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(Japan) Fire Emblem considered amongst the most wanted "Warriors" collaborations

Shadow Stalker X

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I expect lots of criticism and ridicule for my wishlist because it's terrible, but...

I'd want all of the Lord characters:


















NO Avatar characters! No Mark, no Chris, no Robin, no Corrin.

I'd also want villains:











-Black Knight/Zelgius






I would also want:



After Marth (and possibly Roy, Ike, Robin, and Lucina, thanks to Smash Bros.?), these two are kind of like mascots. Kind of.

As for all the other non-Lord, non-villain, non-mascot-ish characters...

FE 1/3/11/12













Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

FE 4:

1st Gen:








2nd Gen:






Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 16

And yes, I completely skipped over FE 2.

FE 5:








Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 9

FE 6:














This was the hardest group to pick just because the cast is so big. Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

FE 7:











If they can make Agitha work in Hyrule Warriors, then they can certainly make Ninian and Nils work! Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

FE 8:












L'Arachel and her troop would be absolutely hilarious. Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

FE 9/10:











Brom/Nephenee bias. Must have them. Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

FE 13:

1st Gen:






2nd Gen:






Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

FE 14:















I don't know much about this game since I haven't played it yet. So, I just picked all the royal siblings, characters that are units in both routes, and Flora. Including Lord and villain characters, the character count is: 15

Total character count:


Yes, there are a lot of characters listed. But hey, it's a Fire Emblem/Dynasty Warriors crossover spin-off, and Fire Emblem is suited for lots of characters due to how large the cast in each game is! And it's my wishlist. The tricky part is making them all unique and not clones of each other. Hmm...

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Well Warriors Orochi did it, to an extent, so it's possible.

And each character in current non spin-off musou games have unique movesets.

DW = 83 unique movesets

SW = 56 unique(61 if you count CAW weapons)

So that's 139 unique movesets. 144 if you count the CAW from SW. It's possible.

Edited by Soledai
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I got the chance to play Hyrule Warriors recently, and it was really fun. I certainly wouldn't mind something like "Fire Emblem Warriors" … although I have to admit that what I really want to see FE cross over with is Etrian Odyssey.

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@Fire Emblem Fan

Your list is very good and I agree with all of it (although it'd be impossible to make this many characters from just the first title), but I'd put at least a Dragon from Tellius. Possibly Deghinsea or Kurthnaga!=D


The fact that they've said nothing is a bit suspicious (I guess it is if we want to see it, lol). With the current costant FE stuff coming out and the success of Hyrule Warriors, I wouldn't be surprised if they are thinking seriously about it. Musou-style gameplay works so well with FE, it's probably the type of non-SRPG action that works the best for it, there's even the Blue Heroes vs Red Villains dynamic.

I wouldn't even mind FE with Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors characters.

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Good List, Fire Emblem Fan. The only thing I disagree with is no Avatars. If Robin can work just fine in Smash Bros., he/she can work just fine in a Fire Emblem Warriors game. Which means Corrin and Chris can work too. Corrin would be kinda unique too, methinks, with the sword and dragon form combination.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'd add Titania to the Tellius list.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yay, my list wasn't as bad as I thought! XD

There were some other characters I wanted to add, but I saw that several of the games all had an equal character count of 15, so I thought "I'm not gonna mess up that perfect balance!" The other characters I wanted to add were:

-Palla, Catria, and Est (1/3/11/12)

-Tiltyu and Arthur (4)

-Wolt and Murdock (6)

-Sain, Kent, Fiora, Heath, and Canas (7)

-Selena (8)

-Titania, Skrimir, and Kurthnaga (9/10)

-Gregor and Olivia (13)

That would have brought the character count to an even total of 150.

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GUYS, GUYS, GUYS! We all know that My Unit/Avatar/Robin/Kamui/Corrin/whateverthefuck is going to be in Emblem Musou because the feature is popular and wishing that it won't is like wishing that Nintendo would stop making Pokemon or Mario games.

