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Questions Regarding Children Paralogues (Spoilers?)


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I was thinking about how Shinonome goddamn suicide rushes into enemies in the desert (the environment makes it hard for most of your units to reach him), and hence forces you to unlock his Paralogue early, unless you want him to be ORKO'd...

That said, which children paralogues do you have to unlock early, so that you can actually complete the map with relative comfort? I heard Kinu also suicide rushes, and while she can tank some magic hits with her high Res, she can't really stay on her own for too long. Please don't tell me most of the children suicide rush... ;;

I also watched Deere's Paralogue, and the ally General's get attacked right off the bat. They actually seem to hold pretty well, especially with Deere healing them. Do they hold up as well if you try to unlock the Paralogue later on? In general, can you complete paralogues with allies or villagers later on, or is it recommended to get them out of the way quickly?

I also have a few other questions about children paralogues:

1. Which are the hardest paralogues? The easiest?

2. Are Conquest paralogues harder than Birthright paralogues?

3. Which paralogues have good bosses that you should consider capturing?

4. Are there any paralogues with odd recruitment conditions? In Awakening, I kept Rescuing Severa back instead of letting her talk to villager, and missed her on my first runthrough. (Although once I learned of the actual conditions, I once killed him for fun, lmao.)

5. Are there any paralogues with annoying gimmicks (e.g. Shigure's Paralogue)?

Edited by Minischew
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Shinonome can be rescued as soon as turn 1, however you'll need at least 2 Rescue Staves and would lose 3 uses in total. Have someone with long movement walk into enemy range to rescue him, then someone else warps both of them outside (you would need Aqua or a third Rescue staff user to do that).

Ignis' paralogue should also be done as soon as possible, preferably before the enemies are promoted.

Any map with villagers as NPC will see them OHKO'd by pretty much everything regardless of when you're doing it, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I don't know about other kinds of soldiers.

3. Which paralogues have good bosses that you should consider capturing?

4. Are there any paralogues with odd recruitment conditions? In Awakening, I kept Rescuing Severa back instead of letting her talk to villager, and missed her on my first runthrough. (Although once I learned of the actual conditions, I once killed him for fun, lmao.)

3. The ones with capturable bosses?

4. Some maps like Eponine's or Gaius' require you to beat it before they escape. Eponine's enemy while Gaius' green NPC. I haven't played Eponine's so I'm not sure if you're supposed to kill her or not.

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You can do Deere's in one turn. Just pick the door and kill the boss. There's nothing there worth staying over unless you really need the EXP.

You don't need to worry about Kanna, Mitama, Foleo, Velour or Gray since they shouldn't be fighting at all. Ophelia, Matoi, Midoriko and Sophie join near the party so there isn't any danger there. Shara and Eponine are enemy units so they aren't in danger. Soleil, Shigure, Kisaragi and Hisame are easy to reach if you don't dawdle.

Really the only ones who are in danger are Shinonome and Ignis, and Kinu maybe but most of the enemies near her don't move.

1. Which are the hardest paralogues? The easiest?

2. Are Conquest paralogues harder than Birthright paralogues?

3. Which paralogues have good bosses that you should consider capturing?

4. Are there any paralogues with odd recruitment conditions? In Awakening, I kept Rescuing Severa back instead of letting her talk to villager, and missed her on my first runthrough. (Although once I learned of the actual conditions, I once killed him for fun, lmao.)

5. Are there any paralogues with annoying gimmicks (e.g. Shigure's Paralogue)?

1. Shinonome's is the hardest, and Deere's takes one turn.

2. Not particularly. Shinonome's paralogue much harder than Foleo's or Ophelia's.

3. Kanna's has the bandit twins which appear if you wait long enough. Many people like capturing the boss of Midoriko's paralogue because she has a unique model. Ophelia's chapter has my favorite capturable boss.

4. Mitama's is the only one that really makes you do anything odd, but you can accidentally kill Shara and Eponine.

Edited by gayserbeam
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IIRC, Shigure doesn't even show up on the map.

