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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Espeon is slyv

oh yeah, questions

favorite unit in each FE?

Favorite character in each Tales and why?

have you tried boat girls yet or are the servers still ded?

your favorite pet?

1. 1,3,11,12: Wolf/Caeda

2. Alm

4. Tinny/Arthur

5. Carrion/ Olwen

6. Roy

7. Heath

8. L'Arachel

9. Jill

10. Volug

13. Sumia

14. idfk

2. Jesus fucking christ man

Phantasia: Arche, she's really funny and amusing

Symphonia: Genis, He's super cute, and I like his design the most.

Abyss: Tear, I like her story, and she's super cool.

Eternia: Uhh.. Reid, I guess?

Zestiria: Mikleo, he's adorable, and he's one of the more well written in the cast

Graces: PASCAL

Xillia: Jude, I like him, despite what others say about him. I think he's really cool.

Other games I haven't played enough to judge.

3. dead

4. My first cat, Kit-Kat

1. Do you prefer being called Sophia or Sophie? I've always called you the Sophia since it's what your UN was before you changed it to Sophie, if I'm remembering right. I see people call you both names, so I want to know what you'd prefer being called as

2. How'd you find SF?

3. What compelled you to stay at SF?

4. First and current impressions of me? It's okay if you can't remember your first impressions of me--I can't remember my first impressions of you!

5. Is there anything happening in your life soon you're excited about? If so, what?

1. It doesn't matter

2. I was some weirdo who liked awakening and came here

3. I don't even know.

4. You're pretty nice, you do distance yourself from trying a lot of things... for... no real reason, but I digress, you're usually enjoyable to be around.

5. Fates and my birthday.

1.) Opinions on the reptiles?

2.) Your favorite kind of drink?

3.) What do you like on your pizza?

4.) Have you played any instruments?

5.) Impressions on me?

1. They're pretty okay

2. I like milk, a lot.

3. Bacon, Pineapple is nice if I can get it.

4. I wish.

5. You're super nice! Like, one of the nicest ever, and also super adorable, or something.

Favorite game from 2015?

Least favorite game from 2015?

Most "overrated" game in your opinion?

Game you haven't played that you want to?

1. Xenoblade Chronicles X

2. I haven't really played many games I have disliked recently, so...

3. Ocarina of Time.

4. Tales of Destiny

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might as well.

1) What is your name?

2) What is your quest?

3) What is your favorite color?

4) Play MMBN .n.

5) favorite meme?

6) Obligatory current/first opinion of me?

7) Should I nominate myself for one of these?

8) Should I laminate myself for one of these?

9) Favorite Touhou fangame?

10) do you think I'm a dork.

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4. You're pretty nice, you do distance yourself from trying a lot of things... for... no real reason, but I digress, you're usually enjoyable to be around.

1. I distance myself when it comes to trying new things? Do you mind expanding on that, if you think you can? 'Cause I've never heard anyone say that about me before

2. Do you have a philosophy on life? If so, what is it?

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Excellent, another Final Fantasy VI fan.

4. Favorite Final Fantasy VI character?

5. Favorite song in Final Fantasy VI?

6. Have you played any of the other Final Fantasy games?

7. Impressions? I know we don't really interact much, but I'm still curious.

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might as well.

1) What is your name?

2) What is your quest?

3) What is your favorite color?

4) Play MMBN .n.

5) favorite meme?

6) Obligatory current/first opinion of me?

7) Should I nominate myself for one of these?

8) Should I laminate myself for one of these?

9) Favorite Touhou fangame?

10) do you think I'm a dork.

Zak I said 5 questions per post, only this once

1. Sophia

2. Something

3. Blue, purple is really close

4. Maybe

5. Don't really have one

6. You're my big brother symbol, you're really nice, despite what you say about yourself sometimes. Love ya.

7. Maybe

8. Zak, please

9. I don't really play any

10. Yea

1. I distance myself when it comes to trying new things? Do you mind expanding on that, if you think you can? 'Cause I've never heard anyone say that about me before

2. Do you have a philosophy on life? If so, what is it?

1. You seem like you just flat out don't want to try like, new games sometimes, and such. Just what I think.

2. Fuck it

Excellent, another Final Fantasy VI fan.

4. Favorite Final Fantasy VI character?

5. Favorite song in Final Fantasy VI?

6. Have you played any of the other Final Fantasy games?

7. Impressions? I know we don't really interact much, but I'm still curious.

4. Celes, or Relm, don't make me pick

5. Slam Shuffle

6. I have played 1,3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13 and have beaten 4,6,7.

7. I don't know you that well, you seem fine, I guess.

First and current impressions of me?

I don't know you well enough.

I'm not a big fan of you, if you wish me to be honest.

1. Favorite Treasure game?

2. Favorite Zelda game?

3. If you were a beverage, what would it be?

4. Do you gotta go fast?

5. What is your best aspect/feature?

1. Haven't played any.

2. Majora's Mask ALBW is close.

3. Root Beer

4. No

5. Looking after those close to me.

hi nerd

didn't you say you didn't want to be interviewed?

how much nep could screw in a nepbulb?

gay or not gay??

what's the best thing about shotas?

Sup faggot

1. That was a long time ago, when I was depressed and more emotional.

2. Nep, nep, nep nep.

3. I am bi please stop asking this girl


Yo Sophie!

1. First/ Current Impression of me?

2. Hardest game you have played?

3. What kind of magical girl would you be?

4. One game you wish you could git gud at?

5. Do you own any figures?

1. Very releaxed, laid back. very sociable, good sense of humor.

2. I'm honestly not sure, I don't find many games hard, I guess a touhou, maybe..? I can't really think of one right now, maybe later.

