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[FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: The Second


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Considering I migrated here from Gamefaqs, it's good to see that the trend lives on. Didn't know he was still active there.


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Ch. 13 9/25

I took the upper path and had Matthew recruit Guy. I sent Marcus to bait all of the enemy soldiers on the lower side.

Ch. 13x 7/32

Marcus and Eliwood blocked the northern bridges, Hector blocked the western snag, Oswin blocked the southwestern spot and Matthew and Guy blocked the bandits right in front of the forts so the Nomads wouldn't spawn. Bartre held Merlinus, Rebecca got experience where she could and Lowen and Serra stood in the bottom part of the stage for the entire chapter.

Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res. Weapon Rank

Eliwood Lord 9.74 25 10 8 9 13 7 2 A Swords

Rebecca Archer. 6.32 21 7 8 11 6 4 3 C Bows

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So much pain...chapters 25-Final

Chapter 25(J)- 20/161


If I learned anything, it's that my characters can't dodge anything when they need to unless their name is Ninian. I also had to opt NOT to send Merlinus so enemies would rush Louise instead of Ninian >.>

Dorcas = clear a path while rushing to Knight and Hero rooms
Louise = Pick off stragglers who love her while rushing to sniper room
Eli = Take on warrior room, then rush to chest room to trigger Karel
Ninian = Dance a few times then forestdodge!
Karel = Greenie distraction time go! Also saved Louise's ass.

Please note that I would have saved at least 5 turns if Louise HAD AN ENEMY PHASE INSTEAD OF PLAYING PILLAR DODGE AS SHE CHIPPED WYVERN RIDERS. Got no chests cause of that, too! I hate you too, Louise!

Lv 20 Eliwood - 32 HP, 18 (+2) Str, 14 Skill, 12 Spd, 18 Luck, 14 (+2) Def, 5 Res
Lv 20/19.95 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 3.97 Ninian - 15 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 13 Spd, 12 Luck, 6 Def, 5 Res
Lv ??/11.20 Louise - 31 HP, 14 Str, 17 Skill, 19 Spd, 18 Luck, 11 Def, 13 Res

Chapter 26- 15/176 Turns

Elidoof at the Afa's drops before the chapter. He has the most to gain.

Nino died, so no Jaffar, so no Killing Edge. Oh well. Got the Brave Lance and Boots, along with Rescue! No Delphi Shield I'll never care about. Louise had chest keys :P. Didn't get the others though. >.> (Jaffar killed the left thief) Eli almost died and had 1 HP at one point!

Lv 20 Eliwood - 32 HP, 18 (+2) Str, 14 Skill, 12 Spd, 18 Luck, 14 (+2) Def, 5 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 5.47 Ninian - 17 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 15 Spd, 14 Luck, 7 Def, 6 Res
Lv ??/12.26 Louise - 31 HP, 15 Str, 17 Skill, 19 Spd, 18 Luck, 11 Def, 13 Res

Chapter 27- 18/194 Turns

Dorcas ate the boots before the chapter. Don't look at me like that! He's gonna have to support Elifail by getting kills! Also Eli ate the angelic robe cause he is a wimp who likes to facetank like his name is Oswin!

What I learned about this chapter:
I hate it. The plan WAS to have Eli stay near the start so he could get Vaida, but Dorcas simply cannot tank all those swords. So ultimately Louise had to do Eli's part and kill Vaida after tanking some cavs/nomads as Dorcas swarmed the knights, and Eli went left. Flo bought tons of silver, and tons of door keys. Because Eli is a failure, I didn't get warp! Also I am out of healing items! Woooo!

Lv 20/1 Eliwood - 43 (+7) HP, 20 (+2) Str, 14 Skill, 13 Spd, 18 Luck, 15 (+2) Def, 8 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 5.47 Nils - 17 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 15 Spd, 14 Luck, 7 Def, 6 Res
Lv ??/14.61 Louise - 31 HP, 15 Str, 19 Skill, 20 Spd, 18 Luck, 12 Def, 13 Res

Chapter 28- 8/202 Turns

Lol silly boss moved so Eli took the space. Lots of free stuff causing me to drop stuff. I CAN HEAL AGAIN! Also I had Louise blick him with Nils help just cause I could.

