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[FE5 Draft] I want an excuse to play Thracia again


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not for me!

Dagda got the life ring, Eyvale killed the boss, and Othin got Pugi. Leaf got some exp along the way.
Dagda ferried Leaf ahead and Eyvale killed the boss. Tanya got the vulnerary, and Othin got the speed ring.
Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 1 5/5

Nobody got the Life Ring or Brave Axe because I have nobody to spare. Not that anyone could use the latter anyway.

Chapter 2 5/10

Thracia is cool and counts unvisited houses as saved.

Chapter 2x free/10

I did this yesterday and didn't expect to get Ronan so I didn't train him. rip.

Chapter 3 9/19

Ronan distracted the dudes to the west while Briggid did things and Leaf/Lifis mopped up. I saved Cairpre and the house with the Shield Ring, brought the Lockpick and Light Brand with me.

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Xavier and Trewd, I guess. Not like I could get the three others. (tbh Xavier is prolly gonna die, sorry)


Chapter 1 : 5/5

- No reliable ways to get to the throne in 4 turns aside from having Fin or having Leaf get a mvt star proc. None of those for me. QQ

- Wasn't possible to get the life ring if I wanted to get the Brave Axe. Marty could kill the soldier but it required one more turn.

- Got the Brave Axe in the end. I'm gonna need this for Brighty.

- RIP GenericBoss, died in a fire.

- Halvan reached lv3, yay!

Chapter 2 : 5/10

- No reliable ways to get to the throne in 4 turns aside from having Fin or Leaf proccing his mvt star. QQ

- Got the Speed Ring thanks to Halvan and the Vulnerary. I'm prolly gonna give it to Leaf. (more useful for those -can't stop won't stop moving until I reach the throne- plays)

- RIP GenericBoss n°2.

- Who is Ronan?

Stats :       HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Luk Def Bld
Leaf, 1.80:   22   4   0   2   5   6   3   5
Havan, 4.07:  30   9   0   8   9   3   6  12
Marty, 2.23:  33   9   0   0   1   7   7  16
Eyvel, 13.22: 28   9   4  18  20  10   7   8
Edited by Nintales
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Chapter 1 : 5/5

- No reliable ways to get to the throne in 4 turns aside from having Fin or having Leaf get a mvt star proc. None of those for me. QQ

Chapter 2 : 5/10

- No reliable ways to get to the throne in 4 turns aside from having Fin or Leaf proccing his mvt star. QQ

I see a theme here :P:

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I see a theme here :P:

What theme? There is no theme! Are you crazy? No, there's not! Stop telling me there's a theme, I can't hear you!

In fact I should prolly give the Speed Ring to Brighton. Not like Leaf wasn't gonna be carried all over the place instead of doing something. (or, you know, I could just do thing like even not getting Amalda and escape at the turn 1 of chapter 19 :D)

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Chapter 2x: Free/10

- Got a lot of levels, yay! Havan also got 2 POINTS OF MOVEMENT. I swear I didn't rig that.

- Couldn't capture Shiva. I could have if I were really trying, but why? Killing Edge is not that worth it since my only real sword user is Leaf (until Trewd if I ever get him), and it would have required FIN for me to really do it. (no running them there, what are you talking about omg)

- Captured Lifis with Eyvel.

- Wrecked the map with my dudes.

Stats :       HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Bld
Leaf, 2.45:   23   5   0   2   5    6  4   5
Havan, 7.28:  33  11   1   9  11    4  8  12
Marty, 5.56:  35   9   0   0   2    8  9  18
Eyvel, 14.09: 29   9   4  18  20   10  7   8
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Did the chapter I guess. Got Leaf as many levels as possible.


Undrafteds ferried the shield ring npc and corple to Othin and Tanya so they could get said villages. Brought the Hezul scroll, Light sword, and Lockpick to Manster.



Brighton and Karin are my freebies. Probably could have gotten by without Brighton but oh well.

Got some bad RNG on the soldiers stealing the NPC's so had to wait around for a few extra turns waiting for them not to get stolen so I could get 4x.


Got the Sety scroll and chests. Machua proc'd move and Lara got Build. Gave Lara the life ring.


Leaf more or less broke his light sword charging through all the archers and mages.

had to wait a turn for Karin to get out, so Nanna got out too. Lucky her.


Got all the villages except Hicks and the pure water, I really need to reunite with the rest of my party, I'm running low on weapons.


Machua killed all of Shiva's dude and Shiva himself and my mounted dudes ran south carrying my unmounted dudes. Karin got the two houses at the start and then took Leaf to Victory.


Leaf/10. Had a Life and Speed ring.


Othin plz get strength

oh well Pugi OP


got move, so should be really good for a while. Want more strength though.

at least all my units are fast so Dagda can be glued to Sety.



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Stats :        HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Bld
Leaf, 5.30:    23   5   0   2   6   8   5   7
Havan, 11.32:  35  12   1  10  13   4   8  14
Marty, 8.52:   39   9   0   0   2  10   9  20
Eyvel, 15.52:  28   9   4  19  20  10   7   8

It's quite sad imo when the major improvement is that Eyvel got 1 point of skill.

Though Leaf, Havan and Marty got all one lv of mvt.

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