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Weighing my Options: Get a 3DSXL or a New3DSXL?


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So I've been holding out for a FE Fates 3DS bundle like Japan got, only to learn that they weren't offering one. I was kinda bummed, then I realized that I have options for an upgrade.

I'm currently sitting with black friday jitters, trying to plan the best deal and get the most bang for my buck. I just today came across a deal at my local grocer (HEB) for a $100 Best Buy gift card for $80, and the Black Friday upcoming deal offers the New 3DSXL for -20 from MSRP ($179.99). With my card, I can snag it for 160, which is pretty neat, but it includes nothing. I've got a Gamer's club mem

The other deal I've been eyeballing is Nintendo's Wal-Mart/Amazon deal of $129.99 for a 3DSXL & Super Mario 3D Land as a bundle. I don't have any other discounts or gift card shenanigans to pair with Wal-Mart and Amazon, so I'm looking at this since it includes a game.

As I have yet to play the SM3DLand, can you, denizens of SF, recommend it to me as a game worth getting or not? I'm wanting that New3DSXL since it has the built in Amiibo scanner and might be neat for a few games but I really don't think I'd be using it heavily enough to justify the +$30 and sacrifice of a game of [insert quality here]. I'd say a good game and $30 in my pocket is worth more to me than the amiibo scanner functionality & a C-stick but if you can speak from experience, I'd love to be corrected.

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?

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I'd go for the New3DSXL since I hope it is worth the value in the long term. Amiibo are likely to have a long future with the concept's success and who knows if Nintendo will launch N3DS exclusive titles in 2016 or the likes; so I think it is the superior option. Also, it has Xenoblade which is tooooooooonnnns bettur than Muhrio.

Regarding 3DLand I haven't played it but I think it is better to grab the Wii U version, but take this with a grain of salt.

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fwiw i have the Wii U cat marios (Lexi plays the shit out of that game)

is it even worth playing zeenoblayd on the 3DS if I have a wiiU?

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I am not a big fan of Mario games, but since you would like the Amiibo scanner built in, plus bundles tend to better deals because you get a game with the system I would go with the bundle. Besides if you end up not liking the game you can always trade it in. I need to get the Amiibo scanner for my 3DS because I don't want to buy a new system right now, the scanners are $20 just FYI.

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You should get a New 3DS XL, Elie! It has the built-in Amiibo scanner and other upgraded features, I believe. I myself have asked for the gold Zelda one. I saw it available on GameStop. I'm not talking about the Tri Force Heroes bundle either, the system is available by itself last I checked.

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The original 3DS works fine and is quite reliable. Had mine since launch and has been with me ever since. The XL's larger screens look pretty good, too. However the New 3DS is great if you love playing with the 3D on as it adjusts the angles so that you always see in 3D. Also, the smaller ones are pretty cool for their customization on the outer shell.

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SM3DL is way too easy and boring. I finished it in like one sitting. In 2011. When I was a much worse gamer. If you like easy, then it's for you, but if challenge is your style, pass. I bought it Day 2 and regretted it. Really regretted it. Killed my childlike Mario mania, and dampened it into just a liking. (It's been building up again throughout the years, though.)

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The only real reasons to get a Nu3DS XL are Xenoblade (which, while on the expensive side for a game that came out several years ago, can be gotten on Wii), if you absolutely must have a better-looking version of Monster Hunter 4G/U, and amiibo.

Don't care about either of those three? Then just get a normal XL.

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is it even worth playing zeenoblayd on the 3DS if I have a wiiU?

More to the point, do you have a Wii version of Xenoblade? The difference between one of those and the N3ds version will more than make up the difference for upgrading to the N3ds if you don't.

As someone who played through both the 3ds and the Wii (U) versions of Xenoblade, there aren't too many differences in either direction. The 3ds has "worse" lighting, which is often actually a good thing since there are some areas of the U version that are really hard to see due to glare (especially caves and cutscenes of the Titans) that are a lot better on the 3ds. It also has a model and soundtrack viewer, but unlocking them is really silly and requires a huge amount of Play Coins unless and even if you have a Shulk Amiibo. The Wii though has a few other special effects the 3ds is missing (namely the "tunnel vision" effect when getting a Vision in combat or using Mind Blast), and also the Wii's menus look really good in HD. Finally, I played with the U on an old classic controller, which wasn't nearly as nice as the 3ds.

All that aside, it really just comes down to whether you already have the Wii version or not. The core experience is the same on both of them.

The only real reasons to get a Nu3DS XL are Xenoblade (which, while on the expensive side for a game that came out several years ago, can be gotten on Wii), if you absolutely must have a better-looking version of Monster Hunter 4G/U, and amiibo.

Don't care about either of those three? Then just get a normal XL.

The original 3ds had a launch library of pretty much zero and a more or less non-functional menu at launch (even the cameras weren't enabled!), and look where it is now. Future proofing is very definitely not a bad reason.