Lv 20/3.19 Eliwood - 45 (+7) HP, 21 (+2) Str, 15 Skill, 15 Spd, 20 Luck, 15 (+2) Def, 9 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 7.38 Nils - 19 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 17 Spd, 15 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Res
Lv ??/16.31 Louise - 32 HP, 16 Str, 20 Skill, 20 Spd, 19 Luck, 12 Def, 15 Res

Chapter 29- 11/213 Turns

Dorcas swept the south, Louise and Eliwood protected the throne. Got all the treasure. Eli went south to help when Dorcas almost died, and also went for the body ring for Athos.

Lv 20/8.59 Eliwood - 50 (+7) HP, 25 (+2) Str, 16 Skill, 18 Spd, 22 Luck, 15 (+2) Def, 10 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 7.38 Nils - 19 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 17 Spd, 15 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Res
Lv ??/18.36 Louise - 33 HP, 17 Str, 21 Skill, 21 Spd, 19 Luck, 12 Def, 15 Res

Chapter 29x- 5/218 Turns

HAND AXES! JAVELINS! WOOO! Also got some killer stuff, and healing items >.> Eli got 4 arena rounds

Lv 20/10.69 Eliwood - 50 (+7) HP, 26 (+2) Str, 17 Skill, 20 Spd, 24 Luck, 16 (+2) Def, 11 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 7.38 Nils - 19 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 17 Spd, 15 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Res
Lv ??/18.36 Louise - 33 HP, 17 Str, 21 Skill, 21 Spd, 19 Luck, 12 Def, 15 Res

Chapter 30- 9/227 Turns

Terrible, I know. BUT, Dorcas full moved with Eli (dropped Eli after a rescue-dance mission), and full move Dorcas wouldn't have reached Limstella till turn 8, even WITH a dance. >_< Had to rig 2 crits too, guys!

Lv 20/13.37 Eliwood - 53 (+7) HP, 27 (+2) Str, 17 Skill, 20 Spd, 24 Luck, 17 (+2) Def, 11 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 14 Def, 9 Res
Lv 8.27 Nils - 20 HP, 1 Str, 0 Skill, 17 Spd, 17 Luck, 7 Def, 8 Res
Lv ??/20 Louise - 34 HP, 18 Str, 22 Skill, 22 Spd, 19 Luck, 12 Def, 15 Res

Final- 8+2/237 Turns

Athos ate the body ring, Dorcas ate the dragonshield

Louise couldn't do anything except help Eliwood beat rooms...Dorcas wasn't strong enough to beat the generals fast but he practically critblicked Uhai! Luna crits ftw, Ninis grace ftw. Nergal got critblicked by Luna! Rescue proved to be useful, too!

Part 2 Athos moves up with Luna, waits, counters happen, Eli moves up and Durandal, Dorcas moves up and Baskillos, Louise does no damage!, Athos finishes with Luna on PP

Lv 20/15.82 Eliwood - 55 (+7) HP, 27 (+2) Str, 18 Skill, 22 Spd, 24 Luck, 19 (+2) Def, 11 Res
Lv 20/20 Dorcas - 60 HP, 28 Str, 28 (+2) Skill, 13 Spd, 22 Luck, 16 (+2) Def, 9 Res
Lv 9.20 Nils - 20 HP, 1 Str, 0 Skill, 17 Spd, 18 Luck, 8 Def, 9 Res
Lv ??/20 Louise - 34 HP, 18 Str, 22 Skill, 22 Spd, 19 Luck, 12 Def, 15 Res

Dorcas + Louise = destined to fail. Louise hardly helped other than chip damage and protecting Nils, and her lack of EP cost me items and turns in some cases, or just caused her to be Ninils fodder. Dorcas was good but Matthew would have helped a LOT more. Dorcas wins both MVP for blicking everything, and LVP for earning Jerme's chapter. I think Eclipse's team is better :P

Also Eliwood was fail from chapter 17 till he promoted.

And Eclipse, I accept your challenge :P

Chapters 11-20

Chapter 11- 8/8 Turns

Eli ate the energy ring Dorcas brought, moved like he couldn't move anymore. Marcus was a distraction and bought Vulns, Lowen and Dorcas meatshielded. Eli got caught for a turn, costing him the 7-turn but I'll take the levels I got. Again, stat boosters marked with "(+2)" type things after the stat that appears on screen.

Lv 4.81 Eliwood - 20 HP, 9 (+2) Str, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 9 Luck, 8 Def, 1 Res

Chapter 12- 9/17 Turns

Eli swept the bottom, Oswin and Hector did their thing, Marcus handed the Vulns to Dorcas and bought swords, Lowen bought Vulns. A couple of unlucky misses meant I took one extra turn.

