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Any guilty confessions?


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I don't have the game, but from what I've seen, there will be a lot of guilty confessions on my part, so here goes:

- I can't stand Tsukuyomi and I will feed him to the Faceless or one of the Nohrian Royals.

- I'm not really that fond of Takumi either, although he'll probably end up as my main archer throughout Hoshido.

- Tsubaki, too. He (like Tsukuyomi) will be fodder.

- I think I actually have a waifu now (Hana) Help me!!!

- On that note: I'll play favourites and give Hana all the status-upgrade items I can get my hands on!

- I kinda wanna marry Velour on my Nohr run (werewolf-dragon hybrid child)

- I don't want Elise or Sakura to marry anyone. No lolicon touches my little sisters on my watch, damn it!

- Connecting to above: I may be too invested in the characters and story already...

- I don't mind the fanservice and I think the Fire Emblem Amie thing is hilarious

- If I ever make a female MU, I'll marry Kaze

- I don't get why Oboro is so popular (maybe because I haven't played the game yet)

- I'm guilty of believing Ryoma is cooler than Marx/Xander

- I'm also guilty of wishing Lillith was playable in the in-game chapters and not just in my castle. (And she's cute as a button)

- I'll probably use more female characters than male in all my playthroughs.

- I'll probably stop giving a damn about growth rates and just use the characters/classes I like the most, like always.

That's a lot to get off my chest, but here you are.

Edited by DragonFlames
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[spoiler=Character death]

I accidentally spoiled Crimson's death in the 3rd route for myself a while back by way of an untagged spoiler and I was absolutely crushed. still am

...well at least I know I'm only marrying her on Birthright now

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- I like the third path the most, just because I like the chessy happy ending with both families together

- Despite what some people say of the story, I'm sure I will enjoy the game anyway

- All the "#BlameTakumi" thing was what made me to start giving him attention and now he is my favorite character

- I put a Fates picture that I printed in my job desktop and changed the cursor of the job computer to a mini sprite of Kisaragi

- Also now I have too much headcanons... Some of them contradict canon but I like them that way

- And last... I confese I like the idea of Leon x Oboro too much and I fell sad that they can't get supports (it's my crack ship)

Edited by SniperGYS
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I will gladly join you. It feels like people don't talk much about Hinoka as much as Camilla, but I also have seen a lot of that on Tumblr which I've stopped going on there. So... I don't know.

As for another confession... I guess I feel uncomfortable as Kamui. Mostly for the fact I don't like being overly complimented and put on a pedestal. Which is in a lot of the game. So watching and reading supports where Kamui is kind of complimented constantly is... awkward and very, very uncomfortable for me.

What bothers me is that Camilla's attention is mostly hateful and unkind. Like, i get that people are uncomfortable with her appearance and some of her personality, but ive seen some truly horrible and misogynistic stuff lobbed in her direction. I dont think thats fair. Its not the character's fault, the devs made her that way. So, i kinda wish people would aim their argle bargle at the devs/writers, not at Camilla.

Hinoka is treated much kinder in the fandom, and while she isnt talked about a huge amount, its still better than the alternative. She gets a lot of cute fanart.

I kind of like Revelations' story.

tbh, so do it. The only beef i have is that plot device. You know the one. But i do like the rest of it from what i read.

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- I like the third path the most, just because I like the chessy happy ending with both families together

- Despite what some people say of the story, I'm sure I will enjoy the game anyway

- All the "#HateTakumi" thing was what made me to start giving him attention and now he is my favorite character

- I put a Fates picture that I printed in my job desktop and changed the cursor of the job computer to a mini sprite of Kisaragi

- Also now I have too much headcanons... Some of them contradict canon but I like them that way

- And last... I confese I like the idea of Leon x Oboro too much and I fell sad that they can't get supports (it's my crack ship)

#BlameTakumi; shows how irrelevant it is now.

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#BlameTakumi; shows how irrelevant it is now.

Oh! You're right! He he, I even forget how the thing was, thats what happen when you end liking the character that ome people wanted you to hate and blame lol?

Ok, I'm fixing it!

Btw I add this one confession:

- For some reason, every time I hear in the radio the songs: Breaking the Habit & Numb, somehow I end thinking in Leon for the first one and Takumi for the second... Yeah LoL

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Be forewarned: my confessions will make me seem like the biggest jerk in the world, and you will never look at me the same. But in reading them, you will see yourself and the darkness that hides within us all.

-I don't ship Oboro/Takumi because I like Takumi, and Oboro annoys me. Instead, I ship Oboro with Ryoma (who I dislike), so she will be in the same family as Takumi and can watch him be happy with someone else, and Ryoma can discover that his wife is truly in love with his younger brother, and neither of them will ever be happy.


-I don't like Hinoka, so I'm shipping her with Asama so she's with an unattractive priest who is also an asshole.

