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Hopes in future Fire Emblem games..?


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1. The return of Weapon Durability! It was a balanced system, that emphasized fund management. And you can't spell fund without fun! (at least in my books)

2. An honest to goodness linear game. World Map/My Castle/Whatever can be refreshing when needed, but we've had 2 in a row. 4 if you count Fates as 3 games.

3. Rescue and Canto in place of Pair-Up and Galeforce. I feel Pair-Up and Galeforce are Rescue and Canto's less balanced cousins. Granted, I've yet to fully see how they've been changed in Fates, so this may be off the list later.

4. Greater anti-hacking measurements.

5. Incentives for playing Classic Mode (There was 1 in Awakening and none in Fates. More would be welcome).

6. A true map-creator. I feel this is a fun addition. You could set objectives, buildings, etc. It'd be great fun. My Castle is close, but a map creator would be better.

7. More variety in objectives. Conquest is a step in the right direction, let's continue as such.

8. Seize, not arrive. Anyone can Seize in Fates... that's arrive, not seize. I'd rather see seize.

9. Less Fanservice.

10. Less Supports. Marriage can stay, but please limit some supports. It rather shows in the support quality of both Awakening and Fates with some real gems, and some not so much.

11. No children. They can come back again some time, but they seem too forced in Fates.

12. Critical Cut ins with GBA style crit animations!

13. Armor System

14. More Lose Objectives

15. Full Voice Acting

16. Keep the game smaller in scope. Fates is 3 campaigns, 3 stories, DLC, etc. That's all fine and dandy, but I don't see an issue in a smaller game.

1. Weapon effects is also a balanced system that poses limits; the only real problem is that forging mitigates the effects to the point that it's best to just buy and forge a bunch of iron weapons and not even bother with silver.

2. Neutral.

3. FE14 handles them much, much better in balance and execution. The one flaw it does have is that Hoshido and the 3rd path have really high enemy densities on higher difficulties, making Defense stance a bit more valuable (for blocking enemy dual strikes; the boosts are much smaller than Awakening's). Galeforce now requires the unit to get the kill solo (without offense/defense stance).

4. That's always a good thing.

5. I would agree with this, but just to make clear: I don't mean penalize casual mode. Preferably, I'd want a slight change to Casual mode that meant that something else happened to a unit when they fell in battle; I'd think something small, like losing the weapon they had equipped in their inventory would encourage strategizing and help bridge the gap without being very harsh.

6. A Fire Emblem maker would be amazing. Unlikely, but amazing.

7. Agreed.

8. What's the point of seize, exactly? Once you've defeated the boss, you might as well have won; with seize, you have to lug the lord over there and waste some time.

9. Strongly agreed.

10. Support quality has always varied, but on the subject of cringe-worthy supports, 13 and 14 definitely have more of them. Also, keep the actually "marriage" to the epilogue; it makes things much more natural, instead of "we talked three times now let's get married".

11. Strongly agreed.

12. We've got triple hit teleporting elite ninjas, spellcasters that back-flip before suspending themselves in the air, sorcerers that violently rise into the air as if they're about to shake apart the earth, and paladins that have their horses jump sky high before coming down with a two-handed strike. I'd say we're about there already.

13. That would be interesting; I'm assuming something along the lines of using up inventory space for equipment that would have various effects? I'd imagine a certain piece of armor could have, say, "defense +3, evasion -20" or something like that. Or their could be a talisman that increases attack, but also decreases luck.

14. Not quite sure what you mean here; this would seem to tie in with "more varied objectives".

15. I'd say infeasible (unless you're not including supports); there's simply so many characters that it would be extremely hard to do so.

16. Agreed.

Edited by The DanMan
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Regarding magic, if they're gonna take the current direction, I want them to at least make the animations more flashy graphically. I mean, if you're nerfing something then at least make it virtually interesting as an incentive for people to use them. I'm not a fan of how Fates gave some tomes very samey (if not the same) animations. To make it worse, a few tomes and other weapons share that generic fireball animation of the Fire tome, an E-rank magic. Most Nohrian tomes have either fire or lighting effects, which is boring. At least Hoshido has animals, but it's still low graphic at best. Generally, the magic look pretty unprofessional, with the exception of a few high-rank spells, but that's still nothing compared to Awakening's animations.