Yup, that was me confusing his chapter with Hisame's.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Kisaragi joins immediately as part of the party, just a little bit away. I've just never waited long enough to recruit him that I needed to use a seal, though.

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You can do Deere's in one turn. Just pick the door and kill the boss. There's nothing there worth staying over unless you really need the EXP.

You don't need to worry about Kanna, Mitama, Foleo, Velour or Gray since they shouldn't be fighting at all. Ophelia, Matoi, Midoriko and Sophie join near the party so there isn't any danger there. Shara and Eponine are enemy units so they aren't in danger. Soleil, Shigure, Kisaragi and Hisame are easy to reach if you don't dawdle.

Really the only ones who are in danger are Shinonome and Ignis, and Kinu maybe but most of the enemies near her don't move.

I'm going to have to disagree on a number of these.

Soleil can get killed before you reach her unless you get there ASAP. I recall her getting killed before even a mounted unit could reach her.

Mitama was the hardest one to beat in later game (next to Shinonome's) because the center village you need to protect (I think it's required to recruit her) is in an area where a lot of hard hitting enemies have overlapping attack ranges.

I didn't do it super late but Foleo's might be dangerous to do as well.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I'm going to have to disagree on a number of these.

Soleil can get killed before you reach her unless you get there ASAP. I recall her getting killed before even a mounted unit could reach her.

Mitama was the hardest one to beat in later game (next to Shinonome's) because the center village you need to protect (I think it's required to recruit her) is in an area where a lot of hard hitting enemies have overlapping attack ranges.

I didn't do it super late but Foleo's might be dangerous to do as well.

For Mitama, you just need to mad dash to the village and turtle there. I found it pretty easy at Endgame, but that might depend on if you've structured your party more defensively or offensively.

Soleil is completely out of enemy range for four turns, and even a 6 MOV Lazward can reach her in three turns with Azura. A mounted unit can get there without Sing, especially a flyer who can ignore the trees. That's a far cry from Shinonome who dies after the first turn.

Foleo's only threat is the slowly approaching Berserker force, who will kill him at the same time regardless of his/their level.

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For Mitama, you just need to mad dash to the village and turtle there. I found it pretty easy at Endgame, but that might depend on if you've structured your party more defensively or offensively.

Soleil is completely out of enemy range for four turns, and even a 6 MOV Lazward can reach her in three turns with Azura. A mounted unit can get there without Sing, especially a flyer who can ignore the trees. That's a far cry from Shinonome who dies after the first turn.

Foleo's only threat is the slowly approaching Berserker force, who will kill him at the same time regardless of his/their level.

It may have just been the timing then. When I did the mission, my units were (iirc) just barely promoted but they were fighting all promoted enemies with Silver weapons. The Elite Ninja needed at least two characters to kill in one turn and could severely wound and lower the stats of anyone who engaged them. Basically, my units could survive 1-2 hits but would be at risk of taking 3-4 if they entered the center of the map. Shinonome's mission had similarly difficult enemies with the added difficulty of getting to Shinonome in two turns.

The potential threat of Foleo's mission isn't to Foleo himself, just that the battle at the center of the building could be tricky. A lot of enemies, both physical and magical.

Any map with villagers as NPC will see them OHKO'd by pretty much everything regardless of when you're doing it, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I don't know about other kinds of soldiers.

Do you get something special for preventing the villagers in Sophie's paralogue from dying? I (with great care and many retries) managed to save their suicidal butts but I don't know if it mattered.

Edited by NekoKnight
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As far as capturable bosses go, play on hard or above. Gazzack has Raven Strike, Pavise and Stubbornness (which are outside of his class line). Anyway, he's from the Foleo paralogue.

I don't think any of the others have special skills though, just the ones from their classes - and Draj on top of that can't even class change at all - although you can give her DLC scrolls for skills, I guess.

Edited by NeonZ
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Do you get something special for preventing the villagers in Sophie's paralogue from dying? I (with great care and many retries) managed to save their suicidal butts but I don't know if it mattered.

