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How about we talk about the Wii U's positives?


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The Wii U is making pretty darn good use of its 'inferior hardware' and its nice to see the gamepad actually being used as more than a controller, though there is still some potential that seems to be missing but the map that most games assigns it to is super useful. Honestly I want to see the gamepad again in the next console if it dosen't cut to deep into the consoles power

Edited by Mackc2
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Makes for a damn nice paperweight.

*Heavy Sarcasm* Thats not anything unique either I mean the xbone and ps4 work just as well as paperweights. Come on nintendo Step up your game atleast make it a better paper weight maybe add a drink holder while we're at it.

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I think the Wii U is a great system. Especially for its exclusive library thanks to Nintendo titles. I do think Nintendo got onboard with DLC and a much improved online infrastructure than the Wii. God I remember Nintendo Wi-fi being horrid and the new Nintendo Network ID thing as far as I'm concerned works leaps and bounds ahead of that. Honestly the Wii U's biggest problem was its name too many people thought it was an add on to the Wii. Literally if they called it anything else or even Wii 2 or Super Wii then it would have done better from a marketing standpoint. The other thing that killed it was its different architecture making it harder for third parties to develop on.

Overall though I have had so much fun with the system and the exclusive on it more than make it for me.

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Wait wait wait, there are positives to the Wii U?

From what I've seen of the Wii U the 'positives' have to deal with Nintendo IPs and not the console. When you say talk about the Wii U's positives and you list several games rather than anything 'good' about the actual console it kind of reinforces that point. Nintendo's casualization of their IPs for example the dumbing down of the mechanics from Melee to Brawl has 0 appeal to me and really only appeals to the casuals. People who like Brawl or Smash 4 tend to be the same people who weren't good at Melee and thus like it because it's more suited to casuals or rather just like the natural progression that could have occurred without the casualizations such as more characters and online which is hardly a reason to like Brawl or Smash 4 over Melee as that's more or less just a result of Brawl and Smash 4 being newer. If Brawl was so great there really wouldn't have been such a large following trying to turn it back into a decent game with Project M. The Wii U is already being replaced and for good reason. Nintendo is the kiddie console, built for casuals and the only successes it has as far as I'm concerned are because of it's old IPs and even then those are going downhill fast as far as I'm concerned.

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I always appreciate that every time a new title launches on Wii U or 3DS my friend list is filled with people aged 25-40. I think the only people that care whether or not they're playing a kiddie console are under 18 and concerned about if their friends in school will make fun of them. I love playing cutesy stylish games like Splatoon, Kirby, Mario, etc. just as much as I enjoy playing more traditional gamer fare on my PC and PS4. I don't think I would ever have it any other way. I work as a comic colorist for a living so I appreciate Nintendo and their games for actually using colors outside of the brown spectrum. It's alright with me if Nintendo makes games for casuals, I love being able to buy games for my family and play with them. The games being shorter also helps out because I don't have time to devote 500 hours to a game like I did in high school. So on days where I have tight deadlines, Nintendo makes the perfect consoles and games for me. In the rare instances where I actually have some free time like this week, I give stuff like Fallout, Bloodborne, and Destiny my love.

If people aren't down with Nintendo, that's totally fine. They aren't shooting for the hardcore gamer market and it would be stupid for them to try to butt heads with Microsoft and Sony. I think it's good that there's at least one company out there that's looking out for kids, families, and people without a lot of free time. I don't need another system that tries to be a PC but will never be as powerful as the gaming PC I had built.

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To be fair, I don't really expect anything different in a primarily Nintendo-based forum considering Fire Emblem then the majority liking the console made by Nintendo. I can't say I have a fondness for most of Nintendo's IPs so there's no point to me getting any of their consoles really, considering that's what you're buying it for.

That said, I do think the Xbox One (which I'm not ever gonna buy because lol microsoft) and PS4 are doing better than the Wii U right now, but this console generation has been slow in general anyway.

edit: to be honest I think it's extremely unfair and exaggerated to say nintendo are the only ones that use colors outside the brown spectrum lol

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*Heavy Sarcasm* Thats not anything unique either I mean the xbone and ps4 work just as well as paperweights. Come on nintendo Step up your game atleast make it a better paper weight maybe add a drink holder while we're at it.

You don't really get it, do you?