Lv 8.32 Eliwood - 23 HP, 10 (+2) Str, 7 Skill, 10 Spd, 13 Luck, 9 Def, 1 Res

Chapter 13- 8+4/29 Turns
Took the Bartre penalty to get the village as Eli walked for the 8-turn. Eli getting it would have ended in a 12+ turn, same with Serra as I was gonna have to 2-hit the snags. No Killing Edge, oh well. Serra facetanking for exp works!

Serra facetank count: 5

Lv 10.17 Eliwood - 24 HP, 11 (+2) Str, 8 Skill, 11 Spd, 13 Luck, 11 Def, 2 Res
Lv 1.13 Serra - 17 HP, 2 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 13x- 7/36 Turns

Eli runs for the village, durables guard Merlinus, Serra facetanks!

Serra facetank count: 8

Lv 11.74 Eliwood - 25 HP, 12 (+2) Str, 9 Skill, 11 Spd, 13 Luck, 11 Def, 3 Res
Lv 1.19 Serra - 17 HP, 2 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 14- 17/53 Turns

Didn't deploy Merlinus. Serra is a facetank, Eli is a tank. Basically the same strat as Eclipse, minus the Killing Edge. :P Lost a turn getting Eli holding Serra stuck while trying to save Prissi (but it worked!)

Serra facetank count: 16

Lv 16.47 Eliwood - 29 HP, 13 (+2) Str, 10 Skill, 13 Spd, 14 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 1.73 Serra - 17 HP, 2 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 15- 9/62 Turns

Same general strat as Eclipse again, but team Caelin went for villages as team Wil bought stuff. Normally I'd reset to save a turn...but it finally didn't end in Lyn, Serra, or Merlinus dying. Plus the extra turn got me the gem. :P FunFact: Eli ended at 3 HP

Serra facetank count: 22

Lv 18.37 Eliwood - 31 HP, 15 (+2) Str, 11 Skill, 14 Spd, 14 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 2.18 Serra - 18 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 7 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 16- 11+4/77 Turns

Like Eclipse, I had to Marcus penalty to do this. I have NO clue of how she managed to 9-turn this, as even with Eli full moving and getting rescued by Marcus for 2 turns of Marcus move I didn't reach the throne till turn 10, and had to fight Bernard. Plus Serra barely got the chests.

Serra facetank count: 25

Lv 19.82 Eliwood - 31 HP, 15 (+2) Str, 11 Skill, 14 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 2.21 Serra - 18 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 7 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 16x- 5/82 Turns

Very similar strats to Eclipse. I practically lost my turn lead, but still have it. Serra facetanks, Eli rushes.

Serra facetank count: 27

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 2.24 Serra - 18 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 7 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 17- 4+4/90 Turns

Yep, same problem as Eclipse. It's either Eli solo and Serra flunks in exp, or bring Marcus to blick everything. However, I chose to be cheap and have Marcus beat Zoldam in 4 turns. Eli is max level anyway. Hey Eclipse, I have 2 turns on you! :P

Serra facetank count: 27

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 2.35 Serra - 18 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 7 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 18- 9/99 Turns

Like Eclipse, the fun was clearing nomads as Serra facetanked (and dodgetanked). Unlike Eclipse, I took a risk that paid off as I moved Flo south into enemy range, said cav attacked a forested Serra. Having EXACTLY 2 rapier uses helped ;)

Serra facetank count: 29

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 2.46 Serra - 18 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 7 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 18x- 10/109 Turns

Ok so much frustration! The PROBLEM is that my guys can't dodge anything, EVER. And Eli can't hit anything, EVER. Ultimately NOT deploying Merlinus is what helped the most. Serra chugged Vulns by the Icon, cause she was of no use to Eli in the barrier zone!

Serra facetank count: 45

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 2.79 Serra - 18 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 8 Spd, 7 Luck, 2 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 19- 8 (+4)/121 Turns

Marcus penalty, blah blah, Legault turn 5, kills Shamans, more Marcus javelin antics, armorslayer Eli, Marcus trade, Legault gets kill on Darin with armorslayer turn 7, Serra facetanked twice, blah.

Serra facetank count: 47

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 3.25 Serra - 19 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 9 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 14.25 Legault - 27 HP, 9 Str, 12 Skill, 16 Spd, 12 Luck, 9 Def, 3 Res

Chapter 20- 5/126 Turns

Dance, fucker, dance! That's basically it! :P Eli had no way to beat Oleg on his own cause Oleg loves bows (other than immense rigging...but Legault got good levels!), so Legault helped and got the kill. Serra healed a few times!