And Shadowgift is useless lol.

I wouldn't say useless so much so as limited and niche. It is to give access to Nosferatu, which, when paired with Defensive Formation, is actually pretty decent. So, now you can pair it to other classes who can use more than tomes. Here's an example.

Famui, Def+/Spd-, Dark Blood, Married to Izana (Great Merchant)

Max stats while paired up with Izana are as follows:

HP 60

Str 35

Mag 32

Skl 29

Spd 29

Lck 28

Def 36

Res 37

With Yato in possess, Def and Res +4. We now have a class with Nosferatu access, Swords, and Dragonstones. Good skill selection would be:




Defensive Formation









So, as we can see, we now have a very buff character with a reliable, two space heal who has lots of variety to his options, and an active skill monkey to further boost survivability. Is this a perfect build? Of course not. But it does ive you options no one else has, and because of its negative PR, you'll gain an element of surprise in PvP matches.

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Sorry for the double post!

I'm mobile and for some reason, it wouldn't let me edit my old post. Seems editing works fine now, though.

As for what I want in the next Fire Emblem... hmmm.

Firstly, a different narrative. Give me an anti-hero protagonist. Make it so that I'm not a lord, but an assassin. I want a different prospective.

Options in story development. Let me choose where to go and when. Let me take some of my characters and create a second force to go do X while I do Y. Let me choices influence each other. IE, I let little prince go, but continue to march into his land and let his people suffer, so he comes back, with a new force, as a tough enemy, who has been corrupt by the reality of war, or, I let said prince go, but leave his land be and even offer aid to his people, so eventually he not only joins us as a playable character, but gives us much needed funds. This kind of variety I would love.

No stat caps, but level caps. 20/20 is it. What you get in that is yours. No longer are you aiming to max something. It is now based solely on the individual. There would be a separate means of gaining skills, so one does not waste time spread too thin. Maybe once you hit 20 you get a different kind of EXP that worked the same, but gave you missing skills rather than stat increases.

Lower numbers. Low growths are amazing. In past games, you felt the value of that extra point in defense. I miss that aspect a lot. Each level up, when you have unlimited levels but stat caps (especially so high,) seem almost useless and insignificant. with no stat limits but level caps and low growth, you'll get that feeling again.

Better supports. Not just in quality, but in importance. Maybe S ranking so-and-so by chapter X will give you a new option that changes the story. Maybe it closes off help you'd otherwise receive, making it so we have to really think who we support, as the effects could be negative in other ways. This ties into my next idea...

Support Skills. Rather than give us children, give us skills unique to the pair. I think this would be fun and creative. It seems kinda silly, but it has been a vision of mine since FE7.

Class Skills. What I mean is, a skill that can ONLY be in effect when in that class. So, in example, you can think of the Generals bility to sometimes negate damage as one of these skills. We could give Snipers a +1 to range, things like this. I want one for every class, so that while you can get skills from these classes, there is still incentive that stay in them instead of going to one with, say, better stats.

Not just a Map Editor, but a PvP mode where one person uses their characters, and the other uses enemy units. It would use a point system. You'd have X amount to spend to place units, obstacles, objectives, reinforcements, etc. You could even gain more during the battle to add more.

An evolving world that we can explore post game. Have our choices matter. Have them shape the policies of lands as well as their structure. Then, let us see what kind of world we created. Give us labyrinths and towers to explore, so us places we've been and how they've change. Give me a reason to load up that save once the credits have rolled.

DLC with weight and plot. I think having mini-campaigns (just a few maps each) to tell a side story is a fabulous idea. Give us new places to explore post game. How about a ten map story that is a time skip, allowing child units and aged parents, that have varying degreess of difference based on your post game. Speak of children and marriage...

If children are involved, have them have slight personality changes based on their parents. Or, if we're dreaming big, each pairing gives us a unique child. Now, sure all this is a lot of work, but consider my next point as a fix that this issue.

Less Supports! I want, like, 3-5 a character, man. Not everyone talking to everyone else. This will help make it easier and faster to develop, and improve quality a TON.

I'm sure I can daydream all day of new, different mechanics, but they'd only get more outlandish, so I'll stop there.

