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Hopes in future Fire Emblem games..?


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- Remove avatar characters

- Limit marriage and support options for all characters so that it's no longer quantity > quality

- Remove % activation skills

- Bring back Canto

- Have a plot that focuses on politics more than fantasy

- Offer a more even distribution of characters by design, especially age (as opposed to the token old man/woman)

- Increase variety of mission objectives a la Radiant Dawn (turn limits, castle defense, protect character, etc.)

- Design chapters around the assumption that players do not grind (not necessarily remove grinding altogether) so that players who do not wish to grind will enjoy maps that are tailored to them, but players who are struggling can still grind if they wish to

- Use portraits that look more like digitally painted art (e.g. Radiant Dawn) as opposed to anime cel-shading (e.g. Path of Radiance, Awakening, Fates)

I've not played Fates, but it seems like the Pair Up mechanic has been balanced immensely, so I'm not quite sure if I want it to stay or go (had it stayed the way it was in Awakening, I would have wanted it gone for sure). With regards to grinding, I personally don't think Fire Emblem should have introduced it at all, as all chapters are doable without it at least on Normal/Hard difficulties (and figuring out how to complete the chapters without brute-forcing is incredibly satisfying), but I understand that developers have to yield to a big chunk of the fanbase who don't care to do it that way to keep the series afloat. So as long as grinding doesn't affect map design, I'm fine with it being in if it means the series survives. I also wouldn't mind if they brought Kozaki Yusuke back so long as the art director or whoever is in charge of his stuff reins him in better, as I love his style but I'm also ambivalent about some of his designs.

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Fates was a solid step in making a fun game with strategy, so keep that up.

Tweak the avatar system, or at the very least tone down the player worship. I LIKE having an avatar/window character. Its a neat gimmick and tbh the FE lords/mains are usually pretty bland anyway. Give at least the illusion of choice within the narrative and some say in the personality.

I hope the unlimited supports stay. I didn't care for limited supports and barely touched the system in the gba games. It was restricting and tedious.


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  • Get rid of the kids. I seem to be one of the few people here who enjoys the waifu stuff, but I have this weird irrational hate for the kids.
  • More wincest
  • Magic triangle
  • An MU who doesn't have a huge story focus.

We should get real, and make a thread for what we expect to come next time. I can see more waifus, because waifus sell the games, and a story marginally better than Fates. After Fates, it won't be too hard for IS to impress us.

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I like the strategic implications of marriages, particularly with the marriage seal development (and the flavor of them getting the class could be thought of their spouse teaching them the trade, so there's at least some line of reasoning that could justify it). I'd also be lying if I denied liking the "waifu" aspect of things.

I like the children from the standpoint of my inner min-maxer, but seeing that I've loved games like The Sacred Stones without them, they aren't essential; I'm fine if they go, but I'm also fine if they stay.

Magic triangle would be nice.

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No remakes. That is the last thing I want from IS now.

For real, now, on top of the whole "better writing + less pandering and fanservice + less gimmick characters", I've had an interesting thought; whatever console the next mainline Fire Emblem is on, it's probably going to be the most powerful the series has ever been on (even if it's handheld, it's still probably going to be in Xbox 360-PS3 range). I'd like a more stylistic, hand-drawn look to things; if they want to make the series "an anime you can live in", then why not try making it look the part visually (and no, I do not mean fanservice)? Borderlands as a whole is noticeably comic-book styled; Telltale Games has a similiar style. If the next Fire Emblem can look anything like this stylistically, I'd be thrilled.

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About one of the things that people seem to want back the most...

Was the Magic Triangle ever that important? As of now, i have only played Awakening, Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones and im on my way to finish Binding Blade (At Sacae at the moment), but most of the time, it just feels... unnecessary to kill enemy magic users using my own mages considering that the enemy either has too much RES or they're so pathetic that anything kills them.

I feel like the Weapon Triangle makes a difference because not every single physical class has enormous physical bulk, so trying to kill physical enemies with physical units make sense, so the Weapon Triangle is there to make battles between physical units more varied and strategical, most enemy mages however, usually have either lot of resistance or no resistance as well as no deffense (Which means you could kill them with just about anyone), so why even add something that makes fights between mages more varied when said battles are not likely to happen at all?

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This is never going to happen, but I wish they would get rid of reclassing. This isn't FF Tactics or something like that; characters have trained as a particular class and having a PK randomly change classes to a healer makes no sense at all.

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More magical classes is a must honestly. I'd like to see things like Anima - Masters or something that just use one element of weapon or something. Speaking of magic, I feel things could be more interesting with it. Why have elements if you aren't going to do much with them? Have wind hit an enemy and then reduce the speed of other enemies near by or something. How about Earth magic to create temporary walls that stop the allies or enemies from advancing certain ways? Think about it:

Earth magic could have : Create Wall, Pitfall-- an attack that stops movement and causes the unit to take damage if they fall in hole (you could make them take more damage from movement types or make it 3x damage for mounted units), mud armor (reduces speed, ups defense)...

