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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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why does Crysta think Shinori is lying then turn around and go "Yeah you have good points about Elie nodnod"

why does Crysta have no thoughts or comments on BBM

I'm fine with that plan; Mancer was online shortly after the TG lynch (if I read correctly) and Quote was online yesterday. Would not be surprised if scum is among one of them. If not, then they're still dead weight.

Has this logic ever worked. Pretty sure this is just something where people want something to be true or look true and start picking up bullshit

also BBM why did you follow Shinori his role was super provable?

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why does Crysta vote Tiny day 2 after putting Mancer above her and continuing to pressure him in posts
Before TG posted a reply:
I'm leaning more towards a Mancer lynch at this point, really, but I'll move my vote when it's necessary. I can see a newbie being dissuaded from posting in the thread right away (through being intimidated) moreso than Mancer given he's been getting heat since the beginning of D1.
After TG posted a reply:
I'm keeping my vote on TG because putting my vote on someone who doesn't seem willing to exist at this moment seems marginally less productive, though I guess in the end it won't really matter (also the reason why I didn't care overmuch to move it). TG isn't doing much better after the prodding, though, since she hasn't really given a scum read and I believe that was one of the reasons why she hopped on the Clarinets wagon. It's not like I'm keeping my vote on her simply because I don't like her play; she's not opening up her posts like I would expect a townie getting heat would and getting content from her has been (and seems to continue to be) a problem.
why does Crysta think Shinori is lying then turn around and go "Yeah you have good points about Elie nodnod"
Was it the comment about Elie going from townreading Shinori to scumreading Shinori? Because I can't remember doing this.
Has this logic ever worked.
Sometimes. Sadly logging on and not posting is pretty much all those two slots have done, so yes, it was wishful thinking.
As far as BBM goes, I've been reading him as frustrated townie the whole game and I still have a hard time pairing him with Ocean as a scum buddy mostly because how they've interacted. I know it's weird that he's somehow still alive but I can't say I'm compelled to go after someone on that basis alone. His qualms with Shinori weren't unjustified imo and he explained he thought Shinori's shot was wasted on his failed TG assassination. I guess I could have broadcasted my opinion on him more but whatever; I figured it was in line with everyone else's.
I guess BBM x Paper could be a thing because half of the equation doesn't have any real content until now but I have just so much time to figure that out.
Will go into why Gaius was scummyish if I have to but looking at Yolo's tunneling probably should suffice. Got the feeling Ocean was also pushing on Elie but now I guess it's kind of pointless to have him elaborate on his case when it's clearly wrong.
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Shinori claimed his role on D4; I followed him on N3.

When did I say TG wasn't that bad? I just didn't have much to add to a case against her bc Boron said most of it. So IIRC most of my posts towards her were questions to try and get her to produce more content if she was just newbtown. And if I questioned Shinori more than her it's because Shinori was around a little more.

As for only pushing flipped town people, that's true of like, everyone, other than Crysta I guess.

Also I'm pretty sure I had Shinori above her on my scumlist at least for the first half of D2 because I disliked his Refa stance on D1. Then I think he made some posts on D2 and that bumped him down a little.

I also don't know where I crumbed I was an info role.

off the top of my head cuz I have to leave soon- Gaius was very reactionary in his scumreads. He flipped eclipse from a townread to a scumread just for casing him, and his response to Omega once Omega voted him was also really strong. It's been a while so I don't remember the other stuff.

Most of Ocean's content has been pushing Elie, and none of it was wrong but it totally failed to look at any context (particularly wrt Elie's stance on TG). He kept saying that Elie waffling was bad, and waffling isn't good, yeah, but why would it be advantageous for Elie to waffle on TG at the times he did? I asked him this question several times and afaicr he never answered. He was just like "yeah but Elie defended TG!!!". I also really disliked his posts about Elie yesterday, because he refused to call Elie scum; he just said stuff like "Trying to show BBM that Elie's interactions with TG aren't that townie". Rather than actually trying to get Elie lynched, he was just trying to keep the option of lynching Elie available, which is pretty scummy.

wrt TG's ISO- I think she changed her name to Tiny_Manakete.

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Oh yeah fwiw I can back up TG's claim assuming she acted last night. I guess i could see commuter and BG.

I guess this is sort of hindsight but it still implies power role

idk mang

I can't really say Oh I'm obvtown because of xyz because I guess my predecessorz didn't do shit

Why do you think Crysta and TG's interactions are more likely to be town/scum

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oh yeah I was just confused bc you said info role specifically. whatever doesn't really matter.

#441 explains my thoughts on the interactions. To expand more, Crysta's tone kind of felt like what my thoughts were, where I thought she was scummy but was trying to get TG to post more content in the case that she was newbtown. I feel like scum bussing their buddy would be less nuanced.

what are your opinions on what I said about Ocean in #458?

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the entire game I had been pushing elie/yolo as the last two so now that they're both dead I mean...

