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So... Fates was just Rated by the ESRB

Jagged Jagen

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Well Charlotte's outfit fits well her class, as Fighters are usually uncovered. Look at Vaike, he was shirtless all the time. Fighters, which work almost like Brigands in Fates, are known for having high HP and low Defense.

Also Camilla has panty gap because nearly all mounted units do in this game, at least the female. You just almost never see it because they're, well, sitting on a mount, but you can see pretty much anyone's asses if they're a dark knight.

Edited by Crushingon
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Once again, let me remind you of the ESRB rating and description for Hyrule Warriors:

Rating Category: T.png
Content Descriptors: Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes
Rating Summary: This is an action game in which players assume the roles of various characters from the Legend of Zelda universe. Players fight hordes of attacking enemies by using swords, arrows, and magic attacks (e.g., fireballs). Each character is also able to use a special attack that inflicts large-scale damage, flinging enemies across the battlefield. Characters cry out when struck, and battles are highlighted by impact sounds and light effects. Some female characters are depicted wearing revealing outfits (e.g., large amounts of cleavage); during one cutscene, the camera lingers on the buttocks and cleavage of a female boss character.

Camilla is not getting censored, guys. You might as well give up now.

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And in all fairness to Charlotte, this is the male fighter outfit:


So with the exception of the exposed midriff, her outfit IS what a female fighter outfit would look like.

That outfit suprisingly fits Asama.

And now that I think, plenty of male oufits in Fates show cleavage, there's Saizou, Suzukaze, Nishiki, Flannel.

I think Zero shows some cleavage too.

And there's Odin and his abs.

Edited by Water Mage
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granted marring children in the first place should never have been allowed in the first place, which is what lead to this, but i can't see this being kept the same.


Hated it in Awakening, and that had Time Travel, and I hate it far more in Fates as they managed to make an even lamer reason to justify it.

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Camilla is not getting censored, guys. You might as well give up now.

The ESRB is not the one in charge of Censoring fates, it's Nintendo's higher ups and Treehouse. I.E. The guys who censored Fatal Frame despite it being already an M rated game replacing it with NINTENDO CHARACTER COSTUMES. Here is a list of things probably geting replaced with garbage like Peach's dresse, Mario's Hats and Link's outfit.


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I don't mind that Charlotte's skimpy at all. Berserker's traditionally the shirtless class and it also suits her as a character, so skimpiness on Charlotte isn't something I'm bothered by on principle. When I asked for female berserker, I fully expected her to not wear much, so that much is entirely expected.

What I AM bothered by is how Fighter as a whole in the series have been on the receiving end of some of the worst designs as a class. They were designwise not very noteworthy prior to tellius. Very boring and doesn't stand out at all, especially in a cast of 40-50. Tellius is like, the only place where they have a design that really tried, and then awakening and fates gave fighters designs that are quite aesthetically unpleasing. It's definitely possible to look good while still going for that rugged look, and I hope fighters will actually have a class design worth a damn in the future.

Like if you're gonna go skimpy go skimpy in style, man, if Camilla kept the cleavage but just wore some tight leather pants or something (panties look really dumb with armor, especially since that bit looks like someone just took a scissor and cut a hole in that region without regard to the rest of the aesthetic) it'd be a solid design and looks pretty good. I can't say the same for fighter as a whole. What's the point of impractical if you can't even at least look good?

tl;dr what fighter as a class really needs is fashion sense.

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tl;dr what fighter as a class really needs is fashion sense.

Something you need to remember is that originally Fighters were THE generic mook class since FE1 and beyond. So naturally they are meant to be unappealing in favor of, say, Myrmidons, Cavaliers and Mages. Their appearance as a class needs to reflect on both, the fact they're easy to doge and easy to take down, but at the same time they will wreck your shit if they actually land a hit on you. Tellius just had the advantage of unique character models and Boyd was literally the only fighter you get in PoR, I don't recall if generic enemy fighters also had his outfit.

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I don't expect (or care) if anything is censored or not censored or whatever. I've already played the game in its uncensored, Japanese glory so the English version is more a version in which I can finally understand what people are saying.

That said, bad designs are just bad. I could give Camilla's upper half a pass even if I personally don't like it, but her bottom half is just no. Because 1) who the hell would want to ride a scaly wyvern wearing that, and 2) it doesn't even look good or make sense at all. Likewise, wanting female cavaliers, dark knights, and generals to wear a proper pair of pants isn't censorship -- it's common sense. Why do the women have to go without pants when all the male cavaliers and dark knights are wearing proper pants and still look good? I'm not complaining about classes that are obviously fanservice, even if I don't like them, but battle panties are a definite NON-improvement in the art direction.

Also, I can't say I think that any character should be completely rewritten in the localization. What I feel DOES need to be changed is how some of their support partners react to them. You know, so that they act like actual real people would to certain questionable things.