People look at the Wii or WiiU and laugh. That shit is for kids. Yeah, it's got good sales but for the most part, it's parents buying it for kids.

Look at this forum alone. I want to know the percentage of people here that go to high school and have a Wii or WiiU (as opposed to another console) and then the same number for people who work for a living (like myself) and have a Wii or WiiU (doesn't include parents).

There's a reason why Nintendo isn't taken seriously out in the real world. It's too kid friendly for its own good. Nintendo's heyday was in the 90s and early '00s. Not anymore.

EDIT: On this forum, the Wii will be liked and very much so. I know this because I also know that the vast majority of users here don't drink alcohol (because they don't like it, not legality) or smoke pot (same reason as above). So I know that I'm in the minorty here. But a lot more people share my point of view than they do yours.

Edited by Jim Moriarty
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Wow, I had no idea Fire Emblem, Bayonetta, Medal of Honor (yes, it has titles on Nintendo consoles. I know because I bought one), and Shin Megami Tensei were kid games.

Dude, only around 50% of Nintendo games are really kiddy. In fact, I wouldn't really say Zelda is very kid-friendly either given that it has actually had blood in at least one game. MM and TP are pretty dark too. Ghirahim could be seen as very creepy to some kids. Also, most of the kiddy games on Nintendo consoles aren't even made by Nintendo themselves, but third party companies.

Also, did you know that senior homes bought the Wii? There are plenty of Wii owners that are not kids and not parents of kids.

Another thing, you act like having some kid-friendly games is a bad thing. It isn't. Just because it's kid-friendly doesn't make it bad.

Edited by Anacybele
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You don't really get it, do you?

People look at the Wii or WiiU and laugh. That shit is for kids. Yeah, it's got good sales but for the most part, it's parents buying it for kids.

Look at this forum alone. I want to know the percentage of people here that go to high school and have a Wii or WiiU (as opposed to another console) and then the same number for people who work for a living (like myself) and have a Wii or WiiU (doesn't include parents).

There's a reason why Nintendo isn't taken seriously out in the real world. It's too kid friendly for its own good. Nintendo's heyday was in the 90s and early '00s. Not anymore.

EDIT: On this forum, the Wii will be liked and very much so. I know this because I also know that the vast majority of users here don't drink alcohol (because they don't like it, not legality) or smoke pot (same reason as above). So I know that I'm in the minorty here. But a lot more people share my point of view than they do yours.

What even is this post? How does one's choice of game console reflect a person in real life? How do you make so many baseless assumptions? Also, why does it matter what most people do? What does alcohol have to do with anything?

You assume that the Wii U sucks because it's childish, which is one of the most baseless syllogisms I've ever seen. Grown men in their 20s and 30s still like watching Disney movies and going to see Marvel films in theatres.

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Wow, I had no idea Fire Emblem, Bayonetta, Medal of Honor (yes, it has titles on Nintendo consoles. I know because I bought one), and Shin Megami Tensei were kid games.

Dude, only around 50% of Nintendo games are really kiddy. In fact, I wouldn't really say Zelda is very kid-friendly either given that it has actually had blood in at least one game. MM and TP are pretty dark too. Ghirahim could be seen as very creepy to some kids. Also, most of the kiddy games on Nintendo consoles aren't even made by Nintendo themselves, but third party companies.

Also, did you know that senior homes bought the Wii? There are plenty of Wii owners that are not kids and not parents of kids.

Another thing, you act like having some kid-friendly games is a bad thing. It isn't. Just because it's kid-friendly doesn't make it bad.


You do this constantly but I'm going to have the patience to answer you in a civil way (better than trying to do so when talking football).

First of all, Metal of Honour and Bayonetta (which was released on the Xbox 360 and PS3 a full 5 years prior to the Wii U) not exclusive to Nintendo. Both of those are immediately nullified from your list because it's just Nintendo adding a few "big-boy" games. This is nothing on the level of Battlefield or Farcry that are series that are rated for mature audiences and will never be endorsed by Nintendo.

Next, Fire Emblem is designed visually for young teenagers, not adults. Civilization 5, for example, is designed visually to be appealing to an adult audience. Difficulty of the game aside, the target audience is not anyone in the 21-30 demographic (the first group of people who can afford their own system by working for it).

