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Mafia Sucks Mafia - Game over


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Tiny Goddess doing it is fine cause she had gotten a guilty result off of her only role shot.

I don't understand how you got a guilty verdict off of me though because I'm not a Miller. Does this imply that a Tailor exists somewhere in the set up? It doesn't make sense considering the set up that already consists of so many Millers and cop-messing roles though. According to my role results, it is possible that you might have been redirected (not going to claim more of my role than necessary).

I don't get why Bakura and Clarinets are claiming.

Clarinets's explanation feels like a huge WIFOM scenario right now. I'm sure scum could have tried to claim a Vanilla role and used the "Why would I claim this as scum?" card to stay hidden. The timing of the claim, as I mentioned before, feels really iffy to me.

The reason why I said that I don't think a Vanilla exists is because town has had quite a bit of passive roles like SB's Silenced Miller, Poly's Hated Townie and Refa's Miller role. I think that if there were to be another town with a passive role, it wouldn't be a Vanilla role but a variant of another passive role or something. This is all role speculation but given the fact that so many players have already claimed so far, I think it is definitely one way of routing out the scum team.

Bakura's claim was completely dumb and I have no idea what to think of it other than the fact that he shouldn't have claimed...

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Poly wasn't a hated townie, he was a hammerer. It made everyone else a hated townie if he didn't have a vote down at the time.

I don't think I've claimed, I've merely mentioned a chance I had last night that might not even be connected to my role.

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Okay, then that makes slightly more sense.

I want Clarinets to come in and respond to my points on him now.

Also, Gaius, what do you think of the so-called massclaiming that you mentioned? Is it good or bad? A "Why are we massclaiming?" question with no followups serves no purpose at all.

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That was just a shit post while I was analyzing stuff. It doesn't hold any meaning other than to tell people to stop claiming. Also Bakura it would have been more helpful if you stayed hidden because now scum knows you're the protection and can use that. Anyhoo I've think I've got some good ideas on who da scum is.

Town to Scum: LG, Bakura, TG, SB, Clarinets, Splodge/Mancer

##Vote: Mancer

Mancer you haven't done anything overtly scummy or townie, but your slot's interactions with Izuhark are really incriminating. He voted Splodge at first to get some early seperation, and then backtracked on that pretty quickly when Splodge came under heavy fire by a couple of players. Splodge was also one of the only people who didn't vote Izu, along with SB.

Right now I think Mancer>Clarinets> is what's most likely.

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If your intention was to get people to stop claiming, wouldn't it have been better to just say so explicitly?

I mean, more players could have claimed in the time it took for you to analyze things and make that post. That's my two cents on the matter.

I can't deny that my counterpart has had bad interactions with Izhuark. However, I'm hoping that you guys can remember that Splodge was a new player who was fumbling about and has already been subbed out anyway. Please do not vote this playerslot solely based on Splodge's interactions unless you have more concrete reasons to believe that I am scum.

For now, I think that Clarinets is most likely one of the remaining scum members we have to lynch in the game.

I also believe that there are two scum team members left because a 8/2 setup doesn't make any sense; too town-sided in my opinion. Also, the lack of a secondary kill on each night means that there probably isn't any third party players in this game.

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It can't be more than two scum or last phase would have been MyLo. Being a new player doesn't mean anything in reference to scum associations. Izu would show hesitance to seriously attack his buddy and vice versa especially since both are relatively new and there are only two on their team.

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@Everyone not named Mancer: Do you agree or disagree with my reasoning for his slot being scum?

You have me convinced with your words. I feel like checking the facts later to see if the words match up.

Which means I'm gonna read back to see if they interacted like you said they did.

When I have time.

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Bakura (2): Splodge, Izhuark


I was a cop. As much as I want to believe it, the three, maybe a possible fourth Miller are kinda pulling me away from the result all together...


Also, I don't really like Bakura's way of claiming his role? (Again, correct me if he's already claimed his role before this) Missing a protect action isn't a good reason to claim your role in the thread at all. It just opens him up to being shot and killed by scum. Doesn't seem realistic for town to suddenly up and claim in this way.

Bakura's claim was completely dumb and I have no idea what to think of it other than the fact that he shouldn't have claimed...


I'm not sure what you mean by that. I scanned Splodge specifically, and then got the result that he was mafia.


##Vote: Mancer

I don't understand how you got a guilty verdict off of me though because I'm not a Miller. Does this imply that a Tailor exists somewhere in the set up? It doesn't make sense considering the set up that already consists of so many Millers and cop-messing roles though. According to my role results, it is possible that you might have been redirected (not going to claim more of my role than necessary).

