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really embarrassing moments with a crush


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:smug: Glad you have the ability to play along. I didn't actually say people who are homeschooled get tied to a leash, hence why there's a period in between and stuff. I'm just literally wondering why it's that common. Both of those things, I mean...SEPERATELY.

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Well, there was that one time I discovered my crush'e cousin is my sister-in-law, meaning my crush and I are related by marriage.

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Met a girl in second grade, instantly fell for her. Eighth grade, had a chance, and she flipped at me for not walking her to her bus or someshit. Still going after her though...

Aside from that, I dated a girl after losing a bet with a friend, and didn't know how to let her down easily. Relationship lasted from fourth grade until the end of sixth :Sain:

That's about it for me though

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I've never approached a crush.

Not like I could, anyway.

You can approach me anytime.

Short answer no, very slightly longer answer, I'm oblivious as fudge and needed people to point out everything for me.

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My life since 2006 is a string of embarrassing moments with crushes. I'm now much better about it, but I've been hesitant to be asking anyone out for various reasons. I really should try though.

If you guys want an example, my first time asking a girl out was through notes passed in class. That should give you a glimpse of how awkward I was.

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Would it count as a crush, if the incident occurred when you had a crush on that person before you dated...?


My life since 2006 is a string of embarrassing moments with crushes. I'm now much better about it, but I've been hesitant to be asking anyone out for various reasons. I really should try though.

If you guys want an example, my first time asking a girl out was through notes passed in class. That should give you a glimpse of how awkward I was.

that's at least more ballsy than MSN messages asking to go out on a date.

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My first "girlfriend" broke up with me three weeks after getting together because I sent her a custom-made Pokémon card on her 11th birthday. The illiterate mind of a youth, eh? Another moment is when the first girl I loved hugged me and said she could feel my heart beating. I might have actually asked her out there and then if she wasn't in a relationship (she knew about how I felt, but I made it clear I wasn't going to try and interfere with her and her boyfriend). Once the two of them broke up and we rekindled (we fell out for a few months because I was subconsciously pushing myself on her and making her uncomfortable--facts which I won't deny), we did end up going on a date... to which I spent almost £50 on her for her to say, "no I'm not interested." She then told out circle of friends. I certainly felt embarrassed (and really stupid) once my friends started to question and tease me about it

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This year I went to Homecoming with my crush because I asked him out and stuffs. I'm surprised he accepted my offer. And we, surprisingly acted like a couple and the people around us told us to kiss and they shipped it so hard and I was beet red with embarrassment. And then my friend who was also there started to take pictures of us together and she was questioning if we were dating, which was funny.

That's so cute!

Myself I did have a few crushes. One guy when I was five and two more when I was twelve. But obviously none of those went anymore since I was too shy to tell them how I felt wich led to some really weird moments when I had to talk to them.

Edited by Bill Cipher
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cute frand and me at club a couple of years back:

Me: "Lemmie buy you a drink!"
Him: "I dont drink."

Me: "....i knew that...."

Cue me feeling awkward for a good half hour.

(thats literally the most recent awkward moment i got)

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I ended up falling for one of my best friends in middle school. I asked her out at one point and got a really ambiguous "maybe someday" answer, which didn't really click with me as a flat-out rejection, so I kept at it. Didn't help that following this she totally started leading me on, so I was hyped that it could really come together sooner or later. I gave her gifts and wrote super cheesy poetry; it was great. But after some time, she (understandably) got fed up with my shit and started telling me to back off, but at that point, after so long, I wasn't really getting the hint and still kept at it. Worth mentioning is the fact that this ordeal took place during my angsty phase, so throughout this continued rejection I kept getting sappier and sappier and managed to make a fool of myself in front of her and several other friends on multiple occasions.

This all took place over a little more than year and a half or so. By the middle of freshman year of high school, I decided to get my shit together and move on.

Sigh, what a mess.

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I ended up falling for one of my best friends in middle school. I asked her out at one point and got a really ambiguous "maybe someday" answer, which didn't really click with me as a flat-out rejection, so I kept at it. Didn't help that following this she totally started leading me on, so I was hyped that it could really come together sooner or later. I gave her gifts and wrote super cheesy poetry; it was great. But after some time, she (understandably) got fed up with my shit and started telling me to back off, but at that point, after so long, I wasn't really getting the hint and still kept at it. Worth mentioning is the fact that this ordeal took place during my angsty phase, so throughout this continued rejection I kept getting sappier and sappier and managed to make a fool of myself in front of her and several other friends on multiple occasions.

This all took place over a little more than year and a half or so. By the middle of freshman year of high school, I decided to get my shit together and move on.

Sigh, what a mess.

people that lead other people on while acknowledging that they are leading people on are the absolute worst.

Actually happened to me last year, then she went travelling and looking back I don't know what I saw in her! :P

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I literally don't remember how my school crushes happened lmao

It's like it was midway through 10th grade and there was a blur and then I have a vague memory of two exes

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I think I was in year 7 (so in the 11-12 age group) and I was standing in queue for dinner.

Someone squeezed my ass. I kinda just froze and remembered thinking maybe it was a mistake and it won't happen again.

It happened again. I glanced back, and it was some girl I'd never spoke to or even seen before in my life.

I had never been in such a situation before, so I turned back and carried on as if nothing had happened, and the ass squeezing stopped.

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About 10 years ago I asked my crush to homecoming.....with a graphing calculator.

I was pathetic back then.

This is so nerdy it kind of loops back around to awesome somehow.

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This is so nerdy it kind of loops back around to awesome somehow.

it seems like one of those nerdy as shit things 10 years ago, but these days could end up being some quirky viral story on facebook.

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