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Assistence Required.

Lord Wolfram

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I am looking for private asistence for the Project I am making.

What I ask for is support for unit placement on maps. Stats for characters and growths, and stuff like that.

There's a Hiden project page of my project which I will NOT allow or want to be linked here yet so if you want to know about the progress of my project I'll PM you the link of the project.

I can take support through PM or better through Skype.

For those who will ask me that I should show some screenshots I answer. I won't show them just for nothing.

I'll show to them who are interested to join the project and assist me for making First Demo for release.

That is all I have to say.

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a good way to recruit people is to be transparent and upfront, and not ask people to come to you when you're the one that needs them, purposefully inconveniencing potential candidates isn't great form (even though this romhacking community is kinda small I think...)

anyway, you could have provided even some basic information like what sort of project it even is and the content that can be expected (length, story/gameplay focus, customization level compared to vanilla, etc)

Edited by Lamia
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For those who will ask me that I should show some screenshots I answer. I won't show them just for nothing.

From those who ask for screenshots, I say: we won't help just for nothing.

It takes a good deal of motivation to work on someone else's project, and you're not really providing much.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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As others have said before me, it's probably a good idea to give at least a screenshot or two. It doesn't need to be plot details or anything, but some proof that you've got something worth contributing to would really help attract attention.

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I'm going to use this topic as a pedestal to express an opinion, and that is this: if someone wants to keep their project private, we should let them. We should also let them deal with the consequences of this decision.

It was quite clear to me, personally, that there was actual progress in the original post. Note that Lord Wolfram was asking for help with game balance and not begging for artist assistance.

I can't help but feel like this was a chance for people to jump on the "screenshots-or-bust" bandwagon, which actually happens very often here.

It would have been different if Lord Wolfram had expressed some sort of bitterness at no one jumping at the chance to help him but this wasn't the case.

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I'm going to use this topic as a pedestal to express an opinion, and that is this: if someone wants to keep their project private, we should let them. We should also let them deal with the consequences of this decision.

It was quite clear to me, personally, that there was actual progress in the original post. Note that Lord Wolfram was asking for help with game balance and not begging for artist assistance.

I can't help but feel like this was a chance for people to jump on the "screenshots-or-bust" bandwagon, which actually happens very often here.

It would have been different if Lord Wolfram had expressed some sort of bitterness at no one jumping at the chance to help him but this wasn't the case.

I agree if someone say they want keep it private it's for a reason everyone who make him jump should be shame it not his fault he want keep it private next u hope this won't happen with someone else I'm very upset I'm working with him and understand what was going on Edited by Singaara
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It was quite clear to me, personally, that there was actual progress in the original post. Note that Lord Wolfram was asking for help with game balance and not begging for artist assistance.

It would have been different if Lord Wolfram had expressed some sort of bitterness at no one jumping at the chance to help him but this wasn't the case.

I'm afraid I disagree, people are more inclined to want to help something they know about. From his opening post, it wasn't clear if it were a full blown project or just a reskin of FE7. There's not wanting to spoil things, and being intentionally vague about basic details. I'm fully content with even just a single map screenshot, it tells a lot about the effort put into it.

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In the end will I get the support for games Balance?

Or it's true that I just showed my project before I have planned to do it and my "Surprise" will be for nothing?!?

Agro wrote: It was quite clear to me, personally, that there was actual progress in the original post. Note that Lord Wolfram was asking for help with game balance and not begging for artist assistance.

This is what I said.

Wolf: What I ask for is support for unit placement on maps. Stats for characters and growths, and stuff like that.

And as Agro said I don't seek mugs or animations.

Shin Wrote: From his opening post, it wasn't clear if it were a full blown project or just a reskin of FE7.

Wolf: if you want to know about the progress of my project I'll PM you the link of the project.

meaning that if you will really help out I'll share the whole idea about the project.

Agro Wrote:It would have been different if Lord Wolfram had expressed some sort of bitterness at no one jumping at the chance to help him but this wasn't the case.

