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I don't think it is tough. I said bullet hell because I don't know any other term to use to classify the battle system, but it isn't nearly as hard as Touhou (well, except until That Route, because then it becomes nightmarish).

I'm thinking of trying Yume Nikki out, since it was said it is similar to Mother and Undertale, and I need to fill out the empty space that this game left on me with another game.

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I don't think it is tough. I said bullet hell because I don't know any other term to use to classify the battle system, but it isn't nearly as hard as Touhou (well, except until That Route, because then it becomes nightmarish).

I'm thinking of trying Yume Nikki out, since it was said it is similar to Mother and Undertale, and I need to fill out the empty space that this game left on me with another game.

Yume Nikki is more or less of an 'anti-game' for lack of a better word. I played it long ago. There's no dialogue and it's a bunch of exploring, though it can be unsettling at times. It's exceptionally good for an RPG Maker game.

Edited by Leif
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Oh no I totally agree that changing the battle system will ultimately change the overall game because the bullet hell system is one of the things about the game that make it unique and interesting.

It's just that not a lot of us have ever played a game with that kind of system and it can be challenging to some newcomers while people who have played games like Touhou or any other game that has bullet hell will obviously have an easier time with it. I even agree that Touhou is 100000x more extreme with bullet hells than Undertale from what I've seen, but watching is so much different than actually playing it. It really depends on a person's capabilities, right?

Most of our criticisms comes from our own inexperience and frustration but that doesn't make bullet hells a bad thing.

Edited by carefreejules
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Haven't played it yet because my computer is old & I might be getting a new one this Christmas , so I'll download it then. But I've seen playthoughs & it looks really good! The soundtrack too is really amazing.

It's not particularly difficult to run. I played the demo on my crappy old gateway laptop, and while I haven't tried the full game, I doubt it's much different in terms of requirements.

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Actually, I had some trouble with undertale as well, and I'm pretty good at touhou, heh.

Like with all games, you get used to it as time goes by. It may be a little bit of a struggle in some areas, but you can always get around the more difficult parts.

And genocide is supposed to be very difficult. Toby fox made the final boss the toughest in the game on the route specifically so less people would uncover the ending.

Oh geeze so

Undine the Undying

isn't even the worst of my troubles. Oh boy.

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Oh geeze so

Undine the Undying

isn't even the worst of my troubles. Oh boy.

I think the last boss' attacks are easier than

Undyne's yellow spears barrage

It's one of these things that takes you 30 tries until you (maybe) manage to beat, but it is doable.

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I just finished UnderTale!

Well, I got to the ending last night, then Flowey came and closed down my game. When I tried booting it up... I was not prepared. Struggled to get to sleep--it was that bad. Defeated Flowey on my second attempt this morning. Spared him, because there's something wrong with me. Now, do I do a Pacifist run, or do I swing my sword arm a few times?

Also, Mettaton ex is one of the best bosses I've fought in recent history. Everything about that battle is perfect, in my opinion

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I just finished UnderTale!

Well, I got to the ending last night, then Flowey came and closed down my game. When I tried booting it up... I was not prepared. Struggled to get to sleep--it was that bad. Defeated Flowey on my second attempt this morning. Spared him, because there's something wrong with me. Now, do I do a Pacifist run, or do I swing my sword arm a few times?

Also, Mettaton ex is one of the best bosses I've fought in recent history. Everything about that battle is perfect, in my opinion

If you didn't kill anyone, you should be able to continue from the end to go on with the Pacifist route and go to Alphys' lab. I'd recommend the Pacifist route regardless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's one thing that was kind of a disappointment to me (not that the game is bad):

While doing a pacifist run, Flowey says that the player won't be able to live up to it. He claims that the underworld has plenty of evil citizens and that some day Frisk will inevitably have to kill someone. The demo set out a nice premise for the game, a premise I expected to be followed. Frisk's idealism wouldn't live for too long in a world where reality bites in one's ass and one day or another he'd have to do what he is supposed to do. But I was wrong. Everyone is chummy, and even during the Asgore fights (where it is kill or be killed) any option you take leads to a single ending, with him killing himself or him being killed by Flowey. There is also no moment where taking the pacifist approach creates visible problems for Frisk. It's a game that at first brought a good point regarding realism x idealism, but then went with idealism all the way.

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There is also no moment where taking the pacifist approach creates visible problems for Frisk.

I think that's debatable. Endgame spoilers:

First off, while a genocide runthrough looks tougher than a pacifist run, a run where you kill most enemies but not everything means it is substantially easier for Frisk to make it through the battles. Secondly, not killing Flowey means he gets all the souls and shit. Admittedly, that final boss fight is actually impossible to lose, and the redemption probably has more to do with Asriel coming around than it does with Frisk. However, it's still the case that the timeline came close to infinite looping as a result of the pacifist run.

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Frisk can run from battles in a pacifist run, you aren't forced to talk to them if you don't want to, and the boss battles are much easier than the genocide run's despite the pacifist solution you need to pursue (which is harder than the neutral version, but still). Also, I don't think it is possible to permakill Flowey in a neutral run, so even if you kill him you'll face him later on a pacifist run. There is no choice and no penalty for being a pacifist.

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After finishing both the Neutral and Pacifist routes, I can safely say Undertale is one of the most emotional and charming games I've ever played. It's been a long time since I was this DETERMINED to finish a video game.

And knowing the ramifications of completing a Genocide run, I won't be touching that route with a 50-foot laundry pole. ESPECIALLY after the true ending.

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I think that's debatable. Endgame spoilers:

First off, while a genocide runthrough looks tougher than a pacifist run, a run where you kill most enemies but not everything means it is substantially easier for Frisk to make it through the battles. Secondly, not killing Flowey means he gets all the souls and shit. Admittedly, that final boss fight is actually impossible to lose, and the redemption probably has more to do with Asriel coming around than it does with Frisk. However, it's still the case that the timeline came close to infinite looping as a result of the pacifist run.

Wait, how is that the case? I thought that the infinite timeline loop was the result of a Genocide run?

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Wee just finished this game.

[spoiler=The Snowman]

I got a piece of him.

And accidentally ate it in front of him.

[spoiler=End Game]

I did a pure pacifist run as my first run and I love all of these characters.

Sans is by far my favorite I really want to learn more about him especially after his line about how he could have killed me easily. Of course he says he's just joking afterwards but it still really creeped me out and I doubt he's telling the truth.

Makes me wonder how he would have acted if Toriel never asked him to protect you. I think he'd have killed you right there if you gained any LV.

The reveal of EXP and LOVE were great too, I wondered how they'd handle those since LV was clearly bad.

The (almost) final boss Asgore's opening where he destroys the mercy box is amazing, I could watch it for hours.

I died like 12 times before I realized you actually have to fight him, I like how the first talk with him changes up until the 10th death. After beating him and sparing him I would have loved a cutscene of me and Toriel all living together.

Of course Flowey is a fucking asshole and kills him, thanks Flowey. I really wanted to kill this fucker after that, of course I didn't for pacifist, but I really wanted to.

Flowey's boss form is amazing, really screwed up though.

Goddamn this game is amazing, now I need to go for the true ending.

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