6. You will be informed if your action is blocked or redirected.


##Vote: Mancer

I also believe that there are two scum team members left because a 8/2 setup doesn't make any sense; too town-sided in my opinion. Also, the lack of a secondary kill on each night means that there probably isn't any third party players in this game.


##Vote: Mancer

##Vote: Mancer

##Vote: Mancer

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@Everyone not named Mancer: Do you agree or disagree with my reasoning for his slot being scum?

I definitely agree with your reasoning. However, I'm not going to vote for Mancer just yet because that'll be majority and he'll be lynched. Not sure if this phase is ready to end yet.

Tiny Goddess doing it is fine cause she had gotten a guilty result off of her only role shot.

I agree, I don't think she's nearly as suspicious anymore.

I don't get why Bakura and Clarinets are claiming.

To be honest, I'm not sure why I claimed either. I just saw others claim and went along with it.

Clarinets's explanation feels like a huge WIFOM scenario right now. I'm sure scum could have tried to claim a Vanilla role and used the "Why would I claim this as scum?" card to stay hidden. The timing of the claim, as I mentioned before, feels really iffy to me.

As I said, I claimed because others claimed. I only used that argument because I couldn't think of any other reason for me to claim Town Vanilla as Town in this setup. Also, what does WIFOM mean?

The reason why I said that I don't think a Vanilla exists is because town has had quite a bit of passive roles like SB's Silenced Miller, Poly's Hated Townie and Refa's Miller role. I think that if there were to be another town with a passive role, it wouldn't be a Vanilla role but a variant of another passive role or something. This is all role speculation but given the fact that so many players have already claimed so far, I think it is definitely one way of routing out the scum team.

Well, I guess I see your point. It doesn't make that much sense for Town Vanilla in this setup. I can't think of any good reason for it to be included. Maybe it was filler, maybe they didn't want half the players to be Millers, I don't know.

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Woah we're actually one vote away from a lynch

That escalated quickly.

I don't understand how you got a guilty verdict off of me though because I'm not a Miller. Does this imply that a Tailor exists somewhere in the set up? It doesn't make sense considering the set up that already consists of so many Millers and cop-messing roles though. According to my role results, it is possible that you might have been redirected (not going to claim more of my role than necessary).

I don't think that's the case, seeing as it would have said another person if it was redirected. Also, are you saying it might have been possible I was targeted? I'm not sure I follow you there... If that's supposed to be a claim.

I also believe that there are two scum team members left because a 8/2 setup doesn't make any sense; too town-sided in my opinion. Also, the lack of a secondary kill on each night means that there probably isn't any third party players in this game.

So... 8/3? Both haven't been targeting each other, and they were the only two who targeted Bakura, and I think that was a little iffy. I think it's only two scum. Now that I think about it, didn't they bring up a similar point when voting for Bakura? Both about inactivity... I'm not saying that's something we should focus on, but it gives me something to think about.

I agree with Gaius' point that Mancer may be scum, but I want to see what he has to say.

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I have a great acker report from last night that you visited Refa/Elieson. I'm a one-shot Tracker. No idea why Splodge decided to target Tiny Goddess with the Tracker shot lol.

@Gaius: If Bakura has a role that can stop kills, it would have been potential MyLo and afaik, potential MyLo will not be announced (according to the rules).

@SB: I can't say I understand how roles and such work. All that I have posted are the information that I have in the game at all. The only other way that everything makes sense now is if Tiny Goddess is scum who killed Refa/Elieson and I tracked her on the mafia team kill.

##Unvote (ClarinetsandOboes)

##Vote: Tiny Goddess

I still think that Clarinets is scum but given the facts and the rules that SB quoted, something feels wrong about Tiny Goddess. The only explanation for the discrepancies in the facts that I can think of is that she is scum. I'm also not convinced about the fact that there are only 2 scum team? Feels like way too many town members for me (although I may be wrong about this).

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Good discussion everyone keep up the good work

Anyways, if it's neither mylo nor lylo now there's probably not much risk in lynching one, then the other if we're wrong.

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Alright, assume I targeted Refa/Elieson last night, but with my role in mind:

Why would I waste my one shot on someone that I know was a miller? The only way for that to happen, if I targeted Splodge, was if I was directed to them, which doesn't seem to be the case, as it said specifically him. Also the 'reason this happened is because I'm scum', without any reasoning behind it lacks conviction. I'm not basing you off of what Izuhark + Splodge based Bakura off of [which I think was completely false, and I feel a little guilty for scumreading him]. If you have more evidence to prove me so, feel free to bring it up. But now I'm convinced that there are no role-changing roles at the moment.

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