first i actually owned and completed was Awakening.

1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

I joined last year but i did know of this place ever since the time Fates was announced. I didn't know about the actual forums until a few weeks after Fates' Japanese release. I occasionally took a peek at both the forums and the comments on the news on the front page and the stuff i saw.....basically made me not join for a while. The way i saw it, it was a time when the fanbase would spontaneously combust like every week. I remember way back in 2016 when Heroes was announced (then known as "FE Mobile") and the reactions......ooof. Don't even get me started on the reactions for TMS.

I did eventually join (otherwise, how am i here) shortly before the Japanese release of SoV, when everything was datamined. I felt that things had calmed down and it was a good time to join. Doing so also changed my perception of the fanbase. Before joining, i used to think that the FE fanbase was super toxic but Serenes Forest proved me wrong because everyone here's really nice and civil. Fun fact: one of my main motivations for joining was because i wanted to share my own thoughts on Faye because everyone was comparing her to Tharja and i was like "no, c'mon, she's not that bad". 

1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

V. Will you be lifting/extending/otherwise altering the 5 question limit?

Yeah, i think 7 questions max at a time should be good.

1 hour ago, Paris said:

I. What is your MBTI personality type? 


1 hour ago, Paris said:

II. If you could travel back in time, which time period would you visit? 

To the beginning of the universe. If possible, i'd go past the point of origin, to before the universe itself existed. The universe and all of it's endless mysteries have fascinated me ever since i was a kid and me being a Xeno fan has amplified that.

1 hour ago, Paris said:

III. Favorite subject at school? 

Lunch  any of the science subjects. Not Chemistry though. Or Physics. My high school gives Juniors the option to take Physics or Earth and Space Science. I took the latter and was one of the best students in that subject. Had i taken physics, things would've gone way differently because physics is just math under a different name.

1 hour ago, Paris said:

IV. Favorite mythological creature? 

I love me some dragons. Also the Kraken.

1 hour ago, Paris said:

V. Favorite and least favorite fire emblem villain? 

Favorite: Walhart, Berkut and Lyon.

Least Favorite: Gharnef and his clones, except for Nergal. I think he was cool.

1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

1. Opinion of the following:

a.  Meow_Wow_(Spirit)_(Battle)_KH3D.png

b. Flowbermeow_(Spirit)_(Battle)_KH3D.png

c. Meowjesty_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

d. Catanuki_(Spirit)_KH3DHD.png


Option C. What are these though?

1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

2. Favorite and least favorite FE skills and why?

Favorite FE Skill would be any of SoV's Arts because being able to use them at will as opposed to RNG is amazing. Least favorite would probably have to be Great Shield, specifically the FE4 version because Generals and Barons (and Arvis) are essentially immortal with it. Also Pursuit for being one of the reasons why balance in FE4 doesn't exist.

1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

4. Favorite Rotom forme?

Lawnmower Rotom

1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

5. Favorite Eevee evolution?


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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Option C. What are these though?

A is Meow Wow, B is Flowbermeow, C is Meowjesty, and D is Catanuki. They're Dream Eaters in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (D is exclusive to the HD version that's part of 2.8).

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First time on this thread, and I've only skimmed some of the previous pages, but I may as well give this a go.

  1. How were you introduced to the Xeno saga, and why is it your favorite video-game series at the moment?
  2. Opinion on fighting games?
  3. Favorite music genre?
  4. (Just an observation, nothing more) Is there a reason you change your profile picture so often?
  5. Is there anything in the world that could make you play FE4 again?
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2 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

A is Meow Wow, B is Flowbermeow, C is Meowjesty, and D is Catanuki. They're Dream Eaters in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (D is exclusive to the HD version that's part of 2.8).

Ah i see. Back when i was interested in Kingdom Hearts, i did play Dream Drop Distance but i don't remember seeing them. Probably because it was just the demo.

1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

How were you introduced to the Xeno saga, and why is it your favorite video-game series at the moment?

