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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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11. Is truth what you see before you, or does truth lie elsewhere?

12. Your entire life, all of reality, does it really exist or is it just a fleeting dream?

13. Does it matter if it is or not?

14. Does a chimera have a right to a longer life than it has? Why or why not?

15. Has the throne ever called for you, or did the throne refuse?

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6. Have you been to the Cats Cafe yet?

7. Would you consider yourself a dog or cat person? Or both or neither?!

8. Have you Harvest Mooned before?

9. Why is our winter so terrible this year?

10. What other province(s) have you visited if any other at all?

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22. U.S. is as fucked as any other nation, who knew.

23. Generally all of them, don't forget culture/social aspects. Out of all of them, I tend to be more interested in the Political side.

24. Really fucking brutal, they were jingoistic in a sense, But, my main focus is more on how they treated their enemies, etc. They would completely devastate any who defied their law and their tactics involve invoking fear to their neighbors. In this biography about Hannibal was reading (but suddenly stopped, need to continue), It goes into an account about a method the Romans used where when sacking a city, the troops were ordered to kill everyone and everything, including the livestook, so when others come to see this town it would appear there are more dead bodies than there are humans, it helped create an illusion of how powerful and merciless the Romans were to their enemies.

25. I've seen some videos on it before. Clever use of the sword.

26. what

The United States is amazingly racist. We always have been, and I find it funny when people say modern racism came out during the 20th century.

23. Did you know, according to the Romans, that they have never fought an unjustified war?

24. There are actually a ton of war customs that the Romans did when defeating an enemy, two of the most prominent were destroying olive trees and sub iugum mittere. Out of all you have read about, what is the most interesting war custom in your opinion?

25. Actually, in the Gallic Wars, hilariously, the Romans based how barbaric tribes were on their distance to the Roman Province and "humanity." How ironic do you think it is that they prided themselves as the epitome of civilization?

26. What was that biography about Hannibal called?

27. Have you read or heard of The Song of Roland?

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26. What's the coldest temperature you can stand to be in?

27. Do you like ice in your drinks?

28. Do you eat ice cream in the winter?

29. Who's the coldest person you've met?

30. Were these questions cool enough for you

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15. How did you feel when you were chosen to do this?

16. Favorite Pokemon Type?

17. How well do you think the new president will do at Nintendo?

18. Can you answer this question with a question?

19. Worst Zelda character?

15. Happy.

16. Either Flying, Dragon, Water, or Lightning.

17. It's really difficult to tell. He doesn't seem to have the creativity Iwata had, but we shall see what happens.

18. Should I?

19. That one elf that won't let you see the Great Deku Tree

11. Is truth what you see before you, or does truth lie elsewhere?

12. Your entire life, all of reality, does it really exist or is it just a fleeting dream?

13. Does it matter if it is or not?

14. Does a chimera have a right to a longer life than it has? Why or why not?

15. Has the throne ever called for you, or did the throne refuse?

11. Truth is often not what you see before you, but an illusion that you create for yourself. If you want the truth, you must find it!

12. yes

13. if it is then it is not, if it not then it is

14. Nah, it's its own self, not a combination of others. So it should live only its life.

15. only if i eat bad food We all are called by the throne, one way or another, but who the throne calls does not matter to the one sitting on it.

nice questions

6. Have you been to the Cats Cafe yet?

7. Would you consider yourself a dog or cat person? Or both or neither?!

8. Have you Harvest Mooned before?

9. Why is our winter so terrible this year?

10. What other province(s) have you visited if any other at all?

Wait iirc you said you wouldn't want to eat around cats

OK new question 6. Favourite ice cream flavour?

i don't want no cats eating my food

6. Any sherbet or gold medal ribbon (caramel and chocolate). Now i want baskin robbins, mmmm.

7. I would say both, they are both great. Also birds and fish are cool too.

8. Yes, I think i inherited it from my sister who loved those games too. I didn't play much Harvest Moon compared to her, but I've played way more Rune Factory than her. Rune Factory is great.

