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Then there's monster classes in VII

Beating up something over and over, waiting for a single measly drop...

That shit I am going to have to force myself to skip, because I have a massive problem in RPGs where I generally try and get everything I possibly can as soon as possible. =P It is why I fail at Final Fantasy VIII because I can't bring myself to go to Ifrit without having Quistis' best whip and several materials from cards to refine into THREE HUNDRED Flare SPELLS beforehand.

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That shit I am going to have to force myself to skip, because I have a massive problem in RPGs where I generally try and get everything I possibly can as soon as possible. =P It is why I fail at Final Fantasy VIII because I can't bring myself to go to Ifrit without having Quistis' best whip and several materials from cards to refine into THREE HUNDRED Flare SPELLS beforehand.

Some are found in chests thankfully.

Or in casino, which is its own kind of problem

And you need only the basic class (though Mimic is its own problem).

I wasted tons of time on it because you can't get monster heart before a certain part of the game, and it's never actually said.

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I actually like the casinos in DQ lol.

As for DQ7, yeah, pretty much everything in it is a grind. Classes are a grind, monster hearts are a grind, and even parts of the story are a grind. I'd be interested in seeing a real remake some time in the future where a lot of that is cut down. A 60-80 hour DQ7 would be a lot more manageable. As it is now you can only really get times like that if you skip a lot of content, rush or have a guide on hand.

Edited by Tangerine
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The best Casino is DQVIII's, because broken roulette.

I dunno if that was nerfed or not

I think the only game that really matched DQ7 grinding was VI, but that was mainly because I was an idiot and didn't realize Alltrades poofed back into existence until Spiegelspire (or whatever it was called) and had to spend a while just job grinding.

And without that error, VII more or less wins. At least Present!Krage exists later in the game with the abundant Metal King Slimes and Liquid Metal Slimes.

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All I've really got left for my main eight party is the advanced and hero classes, before I move on to try and get the three Dragonic Diligence scrolls that I can find, along with trying to complete the style contest for the Sage's Stone. I might actually keep the Ghent Staff in the main party too, even though it only heals one person. It's still awesome.

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Staff of Ghent is a good thing to give to Carver so he can back up Nevan and Milly Hustle Dancing and Sage Stoneing if they fall behind. It's really useful when you first get it too, Nevan would run his MP dry without it.

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My party for most of the game was only ever the Hero, Ashlynn, Milly, and Carver, until I got Terry and swapped Carver out. =I I always had a soft spot for Terry, so he was guaranteed a spot, I never NOT use my Hero, and, well...the ladies are too gorgeous not to use. (Although Milly gets the same bonus as Terry, since I played Dragon Warrior Monsters as a kid).

Also, I think I only ever really used the Staff of Ghent for healing. I don't recall ever actually using magic to heal.

Edited by Dai
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After a while, relying solely on Midheals the Staff of Ghent provides would just screw you over, since there's a lot of AoE and high single target damage that it just can't keep up with. The Sage's Stone (obtained via the fashion competition, level 7 iirc?) and Hustle Dance (from Luminary (TeenIdol in VII PS1)) more or less function as a zero-MP full party heal for around 70 damage per person (including wagon people!).

Terry is awesome, yeah. Shame we've yet to get the Terry's Wonderland remake, but hey, if it took VII all this time for an announcement I guess it's still possible maybe.

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Given that Terry's Wonderland came out early 2012 I think and they've already got the sequel to THAT remade, AND with DQMJ3 on the horizon, I seriously kind of doubt that, unfortunately.

Also, it served me well so far. Especially since the Hero also has the Meteorite Bracer and the Sands of Time in case things go REALLY sour.

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Given that Terry's Wonderland came out early 2012 I think and they've already got the sequel to THAT remade, AND with DQMJ3 on the horizon, I seriously kind of doubt that, unfortunately.

Also, it served me well so far. Especially since the Hero also has the Meteorite Bracer and the Sands of Time in case things go REALLY sour.

Suppose so, at least the original made it over, unlike Caravan Heart. I'd like to play it at some point, all my Terry and Milly/Milayou exposure is DQVI and IX for Milly.