-I prefer Nohr to Hoshido primarily because the Nohrian family is more aesthetically appealing.

-I've always thought Tharja/Syalla was pretty funny.

-I am killing Fuuga and Asyura off just for being unattractive.

-I dislike Flora and am totally okay with her Hoshidan fate. I don't ship Flora and Jakob.

-the only Kamuisexuals I like are Yukimura and Izana (dammit, IK).

-I am marrying Xander in my main file, and when I grind to get the rest of Kamui's S-supports, I will either leave him unmarried or kill him because if I can't have him, NO ONE can.

-I hate both the Kannas because of their hair.

Edited by Respite&Nepenthe
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I think killing off characters for being unattractive is incredibly shallow, to be honest.

I can understand killing off characters for their personality, but for their looks, that's disgusting.

Maybe I should see them less as people and more as chunks of data, but then I wouldn't be playing this series if I was that kind of person, hm?

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I think killing off characters for being unattractive is incredibly shallow, to be honest.

I can understand killing off characters for their personality, but for their looks, that's disgusting.

Maybe I should see them less as people and more as chunks of data, but then I wouldn't be playing this series if I was that kind of person, hm?

I know it's shallow. That's why this is a guilty confession. There's no need to be rude about it when I am trying to be light-hearted about this, and all and all have fun playing a game and not pay too much attention on being an upstanding individual.

I tend to view characters more as funny tropes than people, and if a character has a redeeming personality or interesting backstory, I won't kill them off for their looks. However the characters I mentioned don't particularly stand out to me in terms of personality - simply because they are Kamuisexuals. Whereas characters like Gregor from Awakening or even Asama from Fates, I like because they amuse me, have some fun supports, and so I allow them blessed life in their land of eternal war.

I sound rude about this and I am sorry, I'm not trying to.

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I know it's shallow. That's why this is a guilty confession. There's no need to be rude about it when I am trying to be light-hearted about this, and all and all have fun playing a game and not pay too much attention on being an upstanding individual.

I tend to view characters more as funny tropes than people, and if a character has a redeeming personality or interesting backstory, I won't kill them off for their looks. However the characters I mentioned don't particularly stand out to me in terms of personality - simply because they are Kamuisexuals. Whereas characters like Gregor from Awakening or even Asama from Fates, I like because they amuse me, have some fun supports, and so I allow them blessed life in their land of eternal war.

Sorry if I came off as rude first.

Second; Well, after all these games show these characters mostly as objects, so your point of view doesn't surprise me and it's understandable.

I should probably stop taking these sort of things by heart, cuz these are completely bidimensional fictional characters, but the way you and other people put it (aka "I killed off Meg bc she's fat and ugly") is still jarring to me, because even though they're ugly they can warm the bench without really ruining your experience, can they? Or are ugly people really that hard to live with?

It breaks my heart a little, so to speak.

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Well since we're confessing our plans to kill people.

I killed Gonzales because I didn't like his face


If I don't marry Zero to M!Kamui I'm killing off Eponine because I find her completely disgusting. Unless localization does something really crazy I'm going to kill her off no matter what.

Same goes for Soliel, though to a much lesser degree since I think localization can help her a bit easier.

Zero would easily be on this list too if he couldn't capture in Nohr. On IK though...

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<3 Embrace the predictableness! <3

Sexy long haired samurai are wonderful!

yes I quite agree

I have a track record with long hair pretty-dudes haha

but it's also like, two of my other favorite male characters of all time are Thor (duh) and Jotaro Kujo

so Ryouma's sword, Raijin, that translates to Thunder god and it's often used as an epithet for Ryouma himself

Thor much

But then all the lobster jokes and Jotaro is a marine biology phd mega fish nerd and I'm like

Holy shit

like what the fuck game

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I have a really bad habit of applying double standards...

[spoiler=Incoming List of Double Standards]

I find Soleil's flirting habits annoying, but I don't mind Lazward's too much (unless it goes overboard).

I think Lazward is awesome and has a lot of depth to him, but I don't like his daughter, who's basically a copy + paste version of him.

I think Odin is boring, but I love his daughter, who's basically a copy + paste version of him.

I hate on Matoi (and similarly, Cordelia from FEA) and Ryoma for being too perfect, but I have no qualms whatsoever about Leo being a natural genius.

I detest the Awakening parents for coming back (especially Matoi, for some reason), but I don't mind the Awakening children trio... I even voted Luna every single day for the character popularity poll.

I dislike Takumi's popularity, but I don't mind Leo's... and they were only a couple of votes apart.

Speaking of Takumi and Leo, I hate how childish Takumi is, but I adore Leo for being an immature, arrogant dick.

And I hate how pretty Takumi is, but I don't mind that Leo also has pretty eyes and practically looks like a typical yaoi uke.

Foleo's whole "I'm a guy who's too pretty" quirk annoys me, but I doted on Libra in Awakening, and even laughed at how helplessly Virion fell for him.