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I have neither, and have a predisposition to not getting Xenoblade for fear that it's just Xenosaga but a sequel aka a mediocre game within a movie. Until like, this week, I'd honestly had 0 interest in it.

Your points on "Future proofing" are hitting me in the weak points though. It might be a worthwhile investment to spend the extra $30 since I have MarioWorld3D for Wii U already....

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The obvious choice is go with the better model (the New 3DS XL) if you can, since it's got more power and stuff. You can also always import the Fates bundle, if you want. I honestly don't really want the N3DSXL right now since all it seems like to me is a way to port Xenoblade to the handheld and give Smash a faster loading time. There's nothing really truly special about it and I can always train my amiibos on Smash Wii U. But that's just me.

As for Super Mario 3D Land, I recently just played the game again and I had forgotten how much I liked it. You've played 3D World so it won't be much different. Just replace the Cat Suit with the Tanooki Suit and cut multiplayer entirely. It's a perfect combination of Mario Brothers 3 and Mario 64. If you want to bring 3D World to the handheld, this is the game you want! Totally sounding like an advertiser right now... :)

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I just recently bought a new 3ds XL, and I'm satisfied with it so far. It's not vastly different from the regular XL, but the new 3ds XL does have better internet browsing (not tons better, but I've noticed a difference). Plus, as others have mentioned, xenoblade chronicles only works with the new 3ds (and who knows, there may be other games in the future that are only compatible with the new 3ds). The only complaint I have with the new 3ds is that changing the sd card is a bit tedious.

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I have neither, and have a predisposition to not getting Xenoblade for fear that it's just Xenosaga but a sequel aka a mediocre game within a movie. Until like, this week, I'd honestly had 0 interest in it.

Your points on "Future proofing" are hitting me in the weak points though. It might be a worthwhile investment to spend the extra $30 since I have MarioWorld3D for Wii U already....

Nah man. While I've heard it isn't quite as good as Xenosaga on the story front (still a good story though) it's infinitely better in terms of gameplay. That is if you don't get lost trying to do all the sidequests. It also has a much heftier gameplay:story ratio.

Another good thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that games like Smash load much more quickly and you don't get slow down. Probably won't notice any difference in a game like Fire Emblem though.

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I have neither, and have a predisposition to not getting Xenoblade for fear that it's just Xenosaga but a sequel aka a mediocre game within a movie. Until like, this week, I'd honestly had 0 interest in it.

Your points on "Future proofing" are hitting me in the weak points though. It might be a worthwhile investment to spend the extra $30 since I have MarioWorld3D for Wii U already....

Xenoblade is nothing like Xenosaga. Take it from someone who knows their Xeno series. (Xenosaga was BS, so i feel ya there) Xenoblade is actually a really great game that melds western RPG elements (like quests and a huge overworld) with JRPG elements that are pretty comfy to those who know that genre. Also, real time battle and its fun stuff.

Wait what is this about Xenoblade being on Wii U VC? O.o

If i was gonna upgrade, mate, id get the New3DS. It looks like it has a little more oomph to it so playing Smush and junk on it might be better?

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Yeah I gundoofed because it is Pandora's Tower the one available at VC, not Xenoblade.

Yeah, as far as I know, Xenoblade is not on the NA VC. It's either Wii or N3DS for people in NA.

fwiw i have the Wii U cat marios (Lexi plays the shit out of that game)

is it even worth playing zeenoblayd on the 3DS if I have a wiiU?

I don't quite understand what the Wii U has to do with Xenoblade, aside from Xenoblade Chronincles X which is coming next week and is a completely new game different from Xenoblade Chronicles who came out on the Wii and N3DS. Also, after playing the game on both console, I feel that while the N3DS port is a bit less polished in terms of graphics, I really enjoyed the fact that I could easily jump in and out of the game, which is especially useful for a game so large.(and long to finish. My first playthrough with barely any sidequesting took me around 80hrs)

A point I don't think I saw mentioned about the N3DS is how it's overall faster. Downloading a game takes way less time, the time it takes to go to the home menu and back into the game is shortened and the loading when starting a game is also shorter. It's overall a better system in nearly every way, which is why I chose a N3DSXL over a regular one. The included circle pad is also really useful for monster hunter, which is definitely had some weight in making my decision.

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Super Mario 3D Land is a great transition from 2D to 3D Marios. It's essentially a great mini Mario Galaxy style gameplay with actual powerups unlike previous 3D Mario games that have temporary puzzle solving. However the level design is very easy for the first 8 worlds and are only challenging in the post world but even those aren't very difficult until you get to that game's version of Champion's road. It is an enjoyable game and it has one of the better 3D Final Boss that it has to offer.

If you have played 3D World though, there really isn't a reason to go back to 3D Land unless you want a nice little pick up and play mini Mario Galaxy portable game.

But overall though, i think getting a N3DS is still a better deal in the long term mostly because of the amiibo support and the 3D is 5 times better than the original thanks to the face detection.

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