Well maybe I would know how to... but with my selftaught english I sometimes don't know what to say etc.

Well then did I truly just wasted my time or someone will come and help with game balance?

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Out of curiosity is this the same project you have posted on FEShrine?

If so, why do you feel the need to be so secretive about it here when you've got all that information on it over there?

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Yes it is but "why" you ask? Leme quote some posts.

As I am making an FEXP game I'll definietly see this.

any plan to release your modified version of the engine?

Next. How people support concepts. That is how they agree to help out.

Quote from concept:I have an idea for a hack I want to make, but I have no clue how to go about it

Check out Hacking Resources, for the actual how-tos regarding hacking (and abuse the Search function). Grab Nightmare and its modules, as well as a clean ROM (don't ask where to get it, that's what Google is for). Start small - for example, swap out Lyn for Leila, and alter her growth rates. Once you get comfortable with the small things, doing the bigger ones won't seem so overwhelming.

Yes here we see nice words to start it all but what comes next.

~you're an idiot~

I second what eclipse said; the pdfs and tutorials go a long way if you're willing to invest a dedicated hour into reading them and going through Nightmare and its modules while reading through it.

Do you see that? If the creator of game is unsure about things, then only few will help out somehow.

Others will say some "Nice words" to him and will show that he's nothing but someone who will never achieve the goal.

I did made a concept for my game long time ago.

leme quote the situation about my hacks first days.

When I was trying to make first chapters map.

Lord Wolfram, on 30 Aug 2014 - 06:57 AM, said:snapback.png

I made smaller one. This is my second map I ever made.


and here comes feedback.

i'm pretty sure my first draft of a map autogenerate program output something better than that

Nothing said about how to improove it or fix up. No example given about how the map should have looked like. Just really "nice" comment. That was something that made me think that maybe I should just give up.

But thanks to few friends I didn't.

Now to put it simply.

1. I want to avoid people begging or demanding me to release the engine.

2. I don't want the famous lurkers find something in screenshots and make it like I am a criminal.

3. I don't want someone to break down my spirit of making this game.

4. I wanted to make it as a surprise.(making only a shadow of the game being known.) Being like a pro Game Dev. None knew about the game and then howzat a Demo of game is released. Now we start seeing the progress and ask questions.

5. Why FEshrine? Why I made a thread there? It's a small community which doesn't do this shitty stuff.

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I was just looking through the Concept threads and found this one and choosed it for my example.

How can I proove it?

The email used for activating user.

To make it clear I use only 2 E-mails for this purpose.



If something else is used then it's not me.

If it's inbox.lv

you've gotta be kidding.

if gmail.com

we'll see what's there in deeper details.

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A simple yes or no would've sufficed.

Now, here's what's wrong with this request:

1. Your topic title is "Assistance Required." My assistance is mine to give, not something that is mandated by anyone. If you wanted a straight-up request, your title should've been "Assistance Requested."

2. Keeping the details of your project to yourself is fine. . .until someone mentioned that you posted it to FEShrine, which rings all sorts of alarm bells. If you don't want to share your project HERE, that's your choice. . .but if you can't trust the community here with your work, I'm not inclined to offer my help.

3. I saw my name mentioned in a quote, so I did a little bit of searching to find that original topic. Reference. The first three posts:

I've had a want for a game that kind of goes over Matthew and Leila's spy shenanigans and I just got the idea that I might be able to make it myself/with help, as long as I can learn how to hack. I'm not sure what all goes into creating a custom hack, so I guess I'm posting here to put my idea out there and see if anyone can help me out/show me where to get started.

I've got big ideas for it. Nothing too long, 10-15 chapters, I'd say. Maybe some side stuff, like x chapters and maybe some little side quests kinda like in TLP (if I can figure out how to do that)

I'm open to any help, suggestions, ideas, pointers, "you're an idiot" comments, whatever you wanna give me, I'll accept it.