I hate how Zero makes so many innuendos at people like Camilla, but I screamed in joy when Zero made all the passes at Leo, because I'm a hopeless Zero/Leo fangirl...

I'm a huge yaoi fan myself, but I hate Eponine's gimmick.

I don't like Silas (or his daughter, actually) because he's boring and cliched, but I like Azura.

I don't like Mozume and I think she's more of a liability than an asset as a unit, but I abused Donnel in FEA, even for Lunatic runthroughs.

One of the main reasons I don't like Orochi is because of her outfit, but I can easily ignore Camilla's outfit...

I hate Ryoma's,Takumi's, and Jakob's long hair, but I love Hinata's. And I feel like Leo would look hella cute with long hair.

I normally love characters who cover their eyes, but Hinoka's bangs frustrate me. I wish I could take a scissor to them...

I find Sakura's supportive, innocent "nii-sama" role annoying, but I absolutely adore Elise for the very same reason...

I love Saizo/Kagero because canon "supports" them (in that they once were lovers), but I hate Takumi/Oboro for the same reason (in that Oboro has a crush on Takumi).

I really wished Chrom could marry Cordelia in FEA to fulfill her unrequited love, but I really don't want to pair up Takumi and Oboro.

I'd feel guilty marrying Corirn to Lutz, but I'd still marry him to Elise or Midoriko (and her to Tsukuyomi or Kisaragi).

I've gotten used to RPG games having female busts out, but all the male cleavage makes me uncomfortable.

Edited by Minischew
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I have a really bad habit of applying double standards...

[spoiler=Incoming List of Double Standards]

I find Soleil's flirting habits annoying, but I don't mind Lazward's too much (unless it goes overboard).

I think Lazward is awesome and has a lot of depth to him, but I don't like his daughter, who's basically a copy + paste version of him.

I think Odin is boring, but I love his daughter, who's basically a copy + paste version of him.

I hate on Matoi (and similarly, Cordelia from FEA) and Ryoma for being too perfect, but I have no qualms whatsoever about Leo being a natural genius.

I detest the Awakening parents for coming back (especially Matoi, for some reason), but I don't mind the Awakening children trio... I even voted Luna every single day for the character popularity poll.

I dislike Takumi's popularity, but I don't mind Leo's... and they were only a couple of votes apart.

Speaking of Takumi and Leo, I hate how childish Takumi is, but I adore Leo for being an immature, arrogant dick.

And I hate how pretty Takumi is, but I don't mind that Leo also has pretty eyes and practically looks like a typical yaoi uke.

Foleo's whole "I'm a guy who's too pretty" quirk annoys me, but I doted on Libra in Awakening, and even laughed at how helplessly Virion fell for him.

I hate how Zero makes so many innuendos at people like Camilla, but I screamed in joy when Zero made all the passes at Leo, because I'm a hopeless Zero/Leo fangirl...

I'm a huge yaoi fan myself, but I hate Eponine's gimmick.

I don't like Silas (or his daughter, actually) because he's boring and cliched, but I like Azura.

I don't like Mozume and I think she's more of a liability than an asset as a unit, but I abused Donnel in FEA, even for Lunatic runthroughs.

One of the main reasons I don't like Orochi is because of her outfit, but I can easily ignore Camilla's outfit...

I hate Ryoma's,Takumi's, and Jakob's long hair, but I love Hinata's. And I feel like Leo would look hella cute with long hair.

I normally love characters who cover their eyes, but Hinoka's bangs frustrate me. I wish I could take a scissor to them...

I find Sakura's supportive, innocent "nii-sama" role annoying, but I absolutely adore Elise for the very same reason...

I love Saizo/Kagero because canon "supports" them (in that they once were lovers), but I hate Takumi/Oboro for the same reason (in that Oboro has a crush on Takumi).

I really wished Chrom could marry Cordelia in FEA to fulfill her unrequited love, but I really don't want to pair up Takumi and Oboro.

I'd feel guilty marrying Corirn to Lutz, but I'd still marry him to Elise or Midoriko (and her to Tsukuyomi or Kisaragi).

I've gotten used to RPG games having female busts out, but all the male cleavage makes me uncomfortable.

Haha maybe it isn't just double standards but a Nohr bias?

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Haha maybe it isn't just double standards but a Nohr bias?

I do have a Nohr bias, but there are also a couple of points that have to do purely within Nohr/Hoshido. The first three, for instance, have nothing to do with Nohr vs. Hoshido.

There are also a couple of Nohr vs. Hoshido points that actually don't have to do with my bias. For instance, I'm generally more fond of the Awakening kids than the parents. But I'm still applying a double standard when I say something like, "Ugh, they're just expies; they shouldn'the have brought Awakening into this," which I do. And that's not really fair to say when I'm pretty happy Luna and Lazward are there...

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