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Something you need to remember is that originally Fighters were THE generic mook class since FE1 and beyond. So naturally they are meant to be unappealing in favor of, say, Myrmidons, Cavaliers and Mages. Their appearance as a class needs to reflect on both, the fact they're easy to doge and easy to take down, but at the same time they will wreck your shit if they actually land a hit on you. Tellius just had the advantage of unique character models and Boyd was literally the only fighter you get in PoR, I don't recall if generic enemy fighters also had his outfit.

Does it really matter? Do generic mooks not deserve fashion sense? Games evolve, and if Generic Hero is hot enough that I want 5 of him on my team, I see no reason that someone can't at least give half a shit about designing fighters for once.

Aesthetic appealing doesn't mean sleek. It's definitely easily doable to reflect a design that's powerful and rugged, while not looking like it's pulled out of some trashcan somewhere.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Something you need to remember is that originally Fighters were THE generic mook class since FE1 and beyond. So naturally they are meant to be unappealing in favor of, say, Myrmidons, Cavaliers and Mages.

I'm pretty sure this is not true. I can't vouch for FE1, but I'm pretty sure Brigands and Barbarians took this role as early as FE2, and the entire art direction was overhauled for FE3. This train of logic makes little sense.

Tellius just had the advantage of unique character models and Boyd was literally the only fighter you get in PoR, I don't recall if generic enemy fighters also had his outfit.

I do think FE9 fighters had a pretty similar outfit to Boyd's, yeah.
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Also Camilla has panty gap because nearly all mounted units do in this game, at least the female. You just almost never see it because they're, well, sitting on a mount, but you can see pretty much anyone's asses if they're a dark knight.

She has a custom outfit. I don't see why they couldn't give her pants. I don't see why they couldn't give all the female characters pants.

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She has a custom outfit. I don't see why they couldn't give her pants. I don't see why they couldn't give all the female characters pants.

Pants are not really as attractive as a lack thereof.

Games evolve, and if Generic Hero is hot enough that I want 5 of him on my team, I see no reason that someone can't at least give half a shit about designing fighters for once.

I did get bothered how in Awakening generic Hero, Falcon and Dark Pegasus looked far more interesting than Gregor, Sumia or pretty much anyone in the cast. I'd totally marry that generic Dark Pegasus, but alas I cannot. I wish you could marry and have a Kanna from a captured unit in Fates like the generic Maid, but that'd be a terrible war crime.

Edited by Crushingon
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Pants are not really as attractive as a lack thereof.

I think women look more attractive with pants then running around in battle panties constantly.

Source: bisexual

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And in all fairness to Charlotte, this is the male fighter outfit:


So with the exception of the exposed midriff, her outfit IS what a female fighter outfit would look like.

...Ahhk. Spoil that, at least; don't subjugate everybody that hideousness.

That is to say that the Fighter class, regardless of gender, looks pretty awful in this game.

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i don't see how tight leather pants (or at least the visual of it, it doesn't have to be as restrictive as real leather) is not appealing

I mean isn't that the whole point of putting superheroines in catsuits

Pants is horribly underutilized, tbh. More pants = more surface area in which you can put patterns on (not everyone makes sense with a tattoo, after all) and there's a lot of things people don't take advantage. More color coordination considerations too.

Sorc does a fine job of being a pantsless class. It's designed around being sexy and is visually coherent within that in mind. The armored mounts don't really have the whole sex appeal aesthetic going on for them like Sorc does, so having panties is simply just really out of place instead of actually actively designed around being sexy in the same way that Sorc is. In this case, a lack of pants is simply pointless, and brings nothing good to the table.

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Pants are not really as attractive as a lack thereof.

Are you drunk? Pants can be just as attractive as no pants.

Besides, pants or no pants, what I appreciate more than attractiveness is things making sense.

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...Ahhk. Spoil that, at least; don't subjugate everybody that hideousness.

That is to say that the Fighter class, regardless of gender, looks pretty awful in this game.

I regret nothing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by Phillius
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I much prefer women with pants and find them much more attractive.

Source: Me, I am gay.

I think women look more attractive with pants then running around in battle panties constantly.

Source: bisexual

Well I bet to disagree, battle bikinis and chainmail panties are amazing inventions of humanity to serve the world of fantasy.

Source: Me, Full on Heterosexual.

Are you drunk? Pants can be just as attractive as no pants.

Besides, pants or no pants, what I appreciate more than attractiveness is things making sense.

No, pretty damn lucid. If anything on a slight sugar rush. I also disagree on the last one statement, I much prefer when things go crazy and are not bound by silly things like Logic. I get plenty of that stuff in real life. This is why Guilty Gear and Blazblue are so much better than silly things like Street Fighter.

I think this is a lot a matter of opinions here.

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Fine, then I want you to go out wearing a battle bikini and chainmail panties while riding a horse pantsless for a considerable time and distance and tell us how it's like. If it's actually comfortable doing all that, then maybe we'll relent. Maybe.

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