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Create your own legendary weapon

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or just create any weapon really, doesn't have to be a legendary. Anyway heres my idea

Ask - Sword of the Gods. Can create one phantom at a time with one HP. *based on users strength*
Mt 11
Hit 70
Crt -5
Rank - Whatever is the highest depending on the game.

Embla - Lance of the Gods. Has a passive fortify effect. Heals all allies in range for 20% of their HP before the users turn starts.
Mt 14
HIt 65
Crt -10

Rank - whatever is the highest depending on the game.

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Is this even Fates-specific?

In FE14's scope, I'd say there should be exclusive weapons for the rest of the royals. Even Aqua.

Elise and Sakura could get infinite-use staves that provide slight bonuses beyond Heal (for example, Elise could use a version Heal+Fortify and Sakura could use the equivalent of FE12's Defence Staff). Camilla and Hinoka would be straightforward -- just naginata and axe versions of what's already there. Aqua's could be a singer-only weapon that offsets her innate limitations (low movement, max naginata rank C) and perhaps highlight her high Skl andSpd.

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Usually weapons ranks for weapons such as falchion and other main lord weapons either have prf rank or E rank. Only the character can use it so that's why the rank is like that.

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*Laughing Spree

Well sure, I suppose I'll drop a few that I've been thinking of recently

Inverted Thunder Katana

Rank A, Range 1. 9 MT, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 0 Avoid.

Defense -10, Crit + 50 during enemy phase, cannot double

Overly specific though, it'd be so trolly somewhat

Rebellion Katana

Rank A, Range 1-2. 10 MT, 50 Hit, 0 Crit, -50 Avoid.

Defense - 20, ignores half enemy defense, cannot trigger Astra, et al

Revolution Katana

Rank A, Range 1. 10 MT, 65 Hit, 0 Crit, -30 Avoid.

Defense -10, ignores half enemy defense, cannot critical

Verity Spear

Rank A, Range 1. 5 MT, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 0 Avoid

Halves damage taken, cannot double, critical, or trigger Astra, et al

Impulse Katana

Rank A, Range 1-2. 8 MT 70 Hit, 0 Crit, 10 Avoid

Grants Vantage+ if attacked at Range 1 during enemy phase. Defense - 30

I suck at making these, as usual, hoho

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This weapon fits better in Awakening, but I guess it suits for fates too.

Weapon: Frederick’s Bear Cleaver

Rank: E

Range: 1

MT: 6, Hit: 50, Crit: 20, Avoid: -5.

Hit and Crit + 30 against beast type units. Effective against beast type units. Ineffective otherwise.

Designed to slay a tremedous beast.

Joke weapons for the victory! :P:
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Why not? I am assuming this is a FE14 weapon.

Type: Tome (Dark Magic - Sorcerers and Dark Mages only)

Name: Asterius

Rank: S

Range: 1-2

Mt: 10 Hit: 80 Crit: 0 Avoid: -5


Saps HP from enemy, cannot double attack or perform critical hits.

There needed to be more Dark Spells in this game. :(

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Ehh. I've been wanting to do this for a while now.

The Iron Branch

Range: 1

Rank: A

9 MT, 84 Hit, 0 Crit, Avoid: 0

Seems like a normal branch at first, but it's more than meets the eye.

Can't trigger Astrum, effective on Armored units. Can't be forged.

Edited by Raccoon844
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Two Joke ones

Sharpened Log (a slightly better variant of the log weapon)


Rank- E



Villager Only

Enemy is unable to counter attack as they are to busy laughing at the fact that their enemy is trying to beat them up with a log

And next

Frying pan of the gods



Mt-over 9000

Hit- 50

Crit- 99

Avoid- -100

Will always double, Def & Res -10

Edited by Mackc2
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Orca's War Hammer

Rank: S

Type: Axe

Range: 1

MT: 10

Hit: 85

Crit: 15

Avoid: 0

Effective against Armored Units. Defense +3 during Enemy Phase.