In addition, Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei are cult series. Unless you know and have played those games, you will not actively search for them. And once again, I'm talking about my demographic.

Here's an example. I go out to drinks with a friend. Eventually, we get to the topic of new video games. Between Fire Emblem and Assassin's Creed, I'll mention Assassin's Creed first because that is the better known series in general, my love for Fire Emblem aside.

Because of that, those games are not the reason why the average person goes and buys a Wii (only a superfan would). But for a series like Pokemon, Mario and Zelda, that would be a more reasonable thought. Those are the series best associated with Nintendo and all of them are aimed at children and teenagers.

As for your claim that lots of people buy the Wii and don't have kids, I want you to prove that they do that more than the Xbox or Playstation systems that specific target an older demographic. Don't bother trying, you won't find any data that backs up your claim.

And for your last comment, kid-friendly doesn't mean bad. You're absolutely correct. But kid-friendly is unattractive to more mature audiences.

Here's a great example that doesn't involve video games. Girl Meets World is an excellent show (or was if it gets cancelled) when you look at the writing and serious acting sections (basically any scene that has to do with Sabrina Carpenter and her character's family).

But it's aimed at kids and that makes it unattractive for a more mature audience. The "jokes" are funny for children but silly and immature for adults (Rowan Blanchard is the guilty party here). As a result, a lesser amount of adults will watch the show.

But guess what. Children can't afford a television so GmW is missing out a greater amount of viewers (which directly correlates to more money) because it relies on parents who will buy televisions for a house and then let the children watch rather than a program that they might prefer. They specifically do this but it can never be compared to Game of Thrones or Orange is the New Black in a serious manner. End of argument.

You can interchange Girl Meets World, Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black with Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony respectively. Then you will understand my point.

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I never quite got why people care so much whether games are mature/"kiddie" or not. I think people should have fun with and enjoy games that they want to play. If that's something grim dark and mature, that's totally fine! If a 10 year old or 40 year old wants to sit down and play Splatoon or Pokemon, that's fine too! When I was in middle school, I'm pretty sure I would have been the type that would be like "dude, Mario's so LAME! I only play mature adult games that have cussing and blood in them!". But as I got older, I started leaning towards games that I personally would have fun with whether it be a game that's directed at all ages or adults only. I get that some people are really hung up on "but people need to only see games as a serious adults only art form" or "my friends will make fun of me for liking Pikachu". (and you shouldn't hang out with people that make fun of you for liking Pikachu or Mario or whatever, toxic people are a waste of time)

I'm 31 and work on comics for a living and almost every title I've ever worked on has been all ages, meaning it's directed at both kids and adults alike, so pretty much what Nintendo does. It's been totally normal for me to see both kids and adults enjoying the titles I work on and I think it's the coolest thing ever when a mother and daughter or father and son come up and both tell me how much they like what I do. Almost everyone I hang out with or talk to also works in the comic or animation or game or other part of the art industry. For us it's completely normal for people of all ages to enjoy comics or games or animation. I don't think there's a single person in my circle of industry friends that doesn't own a Wii U or 3DS or both. (nothing better than turning on my 3DS the day Pokemon XY came out and seeing 80% of the people I know also playing Pokemon XY) So fortunately I get to avoid all the "omg Nintendo is for kids" bullies in my personal and professional life, because we all get that games/movies/tv/animation/comics are for everyone.

Yes, everyone. Everyone includes your 5 year old sister. Everyone includes your grandpa. Everyone includes your mom. (I personally bought my mom a Wii a few years back, just got her a 3DS and will be getting her a Wii U soon) Games aren't an exclusive adults only club. I understand that liking something "for kids" might make you unpopular in certain sectors of the internet, but you should just live your life and enjoy things even if some dude on the internet is going to tease you about it. I personally don't need to justify that something I enjoy is mature or for adults to like it, because I can still find artistic merit and enjoyment in the brightest and most colorful family friendly Nintendo games because I don't need games to justify that I'm a responsible bill paying adult.

(and for the record I don't think people are bad or dumb for playing more mature games, I enjoy them too! But you better believe I'm gonna load up Kirby and the Rainbow Curse after playing some Bloodborne)

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You and I are the exceptions. And there's a lot like us but nowhere near the millions of people who choose to go with an Xbox or Playstation because kid friendly is not their cup of tea.