Edited by Xylaugheon Daily
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Wow this thread got more replies than I imaged. A lot of people got really cool idea's, some of the idea's are what I want in Fire Emblem. some of you guys should be making the game

EDIT : I just realized I should have posted this in 'General Fire Emblem threads'..oops..

Edited by Krul
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Wow this thread got more replies than I imaged. A lot of people got really cool idea's, some of the idea's are what I want in Fire Emblem. some of you guys should be making the game

EDIT : I just realized I should have posted this in 'General Fire Emblem threads'..oops..

Nah, at least posting this here justifies the thread becoming a huge FE13-FE14 complaints thread. (Im not saying i disagree with some of the things people dislike the games for, im just saying it's tiring to see a thread that has the potential for a lot of different ideas be filled with people saying mostly the exact same thing for four pages thread.)

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I hope children get removed. I wish I could pair up and support my units without having to compulsively plan the hellspawn they'll bring forth.

Also a better story, but honestly I just recalled on most of my Awakening playthoughs I just skipped the cutscenes.

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More Apotheosis DLC maps~ :K I like challenges.

I enjoy husbandos and children and would appreciate them staying~ XD I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I enjoy the children units~

As of now, I hope we can get the Dark Tomes back. Sorcerer is my favorite class and I like the gimmick, so it's a bit sad to see it basically nonexistent in Fates.

Also regarding Fates, I liked a lot of the new Hoshido classes and I hope we can see some of them perhaps come back in future games. (Particularly Basara, Shura, and the MYSTICAL MAGICAL BIRD Golden-Kite Warrior).

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Pre-battle decision making of 'attack where', 'attack when' which can change objectives and difficulty not linearly but laterally. Something to make it feel more strategic instead of just in battlefield tactics. For example certain choices lead to battles that favour slow moving knights with overkill defenses, some lead to favour magic heavy compositions.

Also cutscene choices that affect what story maps we encounter and the story with different long term consequences. Makes having a self insert avatar and decisions the players make have more impact and feel like they are really calling the shots. Like the 'morally good' choices can lead to harder maps to overcome, maybe less reward in terms of resources but can justify some hero worship because the avatar earned it by traveling and overcoming the moral high road.

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Removal of excessive fan service.

Removal of player avatar.

Removal of children - this includes lolis.

Less anime style in general, especially in terms of armor designs.

I'd also like to see a more complex plot. Different factions, beliefs, cultures and so on; it doesn't matter in any way, shape or form if the characters are from Hoshido or Nohr in Fire Emblem: Fates. I don't trust the Fire Emblem writers to write an essay for first graders, but they could at least try to add some depth to the wars that are being fought and the locations where the story takes place.

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I wonder if the next FE won't make Fates' mistake and so it wouldn't misrepresent a conflict between nations or even within a nation as Black (or Dark Grey at best) and White.

Could we maybe not make the next pre-Meiji Japan analogue an innocent victim (that does nothing wrong) of the war crimes happy Medieval Europe analogue? Could we also maybe NOT make every leader who doesn't side with the Avatar in the rebellion sequence a cartoon villain?

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No children


Less but more supports(What I mean is less romantic supports and more platonic supports even with opposite-sex characters)

A more complex story or at least a better one(While I would love FE4 v2.0, as long as the next story is not the belly flop Conquest was I will be fine)

Choices that actually do something!

Less fanservice(I am not against it per say, but it just got way out of hand in Fates)

More strong representation of females and LGBT characters(Oboro and Belka were great characters and were certainly different from the usual stereotypes and I would love to see more like them instead of characters like Camilla(Who I still love, but she just got annoying).And while I love Zero with a passion, he was way to stereotyped and it was kind of offensive that a character who could have been so well developed was just thrown under the bus and made a perverted sadist)

Better world history(The world of Fates is very underdeveloped and I feel that they could have gone way more into detail. I would love if they developed the world like they did with Jugdral or Tellius)

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Focus on story and choices that lead down different paths.

Customizable weapon options such as elemental effects

The Avatar stays

Marriage and children stay, but are limited to the Avatar and certain characters. Perhaps completing certain mission objectives or making certain choices along the way unlocks or locks support levels for different characters.

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I think the gameplay is pretty fine, alot of praise is directed towards it after all. I do agree that grinding (or at least an option) should be removed. And if children have no plot relevance, they should be removed as well. They don't really contribute to anything but to flesh out the origin parent, leaving the others in the dust.