9. It actually hasn't been that bad compared to last winter, but it's been weird this winter b/c i've noticed it's warmer at nights.

10. Only Quebec, to Quebec City. I would like to visit B.C. and NFL though.

The United States is amazingly racist. We always have been, and I find it funny when people say modern racism came out during the 20th century.

23. Did you know, according to the Romans, that they have never fought an unjustified war?

24. There are actually a ton of war customs that the Romans did when defeating an enemy, two of the most prominent were destroying olive trees and sub iugum mittere. Out of all you have read about, what is the most interesting war custom in your opinion?

25. Actually, in the Gallic Wars, hilariously, the Romans based how barbaric tribes were on their distance to the Roman Province and "humanity." How ironic do you think it is that they prided themselves as the epitome of civilization?

26. What was that biography about Hannibal called?

27. Have you read or heard of The Song of Roland?

Racism has always been alive, unfortunately.

23. Like lawyers have loopholes to the law.

24. Makes sense, makes the Romans the only olive exporters maybe? What they did to Carthage was awful. I think the religious holidays of the Greek city states before the Peloponnesian War. "Sparta help the Persians are at war with us" "Can't we're praying"

25. The Romans filled themselves with pride. And said pride was their downfall. A wise lesson to the dangers of nationalism I guess.

26. Literally just "Hannibal" http://www.amazon.ca/Hannibal-Military-Biography-Romes-Greatest/dp/1597976865

27. Nope.

26. What's the coldest temperature you can stand to be in?

27. Do you like ice in your drinks?

28. Do you eat ice cream in the winter?

29. Who's the coldest person you've met?

30. Were these questions cool enough for you

26. -25~ is the coldest i've been in and survived. But -10 to -15 is my when my tolerance struggles.

27. only water, but that only really happens at restaurants.

28. Yes. I remember once it was like -20 out and i came hope freezing and dying, and then i had ice cream

29. no idea

30 wow u goon, now ask hot questions.

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31. What's the hottest temperature you experienced?

31a. did you die from it?

32. Do you prefer your food warm or hot?

33. How hot are you on a scale of 1 to 10?

34. Do you like spicy hot?

35. Is this HOT ENOUGH?

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1) How awesome are you on a scale from 1 to 11? Why?

1) Refa

31. What's the hottest temperature you experienced?

31a. did you die from it?

32. Do you prefer your food warm or hot?

33. How hot are you on a scale of 1 to 10?

34. Do you like spicy hot?

35. Is this HOT ENOUGH?

31. 25ish

31a. melted probably

32. warm

33. refa

34. no, i've never liked spicy foods idk, i'll grow into it eventually prob

35. Not as hot as u ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)))))))))))))

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11. What Rune Factory games have you played ;u;

11. The first one and four. Four was great I'm pretty sure xseed wants a fifth one so i hope it happens.

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36. Is Refa a euphemism for something?

37. Do you think Taiwan should be a part of China?

36. Refa is whatever you think Refa is

37. Technically Taiwan IS China. It's the remnant of the Republic of China's government and their position is that they are still the rightful rulers of all of China. There's a movement in Taiwan to just declare dependence, but that would cede their rights to the mainland.

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11. The first one and four. Four was great I'm pretty sure xseed wants a fifth one so i hope it happens.

I hope so too omg

12. How refa are you on a scale of refa to refa?

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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20. I never see you around other than this thread. How active are you on these forums?

...That's all I got, but I'm sure I'll have more later :)

20. I used to be more active but now i'm like whatever. I reg'd IPC like a few years back but know it's really just qotd and stuff a post in.

thank u sir

8. wtf u answered sylv's nonquestion and not mine???


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21. Favorite Star Wars character?

22. Favorite Krogan?

23. Which Star Wars movie did you see first?

24. Have you seen Ep. VII yet?

25. If so, thoughts?

21. Obi wan or Han Solo

22. Wrex. Shepard.

23. I don't remember to be honest. Might have been Phantom Menace.

24. Yes.

25. Despite it's flaws I still enjoyed it and they set it up for a good story.

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