I think like many, i was introduced, specifically to Xenoblade, via Shulk in Smash. Basically history was repeating itself here. Not only that but at around the same time, it was announced that Xenoblade Chronicles was being ported over to the New 3DS, and that, along with Majora's Mask 3D (best Zelda game btw), were my two main motivations of getting the system. I played though Xenoblade Chronicles and it became one of my favorite games of all time. Music, story, characters, setting, gameplay, exploration, all that stuff was so good. At the time, Fire Emblem held the title for my favorite video game series but Xenoblade Chronicles was so good that i felt that it deserved that title. The problem? Because it was the only game in the series that i had played (and specifically counting Blade, it was the only game in the series at the time, as X hadn't come out yet), i couldn't say "this is my favorite video game series". And i couldn't say that until two whole years later when Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was released, which became my favorite game in the series and thus, finally allowed me to place Xenoblade over Fire Emblem in my rankings (i haven't played X yet, Switch port please, even the series creator wants one). 

About a month after completing Xenoblade 2, i went and played Xenogears. While the gameplay definitely shows it's age, Xenogears tells what i consider to be the best story out of any JRPG. I tried playing Xenosaga after that but my PC kinda sucks and it could barely run them. As for where i rank the three games that i've played.....honestly, they're all masterpieces in my book. Individually, there are somethings that one game does better over another (for instance, Xenogears has the best story but Xenoblade 2 has the best cast of characters) but while Xenoblade 2 is my overall favorite, that's out of necessity of having to choose a favorite. I don't think i've loved a series this much before.

I strongly recommend that everyone play this series, especially if you like JRPGs.

Reasons why you should play Xeno

  • Amazing stories (not X but story wasn't the focus there), with Xenogears having arguably one of, if not, the best story told in a JRPG.
  • A great soundtrack that reaches full God-tier levels in Blade, with Gears and Saga having their own God-tier tracks.
  • Fantastic characters
  • Good to great gameplay (i say that because both Gears and Saga's gameplay are pretty dated)
  • Deep lore, especially in Gears and Saga.
  • Philosophical thoughts the series provides
  • Worldbuilding. Xeno worldbuilding is great (even though the worldbuilding in Gears is only found in the supplementary material Perfect Works) and in Blade, the way the worlds are designed make it so that 50% of the worldbuilding comes from the story, quests, Heart-to-Hearts, etc and the other 50% comes from just exploring the world and discovering places. I haven't played X but Planet Mira is arguably one of, if not, the best world in gaming.
2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Opinion on fighting games?

I like them. I mostly just play Smash but there's that My Hero Academia fighting game coming to the Switch. I'm also looking foward to Indie Pogo, which is basically Smash but for indie games. Gunvolt's playable and i'm gonna be exclusively maining him.

2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Favorite music genre?

I don't really have a defined genre that i like. But i mainly listen to video game OSTs, anime OPs and EDs and any songs or bands that JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has referenced because Araki has good taste. Like, memes aside, Roundabout is a legitimately great song.

2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

(Just an observation, nothing more) Is there a reason you change your profile picture so often?

I tend to change it anywhere between 2 weeks to a month. My last profile picture was Owain and Xenoblade 2 Zeke posing together but that didn't last long because T-elos (my profile pic as of the time i'm typing this) was confirmed as a free DLC Blade for Xenoblade 2. 

Most of my profile pics are Xeno related but look out for the occasional times where it's something not related to Xeno.

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2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Is there anything in the world that could make you play FE4 again?

Ooops, i forgot to anwser this one and editing quotes into a post sucks so i have to make a separate one.

Anyway, the only way i'm playing FE4 again is if a remake makes the game actually good. I think it has the best story in Fire Emblem, it's just heavily dragged down by it's gameplay. And i'm normally not one to care about the whole gameplay vs story debate.

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1: First/Current Impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

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39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

First/Current Impressions of me?

While we haven't really talked that much, i think you're a pretty cool person. Also, the artwork that you drew in your signature is pretty cool. My friend has a similar artstyle. 

39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Aspirations in life?

I want to be a game developer. In a perfect world, i'd be working with Monolith Soft (the guys behind the Xeno series) and that requires me to learn Japanese, which i want to do anyway. I wouldn't mind starting my own company though. I also want to learn Italian as my family has Italian roots (my great-grandparents from my dad's side are Italians). I already speak both English and Spanish fluently and knowing multiple languages can get you pretty far in life.