Serra facetank count: 47

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 3.58 Serra - 19 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 9 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 16.61 Legault - 29 HP, 11 Str, 13 Skill, 17 Spd, 13 Luck, 10 Def, 3 Res
Lv 1.53 Ninian - 14 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 12 Spd, 10 Luck, 5 Def, 4 Res

Chapter 21- 3/129 Turns

Video cause this is funny~ (But I don't wanna wait 150 min for it to upload so it will be up at SOME point)

Basically Legault kills the archer turn 1 with Ninian help, burn 5 RNs with Lyn, move Eli and Serra down, Isa donates the silver sword. Serra facetanks shaman on EP, opening for Legault to get in position. Eli takes out 2 enemies, Serra heals on pillar, Ninian resting on left pillar. Lots of dodgetanking, Eli moves, Ninian dances for Eli, Eli takes out 32 HP with silver sword, Legault finishes with steel sword.

Serra facetank count: 48

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 3.62 Serra - 19 HP, 3 Mag, 5 Skill, 9 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 18.17 Legault - 29 HP, 11 Str, 14 Skill, 17 Spd, 15 Luck, 12 Def, 3 Res
Lv 1.85 Ninian - 14 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 12 Spd, 10 Luck, 5 Def, 4 Res

Chapter 22- 5/134 Turns

Eli takes the top then aggros Jasmine, Legault just runs around like an idiot protecting Serra, snagging Eclipse in the process, Flo and Matt get the Ocean Seal and Filla's Might. MY Pent was smart and attacked Paul from range. TAKE THAT, ECLIPSE!

Serra facetank count: 52

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 4.08 Serra - 20 HP, 3 Mag, 6 Skill, 10 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 18.99 Legault - 29 HP, 11 Str, 14 Skill, 17 Spd, 15 Luck, 12 Def, 3 Res
Lv 2.37 Ninian - 15 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 13 Spd, 10 Luck, 6 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 23- 6/140 Turns

I goofed a bit and wasted a Filla's Might. Oh no! Eli and Legault (Legaut with a mighted Steel Sword) took out Lloyd. Silver Sword OP.

Serra facetank count: 53

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 4.44 Serra - 20 HP, 3 Mag, 6 Skill, 10 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 20 Legault - 31 HP, 12 Str, 15 Skill, 18 Spd, 15 Luck, 13 Def, 3 Res
Lv 3.19 Ninian - 16 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 14 Spd, 11 Luck, 6 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 24- 11/151 Turns

Eli sprints right, going to shop. Legault sprints to flank the upper-left corner. Ninian and Serra are fodder for each other.

Serra facetank count: 55

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 4.96 Serra - 20 HP, 3 Mag, 6 Skill, 10 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 20 Legault - 31 HP, 12 Str, 15 Skill, 18 Spd, 15 Luck, 13 Def, 3 Res
Lv 4.41 Ninian - 17 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 15 Spd, 12 Luck, 7 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 25(K)-

Ok I have wonky RNs that will get me hit at the worst possible times. Serra and Ninian refuse to dodgetank! But yeah the basic plan is the same as Eclispe's where Eli gets carried by Leg. It's past 12 AM so not continuing for now.

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If I Swordreavered Dorcas, Elidoof would have failed miserably at holding the Generals group, sadly. It was a TERRIBLE Eliwood till he promoted.

The big problem I noticed was the worthlessness of Louise. She was pretty much only good with a Silver Bow, and only good against other archers and fliers.

Edited by TempestStorm
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Oh man, this is hilarious!

The reason why I was able to pull a 9-turn on Chapter 16 was because my Eliwood was insanely blessed, and could one-shot a lot of things. On Chapter 25, make sure to drop Eliwood before the wyverns show up. You DID buy a bunch of Lancereavers, right? :P:

I think you'll have to do the Luna thing for yours. Serra's going to need more experience, because Chapter 26x is necessary if you want her to do more than be a hindrance.

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I did buy lancereavers. Have enough for Eli and Legault! It's also WHY Eli was able to protect Hector and Pent (Hector held Lyn close, Pent had some lovey-dovey time with Louise). Also as a fun fact: My RNs are wonky in the fact that Legault carrying Eli will survive with wyverns with little trouble...and then one of Serra/Ninian fails at dodgetanking after I drop Eli INSIDE the building.