Rank: A

Type: Tome

Range: 1-2

MT: 7

Hit: 95

Crit: 0

Avoid: 20

Ingore disadvantage of weapon triangle.

Eagle Bane

Rank: S

Type: Bow

Range: 3-10

MT: 7

Hit: 70

Crit: 0

Avoid: -10

Cannot double. Def and Skl -3 during Enemy Phase.

Of Serpents

Rank: S

Type: Staff

Range: Unlimited

MT: 10

Hit: 80

Crit: 5

Avoid: -10

Counterattack when attacked. Causes poison on counter. Heals distant ally for 10HP but inflicts 10HP on user. Recover 5HP at the start of Player Phase.

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Suemarie, Longsword of the Special Snowflake

Special effects:

Everyone will always talk about you even when completely unnecessary for the narrative.

Your actions will always be excused by other members of the cast.

Raises the chance of scoring with a hot anime stud to 100%

Can only be worn by the main character.

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Suemarie, Longsword of the Special Snowflake

Special effects:

Everyone will always talk about you even when completely unnecessary for the narrative.

Your actions will always be excused by other members of the cast.

Raises the chance of scoring with a hot anime stud to 100%

Can only be worn by the main character.

I hope it's a Katana* in a western setting. Those things can cut a tank in half.

It would be perfect for my OC, Kuroshiro**

*Katana means Japanese sword.

**Kuroshiro means "black and white" which hints at my character's elemental affinities to light and darkness

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Not really trying to rip off the great club, though what can I say....

Denial Yumi

Bow S, Range 3. Might 10, Hit 30, Crit 70, 30 Avoid (May be too much). Defense -20, cannot trigger Astra, et al

Kinda silly though

Let's see here....

Paper Shuriken

Kunai E, Range 1-2. Might 0, Hit 65, Crit 25, 30 Avoid. Defense -5

Though lowering might seems to be kind of a bad idea though, hmm

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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Awakened Missiletainn






Range:1-2(range 2 do magic damage)

eff: strength, Magic, Skill, speed +3, effective damage against Monsters/evil dragons, give the user the vantage skill

EDIT: i forgot to say that this is a Sword

Edited by alguidrag
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Well since I thought of this, might as well put it here

Hanatheia (Sword)

Rank S, Range 1. 0 Mt, 90 Hit, 50 Crit, 50 Avoid. -15 Defense, cannot trigger special skills.

I'm sure all the offensive skills would boost this over the toply, but I dunno, oh well

Helingleia (Lance)

Rank S, Range 1-2. 0 Mt, 85 Hit, 10 Crit, 10 Avoid. +10 DEF/RES, cannot double

Random weapon 4 days

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Let me try.

Helios (Saber)

Rank: E/Prf

Range: 1

Might: 11

Hit: 50

Critical: 70

Avoid: 20

+5 to Skill and Speed, -5 Defense during enemy phase

Enyo (Two-handed sword, functions as axe)

Rank: E/Prf

Range: 1

Might: 17

Hit: 40

Critical: 20

Avoid: -10

Hits units directly adjacent to target with half damage, surviving units are pushed back one tile, -5 Speed, cannot double.

Edited by Nanima²
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Hmm, random time I guess

Inlivia (Tome)

Rank S, Range 3. 0 Mt, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 10 Avoid. +5 Def/Res, User and Enemy's ability to double attack +5, skill activation rate + 10%

(Completely broken I think, oops)

Not so broken was many others, but that skill activation rate +10% for a 3 range weapon is a bit broken(letality i'm looking to you)

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Light magic has been missing for the past two games (Book of Naga in Awakening does not count, nor really does moonlight in Fates)

Solas Na Rionnaig [Gaelic for light of the star]

Tome - E

Might - 14

Hit - 100

Crit - 5

Avoid - 5

Range 1-2

Effective against Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Dark Knight

Def/Res + 4 when in possession

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