39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

I think kids can be pretty fun to have around. Sometimes they can get real annoying but that's just part of life. And yes, i do plan to have kids in like 10-15 years.

39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

Apparently, i'm the only person in the world who likes Chicken Little. I mean, i haven't seen that movie in a long-ass time but it's got good childhood memories. Also, i guess Fairy Tail counts? I mean, i've seen both equal amounts of love and hate for it, except in recent months, i've seen somewhat more hate than love for it. While i understand why (Fairy Tail's story isn't that great because there's a shit ton of asspulls), what makes Fairy Tail one of my favorite anime ever is because the cast of characters is legitimately great and it's my main reasoning as to why good characters can save a bad story. Another example of an anime i like that everyone hates is Himouto! Umaru-chan. Again, i've seen equal parts of love and hate for it but the hate side of it is more vocal, but unlike Fairy Tail, i don't actually understand the criticism in this case.

Also, everyone and their mother seems to hate The Last Jedi and i'm like "???????".

39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

I don't like Animal Crossing. I don't get the appeal. I think it's boring. And annoying *cough* villagers building over your flower gardens *cough*. Though i did sympathize with fans when they were angry at Amiibo Festival. Pikmin is also another video game series that i don't like for pretty much the same reasons stated above. Then there's also Kingdom Hearts. Personally, that series is a mess. I did say i was interested in it once but looking back, i wasn't actually interested in Kingdom Hearts. I was only interested in the Disney side of it. And honestly, i think that's why Kingdom Hearts is so popular in the first place. Because if you take away the Disney aspect of it, the series becomes nothing.

I also hate Spongebob (i like the memes though).

But again, that's all just personal opinion. 

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VI. Favorite location in Xenoblade Chronicles?

VII. Favorite location in Xenoblade Chronicles 2?

VIII. Favorite character from each Xeno game? (Not just Xenoblade.)

IX. If you could have the magic abilities of any Fairy Tail character, who would you choose?

X. Favorite story arc of Fairy Tail (e.g. the Tower of Heaven, Edolas, the Oracion Seis, etc.)?

XI. Favorite character from Fairy Tail?

XII. Which Fire Emblem games have you played?

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12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

VI. Favorite location in Xenoblade Chronicles?

Satorl Marsh when it's night time. Music-wise, the Central Factory.

12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite location in Xenoblade Chronicles 2?

Leftherian Archipelago. Music-wise, Mor Ardain



Shoutouts to the Land of Morytha and the World Tree


12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite character from each Xeno game? (Not just Xenoblade.)

  • Xenogears: Bartholomew Fatima (usually referred to as Bart). Shoutouts to Fei, Elly, and Emeralda.
  • Xenosaga Trilogy: Shion Uzuki. Shoutouts to T-elos and Albedo.
  • Xenoblade 1: Dunban. Shoutouts to Shulk, Reyn, Riki.
  • Xenoblade X: Lao.
  • Xenoblade 2: Poppi and Zeke. Shoutouts to literally the rest of the cast.

Gonna go a bit further and rank the top 3 Xeno villains

  1. Egil, Xenoblade Chronicles
  2. Id, Xenogears
  3. Malos, Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you could have the magic abilities of any Fairy Tail character, who would you choose?

Dragon Slayer Magic in general. 

12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite story arc of Fairy Tail (e.g. the Tower of Heaven, Edolas, the Oracion Seis, etc.)?

Grand Magic Games.

12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite character from Fairy Tail?

Gajeel Redfox. Shoutouts to Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy and Happy.

12 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Which Fire Emblem games have you played?

All of them except for Radiant Dawn and the original Shadow Dragon. But i also haven't beaten Gaiden (because of SoV), Thracia (because it's bullshit), Path of Radiance (the USB it was on literally fell apart) and the DS remakes (because DS emulators suck).

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1. What's your favorite videogame theme?

2. Biggest target you have reached yet?

3. Could you give three reasons why I should continue my run of Trails in the Sky First Chapter?

4. Are you interested in the Trails of Cold Steel series?

5. Who do you think has the most unpopular opinions about FE games in this forum? Levant, Harvey or you?

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VI. Favorite FE class? Least favorite? 