Still, I don't know how it would be possible to keep up against later bosses, and even later random encounters. healing 70 damage to one person per turn is just outpaced by later damage outputs.

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Suppose so, at least the original made it over, unlike Caravan Heart. I'd like to play it at some point, all my Terry and Milly/Milayou exposure is DQVI and IX for Milly.

Still, I don't know how it would be possible to keep up against later bosses, and even later random encounters. healing 70 damage to one person per turn is just outpaced by later damage outputs.

The most troubling thing I faced was the boss rush against Dhuran's minions and Dhuran himself. My strategy mostly was just to have Ashlynn on healing duty, with Carver, the Hero, and Milly spamming, for the most part. The men were mostly just using Hatchet Man or Massacre, I forget which.

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Oh, I know. Before I did this run, I managed to get past it up until the final dungeon...and then I put the game down for a few years...I just never got back to it, but I decided I'd try and beat it this year, though. I started over though, because I just couldn't remember much otherwise about what I'd done.

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That shit I am going to have to force myself to skip, because I have a massive problem in RPGs where I generally try and get everything I possibly can as soon as possible. =P It is why I fail at Final Fantasy VIII because I can't bring myself to go to Ifrit without having Quistis' best whip and several materials from cards to refine into THREE HUNDRED Flare SPELLS beforehand.

I didn't know you could make save the queen before fighting ifrit. How do you get the magazine for forging it?
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I didn't know you could make save the queen before fighting ifrit. How do you get the magazine for forging it?

I didn't. I just got the materials for it.

"The Save the Queen is Quistis's most powerful whip modeled from Malboro Tentacle x2, Sharp Spike x4, and Energy Crystal x4. It is the only ultimate weapon whose materials can be obtained without leaving Balamb Garden via Triple Triad and Card Mod." -The Final Fantasy Wiki.

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Never heard of it before...

What is it exactly ?

Snaily is bred from Bug + Slimes which is extremely common

Their stats is horrendously overpowered, at least for the time span where you can get them(as soon as you can breed monsters). HP and MP is below average, and Int is low, but they have above average ATK, DEF, and AGI

They have THE fastest level progression out of any Slimes as well

The trick involves making a Snaily through Slime fusion with any Bug(who tends to have fast level progression). The resulting Snaily will naturally become a stats monster. This is further helped by Healing Slime being recruited for free, so you can easilly pump up a Super Snaily in a reasonable time

DWM2 make it even more broken since the Stats Up Ring works well with fast growing monster on principle. Equipping Sailor Ring(Boost Def on level Up, first right alvailable) on a Snaily that went through the trick basically creates a super tank that can solo the game with normal attack

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I've played DQ4, 5 and maybe DQ9 (I don't remember the number of that DS game where your character is an angel). The first mentioned was kind of boring (although it had cool moments), the second was great and kept me playing on for three days straight, while the last one didn't grab my attention for so long. The one I came close to finishing was DQ5, I remember I stopped playing DQ4 on Alena's chapter.

I think I'll try DQ7 and DQ8 since they're getting remakes. Looks like a nice series that I could get into.

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DQ8 isn't a "remake" in the traditional sense, see one of my first posts in this thread. 3DS DQ8 is a (significantly) technically worse version of the original. It's just a port with some extra content to make up for the downgrades.

DQ7 is a pretty nice technical upgrade though.

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2 more playable characters (Morrie and Red), and an extra storyline, mainly.

Don't forget the addition of the boss rush

Estark is a superboss at the end, complete with 1000+ damage single target.

Edit: oh, some bosses were changed as well. Empyrea gets Kafuddle, and Marcello gets Kathwack. There may be others, but that's all I know off the top of my head.

I've played DQ4, 5 and maybe DQ9 (I don't remember the number of that DS game where your character is an angel)

I think I'll try DQ7 and DQ8 since they're getting remakes. Looks like a nice series that I could get into.

That is indeed IX.

[spoiler=completely unrelated DQVIII pirate boss advice]have Jessica puff puff if you have trouble with him. 9/10 times it'll remove an action of his and reset his tension. Why am I telling you this?

...because I've seen complaints about him and facepalm every time I do

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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