Check out Hacking Resources, for the actual how-tos regarding hacking (and abuse the Search function). Grab Nightmare and its modules, as well as a clean ROM (don't ask where to get it, that's what Google is for). Start small - for example, swap out Lyn for Leila, and alter her growth rates. Once you get comfortable with the small things, doing the bigger ones won't seem so overwhelming.

~you're an idiot~

I second what eclipse said; the pdfs and tutorials go a long way if you're willing to invest a dedicated hour into reading them and going through Nightmare and its modules while reading through it.

So, in order:

- That's the opening post.

- My reply, which is about as bland as can be.

- Elieson's reply. On its own, it looks bad. . .and if it really was that bad, I would've warned him immediately. Except it was a joke. How do I know?

I'm open to any help, suggestions, ideas, pointers, "you're an idiot" comments, whatever you wanna give me, I'll accept it.

(bold mine)

Do NOT misrep people like that.

4. If you want to bring your old topic into this, at least link to it. In this topic, you also wanted to keep a lot of details under wraps, and in the end, no patch was released. In this project, you want to keep a lot of details under wraps. . .and this doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in me. Furthermore, another mod had to tell you the difference between an attack and a criticism. For your "attack" evidence, you also ignored several helpful replies that told you where you could look for mapping assistance - this tells me you emphasize the negative more than the positive.

5. Now, for your list:

Now to put it simply.

1. I want to avoid people begging or demanding me to release the engine.

2. I don't want the famous lurkers find something in screenshots and make it like I am a criminal.

3. I don't want someone to break down my spirit of making this game.

4. I wanted to make it as a surprise.(making only a shadow of the game being known.) Being like a pro Game Dev. None knew about the game and then howzat a Demo of game is released. Now we start seeing the progress and ask questions.

5. Why FEshrine? Why I made a thread there? It's a small community which doesn't do this shitty stuff.

1. Once you have a patch out, you'll get those people anyway.

2. We don't go out of our way to look for ways you've screwed up. . .but this mindset disturbs me.

3. I strongly suggest going into the Midnight Sun topic, and read it from the beginning. Even though Alfred's start was shaky, he kept at it.

4. Develop a reputation for being someone who releases quality stuff first - a well-done one-chapter hack is better than a buggy ten-chapter one. Every pro had their own humble beginnings.

5. No. This is bad. By stating this, you're implying that the SF community is shittier than the FEShrine one. . .yet you're on SF asking for help. Furthermore, there's people that post on both boards, and those who have friends on one or the other. If you think SF is that bad, then go post your request on FEShrine. Otherwise, do NOT talk shit about the guys who you want assistance from.

Between your reasons for disliking SF and your past and present actions, I don't want to lend my assistance. You can either blame me for this post, or you can try to improve your presentation and mindset. I'd much rather see the latter.

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Hmm... Let me put this straight.

If I would make a thread about my project it would quicky be moved to hacking concepts even so it's no longer a concept but "WIP"

But I can grab a Vallina FEXP....

I think i know what I am gonna do now.

a well-done one-chapter hack

No. This is bad. By stating this, you're implying that the SF community is shittier than the FEShrine one. . .yet you're on SF asking for help. Furthermore, there's people that post on both boards, and those who have friends on one or the other. If you think SF is that bad, then go post your request on FEShrine. Otherwise, do NOT talk shit about the guys who you want assistance from.

We'll see how things will happen when I'll release early demo of the project. And after then I'll make my final word about SF community.

I won't say that SF community is bad or "evil" but I'll say what kind of community is when I'll see how things happen.

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You need to chill, I'm not quite sure how many bees are in your bonnet but I'd recommend coming back when you've cooled off a bit. There's nothing wrong with having a thread in concepts, since it's generally a place where anything unreleased lives.

At the end of the day, it's boiled down to your attitude turning people off helping you than any sort of secrecy. You're a relatively unknown hacker with something resembling a project, no need to take things super seriously!

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