VII. Favorite character from SoV? Least favorite? 

VIII. Best memory when playing Fire Emblem? Worst? 

IX. Assuming you would survive, which planet would you visit and if you bring an FE character with you, who? 

X. Despite you opinion on Kingdom Hearts, which game was the most enjoyable and which was the least? 

XI. Which video game/book/movie did you find the most disappointing? 

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  1. How big of a Star Wars fan would you say you are?
  2. Something you though you weren't going to like, but ended up enjoying?
  3. Something you both love and hate?
  4. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you recommend them to try first?
  5. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (again, of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you tell the to stay the heck away from?
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5 hours ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

What's your favorite videogame theme?

We talking music? Uhhh, hard to say. Some of my favorites though are King Dedede's theme, any of the Xeno main themes and the area themes, and also Hades' Infernal Theme.

5 hours ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Biggest target you have reached yet?

I actually was able to get into an AP class. Specifically, AP Spanish which is cheating because both of my parents are Venezuelan so i grew up with Spanish but it'll look good on my transcript when i begin applying to colleges soon. I'll probably do that shortly after graduation, which is in about a month.

5 hours ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Could you give three reasons why I should continue my run of Trails in the Sky First Chapter?

  1. Because it's good. The plot is somewhat predictable in terms of structure but it's still a good plot.
  2. Also, given that Trails is a series that has to (or should) be played in order, it seems weird to not do the first once. It'd be like reading/watching JoJo but skipping Part 1.
  3. The cast of characters is great
5 hours ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Are you interested in the Trails of Cold Steel series?

Yes. I do hear it's not as good as the Sky trilogy but still good regardless. I just need an actually good PC to play it because while it meets most of the minimum requirements, it's lacking in CPU and storage space. And by storage space, i mean the fact that the game on PC needs 17 GB to run whereas the PSVita version only need likes 3 GB. Cold Steel is my second motivation to upgrade my PC, the first being the Xenosaga trilogy because i'm not buying a PS2 and copies of the trilogy are a myth.

5 hours ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Who do you think has the most unpopular opinions about FE games in this forum? Levant, Harvey or you?

I haven't interacted with Harvey in a long time but probably him.


5 hours ago, Paris said:

Favorite FE class? Least favorite? 

Favorite: Hero and Wyvern Lord. 

Least favorite: Knights.

5 hours ago, Paris said:

Favorite character from SoV? Least favorite? 

Favorite character: Pretty much everyone.

Least favorite: Deen. Though not as much now that Valentian Accordion has provided more info on his backstory.

5 hours ago, Paris said:

Best memory when playing Fire Emblem? Worst? 

My best memory was when i found out that child units were a thing. I went in Awakening completely blind and i didn't realize that child units were a thing. My worst memory has to be in FE7 where Hector did abysmally. He had worse aim than Konosuba's Darkness and by Endgame, he was only a Lv.7 Lord while everyone else was promoted. Hector hasn't done that badly ever since but it left a bad first impression.

5 hours ago, Paris said:

Assuming you would survive, which planet would you visit and if you bring an FE character with you, who? 

Any of the exoplanets we've discovered so far. Apparently there's one orbiting Proxima Centurai b, which is like, 4 light years away? If i could take an FE character, probably Alm or Roy, my two favorite Lords.

5 hours ago, Paris said:

Despite you opinion on Kingdom Hearts, which game was the most enjoyable and which was the least? 

An interesting question because i haven't actually played most of the games. I know the general gist of the story and characters and from that, i concluded that it wasn't worth it for me but i will say that i do remember enjoying Dream Drop Distance on a gameplay-level. I'll give Kingdom Hearts that, it does have fun gameplay from what i've seen.

5 hours ago, Paris said:

Which video game/book/movie did you find the most disappointing? 

Well recently, there's Kirby: Star Allies. There's no such thing as a bad Kirby game but Star Allies is just not that fun. Compared to Return to Dreamland and Planet Robobot, which are among my favorite games of all time, Star Allies just feels.....uninspired. The Friend Heart gimmick is 100% an excuse to just have co-op.

