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I just started Thracia 776, quick question about capturing..


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characters captured at any point prior to chapter 21x will show up imprisoned in that sidequest, and you can release them and they will rejoin your party. after chapter 21x, though, yeah they're dead as far as the rest of the game is concerned

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Yes, but

You can get them back in a chapter very late in the game


If you lose someone pretty early, they're pretty much a dead unit, with the exception of Eyvale in the first few chapters.

EDIT: Ninja'd

Edited by General Horace
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Let me guess:

You let people behind in chapter 4, right?

Yeah I'll cap on this really quickly.

In escape maps, have Leif escape last if he doesn't everyone who hasn't escaped yet will be captured.

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You already heard about your own units, but there's an important thing nobody mentioned about capturing, are captured enemies alive? You will often have to capture a unit to get a gaiden chapter or to have that unit join you, but they pretty much count as dead if you release them, and they survive if you keep them captured with a unit until the end of the chapter with one of your guys.

I got no idea why that is, enemy units often say something as you release them showing that you don't kill them but really release them with their life, and yet if you do so it doesn't count. That's especially silly and stupid with Shiva's case, who should be able to fight you again even if you release him, but no you have to keep him captured for him to appear later...

Edited by GrySun
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You already heard about your own units, but there's an important thing nobody mentioned about capturing, are captured enemies alive? You will often have to capture a unit to get a gaiden chapter or to have that unit join you, but they pretty much count as dead if you release them, and they survive if you keep them captured with a unit until the end of the chapter with one of your guys.

I got no idea why that is, enemy units often say something as you release them showing that you don't kill them but really release them with their life, and yet if you do so it doesn't count. That's especially silly and stupid with Shiva's case, who should be able to fight you again even if you release him, but no you have to keep him captured for him to appear later...

Capturing Shiva? In chapter 2x? I'm not sure how the game deals with the player capturing and releasing him but the game clearly doesn't expect you to actually capture him there, considering that he is on a fortress tile and unlike the previous bosses, he is actually fast, so he is hard to even hit and can't really be double attacked. Meanwhile, his Killer Sword makes an approach way too risky, especially if you try to capture him. He would definitely be able to double attack you and a double attack with a Killer Sword and a PCC of 4 means 100% critical hit chance. The intuitive thing to do, is to simply ignore him and capture the unarmed Lifis instead.

As for the others, the reason you have to keep them captured is not because they die but because they simply have no reason to actually join or otherwise cooperate with you. So if you release them before Leaf gets a chance to talk or interrogate them after the chapter, they just go on their merry way.

The problematic cases are the guys who you have to talk to, instead of capturing them because then you are left guessing which method actually works. The worst case of this are Pahn, Tina and Trewd. You can capture Trewd and you will keep him, but only if you also recruit Pahn, But you can't do the same with Tina because apparently Pahn can be bothered to ask for the release for his followers but Saphy won't do the same for her sister. And if you recruit Pahn before capturing Trewd, Trewd will run away. Pahn can talk to Trewd to recruit him but he can't talk with Tina, who keeps using her Thief staff on you despite the guy who ordered her having switched sides already.

Edited by BrightBow
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Capturing Shiva? In chapter 2x? I'm not sure how the game deals with the player capturing and releasing him but the game clearly doesn't expect you to actually capture him there, considering that he is on a fortress tile and unlike the previous bosses, he is actually fast, so he is hard to even hit and can't really be double attacked. Meanwhile, his Killer Sword makes an approach way too risky, especially if you try to capture him. He would definitely be able to double attack you and a double attack with a Killer Sword and a PCC of 4 means 100% critical hit chance. The intuitive thing to do, is to simply ignore him and capture the unarmed Lifis instead.

As for the others, the reason you have to keep them captured is not because they die but because they simply have no reason to actually join or otherwise cooperate with you. So if you release them before Leaf gets a chance to talk or interrogate them after the chapter, they just go on their merry way.

The problematic cases are the guys who you have to talk to, instead of capturing them because then you are left guessing which method actually works. The worst case of this are Pahn, Tina and Trewd. You can capture Trewd and you will keep him, but only if you also recruit Pahn, But you can't do the same with Tina because apparently Pahn can be bothered to ask for the release for his followers but Saphy won't do the same for her sister. And if you recruit Pahn before capturing Trewd, Trewd will run away. Pahn can talk to Trewd to recruit him but he can't talk with Tina, who keeps using her Thief staff on you despite the guy who ordered her having switched sides already.

Actually, Shiva runs up towards you in chapter 2x and doesn't just sit idly. He will come to attack and kill you, and you can either kill him back or capture him in the mentioned weird way without releasing him, because he won't appear later if released...

Your explanation otherwise makes sense, although it's still far fetched to expect the player to keep the unit held by someone to have them join you later.

Edited by GrySun
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Actually, Shiva runs up towards you in chapter 2x and doesn't just sit idly. He will come to attack and kill you, and you can either kill him back or capture him in the mentioned weird way without releasing him, because he won't appear later if released...

Your explanation otherwise makes sense, although it's still far fetched to expect the player to keep the unit held by someone to have them join you later.

This is weird. On my first playthrough, I actually tried for quite some time to capture him and he never moved. (I tried to capture him with Eyvel, so Shiva never killed her because Eyvel can't actually be killed at all) Because I wasn't successful with it, I eventually ignored him. And I don't recall him moving on any other playthrough. So I'm sure he doesn't move, at least on my ROM.

I wonder if this might be a difference between the initial release of the game and the cartridge version.

Edited by BrightBow
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This is weird. On my first playthrough, I actually tried for quite some time to capture him and he never moved. (I tried to capture him with Eyvel, so Shiva never killed her because Eyvel can't actually be killed at all) Because I wasn't successful with it, I eventually ignored him. And I don't recall him moving on any other playthrough. So I'm sure he doesn't move, at least on my ROM.

I wonder if this might be a difference between the initial release of the game and the cartridge version.

This is weird indeed, as in my game he walked up to me and I had to look up whats up with that. In my game I had to have Dagda carry him around through the rest of the map. I remember being surrounded by a lot of bandits, and as I was finally getting rid of the last ones and used another torch to confirm the situation, there he was walking towards me...

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