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I just think the dark mages should be more covered?


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Well,you aren't alone in that opinion.If you're wondering why the aren't as covered as they used to be,probably fanservice.Fanservice can either ruin or enhance something,depending on what it does.

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Well, why? Are you implying you prefer the older designs because the fit the "dark" mage image better, or are you saying you dislike the newer designs because they're impractical and make no sense? Or both?

I agree that when I think of dark mages, scantily clad men and women don't come to mind. The robes fit the aesthetic; however, they're not exactly memorable. Its just a general idea, ya know? They're generic. I wouldn't look at them in a video game, in recent times, and be able to link them to the source later on. On the other hand, as inappropriate and nonsensical as they are, I can step away from Fates' and Awakening's dark mages, see them out of context, and be able to link them to FE.

If you want to combat the impracticality of the current dark mages, then imagine that they have defensive magic surrounding them, making physical armor pointless. After all, magic defense (resistance) is a completely different stat from physical defense. So wouldn't that make sense?

Of course, yeah, they should be more covered. They can have clothes on and still look memorable, lol.

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I'd prefer something in the middle. I am not a fan of the 'overly-conservative' robes (think NES Fire Emblem); they remind me of monk's robes. I prefer capes and tunics, something along the lines of the mage designs from the SNES, Wii and the GBA Fire Emblems (see my signature for a good example).

The FE: Fates Dark Mages look interesting for lack of a better term. I prefer the Dark Mage outfit to its Sorcerer promotion. Sure the black wings on the Sorcerers are awesome, but I prefer simpler designs in general.

The FE: Fates Dark Mages' robes would fit something like a desert nation, like Plegia from Awakening. Mind you, I loathed the Awakeing Dark Mage and Sorcerer designs, so it's nice that these new dark mages are 10x better. I haven't played Fates, obviously, but Nohr has given me the impression of being a colder nation than Hoshido. I would think that they would want to wear slightly warmer clothing, but I could be wrong.

Dark Mages look good with darker robe colors. Sadly, two out of the three 'canon' dark mages in Fates look absolutely awful with their yellow robes. Dark blues or purples would have been much better color schemes. That's simply my opinion, though.

Edited by Leif
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I'd prefer the Druid/Sorcerer outfits of the past. Those sprites you linked look generic because, well, they are generics but they could designed to be much flashier (look at Nergal for example).

If Nohr is supposed to be a gritty medieval Europe, can't we have some proper wizard robes?

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I find Awakening the best out of the designs we've had, personally. The GBA+preGBA designs were a lil too boxy for me, and the Fates ones, though definitely more interesting, a lil too skimpy (or rather, the cutouts on some designs are oddly done?).

Long as the costumes stay equal opportunity fan service, I don't really mind either direction (conservative vs skimpy) as they're both pretty classic dark wizard/witch depictions, just with different stereotypes associated with each costume.

Edited by blinkingbrave
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I think it's funny and a great example of equal opportunity fanservice. I quite like the Fates designs, if I'm honest, and think they add more character rather than just robes, but something in the middle could be good as long as it's the same for both males and females.

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I'm a lot more bothered by cav and knight than some squishy defenseless mages whose entire aesthetic is designed around it, anyway. The designs are internally consistent and I'm actually kinda impressed about how well it puts together, even if I would never wear it in a million years.

Better to have a consistent and aesthetic-focused design based off of equal opportunity fanservice and not pretending to be something it's not than a mostly practical-looking design and then you look down and the pants are missing.

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I think the design change may have been made with "gypsies" in mind.

I always thought that Awakening's, at least, had more of a Hollywood!Egypt vibe to them. Especially with Tharja because of her headdress.

I thought Awakening's Male Dark Mages were awkward looking, but Fates' Male Dark Mages are just... there's no other word for it... FABULOUS~

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I do agree that they (amongst other units) should be more covered. However, I loved the Fates designs for Dark Mage and Sorcerer, in fact, both genders of Sorcerer pulled in the title of my favourite unit design.

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I just want more variation amongst character outfits. How cool would it be if there were some characters who were dark mage and sorcerer outfits similar to what we had in Fates, but there were other dark mages and sorcerers who wore robes similar to the FE6-8 styles? For example, RD did a pretty good job of giving characters of the same class differentiated outfits, where they had a similar "style" but looked different enough. Like the RD sages, who looked very different but had a similar style. It would make the characters feel more unique than just "generic costume".

