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Ppl who walk arround with their pants falling down

That's hilarious :lol:

I hate it when I see people who put their pants down, and you can see a full view of their backside. It's gross and pathetic.

They need to be strangled to death..

Edited by Dark Sage
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That's hilarious :lol:

I hate it when I see people who put their pants down, and you can see a full view of their backside. It's gross and pathetic.

They need to be strangled to death..

That is a little distasteful, and it's certainly not attractive...

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People who refuse to accept logic and reasoning. :P

You mean, religious people?

I'm more faithful than religious! BIG difference!


Ppl who think you have to "talk" or "act" black if you are black

Ppl who walk arround with their pants falling down

These two are the ones I hate the most! I mean, why should I "talk" or "act" black? Why should my skin tone should control how I say or present myself? Also "saggin" does spell "niggas" backwards!

More Pet Peeves:

1. Religious Nuts- Can't stand them because they don't want to talk or hang with people that are not of their religion

2. People who use God and Jesus' Words in a hateful way- Last time I check, Jesus want us Chirstians to love and respect all life! Not hurt or harass or insult people who don't agree with our viewpoints. Who are we to judge?

3. Fred Phelps and his "God Hate Fags"crap. See above.

4.Cults- Just because they scare the shit outta me.

5.Immature jokes like the ones George Carlin used to tell that aren't funny.

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people who don't understand how anime chicks can be hot.

I'll teach those bastards! Who are they? just have them look at my sig!

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  • Elitists
  • Preppy people (I hate them more than emos
  • People who can't take a hint, are shortsighted, etc
  • People who can't handle the truth or other people's opinions
  • Anime haters
  • Any kind of fanbrat
  • this decade
  • Religious extremists

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These are not exactly irritants, but I'm still not thrilled with these:

Narutards, the type that will rejoice at the 1,000th Naruto Marathon or thinks only Naruto is the show to watch.

People living in the past. Seriously, there's these guys harrasing my brother over something he did over 3 years ago.

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I don't have too many pet peeves because I'm mature enough to just ignore things that bother me. Although there is one thing that bothers me to no end, and that is when people start bickering over things that are unimportant (video games for example) like they actually matter. Sometimes it gets to the point where I can actually FEEL my blood pressure increase when that sort of behavior pops up.

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Opinions stated as facts.

Most stereotypes. (Band is nerds, teenage girls are sluts, guys can't multitask, Indians are terrorists, etc., etc.)

Anime haters, just because it's anime.


"This is obviously just a rip-off of This." <Especially when being compared to Star Wars. Everything may as well be ripped from Star Wars these days.

People who say "I could care less." It's "I couldn't care less" dammit!

Edited by Fox
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People who use the word 'gay' in any way other than happy

People who say 'I could care less' and not 'I couldn't care less'

Hundreds of other things

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I've got some more. :P

I don't have too many pet peeves because I'm mature enough to just ignore things that bother me. Although there is one thing that bothers me to no end, and that is when people start bickering over things that are unimportant (video games for example) like they actually matter. Sometimes it gets to the point where I can actually FEEL my blood pressure increase when that sort of behavior pops up.

- People that call themselves mature.

- People that get angry when other people are arguing about things they enjoy

Opinions stated as facts.

Most stereotypes. (Band is nerds, teenage girls are sluts, guys can't multitask, Indians are terrorists, etc., etc.)

Anime haters, just because it's anime.


"This is obviously just a rip-off of This." <Especially when being compared to Star Wars. Everything may as well be ripped from Star Wars these days.

People who say "I could care less." It's "I couldn't care less" dammit!

- People who think something without any backing or proof is as viable as something with tons

- People who won't laugh at stereotypes

- People who like anime just because it's anime

- People who aren't Cynics

- People who won't recognize similarities between things

- People who won't accept the evolution of language

People who use the word 'gay' in any way other than happy

People who say 'I could care less' and not 'I couldn't care less'

Hundreds of other things

- As above, people who won't accept the evolution of language.

DISCLAIMER: I actually don't mean much of that stuff, but I couldn't resist. :D Not many things make me angry.

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I've got some more. :P

- People that call themselves mature.

- People that get angry when other people are arguing about things they enjoy

- People who think something without any backing or proof is as viable as something with tons

- People who won't laugh at stereotypes

- People who like anime just because it's anime

- People who aren't Cynics

- People who won't recognize similarities between things

- People who won't accept the evolution of language

- As above, people who won't accept the evolution of language.

DISCLAIMER: I actually don't mean much of that stuff, but I couldn't resist. :D Not many things make me angry.

Evolution of language? I'm tempted to make a Pokemon joke but instead I will just say that I could care less is gramatically incorrect to make your attempt at a joke fail.

Also, how the hell did happy become homosexual? ...Maybe homos felt they were happier than straight people (which they probably are)

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I have too many...To name a few...

-People mispronouncing words

-Calling me by a different name. (some call me Kenny or Kelly...)

-Idiots, stupid people.

-When people yell

-When people generalize me..

-Second hand smoke


-People making a big deal out of nothing

-People who think they're the coolest thing..

-A ringing phone.

You would not like to talk to me IRL.

Anyways Idon't like

-People that are always complaining and never do anything.

-People that smoke

-When people think that video games are useless

-When someone yells

-Sunlight in my face

-When people try to teach me things i already know

-When people judge me

-When people put the blame on me

-Annoying people


-and others

I encounter people like this everyday but i got thank god I'm not short-tempered.

Edited by Slayer
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I've got some more. :P

- People that call themselves mature.

- People that get angry when other people are arguing about things they enjoy

- People who think something without any backing or proof is as viable as something with tons

- People who won't laugh at stereotypes

- People who like anime just because it's anime

- People who aren't Cynics

- People who won't recognize similarities between things

- People who won't accept the evolution of language

- As above, people who won't accept the evolution of language.

DISCLAIMER: I actually don't mean much of that stuff, but I couldn't resist. :D Not many things make me angry.

I don't care if it was a joke, I just lost a lot of the respect I had for you as a result of this post.

What Hika said about the language thing. What is grammatically incorrect is grammatically incorrect, and that has been proven.

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I don't care if it was a joke, I just lost a lot of the respect I had for you as a result of this post.

What Hika said about the language thing. What is grammatically incorrect is grammatically incorrect, and that has been proven.

You're joking right? Or are you really that sensitive? Sorry I guess, but I mean, come on, everyone should be able to take a little flak, right?

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You're joking right? Or are you really that sensitive? Sorry I guess, but I mean, come on, everyone should be able to take a little flak, right?

I may have overreacted as a result of all that's been going on. Sorry.

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Fox, just wanted you to know that I and 2 others on MSN are laughing at you.

That is all.

"That is all"?

Post something constructive or get the fuck off this forum...

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I've got some more. :P

- People that call themselves mature.

- People that get angry when other people are arguing about things they enjoy

DISCLAIMER: I actually don't mean much of that stuff, but I couldn't resist. :D Not many things make me angry.

You know, now that you mention it, I can see how the former could be annoying. :lol:

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