Otherwise, the plot needs to serious work. Maybe for once, IS should try to base their story around a certain historical tale, fable or mythology if they cannot come up with any original concept of their own. I believe Shozou Kaga did place roots in the medieval ages for FE4 and FE5 and I have heard FE9 took some inspiration from WWII. The fanservice got turn down. I understand the marriage concept is popular but hell if they make everything revolve around it. I wish they moved away from heroVSdragon concept and revolve around the human conflict instead.

This is not just for FE, but I wish they moved away from the stereotypical goody two-shoes Lord-type, Avatar or not. Have someone who doesn't embody the traditional tropes, like being ambitious and believing himself to be right for the job, instead of being reluctantly dragged in or otherwise aloof.

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I don't think fanservice is automatically a bad thing, but I really hope IS tones it down several notches for the next game. Right now it just feels desperate, shameless and more then a little undignified. Its at the point that I'm starting to get personally offended that IS things they can use eyecandy to get my money.

Other then that I hope for a much, much better world. Awakening wasn't too good at world building, while the previous games did a good job at it. I want important locations, several countries, empires, named battle and a war that flows naturally. Awakening tended to do things very quickly and without me feeling all that involved in the conflict.

I also hope the supernatural stuff becomes a little grounded. I don't mind it normally, but many of the supernatural stuff in Fates is the stuff thats dragging the narrative down.

I prefer it if the next game doesn't include two generations, but I can live with it if they keep it. However if they're going to include it then I do hope they do it competently. In fates it all looks very desperate.

My last point is related to the others, but I hope IS gets their self respect back in their next title. Let their next Fire Emblem stand on its own merrits and stop cowardly sticking with every single thing that proved popular, especially when it doens't make sense like the returning characters or the two gen system. The fanservice point goes here as well.

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I agree with Sasori on the subject of the ''supernatural''. I find FE is at its best narratively when it keeps the subject as either alien (Judgral), or at least kept on the level with the ''human''.

As an example, a problem I have with Sacred Stones is that Lyon is ultimately the Demon King's hijacked puppet. It's not a partnership founded in a common ground like Rudolf and Duma or even a scenario like Zephiel and Yahn (a human king seeks out a way to return the world to the dragons, partners up with a fire dragon). Lyon gets taken for a joyride by Fomortiis and even Ephraim Mode has him give a speech about much of a rube Lyon was.

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I agree with Sasori on the subject of the ''supernatural''. I find FE is at its best narratively when it keeps the subject as either alien (Judgral), or at least kept on the level with the ''human''.

As an example, a problem I have with Sacred Stones is that Lyon ultimately the Demon King's hijacked puppet, and they aren't even linked in the way that the two were separate throughout SS with Fomortiis somehow blackmailing Lyon into doing whatever. It's not a partnership founded in a common ground like Rudolf and Duma or even a scenario like Gharnef and Medeus (use the Earth Dragon ruler as an attack dog while keeping Falchion in hand). Lyon gets taken for a joyride by Fomortiis and even Ephraim Mode has him give a speech about much of a rube Lyon was.

The entire point of Formootis in the story is to deepen he connection between Lyon and the twins, on Eirika's route, he mercylessly destroys most of Lyon's soul, leaving one small part alive, only so he can give Eirika, an ideallistic an naive girl, false hopes that Lyon can be saved, on Ephraim's path, he, instead of destroying Lyon's souls, corrupts it instead, making Lyon believe he is in full control of his own actions so he can crush Ephraim's former vision of a kind and intellegent Lyon who wouldn't harm a bug.

Basically, Formootis (in my opinion), while not a good character on himself, is incredibly underrated as a villain, he exists to develop Lyon's flaws as well as to use him as a way to mock the twins in different ways.

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The thing is that Lyon isn't the one with serious agency beyond backstory. If anything, Fomortiis is.

Yes, but you must remember that every single one of Lyon's actions were still, deep down, things that he desired, when Fomortiis (literally) villifies Lyon, he's not turning him into a completelly different person, he is just showing to Ephraim and Eirika the thoughts and emotions that Lyon had in the inside, so while yes, Fomortiis is controlling everything Lyon does, he's still doing, to some extent, what Lyon wants to happen.