One exception or even 50 does not cancel out a trend that involves tens of millions. It is that simple. You can be your own personal example but data does not lie.

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I like the Wii U. Not bad at all if you have favorite game series that are released on it. For me I just had to get Smash Bros 4, for me its a family game where we have the most fun. I also have Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Mario Party 9 and Super Mario World. I kinda want more WiiU games still waiting for Zelda WiiU I guess lol

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I love the Wii U more than the N64 or SNES tbh.

N64 has Mario Party, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium, Hey You Pikachu (guilty as charged), Kirby 64, and Yoshi's Story and that's about all the 64 stuff I care about. There's titles like Ocarina and Mario 64 but I don't really care for them.

As for SNES, I play the Kirby games, Mario World, Yoshi's Island, EarthBound, FE3-5, and that's it.

I will admit that my GCN library, with some standouts being Wind Waker, Path of Radiance, and Pokemon XD, and my Wii library, with things like Brawl, Galaxy, and Radiant Dawn, demolish even my Wii U library though, as I have more 3DS games than the average person. I've accumulated tons in almost 5 years now.

There's more stuff that I enjoy on it than any other current gen console:

Pikmin, Bayonetta, Splatoon, Mario Kart, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, WWHD, Wonderful 101, Smash Bros, Xenoblade X, 3D World, Pokken (eventually), Shantae, Shovel Knight, and even a large virtual console selection with stuff like EarthBound Beginnings for the first time in the US. It's a really big deal, even if it isn't Mother 3.

I couldn't really care less about Microsoft, and Sony has the few things I could want: Street Fighter, Katamari, Suikoden (rip), Persona, and Final Fantasy. That's pretty much the only PS titles I have.

So as a whole, I really enjoy the Wii U, even with it not selling well. I've gotten a ton of games for it, and it's paid it's weight IMO. I do think that people are overlooking a lot of interesting titles though. I listed games in almost every genre, and I'm assuming there has to be something for people to like. I do think there could be more FGs though. Smash and Pokken is cool, but Ultra SFIV would be the bomb, especially since SF5 is impossible due to Sony funding.

Here's hoping the NX can win back SQEX and get us FFVIIR though!

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I never quite got why people care so much whether games are mature/"kiddie" or not. I think people should have fun with and enjoy games that they want to play. If that's something grim dark and mature, that's totally fine! If a 10 year old or 40 year old wants to sit down and play Splatoon or Pokemon, that's fine too! When I was in middle school, I'm pretty sure I would have been the type that would be like "dude, Mario's so LAME! I only play mature adult games that have cussing and blood in them!". But as I got older, I started leaning towards games that I personally would have fun with whether it be a game that's directed at all ages or adults only. I get that some people are really hung up on "but people need to only see games as a serious adults only art form" or "my friends will make fun of me for liking Pikachu". (and you shouldn't hang out with people that make fun of you for liking Pikachu or Mario or whatever, toxic people are a waste of time)

I'm 31 and work on comics for a living and almost every title I've ever worked on has been all ages, meaning it's directed at both kids and adults alike, so pretty much what Nintendo does. It's been totally normal for me to see both kids and adults enjoying the titles I work on and I think it's the coolest thing ever when a mother and daughter or father and son come up and both tell me how much they like what I do. Almost everyone I hang out with or talk to also works in the comic or animation or game or other part of the art industry. For us it's completely normal for people of all ages to enjoy comics or games or animation. I don't think there's a single person in my circle of industry friends that doesn't own a Wii U or 3DS or both. (nothing better than turning on my 3DS the day Pokemon XY came out and seeing 80% of the people I know also playing Pokemon XY) So fortunately I get to avoid all the "omg Nintendo is for kids" bullies in my personal and professional life, because we all get that games/movies/tv/animation/comics are for everyone.

Yes, everyone. Everyone includes your 5 year old sister. Everyone includes your grandpa. Everyone includes your mom. (I personally bought my mom a Wii a few years back, just got her a 3DS and will be getting her a Wii U soon) Games aren't an exclusive adults only club. I understand that liking something "for kids" might make you unpopular in certain sectors of the internet, but you should just live your life and enjoy things even if some dude on the internet is going to tease you about it. I personally don't need to justify that something I enjoy is mature or for adults to like it, because I can still find artistic merit and enjoyment in the brightest and most colorful family friendly Nintendo games because I don't need games to justify that I'm a responsible bill paying adult.