As of now, I feel like after 14 games magic is STILL incredibly boring here.

If the game is going to keep going in the RPG elements, let's get some stronger elements then. Equipment that gives bonuses and the like? Weapons are kinda trying to do that in Fates from what I've heard, but why not just go all out? Obviously physical fighters get the most and coolest of armors, but I feel like more could be done to add customization to units.

If possible, a new game+ option where you can use a team of generics would rock. I'm not even kidding.

This is never going to happen, but I wish they would get rid of reclassing. This isn't FF Tactics or something like that; characters have trained as a particular class and having a PK randomly change classes to a healer makes no sense at all.

They just need to have characters have classes that make sense for their story. IE, a someone like Donnell should have had Villager, Cavalier (because it makes sense for him to be able to ride a horse and think "hey, I can stab people from the horse!"), and maybe barbarian-- because it's an axe user that's untrained. If they did stuff like that, it'd be fine.

The issue is that you get characters with random mish-mashes of things that don't really relate or make sense. Like take Chrom for instance, what exactly do he and Lissa have in common for training? Weird. You'd think Chrom would at least have priest considering that his sisters both have the class.

Edited by Augestein
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my thoughts are thus

1. make it possible to have a true mage protagonist (not michiah) tha is decent (like celica) and possibly an avatar.

2. no issue with the marriage and children thing (even the young parents issue. i feel like in the timeframe the games take place in it was acceptable so its fine with me) theres no real way to do children without killing the main cast like in fe4 or redoing the time warp thing like awakening. it is a video game so give them a little leeway.

3. DEFINATLY more witches in fire emblem

4,. remake of fire emblem gaiden

5. darker stories. im a sucker for a dark tragic story and fates was soooo good for that. at its base fire emblem is a game series about WAR and war is dark and vicious. id like a more realistic tone for war in the next games

and 6. id like more female mages that are adults and manly male mages that are hunks. gimme some eye candy

those are just my thoughts.

Edited by Silverdawn77
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A lot of people have already touched on some of my gripes with Fates and Awakening, but this is something that I've been wanting for a while:

If we get to customize our avatar characters, why can't we choose our weapons? I think that would be a really cool adjustment to make for the avatar character if IS decides to keep them around.

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some characters do have class sets that make sense, but most of them don't

Yeah, some like Cherche made sense. It was ones like say, Sumia that don't make sense. Why knight? Was she this before she found that pegasus out in the wild? It begs an explanation. >_>

And yeah, I've heard they've done better with lining up classes storywise in fates. My favorite is how Kjelle as a sibling to Lucina will tell her to kill "fire magic or whatever" when Lucina does not know magic in this pairing.

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More exclusive S-support pairings;not everyone can marry everyone, no characters that can ONLY marry avatars ( like, give them at least one or two more options, yeah ? ; u ; )...reading a lot of the supports in FE:if was just a bit cringe-worthy for me, the convos are just awkward and don't make much sense. I'd personally say three-maybe five options for each characters is good.

I'm looking at you future predicting Mikoto

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More magical classes is a must honestly. I'd like to see things like Anima - Masters or something that just use one element of weapon or something. Speaking of magic, I feel things could be more interesting with it. Why have elements if you aren't going to do much with them? Have wind hit an enemy and then reduce the speed of other enemies near by or something. How about Earth magic to create temporary walls that stop the allies or enemies from advancing certain ways? Think about it:

Earth magic could have : Create Wall, Pitfall-- an attack that stops movement and causes the unit to take damage if they fall in hole (you could make them take more damage from movement types or make it 3x damage for mounted units), mud armor (reduces speed, ups defense)...

As of now, I feel like after 14 games magic is STILL incredibly boring here.

I think there's a lot of potential in this and they are already applying part of it with the Dragon Vein points in Fates. Instead of locking them to royals, they could lock some of the effects to certain specialists or classes. Obstacles/Pitfalls could be Light Runes/Mines only Earth mages could set, there would be new class/personal skills or tome effects that relate to their element (something like Bastian's Corrosion), and some of the Dragon Vein spot effects like the acid rain and 1 turn freezing could return on certain maps with a lot of water or ice. Some restrictions would be necessary, but it would encourage use of different units and add to replayability with more ways to play each chapter (if you could use the same resource for different effects depending on your team).

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Another feature wish thread?

Okay, here's one: (feature requests never end!) More maps that allow for more units deployed, especially the ones that can be played repeatedly.

Speaking of which, there's one particular scenario I want to see (but I'm certain it won't happen): Pit all 66 playable units in Invisible Kingdom against all 72 in Radiant Dawn.