Again, Star Allies isn't bad by any means but it's probably the weakest entry in the mainline Kirby series and isn't worth the full $60. If you plan to get it, i recommend waiting for a price drop or sale.

8 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

How big of a Star Wars fan would you say you are?

I've been a big big Star Wars fan since i was little and i look forward to every movie. Even the Han Solo one next month.

9 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Something you though you weren't going to like, but ended up enjoying?

My Bride is a Mermaid and Yamada's First Time. Those two are my favorite anime rom-coms but when i decided to watch them, i expected the former to be average and the latter to be trashy. I was wrong. Both shows are legitimately great.

11 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Something you both love and hate?

The Isekai anime genre. I hate it because it's just terrible but i love it because it's fun to rip apart.

Konosuba is the only actually good Isekai anime (that i've seen) and one of my favorite anime ever.

12 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you recommend them to try first?

If anyone wants to get into the sci-fi genre, i strongly recommend Doctor Who. It's my favorite non-anime TV series and it's pretty much the sci-fi show. It's also easy to get into because, despite the show running since 1962, you can jump in pretty much anywhere. Be careful with the Classic series though (referred to as Classic Who by fans, which ran from 1962 to 2000) as pretty much every episode is a multi-parter.

1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:
  1. If someone was interested in getting into a genre/series (again, of your choice), what video-game/movie/book/anime etc. would you tell the to stay the heck away from?

Hmm. To be quite honest, i don't think i have an anwser to this. I mean, i do tell people to skip Star Wars Episode 2 since literally nothing of value happens in it (and i like the Prequels, especially Episode 3) but other than that, i don't really have an anwser to this.

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Yes. I do hear it's not as good as the Sky trilogy but still good regardless. I just need an actually good PC to play it because while it meets most of the minimum requirements, it's lacking in CPU and storage space. And by storage space, i mean the fact that the game on PC needs 17 GB to run whereas the PSVita version only need likes 3 GB. Cold Steel is my second motivation to upgrade my PC, the first being the Xenosaga trilogy because i'm not buying a PS2 and copies of the trilogy are a myth.

Don't you own a PS3?
The console and game (on sale) cost like nothing anymore today.
It has at least better graphics than the PSVita version.

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24 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Don't you own a PS3?

I do not. And as i don't have a job yet, getting one isn't possible at the moment.

In fact, i only own a New 3DS XL and a Switch. Any other games, i just emulate (if i can). That's how i played Xenogears and that's how i'm currently playing the Trails in the Sky trilogy. And of course, that's how i've played most FE games.

Of course, Falcom could always port the Trails series over to the Switch, which they actually might if Ys 8's Switch port sells well.

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  1. Thoughts/Opinions on The Lord of the Rings?
  2. Favorite card/board game?
  3. Do you prefer action/fight scenes to be realistic and down-to-earth, or over-the-top and flashy?
  4. If you had a single day to hang out with a Fire Emblem character of your choosing, and weren't restrained by money or travel distance/time, who would you pick and what would you do?
  5. Something you would tell your younger self?
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3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Thoughts/Opinions on The Lord of the Rings?

So i haven't actually read the books but i've seen the movies (including two of the three Hobbit movies) and i've enjoyed them.

3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Favorite card/board game?

Monopoly. It's been a really long time since i've last played a board game but i have fun memories of Monopoly. We had the version with the fake credit cards so we didn't have to deal with accidentally losing the paper money.

3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Do you prefer action/fight scenes to be realistic and down-to-earth, or over-the-top and flashy?

Depends on the context. If it's trying to be historically accurate, then it should be realistic but in more fantasy-oriented stuff, they can go all out.

3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

If you had a single day to hang out with a Fire Emblem character of your choosing, and weren't restrained by money or travel distance/time, who would you pick and what would you do?

Antarctica and i'd bring Roy.

3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Something you would tell your younger self?

To actually pay attention in Alegbra class so i wouldn't have to give up an elective class in order to make it up.

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XIII. Katana, broadsword, or scimitar?