I hadn't actually paid attention to the length of the days, last time I played mafia the deadlines were twice as long so I reflexively thought I'd have at least 96 hours to post which results in me putting things off when I thought I had time and it turns out I didn't. so when I said I hadn't voted elie since "I'll finish my case later" that never ended up happening. maybe in games when I don't sub in halfway I'll have a clearer outlook on it

yeah I never had a good answer to bbm asking me the reason for elie's behavior towards TG because I just saw that the reasoning was bad rather than the motivation, usually bad play (in my eye) provides its own motivation but I was just thinking well neither of them can be town without actually putting it through in my head. not that i'm using that as an excuse


paperblade's slot is completely null and there's no interactions between that slot and well anyone for that matter so I can't really deduce scum partners from there

i went through crysta's and bbm's isos for once the only thing I noticed is that bbm started the game with a lot of uncertain posts like this? and his sentence structure naturally became more and more confident so I guess that means he was more hesitant on d1 when he was scumreading mancer and clarinets I guess like everyone else. yeah that was helpful

I did check through d1 mentions of Roxas/Archer of Gold and with Crysta I only got one thing where they said their play slightly pinged town because of "immediately forking over trinity intel" and her frustration at getting attention during RVS stage. i guess the first one makes sense, the second one not so much but that's more of a difference of opinion than anything else. still something to note though. this is the only hint at a possible partnership and it's really bad but there's literally nothing else to go off of

bbm had a lot more interesting iso though:

- asks clarinets what his opinion is on Roxas' vote on Mancer

- asks mancer what his opinion is on Roxas

- disagrees with Boron that Roxas faked disinterest, thought that they actually did lose interest

- says that Roxas had poor word choice during her vote on Mancer and says he disagrees with it because it was noncontextual but recognizes the perspective of looking at vote wagon positioning

- asks Boron if Roxas is still scummy or not

maybe I should try to look up the context for such questions but he does wonder about what people think of that slot a lot, not sure exactly why? since Roxas was new maybe they were concerned with how they looked and what to do to get the pressure off of them early d1 and bbm subtly helped out by poking around with those questions. i can understand asking clarinets and mancer cause pressure but I think that's not exactly the most direction question to ask

their ISOs were frustrating to evaluate cause lots of words and good points on the general state of the game but seeing as it's come down to an absurd situation like this i'd push BBM/Paperblade slot over Crysta/Paperblade slot

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I'm cool with that I was going to vote ocean soon anyway bc I dont want us to miss out on hammer just cuz we don't want to vote in lylo.

I like how ocean admitted that he didn't bother looking at the context of my questions but then went ahead and pseudo-cased me for it anyways. The context of the first few Roxas questions was that it was one of the only points of note in the game at that point. The next few points are about me talking to Boron/asking her about Roxas. This is because she was scumreading Roxas, so I was engaging her about that read and then following up about it, because that's a good thing to do. The logic also doesn't make sense; why would I draw people's attention to Roxas and make them think about him if I was worried about him? What turns me off this case the most is how little ocean commits to it.

FTR I also asked Shinori like fifty times about his opinion on Crysta, before I gave up hope of that happening, but ocean leaves that out. Pretty sure he just chose people to push and looked for things that could back it up.

##vote: Ocean

Bolding is hard on a phone, sorry.

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that's cause I was fairly confident that it wasn't you/Crysta as the team. there wasn't a lot I could pull from associations with a slot dead 95% of the game, but you're not bringing much attention as you could've if you simply said "I disagree with your perspective," instead you asked a question, which is a lot more innocuous

vote BBM

i guess this is it though

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I said this to Elie in our neighbour qt; forgot to repeat it here. Several reasons I could be alive- firstly, as Paper said, most of my reads so far have been wrong. They could have just left me alive to bark up the wrong tree. Secondly, I think there has been a townier person or more urgent kill every night. Refa was townier than me on N1 IMO. Eclipse was talking about how she was going to use her role and make scum suffer, IIRC, and plus people were frustrated with her but thought she was still town. On N3, Boron was the better kill because she was the strongest proponent of the TG lynch, and also crumbed a role like I did on D3. On N4, Omega was a better kill than me because he basically could have forced the lynch any way he wanted to with his role today (it also checks out if Ocean is scum bc Omega would obviously have forced that lynch if he was alive).

And besides, I haven't exactly done a good job of using it, but I'm the only info role in the game. You guys really think town has no investigative abilities at all? The rest of our roles are pretty shitty.

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Ooh okay

My first impression of the game was BBM+Crysta were maf

But I suppose ocean+BBM is possible? I'd need to check ocean+crysta interactions. BBM/Ocean feels more possible just because a bus/distancing strong enough that YOLO is asking them to crossvote seems like something BBM might do. But at the same time, BBM has a point--he is the only info role. So the question there is, is it possible that SB made a game without a hard info role, instead having soft things like the trinities, the neighborizer, and the hook? Plus the trinities have abilities like the stump, for whatever that's worth.

Any combination not involving Ocean or BBM (so me/shinori shinori/crysta me/crysta) is right out because otherwise we could've hammered by now

I'm tempted to yolo vote someone tbh

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