...I want a Radiant Dawn remake too, but I certainly don't want it to be converted to Fates' style.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Depends, for starters


Have more varied and complex objectives. At the very least, they could try something like, "All Allies Arrive in 30 Turns" (technically we have an all allies escape map so it's not nearly as far off.)

More enemy skill and weapon variety. Nohr path does it well, but I'd like it if every unit had 2 or more weapons, same for skills


Long plot. Preferably about 70-150 chapters equivalent, but this is probably wishful thinking at this point, the game would cost hundreds of dollars like that


Make bigger maps. I understand some people may dislike bigger maps, but it's more so that we have more space...but more space in itself can be a bad thing as well


With bigger maps, we should be able to deploy more units.


Add "even more" weapons. Though making more is not exactly a walk in the park


Increase the potency of weapon triangle. I don't really feel too big of a change, but I guess they don't want it to be completely overwhelming to the point of RPS


Improve the skill and personal skill selection. About like half or so of these skills could be tossed aside and you wouldn't even notice much.


I understand that skills have to be locked behind walls, but I think the second skill Tier 2 skill should be pushed down to 10 or so. It's not impossible to reach 15, but it's still a bit much to ask


Increase the stat cap and growths. Maybe I'm crazy for asking for inflation


Increase movement?


They might want stat boosters, "especially the boots", to be more like equippable rings that grant effects. It might be too powerful though

While we're at it, might as well have the FE9 equipped items


While I'd like more magic users yes, I'm not too entirely sure how to handle it. It'd be kind of funny if half or more of the classes use magic though


More staves, staff related skills, and staff users...maybe. And we still sort of need to rebalance the list


Make everything buyable in the armory, though I'd say like increase the max level up to 5 or so, and make the top tier ones just more expensive.

It's possible it'd backfire though


I'd personally prefer a system of the 2 Speed + Luck or something like that, aka FE6-10 calculations. Double attack can stay at 5 though.

Though I understand that a system of 2 Speed + Luck raises the player's avoid rate and it becomes avoid emblem


"Expand My Castle", both in terms of space, and facilities.


Have more online features. 20 vs 20 battles would be quite nice. As well as custom maps..I don't entirely know if there already are custom maps though


Would it like, kill them to not slap the "main theme" everywhere


Have lyrics, that are "easily recognizable". Then again, without official lyrics, it still can be hard to tell what is being said at times, or often.


More maps with unlimited reinforcements

Fair versions of difficulty. In my opinion, having enemy reinforcements appear at the start of the turn "can" still be fair.....somewhat...as can random stuff, but people don't seem to find it that way

Make bosses tougher. Bosses are still largely jokes


More hack protection. Players shouldn't be able to get things like Four Fangs Draconic Curse Xander or whatever.

I'd also say stuff about more blatant things like Dragonskin Divine Shield Anna


Maybe the developers find it otherwise, but I feel that enemies should use Guard Stance more often, among other things


Improve the AI. Presumably the Nohr/Lunatic AI is no longer suicidal, but I'd like to see an AI that actively runs away from you or something.

I dunno

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Long plot. Preferably about 70-150 chapters equivalent, but this is probably wishful thinking at this point, the game would cost hundreds of dollars like that

Ooh long plot would be nice! But yea I agree , it probably would cost a lot of money..

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1. The return of Weapon Durability! It was a balanced system, that emphasized fund management. And you can't spell fund without fun! (at least in my books)

2. An honest to goodness linear game. World Map/My Castle/Whatever can be refreshing when needed, but we've had 2 in a row. 4 if you count Fates as 3 games.

3. Rescue and Canto in place of Pair-Up and Galeforce. I feel Pair-Up and Galeforce are Rescue and Canto's less balanced cousins. Granted, I've yet to fully see how they've been changed in Fates, so this may be off the list later.

4. Greater anti-hacking measurements.

5. Incentives for playing Classic Mode (There was 1 in Awakening and none in Fates. More would be welcome).

6. A true map-creator. I feel this is a fun addition. You could set objectives, buildings, etc. It'd be great fun. My Castle is close, but a map creator would be better.

7. More variety in objectives. Conquest is a step in the right direction, let's continue as such.

8. Seize, not arrive. Anyone can Seize in Fates... that's arrive, not seize. I'd rather see seize.

9. Less Fanservice.

10. Less Supports. Marriage can stay, but please limit some supports. It rather shows in the support quality of both Awakening and Fates with some real gems, and some not so much.

11. No children. They can come back again some time, but they seem too forced in Fates.

12. Critical Cut ins with GBA style crit animations!

13. Armor System

14. More Lose Objectives

15. Full Voice Acting

16. Keep the game smaller in scope. Fates is 3 campaigns, 3 stories, DLC, etc. That's all fine and dandy, but I don't see an issue in a smaller game.

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