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The entire point of Formootis in the story is to deepen he connection between Lyon and the twins, on Eirika's route, he mercylessly destroys most of Lyon's soul, leaving one small part alive, only so he can give Eirika, an ideallistic an naive girl, false hopes that Lyon can be saved, on Ephraim's path, he, instead of destroying Lyon's souls, corrupts it instead, making Lyon believe he is in full control of his own actions so he can crush Ephraim's former vision of a kind and intellegent Lyon who wouldn't harm a bug.

Basically, Formootis (in my opinion), while not a good character on himself, is incredibly underrated as a villain, he exists to develop Lyon's flaws as well as to use him as a way to mock the twins in different ways.

Yes, but you must remember that every single one of Lyon's actions were still, deep down, things that he desired, when Fomortiis (literally) villifies Lyon, he's not turning him into a completelly different person, he is just showing to Ephraim and Eirika the thoughts and emotions that Lyon had in the inside, so while yes, Fomortiis is controlling everything Lyon does, he's still doing, to some extent, what Lyon wants to happen.

Thanks for this. The Demon King isn't a character so much as a means to explore Lyon's character. While there are plenty of supernatural elements, the main antagonist is acting on his human flaws.

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It's apparent that Lyon is being warped by the Demon King regardless of what route you pick. We don't actually meet a Lyon who isn't a puppet of Fomortiis. His character is rather dependent on tricks like flashbacks and what other characters say of him.

Let's try this: How different would the narrative be if Lyon was depicted as seeking to abuse the Sacred Stone's power for glory, leading to his hijacking by the Demon King? Sure, the flashbacks would be different and Eirika maybe wouldn't be so trusting towards him, but I'm sure the Twins would still fight Grado and later Lyon in the Darkling Woods. Either way, Lyon is a puppet of the Demon King who beyond the backstory doesn't have serious agency.

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It's apparent that Lyon is being warped by the Demon King regardless of what route you pick. We don't actually meet a Lyon who isn't a puppet of Fomortiis. His character is rather dependent on tricks like flashbacks and what other characters say of him.

Let's try this: How different would the narrative be if Lyon was depicted as seeking to abuse the Sacred Stone's power for glory, leading to his hijacking by the Demon King? Sure, the flashbacks would be different and Eirika maybe wouldn't be so trusting towards him, but I'm sure the Twins would still fight Grado and later Lyon in the Darkling Woods. Either way, Lyon is a puppet of the Demon King who beyond the backstory doesn't have serious agency.

But that would remove all the tragedy from his character, which is the entire flippin point.

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Let's try this: How different would the narrative be if Lyon was depicted as seeking to abuse the Sacred Stone's power for glory, leading to his hijacking by the Demon King? Sure, the flashbacks would be different and Eirika maybe wouldn't be so trusting towards him, but I'm sure the Twins would still fight Grado and later Lyon in the Darkling Woods. Either way, Lyon is a puppet of the Demon King who beyond the backstory doesn't have serious agency.

Can we not, seriously?

The entire point of Lyon's character is that he is a good, soft-hearted person who wanted to help people and live up to his father as the future emperor of Grado, but he is too insecure and feels that he's weak and can't do things on his own. Which made him ripe for being manipulated and possessed and ultimately used as a tool for the Demon King. We don't need to change Lyon from who he is. Sometimes, not everyone needs serious agency. Not everything has to be "dark and edgy and gray" to be good, which seems to be what you're suggesting.

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Having a "deep" story does not mean that everything has to be all shades of grey and edgy. If a narrative is to insert that kind of tone into the story, it must mean something. Having Lyon looking to abuse the power of the Dark Stone for his own gain is not just needless, but fucking character assassination. Hes a nice, young man who desperately wants to help his country. Formortiis exploits Lyon's deepest desires. Lyon feels secretly jealous of Ephraim's strength and connection with Eirika. But Lyon isnt the sort to actually act on that feeling. He is in love with Eirika, but would never covet her. Its Formortiis who takes these desires and amplifies them while eating away at the real Lyon. Thats the point.

How different would the narrative be if Lyon was depicted as seeking to abuse the Sacred Stone's power for glory, leading to his hijacking by the Demon King?

Different in the sense that it would lose the meaning entirely of why those three characters are friends in the fucking first place. /folds arms.

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