3. Whatever one keeps their head.

4. Any fighting game not Smash Bros.

5. I own a few amiibos, I have a Madoka figurine, and a Zero figure from Mega Man Zero

Would you mind elaborating on how I sometimes come off as rude?

Do you pokemon?

If so, what pokemon is your favorite?

Is there a game you consider to have a perfect soundtrack?

What are three traits/virtues you value/admire the most?

1. Not sure if I would say rude, just kind of feel you ignore other's opinions, sometimes. Not sure how to explain. Apologies.

2. Not as much anymore.

3. Vaporeon

4. FF6..? Oh god this is going to just be me fangirling over ff6 now huh

5. Maturity, Youthfulness, Loyalty

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Zak I said 5 questions per post, only this once

Oh, sorry. :(

6. You're my big brother symbol, you're really nice, despite what you say about yourself sometimes. Love ya.

O-oh thanks.

11) MMX Zero or MMZ Zero?

12) What's your opinion on the state of YGO right now?

13) Ever play a cardgame?

14) Is it good or bad Nintendo's increased the general global availability of rarer amiibos?

15) Favorite Touhou?

Edited by Zak Something
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1. Looking forward to anything this year?

2. Do you drink alcohol? What do you prefer?

3. Favorite moment on SF?

4. What convinced you to join the forums?

5. If you could be transported into a video game world, where would you go?

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1. Have you ever played Mass Effect?

2. What systems do you own/have you owned?

3. Top 5 favorite video game series?

4. Least favorite FE character?

5. How is your day so far?

1. No.

2. I have a Wii U, PS3, 3DS, DS, Wii, GBSP, DS

3. Hm... I really don't play that many series, so, FE, Tales, Zelda would probably be some off my preferred choices.

4. Pent

5. It's okay.

wow I feel offended

Best game you ever played?

Opinion on dank memes?

100% Orange juice is your friend or enemy?

are you adding uni to your husbands/waifu list

opinion of myself, the king of kings?

1. Best implies my favorite game which would be FF6

Guys please.

2. Depends on what ones.

3. It's both. Trust me.

4. I don't like those words, don't use them. But she's pretty cool any girl with a gat is cool on my end.

5. You can be selfish and self-centered a lot, and extremely lewd, but you're mostly nice.

Really? I don't really consider myself all that sociable.

6. Favorite Smash character?

7. What FE class would you be?

6. Honestly now probably Corrin.


Oh, sorry. :(

O-oh thanks.

11) MMX Zero or MMZ Zero?

12) What's your opinion on the state of YGO right now?

13) Ever play a cardgame?

14) Is it good or bad Nintendo's increased the general global availability of rarer amiibos?

15) Favorite Touhou?

11. MMZ

12. I don't play it so I don't know.

13. Depends on what you mean by that question

14. Good

15. Reimu

1. favorite book

2. favorite fish

3. favorite mammal

4. do you like snakes

5. egg

1. anything that isn't catcher in the rye

2. salmon

3. dolphin

4. fuck yea

5. sandwich

1. What is your favourite dinosaur?

2. What kind of pizza do you like?

3. What kind of soup?

4. Would you try Neo Kobe Pizza?

5. Have you played Dragon Quest and if so, do you enjoy it? If not, are you interested?

1. Being aggressive, I naturally am spiritually a T-Rex.

2. Bacon, Pineapple is nice too.

3. No real preference.

4. Doesn't sound that bad. Sure.

5. I've played a few, they're fine, they usually can't hold my attention for too long.

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1. Looking forward to anything this year?

2. Do you drink alcohol? What do you prefer?

3. Favorite moment on SF?

4. What convinced you to join the forums?

5. If you could be transported into a video game world, where would you go?

1. Fates, baby. And my birthday is cool too, I guess.

2. I don't drink and refuse to.

3. Something about the edibility of dead babies. In a certain place.

4. I was an Awakening nerd wanting to do stuff. I said fuck it and joined, or something.

5. Whatever the nep place is, everyone is pretty cool and dorks. Maybe.

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1. Best implies my favorite game which would be FF6

Guys please.

4. I don't like those words, don't use them. But she's pretty cool any girl with a gat is cool on my end.

5. You can be selfish and self-centered a lot, and extremely lewd, but you're mostly nice.

i would've figured


that would be me, king of douches

Thing you're excited about for fates the most?

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1. Will you ever solo the final boss with CC2

2. How do you feel about cold meatball subs from Subway

3. Have you played either of the Legend of Dark Witch games

4. Nepperoni and cheese

5. What are your first and current impressions of lil' ol' me

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i would've figured


that would be me, king of douches

Thing you're excited about for fates the most?

Everything tbh

1. Will you ever solo the final boss with CC2

2. How do you feel about cold meatball subs from Subway

3. Have you played either of the Legend of Dark Witch games

4. Nepperoni and cheese

5. What are your first and current impressions of lil' ol' me

1. Give me money and maybe.

2. I don't eat cold hot food and I also don't go to subway often so

3. no


5. You're really loud sometimes, but I don't really care, you're nice, and have weird opinions.

Also you're pretty weird. But it's okay.

1) Would you smooch a ghost?

2) Spiders: great invertebrate, or best invertebrate?

1. Fuck yeah

2. Best.

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1. Haven't played any.

You haven't played any Treasure games? You should try Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (it's $20 on the Wii U Virtual Console, even less on Amazon). It's a great "gateway drug" to other Treasure games (at least it was for me), and widely considered the best of it's genre. I was gonna PM you, but you had me blocked for some reason.

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