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You'll need to kill as many wyverns as possible, so you can make a clean break to the throne room. Your Legault looks like he should be able to ORKO the weaker ones, and Eliwood should have no issues with them.

EDIT: No Light Brand? Oh man. . .

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 25(K)- 10/161 Turns


Turn 1 = Eli moves to Leg, who rescues, Ninian dances, Serra moves to forest, Leg moves up
Turn 2 = 5 RN burns! Leg moves 1, Ninian dances, Serra moves forward, Leg moves forward, Ninian facetanks a Bolting but SURVIVES THE REST
Turn 3 = Ninian dances for Serra who healed Ninian, Eli is dropped, both Leg and Eli have lancereavers
Turn 4 = Ninian and Serra move up (Serra facetanked some magic and healed), Eli kills the mage that attacked him, Leg holds his spot and kills a Wyvern (for the RN burn so Ninian can dodge!), Serra heals Eli
Turn 5 = Serra heals Eli, Ninian dances, Serra moves to the forest and heals Ninian, Eli and Leg hold their spots to kill the last of the wyverns from the front, 10 MORE RN burns cause the RNs are so low at this point that Ninian tries to facetank ALL the ranged magic!
Turn 6 = At this point, Wyvern are coming from BEHIND, so I have Leg hold his spot as Ninian and Serra run (with a Serra heal Ninian thrown in, cause Ninian had to facetank a spell!, and Eli plays wall.
Turn 7 = Only one wyvern left! Woo! Rush inside, with Eli and Legault protecting from behind, Serra healed Eli
Turn 8 = I ignore the shaman trying to pick off Ninian, it's just free exp for Serra who heals. Eli and Leg rush into the trio of magic room, wielding killing edges.
Turn 9 = Move forward, Serra heals Eli, all annoyances dead before the boss except the new wyverns and general, and a shaman
Turn 10 = Serra heals Legault for more free exp, Legault almost critblicks Kenneth, Eli moves a bit and siezes with help of Ninian cause she reached just enough to get Eli after he took off the 1 HP!

Serra facetank count: 56

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 5.95 Serra - 20 HP, 3 Mag, 7 Skill, 10 Spd, 8 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Res
Lv 20 Legault - 31 HP, 12 Str, 15 Skill, 18 Spd, 15 Luck, 13 Def, 3 Res
Lv 5.52 Ninian - 17 HP, 0 Str, 0 Skill, 15 Spd, 13 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Res

Chapter 26- 15/175 Turns

So Jaffar was a total douche who would run up after his weapon broke. I thus employed a much funnier tactic than Eclipse! I sent Legault to solo left, who, with 1 HP had to dodgetank a lot, while snagging the boots thief. Then he picked up Jaffar and ran him straight to Nino, who Eli got with help from Serra and Ninian! Also, Eli still easily made the rescue staff! Also I had Legault barely walk into Serra's terribad warp range last turn! Huzzah!

Serra facetank count: 56

Lv 20 Eliwood - 31 HP, 16 (+2) Str, 12 Skill, 15 Spd, 15 Luck, 11 Def, 5 Res
Lv 7.30 Serra - 21 HP, 4 Mag, 8 Skill, 12 Spd, 10 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Res
Lv 20 Legault - 31 HP, 12 Str, 15 Skill, 18 Spd, 15 Luck, 13 Def, 3 Res
Lv 7.07 Ninian - 19 HP, 1 Str, 0 Skill, 17 Spd, 15 Luck, 8 Def, 7 Res

Having some trouble with 26X. Serra and Ninian fail to dodgetank at the worst possible times, and it takes Serra a while to hit level 10. That is even WITH her burning Pent's physic like crazy.

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. . .as I thought. Your Serra's level is too low.

I promoted mine right before 26x, which is why I was able to sorta-breeze through that chapter. I suggest bringing a Restore staff, and having her use that in conjunction with the Berserk Bishop. If you don't mind burning through some rings, have Ninian use them and level such that she needs HP.

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I do have the angelic robe from Isadora. Gonna give it to Serra most likely and see if it makes a difference on my next attempt.

Edit: I did have a run where Serra facetanked a low nomad hit... who literally barely killed her, chose to heal Ninian, Serra was promoted too.

I have no problems till I get past that annoying General. Then it becomes too much to handle with more wyverns.

Edited by TempestStorm
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