In my first run I managed to save all of them and did get some stuffs, though I don't remember what they were.

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Children you fight: Eponine, Syalla and Lutz.

Children you can recruit during the fight:Shinonome, Hisame, Gurei(before he runs away),Sophie, Dia, Mitama(must visit the village 3 times), Kinu, Foleo, Ignis, Soleil.

Join at the beginning of fight: Kisaragi, Midoriko, Siegbert, Matoi, Ophelia.

Join after you reach a certain point in the map: Velour

Join after you defeat the map: Shigure, Kanna.

Eponine you must kill before she escapes.

Gurei I think you must either talk to with Saizou or kill the boss.

A mayority of the children can be recruited by just finishing the objective of the map.

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Can anyone confirm if it's required to protect the village in Mitama's chapter to get her? And if it's optional, do you get anything extra for doing it? I know it's not a game over if the village gets destroyed.

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Can anyone confirm if it's required to protect the village in Mitama's chapter to get her? And if it's optional, do you get anything extra for doing it? I know it's not a game over if the village gets destroyed.

You have to get her to leave the village first, but she'll still stay if the village is razed after that.

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Shino's is the most annoying since he costs 1 rescue charge which is dumb. Easiest is probably either Deere's or Shigure's since they are fairly easily to 1 turn. I've always found Siegbert's to be the hardest for some reason. Probably to many trees and enemies that take awhile to cut down.

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Shino's is the most annoying since he costs 1 rescue charge which is dumb. Easiest is probably either Deere's or Shigure's since they are fairly easily to 1 turn. I've always found Siegbert's to be the hardest for some reason. Probably to many trees and enemies that take awhile to cut down.

While I wouldn't describe it as 'hard' per se, Kinu's paralogue is nothing but trees and no way to cut them down. Probably the most tedious paralogue in the game.

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Wouldn't that mean that using fliers (Hinoka, Tsubaki, Yuugiiri, Crimson, Shigure [if unlocked], Matoi [if unlocked], etc.) would become a valuable strategy for that map? Of course, it would depend on whom you trained, but there are a good number of options out there.

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A larger part of the problem is that Kinu is fast and constantly moving away from the player. Plus there are archers that might limit how you are able to move forward.

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I would have gone with the immediate bum rush from the north and east limiting your movements. Kinu will just go from immobile archer to immobile archer and there is plenty of time to get to her after you deal with the enemies that rush you at the start.

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Oh okay, thanks for the answers! I'm getting a vibe that a lot of child paralogues aren't that difficult, but the rescue missions eat up some resources.

On a side note, are the paralogue numbers important, or are they arbitrary choices? (For instance, does it matter that Grey's seems to be "Paralogue 9"?)

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I think the number depends on the order you're doing them.

Nope, it's just how they're cataloged. First it goes Mozume, then the shared children, then the Hoshidan children and finally the Nohrian children.


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  • 2 months later...

I tried to do all child Paralogue in order and after chapter 20 because the Child Seal will make them level 6 Promoted and their promoted class secondary weapon rank will up one level.

I think I got lucky with Shinonome Paralogue in Lunatic classic, he could handle the first attack and the second enemy attack missed so he didn't die and I didn't waste any Warp staff..

Ignis Paralogue is the hardest I think. I need to restart few times because the Elite Ninjas keep killing him (sucks spd mod hurts) >.<

Siegbert Paralogue is also quite hard and annoying because the enemies keep spawning until you close the Dragon Vein and there's so much trees.


1. Hardest: Ignis, Shinonome, Siegbert. Easiest: Deere and Shigure

2. Not really

3. Boss in Foleo's Paralogue in Lunatic have 3 skills (Pavise, Raven Strike, and Stubborness) I find it hard to capture him because my Niles and Orochi are still untrained when doing that paralogue.

4. Maybe just Mitama because you need Azama to visit the village three times.

5. I think no.

I haven't done Eponine (Nina)'s paralogue, but should you kill her in order to recruit her at the end of chapter or what?

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