(and for the record I don't think people are bad or dumb for playing more mature games, I enjoy them too! But you better believe I'm gonna load up Kirby and the Rainbow Curse after playing some Bloodborne)

I pretty much agree with this post entirely. I think Nintendo has an undeserved reputation of being kiddy. To me they're similar to Disney and Pixar - no adult is ashamed to be seen enjoying one of their products. But Nintendo for some reason has earned a different reputation, I suspect it's a combination of Nintendo being so closely linked to the current generation of young adults' childhoods and the company's stance on certain issues. On Internet forums especially I think you need to be skeptical of certain complaints as well; there are a lot of teens and young adults who get up in arms about Nintendo's censorship policies on the idea that it's more mature to have half naked girls and cussing in a game, and that Nintendo censoring it makes them "kiddy".

The games that I find to be the most mature representations of gaming are not ones that have anything worth censoring in them. Shadow of the Colossus certainly would not have been improved or more mature if there were nudity and cussing in it, so the removal or lack of it in another game should not at all have an effect on your opinion of it as a work lol.

My opinion is mostly regarding their flagship titles of course. Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, games people of all ages can enjoy because they're solid games with significant depth beyond an appearance that appeals to kids. Some titles are more strictly focused towards a teen audience (like our very own Fire Emblem!), and I wouldn't at all question adults being disinterested in those for that reason.

Edit: For the record, I think Sony consoles have consistently better titles both first party and third, and I'd consider myself more a fan of that brand, but even two years into the PS4's life, the U is still the only current generation console I personally own (will change in 2016 though, that's a good year for gaming!). The U's library really is good, it's a shame that it's not more recognized. I think the price point really hurts it. Regardless, I'll be buying Nintendos until I die or they leave the market lol!

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But Nintendo for some reason has earned a different reputation, I suspect it's a combination of Nintendo being so closely linked to the current generation of young adults' childhoods and the company's stance on certain issues.

People aren't judgmental of adults liking games. Disney movies are plastered everywhere in media. It's almost expected of adults to just go out and watch a Disney movie. They have concerts and international theme parks and movies with commercials all over the place. Disney can be kid/family friendly, but it's more accepted because of innate values and intelligence behind the concept and story, art design and more. It's a medium in which you're not expected to interact with, you're just watching a 90 minute movie, leaving with some feels and moving on with your life to buy the toys or stickers or w/e.

Video games, on the other hand, are controversial subject matter. Kids were always the ones to have played games, and our generation is a victim of that. Movies and entertainment media have existed for so long, that the generational gap has blurred. It's hard to find real "value" in games, just like comic books and such. Gaming also sucks incredible amounts of time out of people, notably impressionable kids, in a generation where our parents/grandparents hadn't had such opportunities. It's strange when you think about it, but not unexpected. You're gonna be judged because you're doing things differently than your folks did, or your peers/superiors did.

Notice how things like Iron Man and Spider Man are all over the media though; they've become popular because a generation that spent time not understanding it is becoming the minority. Gaminig is at its peak, 35-40 years old. Other entertainment means are beyond that. In another 15 years, Gaming will likely be more accepted as mainstream because there will be less people out there passing judgment where it needs not be passed.

my love for Fire Emblem aside

All this time, I didn't think you even liked Fire Emblem anymore @Life

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I don't think that's the way it is even now, you already have brands that are extremely popular among the 18-50 crowd (PS). It's Nintendo specifically that gets singled out as kiddy, even in gaming circles. Gaming has been mainstream for a while; the gaming industry has been worth more than the movie and music industry for nearly 10 years.

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All this time, I didn't think you even liked Fire Emblem anymore @Life

I do. I just haven't played any of the games in a long time (I also don't like anything from FE10 onwards but that's a different story).

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for what i use the wii u for... im getting my money's worth... i bought it for the games, the gamepad's usefulness

i stream anime, draw with an art program on it, read books, etc... its like an ipad to me... quite useful

now anyways... as i said i get my money's worth... i love it

so... if people tell me it isnt a good console... i ignore it... because i got what i bought it for... pretty much it :)

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