All three are an exercise in bullshit because we all know it's going to be a thing because IS/Nintendo knows their going to make then a shit ton of money.

Hopefully though it'll be a simple create-a-character thing.

Also do you think that since characters are in classes, there might be clones?

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@Fire Emblem Fan

I like that list (I'd just want Linda, Tiltyu and Tinny instead of Katarina, Ethlyn and Altenna). Huge +1 for putting Lena in Akaneia

Frankly, if I were to see an emblem musou, i'd just throw my money at my screen. I just ask at least each game's hero, heroine (like in Awakening first dlc pack) and big bads.

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I'd just switch out Brom and Nephenee for Titania and Skrimir. Brom and Nephenee aren't as relevant/important/notable. I find the latter to be pretty boring anyway. And I usually like characters with southern accents.

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Guys. If Hyrule Warriors, based off of Nintendo's second-largest property, doesn't even quite have 30 characters (counting DLC), why do you think an FE Musou would have anything approaching 50?

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I fully endorse this event or product.

Also, since this is Tecmo Koei, I would expect the roster to be heavily centered on FE13/FE14 characters (Because all the ladies with sexy outfits are there).

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DanMan: Because Zelda has a way smaller cast (especially notable cast) than FE? An FE Warriors game is guaranteed to have a lot more playable characters.

Edited by Anacybele
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Guys. If Hyrule Warriors, based off of Nintendo's second-largest property, doesn't even quite have 30 characters (counting DLC), why do you think an FE Musou would have anything approaching 50?

You are correct. Hence why I can see such a huge roster only in a fourth or fifth installment.

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DanMan: Because Zelda has a way smaller cast (especially notable cast) than FE? An FE Warriors game is guaranteed to have a lot more playable characters.

If we're running off of the "Heroes of Yore" DLC choices as main characters, plus Robin/Chrom/Lucina/Kamui/Aqua, we've already got about 30 characters. Unless half the lords are going to be at least partial clones, even that seems a bit of a stretch.

Honestly, if this is actually a thing, don't expect anything not localized to show up, with a frontload of Akaneia and whereeverthecrapFE14is with a sprinkling of Tellius and a couple Elibe characters.

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Honestly, if this is actually a thing, don't expect anything not localized to show up, with a frontload of Akaneia and whereeverthecrapFE14is with a sprinkling of Tellius and a couple Elibe characters.

Sad thing is, this could definitely happen. >_>

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I'd sure like to see powerful units steamroll in a Warriors game, and tremors caused by jumping generals (who then spawn a new exclamation).

Oh my God, I want a general enemy that causes tremors with every step!!!!

And the design must be based on those badass GBA generals!

Edited by CrimeanRoyalKnight
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I like Tellius generals/Marshalls more. In fact, I like pretty much all of Tellius's class designs best, so I'd want all of them to be Tellius-based. :P But they'd probably be the ugly Awakening/Fates style... Fates is somewhat better, but still.

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I'd just switch out Brom and Nephenee for Titania and Skrimir. Brom and Nephenee aren't as relevant/important/notable. I find the latter to be pretty boring anyway. And I usually like characters with southern accents.

Nah, no switching out, then someone would be upset. If anything, I'd just stick Titania and Skrimir in there along with Brom and Nephenee, that's a win-win.

I also think Brom and Nephenee are a lot more relevant/important/notable than people give them credit for. They were featured in Awakening's DLC and SpotPass. And they do have a minor bit of importance in Part 2 of Radiant Dawn, it is a very (<--- emphasis on that) minor part but it's still more than at least (at least) half of the rest the cast can say.

Plus, aren't Nephenee and Aran the only two playable Soldiers in the entirety of the series? That alone gives Nephenee some relevance and she's definitely more notable than Aran, and she's also a fan favorite. She's also usually shown with Brom, so it makes sense to have him as well.

