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Did you have trouble finding Radiant Dawn back in the day?

Captain Karnage

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I just wanted to see if anyone else had this problem a few years ago.

for me not being able to get my hands on FE 10 (which I didn't find a copy of untill 2012) is what really caused my falling out with the series and why I quit FE. (untill I got back in with Awakening)

and because of that I completely missed out on Shadow Dragon and judging from what people say I really didn't miss out.

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Finding isn't the problem in my country... just finding for a low price.

Found it accidently for a very low price at GameStop about 3,5 years ago.

Edit: I tend to sell the Tellius parts sometime (although FE10 is my favorite game all time), because I don't have room capacity for my Wii anymore and I can make a bit money of them. However I'm going to sell it only to people, who pay with €.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I traded Star Ocean Till The End Of Time and the first two Kingdom Hearts games for a sealed copy from some online forums user named Jogurt The Yogurt (I know, amazing username) a while ago (around 7 years ago, I'd say). So yeah, not really.

Edited by Refa
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Yeah, it's a million times more cumbersome and expensive to get your hands on a copy today. You need look no further than a recent topic on these forums wherein the dude paid $100 for a boxed copy of Radiant Dawn if you want proof of that.

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I got them both the day of launch and for both Path of Radiance and Radiance Dawn, only GameStop had them and they only had one or two (I can't remember) copies, and they changed me 60$ for 50$ games, (Ie. 10$ over MSRP, I am not talking about 50$ plus tax, I am talking 60$ plus tax) both times just cause they could (I never seen this though for any other game). I hate GameStop to this day for that reason... well at least they had them in.

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Radiant Dawn came out the day before my birthday, so I picked it up at launch as a birthday present for myself. :p No problem finding a copy at all.

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I found a used copy in GameStop easily back in 2009, I believe, so it wasn't that hard. It quit working right some time later though, so I had to search for another a couple years or so later. The local Walmart had one brand new copy. I didn't know the game was rare then, but I couldn't believe the luck I had that day when I did find out.

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I had it pre-ordered, so no, I didn't have trouble.

What I do regret is that I actually had it pre-ordered at two locations, one near home (Chicago suburbs), and one at school (Champaign-Urbana, where I eventually picked it up), because I wasn't entirely sure where I'd be at the time. If I knew it would eventually be rare and that I'd have several friends wanting the game, I probably would've gone home that weekend to get that one, and then just casually picked up the other when I got back to school a day or so later.

Of course, it was February 2007 if I remember correctly. At that time, most people weren't concerned about getting Fire Emblem for the Wii... they were still trying to even find a store that had the Wii in stock. Ahh, memories.

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I found it used for 20€ in 2012.

I also found Xenoblade Wii used but pretty much brand new for 40€ in 2014 (thus at least 10€ less than a normal brand new copy).

I'm just a lucky gal :smug:

No, I just live in a place where people sell good games, lol. I found so many rare things in the used games bin.

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There was a period of about 2 years between 2010 and 2012 where I had trouble finding any FE games. The only reason I was ever able to play PoR and RD was because a friend in highschool had them and let me borrow them (in exchange I let him borrow Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon).

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Yes! And Path of Radiance too!

I bought PoR via Internet, never found it in my city, but RD was only in 1 store!! And they only received like 5 copies! They increased the price a bit, but I was like "JUST GIVE ME THE GAME!" and I bought the last copy... It was a good decision!

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