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Best/worst units in FE1


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Marth is the best unit by far, thanks in no small part to his exclusive access to Rapiers (which you can buy infinitely at certain armories in the game) and their 15 might over the most frequently reoccuring enemy types in the game. He also has exclusive access to both the Falchion and the Miracle Sword, two ridiculously good weapons in their own right. Of course, he's forced so you'll be using him anyways, but my point is that you should feed him levels early on and don't hesitate to use him even after he level caps.

Sheeda is a flier/10 and pretty good after she promotes thanks to how promotion gains work. Really her only flaw is her Str and a late promotion.

Jeigan is Jeigan but his bases carry for a long while in FE1. Also he can wield Silver Lances and Silver Swords at base, which is always a plus.

Cain and Abel start out worse than Jeigan but they eventually overtake him and also start out way better than they do in other versions of the game. Stick with them until the end.

Staff users aren't good longterm units but if you need someone to use Heal/Mend/Warp, deploy them when necessary. What you want to be doing is deploying Merric and//or Wendell so that you have someone who can use magic and (in the case of Merric, eventually) staves.

Minerva is really good if you can spare a Robe and a Speedwings for her.

Chainy is a decent filler unit owing to the lack of truly standout units in FE1, aside from Marth of course.

Edited by Refa
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Meh, I find Jagen is pretty pointless once you get Hardin, who outclasses Jagen with a few levels and is unpromoted to boot. Best cav IMO.

Jagen can't keep up with your other units after a while, has horrible bases for a level 1 promoted units, and virtually no growths. He should be benched ASAP.

Ogma and Navarre are pretty good.

Barst is the only decent axe user, if you want one.

That's all I can think of atm that hasn't already been said.

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Hardin doesn't obselete Jeigan, and being unpromoted isn't exactly a good selling point lol. He is really good and definitely worth deploying, though. Not actually sure if he's better than Kain/Abel since they all mostly 2RKO things for a while (and while Hardin's higher weapon level lets him use stronger weapons, I wouldn't be surprised if Kain/Abel reached it by the time he joins anyways; also their early contributions are pretty damn good), but I find gaining EXP to be rough in FE1 so him starting out at a higher level is a boon.

Ogma and Navarre are completely obsoleted by mounts in this game (and Raddy and Lawrence, for that matter). Yes, they're decent units on their own right (except for Lawrence, he's just kind of bad), but they don't do anything special and having really good speed means fuck all when mostly everyone can double with a sword anyways.

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At base level, Hardin has 2 str for 1 def and 1 move, and much more potential. Jeigan doesn't even have any significant stat advantages over the Christmas duo. You could give his lance to Sheeda and use him as a wall, and the game wouldn't be any harder.

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Hardin is better than Jeigan! I, at least, am not arguing that. Jeigan is still a pretty good unit despite that though. Jeigan's defensive advantages (not to mention movement) definitely makes him more useful at soaking up hits early on, and he can either feed kills or ORKO enemies accordingly (neither Cain/Abel can ORKO hunters at base!). It's pretty good stuff. Like, FE1 is easy enough that you could probably go through it w/o Jeigan without significant problems, but he makes things easier on you. Also really, having another good mounted unit is worth deploying over so many units in FE1, especially one who starts off promoted.

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At base level, Hardin has 2 str for 1 def and 1 move, and much more potential. Jeigan doesn't even have any significant stat advantages over the Christmas duo. You could give his lance to Sheeda and use him as a wall, and the game wouldn't be any harder.

"Potential" doesn't give you any actual advantage until later in the game when Hardin has put his growths to use. It also does not negate that Jeigan still has a lot of utility because he is still in a very good class with high enough stats that he can contribute against this game's horrible enemies.

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Marth is the best simply because he needs to do practically everything, so he dictates the pace of the game

On his own his combat is pretty bullshit anyway since he ORKO almost everything

Minerva + Speedwing is pretty OP. Promoted Shida is pretty OP and she can Silver Lance GOGOGO right from the start

Wendell outclass Merric for the most part

Cavalier are OP. Should have been obvious though

Bantu is actually pretty broken early on even without the Promotion Glitch

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Pretty much anyone can contribute against said horrible enemies. To measure how good a unit is, you consider how they perform against the tougher enemies in the game.

Since tough enemies do not show up for ages and the bad enemies are in the vast majority, it's better to just recognize that Jeigan is a fine unit for most of the game with no investment whatsoever. I didn't say better than Hardin, Marth, Shiida, Minerva, etc. But not using him is a mistake.

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