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WYR Revengeance: Would you rather drive a tank or fly a jet?


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I wouldn't want to tell everyone just because I don't want people going crazy

I'd keep quiet and distribute it fuckin' willy-nilly on my own terms without telling people I had the mine

and... and probably youtube how to mine gold because i can't hire anyone to help if they can't find out ;__;

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Rae took my exact answer even the "how am I going to actually obtain this gold..." part though I never considered youtube which is what makes her smarter than me ^o^

So yeah, keep quiet as long as I'm still allowed to give handouts to some people~ (handouts in cash probably and I can tell people "I'm rich you know")

Edited by Tamamitsune
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My response goes along the lines as Specta: I would keep enough to supply more than a lifetime for myself and donate the rest to poverty and medical research. Since this sounds too humble, I'll throw myself a cyborg suit to be designed for myself lol.

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Like...I mean...I can't gold mine. I kind of have to tell other people about it, otherwise, like...the gold just goes unused. How am I going to get that gold without telling people?

Besides, I could certainly make a fair amount of money with less physical effort by selling the land, provided I have ownership of it. If not, well...eh, it's not my gold anyway, let the owner make their fair share.

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Like...I mean...I can't gold mine. I kind of have to tell other people about it, otherwise, like...the gold just goes unused. How am I going to get that gold without telling people?

Besides, I could certainly make a fair amount of money with less physical effort by selling the land, provided I have ownership of it. If not, well...eh, it's not my gold anyway, let the owner make their fair share.

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Too much excess erodes the well being, so i would be handing out loads of gold. However, like Specta up there, i wouldnt shout about where i got it. Only sharing it with those who need it.

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I must be slipping if I let this fall to the second page.

I'd only let a few people in on it myself.

Would you rather be a heavily modified cyborg or have a suit similar to Samus' Varia Suit(and upgrades)

Edited by Emeraldfox
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I like to be a biological organism... So I'm not so sure I would like being a mechanical cyborg.

If you can fix the aging problem it would be better.

That said, commercials for cyborgs sound funny:

Try the new ClgTekâ„¢ oil - Only for models more recent than the HF39xx serie!

The best lubricant since 2647!

Edited by Naughx
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Cyborg hands down especially if it's modeled in comparison with Raiden

Well yes, most cyborgs are of no match to Samus Aran.

Raiden would own Samus, you can't hit what you can't touch & especially if you are a "cement shoes" like Samus. The list of reasons of Raiden's superioty are just way too many lol

My most difficult reason with being a cyborg is the "humanity" concept...

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I'd rather have the Power Suit myself. ...And fight monsters for the upgrades.

Would you rather sacrifice everyone to save someone important to you or sacrifice said person to save the world?

Pretty straight forward.

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May as well answer them all. ;)

Yo yo, I decided to revive this.

Looks like you been doing an awesome job, Em. :)

Question 1: Would you rather eat a horse or a bison?

Buffalo burgers are legit tasty. Kinda like spicy beef almost.

Question 2: Would you rather be the Hot Blooded Hero or the Distant and Aloof Rival?

I am more the former over the latter. Much more gung ho. Being distant is kinda lame after a bit anyways.

Question 3: Would you rather bust down a door or carefully pick the lock?

Just kick it down man... Go all Koolaid Man on that entryway! Probably irl would prefer to pick the lock. Less painful.

Question 4: Would you rather be a mercenary or a knight?

Mercenary is the FE class of choice. I probably would be more of a Knight, but I dunno... I am fairly mercenary in some aspects.

Question 5: Would you rather eat turkey or ham?

Turkey, no contest.

Question 6: Would you rather drive or be driven around?

I like being driven. As then I can do stuff like read or draw or play videogames... but I always have to drive. :(

Question 7: Would you rather be the protagonist or the antagonist?

Protagonist... Why would I want to be the one trying to end the story?

Question 8: Would you rather be a major character or a supporting character?

Similar thought... I would prefer being a major character over being in the background.

Question 9: Would you rather be the chosen one or the person who worked for the legendary weapon?

(Didn't I just answer this?) Chosen one I guess?

Question 10: Would you rather cook or go out to a restaurant?

I like cooking. But restaurant is nice as I can just relax.

Question 11: Would you rather keep quiet about a gold mine, or share it with everyone?

Share the wealth. :)

Question 12: Would you rather be a heavily modified cyborg or have a suit similar to Samus' Varia Suit?(and upgrades)

Cyborg I guess? As long as I kept my soul?

Question 13: Would you rather sacrifice everyone to save someone important to you or sacrifice said person to save the world?

...the world only matters if you have the people you love in it. Selfish perhaps, but yeah... :\ Edited by ErrantShepherd
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