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I'm a lot more bothered by cav and knight than some squishy defenseless mages whose entire aesthetic is designed around it, anyway. The designs are internally consistent and I'm actually kinda impressed about how well it puts together, even if I would never wear it in a million years.

Better to have a consistent and aesthetic-focused design based off of equal opportunity fanservice and not pretending to be something it's not than a mostly practical-looking design and then you look down and the pants are missing.

I mostly agree, although Awakening's Dark Mage design should theoretically bother me more than it does given it's like "How do you even put that on" and "Doesn't wearing metal bands on nearly bare skin when you seem to fight in a desert mean you get burnt". But it manages to just not really stick out in the same way battle panties do lol.

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I just want more variation amongst character outfits. How cool would it be if there were some characters who were dark mage and sorcerer outfits similar to what we had in Fates, but there were other dark mages and sorcerers who wore robes similar to the FE6-8 styles? For example, RD did a pretty good job of giving characters of the same class differentiated outfits, where they had a similar "style" but looked different enough. Like the RD sages, who looked very different but had a similar style. It would make the characters feel more unique than just "generic costume".

This is why in Awakening I feel compelled to keep everyone in their initial class tree where they have a unique design, although usually a unique design just refers to color. As opposed to having an army of generic looking Paladins and Heroes.

Edited by Radiant head
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I just want more variation amongst character outfits. How cool would it be if there were some characters who were dark mage and sorcerer outfits similar to what we had in Fates, but there were other dark mages and sorcerers who wore robes similar to the FE6-8 styles? For example, RD did a pretty good job of giving characters of the same class differentiated outfits, where they had a similar "style" but looked different enough. Like the RD sages, who looked very different but had a similar style. It would make the characters feel more unique than just "generic costume".

RD didn't have reclassing though.

I sure would love unique outfits or at least unique color pallets.

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RD didn't have reclassing though.

I sure would love unique outfits or at least unique color pallets.

At the very least, characters should've had unique color palettes for their second promotion branch option. It would've been nice if they had unique colors for their predetermined reclass option as well, but at the very least the second promotion option of their main class should've been not generic.

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I mostly agree, although Awakening's Dark Mage design should theoretically bother me more than it does given it's like "How do you even put that on" and "Doesn't wearing metal bands on nearly bare skin when you seem to fight in a desert mean you get burnt". But it manages to just not really stick out in the same way battle panties do lol.

The female sorcerer bothers me more because it's like, how does this stay on, is that only half a stocking, does it require glue

When I design outfits, I consider requiring glue a personal failure on a design, an make sure everything can be put on without glue.

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RD didn't have reclassing though.

I sure would love unique outfits or at least unique color pallets.

I really don't get why we can't at least get unique color pallets. They don't have to make each one by hand. Just give the secondary classes something like what they do for the avatar and children's hair color - a neutral color that then receives a tint chosen by the player or determined by the parent.

Radiant Dawn had some reuse, although it was more limited. All three male Marshalls had the same body model, for example, just with different textures and heads.

Edited by NeonZ
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I really don't get why we can't at least get unique color pallets. They don't have to make each one by hand. Just give the secondary classes something like what they do for the avatar and children's hair color - a neutral color that then receives a tint chosen by the player or determined by the parent.

Radiant Dawn had some reuse, although it was more limited. All three male Marshalls had the same body model, for example, just with different textures and heads.

The game already does with team colors (red enemies, blue allies, green neutral). I don't see why they couldn't just assign everyone a color (or in the case of children, have them inherit the parent's color) and apply it to the variable parts of their model. It seems trivially easy to do.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Well, I'm trash who likes the FE14 dark mage outfits because of how scantily clad these grown men are while they run around in the snow.

However, I don't like them when it comes to practicality. The Plegian dark mage outfits made sense. They were worn in the desert, and I don't know about you guys, but there is no way in hell I'm wearing heavy robes while fighting in the desert. Remember Henry? He came in when your group was in Carrion Isle, which was a little higher north. He wears a cute lil sweater instead of the translucent nylon shirt the other dark mages wear.

I think the dark mages in Nohr would be freezing. Odin comes in when you're playing a freakin' snow map, and the entire front of his outfit is missing!

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