XIV. Eastern or European dragon?

XV. Samurai or ninja?

XVI. Do you have any favorite history or mythology to learn about?

XVII. Favorite non-story Blade from Xenoblade 2?

XVIII. Other than Fire Emblem and Xeno, what are some other game franchises you enjoy?

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  1. Something you fell in love with immediately?
  2. Something that had to grow on you?
  3. Something (in reality or fiction) that you'd pay good money to see?
  4. Thoughts/opinions on Batman?
  5. Favorite dream you've ever had?
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27 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Katana, broadsword, or scimitar?


27 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Eastern or European dragon?


27 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Samurai or ninja?


27 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Do you have any favorite history or mythology to learn about

Greek/Roman and Norse mythology.

28 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite non-story Blade from Xenoblade 2?

Kasandra. Shoutouts to Gorg, Herald, and KOS-MOS.

30 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Other than Fire Emblem and Xeno, what are some other game franchises you enjoy?

In no particular order: Kid Icarus, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, Zelda, Trails, Tales, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario.

25 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Something you fell in love with immediately?

Wall-E. I loved that movie as a kid and i still do.

27 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Something that had to grow on you?

The Xenoblade X soundtrack.

27 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Something (in reality or fiction) that you'd pay good money to see?

Actual exploration of the universe. So far, we've only taken pictures and sent probes. But like, i want faster-than-light travel so we can actually explore the universe.

Also a new Kid Icarus game on the level of or higher than Uprising. And a Xeno crossover game (Xeno Warriors, Xeno Fighters, etc)

29 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Thoughts/opinions on Batman?

Good superhero and the DC Cinematic Universe is doing him a disservice.

31 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Favorite dream you've ever had?

I don't actually remember my dreams so i'm afraid i can't really anwser this.

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17 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

What must be done to convince you playing the Judgral games?

If i actually get paid for it, i'll play the Jugdral games again.

17 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Hardest bossfight you have faced yet?

Lorithia in Xenoblade Chronicles, Hades' Heart in Kid Icarus: Uprising, the final boss in Trails in the Sky FC and Tabuu in Smash Bros. Brawl on the hardest difficulty. Three of them are more tedious than actually hard. Lorithia has a bunch of buffs coming from her smoke-thing allies and while your AI party members are competent when it comes to battle, they suck at knowing the terrain, so you have them constantly running into the pools of acid. Lorithia also constantly shouts "you will pay for your insolence", which has become a meme within the community. Hades' Heart would've been better if it didn't come with a damn maze arena and it's borderline impossible to dodge and because of it, Ch.23 is the only chapter in the game where i haven't beaten it on 9.0 difficulty (the hardest difficulty in the game). Also, the clones. And the final boss of FC, i'll just quote myself here


The final boss, specifically the second phase, was one of the worst final bosses I’ve ever fought. Tons of HP. Reinforcement spam. Sometimes, the final boss gets to act again after calling his buddies. Multiple times. Can cancel your Arts. Reinforcements can heal and place barriers on the final boss. Reinforcements blow up, hurting anyone (and by anyone, I mean specifically the player) nearby so you have to take them out from afar using Arts or Crafts (have fun using Arts when the final boss can just cancel them though). Massive AoE attacks that you can literally do nothing about because the final boss and his buddies are immune to every form of status effect, even simple things like lowering Strength. That Craft that Kloe and Schera have that can nullify Arts and Crafts? Yeah, that doesn’t work here. I know final bosses aren’t meant to be easy but this was just tedious. The only good part about the fight was that as you dealt damage, the final boss would lose ability to do things (like that damn Art canceler).

As for Tabuu on the hardest difficulty, well, he's Tabuu. You pretty much need frame-perfect reflexes, especially to dodge his insta-kill Off-Waves.

17 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Opinion about Fire Emblem?

Great series. The stories are good enough but it's in the characters and gameplay where the series really shine.

17 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Opinion about this forum?

I can be found on three different forums: here, SmashBoards, and the Xenoblade subreddit. Out of all them, i spend most of my time here. So yeah, Serenes Forest is good.

17 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Any question(s) you haven't asked yet but you would like to answer?

Not in particular. If there's any more questions, just ask. I'll have an anwser to them. Hopefully.

Edited by Armagon
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