I think Brom is more notable than Gatrie and Tauroneo too, and he's certainly more notable than Meg. Brom's conversations with Zihark give him some more minor importance as well because they are the very reason Meg even exists! The fact that the developers made an entire character based around those conversations says something ("But Meg already existed, he already had a big family!" The point still stands, they could have very easily just left out Meg entirely).

I am not at all trying to knock off Titania and Skrimir. Skrimir at least is clearly more relevant to the plot than Brom and Nephenee. Clearly. Just don't knock off Brom and Nephenee, either. Of all the playable characters in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, these are the ones that I think are more relevant/important/notable:

























-Black Knight/Zelgius

That's only 25 of the playable characters. Radiant Dawn has 73 playable characters. Plus, I'd argue that some of the characters listed, such as Tauroneo and Titania, have about the same level of relevance/notability/importance as Brom and Nephenee. Tauroneo is only listed because of his scenes with Micaiah and Pelleas, but he doesn't really even do anything more notable (or less notable) than what Brom and Nephenee do, I think the same can be said for Sigrun and maybe a couple of others. And even then, Brom and Nephenee are still in the top 27.

Plus, I feel that Brom and Nephenee should be included because they're two of the most "normal" characters in the entire series. The vast majority of characters are royalty/nobles, religious leaders and personnel, military personnel, thieves/bandits/pirates/etc., mercenaries, shapeshifters, and the like. It's a nice change of pace to have more normal characters, they shouldn't forsake that. And they're probably the two most notable "normal" characters, other "normal" characters (like Castor and Dorcas, for example) are not as notable as they are.

That was an unnecessarily long speech, I apologize for that. The main point is that I wouldn't switch out Brom and Nephenee.

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Honestly, if this is actually a thing, don't expect anything not localized to show up, with a frontload of Akaneia and whereeverthecrapFE14is with a sprinkling of Tellius and a couple Elibe characters.

I wouldn't be so sure. Awakening had lots of things about the non-localized games that nevertheless were left intact in localization.

Besides, it wouldn't be a first for a Warriors games. Take the Gundam ones. Quite a few series within have yet to have a localization yet they're in the localized games just fine.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Sounds good to me. As long as I have some dragons to ride (or become), all is well.

What Fire Emblem features would people like to see? The Weapon Triangle should probably be represented in some way.

I expect lots of criticism and ridicule for my wishlist because it's terrible, but...

I'd want all of the Lord characters:


















NO Avatar characters! No Mark, no Chris, no Robin, no Corrin.

I haven't played FE12 and Mark is pretty much a non-character but the absence of Robin and Kamui would be rather unusual. They are both major characters in their respective games. No matter how you feel about the implementation of Avatars, they are important to the series. Plus, they have unique classes so there is plenty to do with their movesets.

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I haven't played FE12 and Mark is pretty much a non-character but the absence of Robin and Kamui would be rather unusual. They are both major characters in their respective games. No matter how you feel about the implementation of Avatars, they are important to the series. Plus, they have unique classes so there is plenty to do with their movesets.

This isn't their game, though. I feel that having all the Avatar characters would be out of place, in all honesty. And, if they were added, it'd just be a bunch of "Oh Avatar, you're so amazing at everything, let all of us marry you! Oh Avatar, bend over, it's time for your daily butt-kissing! We love everything you do ever because you're just so amazing! Let us worship you!" So...I say no to the Avatar characters, no matter how unique or important they are to the series.

Plus, I sort of feel that if there were an Avatar, it'd be a completely new one. A new original one specifically for Fire Emblem Warriors. And that'd make Robin and company even more out of place.

What Fire Emblem features would people like to see? The Weapon Triangle should probably be represented in some way.

I'd say dismounting. Since lots of characters are on mounts, it'd be cool to see them implement dismounting in some way.

Also, weapon durability. Not for main weapons, but maybe for "sub weapons." Like in Hyrule Warriors when you pick up the upgraded bombs. Except here, you pick up the sub weapon, and rather than it being some ultra-version, it just has limited uses. You always have your main sword/lance/etc., but the sub weapon (stuff like the hand axe maybe) is limited.

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