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  1. 1. which is best touhou soundtrack?

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I've only really practiced Okuu with ReimuA and ReimuB, since I want to use one of those two (preferably ReimuB) for SA LNB if I ever care about going for it.

You haven't gotten SA LNB...? Then what makes you think I of all people can get that?

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You haven't gotten SA LNB...? Then what makes you think I of all people can get that?

Here's the thing: I haven't bothered to aim for SA LNB due to my sheer amount of laziness/UFO addiction. If I wanted to go for SA LNB, I'd get it quite fast. I have the ability to probably do so with all the other games except maybe LoLK, which would take me some time.

You yourself are capable of doing the same. You care about SA more than I do.

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Suika users unite amirite

While I like to pretend Suika's passive ability is kind of pointless due to grazing achieving the same thing, I have to admit that it's really good at catching Power items (and life pieces, occassionally) without exposing yourself to any danger whatsoever.

Her bomb is also one of the better ones on Hard/Lunatic.

I still prefer Aya, though.

Kappa missiles+shield babyyyyyyy

If just they didn't do so little damage...

Brightest idea of the day: picking up Deathsmiles when I'm evidently trash at dealing with bullets from behind

It helps that that game has like no Extends ever

Also wow, the suicide bullets are outta control

...it's also pretty infuriating how I could pretty much NMNB eXceed 3rd, but consistently fail to reach the Extra Stage because I keep making the trashiest mistakes ever recorded in history when facing the Stage 4 midboss, which just so happens to kinda void these whole "unlocking the Extra Stage" shenanigans

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If just they didn't do so little damage...

Brightest idea of the day: picking up Deathsmiles when I'm evidently trash at dealing with bullets from behind

It helps that that game has like no Extends ever

Also wow, the suicide bullets are outta control

...it's also pretty infuriating how I could pretty much NMNB eXceed 3rd, but consistently fail to reach the Extra Stage because I keep making the trashiest mistakes ever recorded in history when facing the Stage 4 midboss, which just so happens to kinda void these whole "unlocking the Extra Stage" shenanigans

I'm aware Nitori isn't her strongest, but I don't really care.

That's Cave for you. I'm actually interested in Deathsmiles myself.

Oh hey, you're working on eXceed 3rd as well.

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That's Cave for you. I'm actually interested in Deathsmiles myself.

It's actually a really fun game, just... extremely unforgiving, especially if you get hit without having used all of your bombs.

Apparently there actually are a few Life Up items hidden in some of the stages if you visit them on the correct Rank, but hell if I know what stage to visit at what rank (especially without getting my face torn off by some of the Rank 3 bosses going fucking Super Saiyan).

That said, I did finally manage to 1cc the game... well, the vanilla game on Rank 2, anyway. Arranged Mode is utter insanity.

I cannot fathom how people score upwards of 10 billion points. I struggle to even get enough points (45 million) to get the second Extend lol.

Oh hey, you're working on eXceed 3rd as well.

Occassionally, yeah.

I wonder if the midboss that's giving me problems shows up in Practice Mode, as I'll lose my mind if I keep having to redo the entire game just to botch the Extra Stage requirement at the last possible moment. Every. Single. Time.

at least nitori is amazing for extra

True that. Edited by Scarlet
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>First time playing Touhou in a while.

>First time playing LLS Normal ever.

>Probably the first time I play LLS as Marisa too (I couldn't recognize any of Reimu's patterns, at least).

>Get to stage 6 without continuing, then have Yuuka kick your ass.

I'm satisfied with today.

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>First time playing Touhou in a while.

>First time playing LLS Normal ever.

>Probably the first time I play LLS as Marisa too (I couldn't recognize any of Reimu's patterns, at least).

>Get to stage 6 without continuing, then have Yuuka kick your ass.

I'm satisfied with today.

Oooooh, nice!

fyi I think Stage 6 Yuuka is easier than Stage 5 Yuuka.

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*fucking bursts into this thread to say something pertaining to a months old post*

Is there anyone else here playing 100% OJ? Feel like playing a couple of matches at some point?

Hi Raymond if I hosted a 100% Orange Juice-themed mafier would you join??? Or are you still done with mafias.

I had a really good set-up but then I forgot it before I wrote it down laffo

ps: touhou games

Edited by Prims
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Hi Raymond if I hosted a 100% Orange Juice-themed mafier would you join??? Or are you still done with mafias.

It... would be hard to resist, but the biggest reason I stopped playing mafia is because I just find it too stressful.

I would totally read along, though!

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I decided to do the sorter thing that was posted a few pages ago (although only with the characters from EoSD and PCB, but only because I'm not quite too familiar with characters from the other games in the series)

Unsurprisingly, Ran was number one

Alice ended up in number two, which was a little bit surprising

Marisa was in number three

Sakuya ended up somewhere near the middle, and Reimu was relatively close to the bottom (although, unlike some people, I don't hate her. I don't really have too strong of an opinion on her either way.)

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Reimu's good, a lot of people that hate her just have garbage taste.

Reimu is certainly a good character overall, with dialogue no less witty than Marisa most of the time, it's just that she's also not very interesting herself. Main characters of a long-running series without much overarching plot development tend to suffer from that fairly often, even if they're otherwise well-designed.

Besides, with the one exception where Koishi won, Reimu always places 1st on the popularity polls, so she can't really get much "hate". Sometimes it's really just popularity backlash because teens often think it's cool to be edgy and hate on the mainstream for no good reason.

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