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What's your sign?


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I was born in 1993 and July so.. what is it?


Also I don't know your Western sign

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do this its fun!

go to wikipedia and look up your sign. copy the list of associated traits or something like that and copy it here. then say which ones fit you and stuff.

I think mine fits me pretty well.


* strong-willed / stubborn / obstinate

* opinionated / conceited

* far-sighted, visionary, revolutionary

* original / innovative / inventive

* Tolerant, unprejudiced and objective

* Humane, humanitarian, altruistic

* Idealistic, having high expectations

* Friendly and sociable, however may single-out to recharge their batteries.

* Inconsistent, often shirking from personal commitment. Loyal in friendship.

* Remote, detached and aloof, impersonal.

* unemotional / cold

* Devoted to their goals

* Free-spirited, rebellious

* Outspoken, although may not reveal true feelings

* Independent and individualistic

* Intelligent, intellectual, curious and seeking mental challenge. Engaging.

* Unpredictable

* Eccentric and unconventional, misunderstood

* Enigmatic, magnetic

* Progressive

* Intuitive

* Resentful, temperamental

* leading / trend setting

One type of Aquarius person can be shy, gentle, patient and more sensitive. The other type is more enthusiastic and exhibitionist.

They despise lies and hypocrisy, and although rarely caught in a lie, may nevertheless subtly and cleverly manipulate what they say to give a wrong impression.

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do this its fun!

go to wikipedia and look up your sign. copy the list of associated traits or something like that and copy it here. then say which ones fit you and stuff.

I think mine fits me pretty well.


* strong-willed / stubborn / obstinate

* opinionated / conceited

* far-sighted, visionary, revolutionary

* original / innovative / inventive

* Tolerant, unprejudiced and objective

* Humane, humanitarian, altruistic

* Idealistic, having high expectations

* Friendly and sociable, however may single-out to recharge their batteries.

* Inconsistent, often shirking from personal commitment. Loyal in friendship.

* Remote, detached and aloof, impersonal.

* unemotional / cold

* Devoted to their goals

* Free-spirited, rebellious

* Outspoken, although may not reveal true feelings

* Independent and individualistic

* Intelligent, intellectual, curious and seeking mental challenge. Engaging.

* Unpredictable

* Eccentric and unconventional, misunderstood

* Enigmatic, magnetic

* Progressive

* Intuitive

* Resentful, temperamental

* leading / trend setting

One type of Aquarius person can be shy, gentle, patient and more sensitive. The other type is more enthusiastic and exhibitionist.

They despise lies and hypocrisy, and although rarely caught in a lie, may nevertheless subtly and cleverly manipulate what they say to give a wrong impression.

only the bullet's I bolded.

Also I'm this also

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