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December Badge Updates


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Otherwise... feel free to party and I guess suggest new badges to add in 2017.

I feel like any character I suggest would never be used and the badge just removed lol *shrugs* I guess I got bad taste!

I do feel that...

















...should all have badges, forever and always. And they do (I think?) so that's cool.

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I forget people used her.

She'll probably be re-added later with a new background since I wasn't happy with the original badge.

Vincennnnnnnnt! *shakes fist*

It seems that I am never able to avoid badge cullings. First the staff Geoffrey badge, then Firio, now Linde. dammit, I just want the badges I like back

Fine, if you want suggestions, make a new Geoffrey, since the old one was pre-new system and had the staff text directly on it. >_>

Edited by Lord Glenn
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You actually added Leif?!

Well uh... shucks... RIP Duck then...

Really, though, thanks!

EDIT: I suggest you add Devdan and Danved badges for next year :) i wonder how many people have made that joke before...

Edited by Luke
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I suggest having a badge of Leo from Fire Emblem Fates

since he's the only royal sibling without a badge

You'll have to wait until Nintendo releases high resolution artwork of him.

His magic ball things are really annoying to rip.

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You'll have to wait until Nintendo releases high resolution artwork of him.

His magic ball things are really annoying to rip.

So its really just difficulties with the rendering? Or is there a whole other process I don't know about?

Otherwise, I did find a render, if thats all thats needed:


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That's not a bad rip, but it's got the same problem as mine.

The balls are semi-transparent (the part done by Nintendo) at the top and then transition into opaque below Leo's chin.

It's really hard to tell the difference, but it irks me and I haven't found a way to emulate the semi-transparency.

If Nintendo releases a HQ render, all the balls will have the same transparency and the artwork will generally be easier to use.

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omg a Hector badge! Im gonna wear the shit out of that.

Im still waiting for my Florina badge. I do think we need a couple more Fates badges, but those can wait a bit i suppose.

The problem with that is that Leo is the only character with official artwork left.

there's like no official artwork to be seen it's slightly upsetting

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The problem with that is that Leo is the only character with official artwork left.

there's like no official artwork to be seen it's slightly upsetting


But don't worry, there will be more Fates badges eventually. However, due to a contract I signed with Tangerine, those who contribute to Serenes Forest Scribbles get first dibs.

Edited by VincentASM
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lethe ;_;

It's my fault for dumping her for Sumia, I bet. I knew the decision would come back to haunt me. We'll be getting Lyre to replace her next update, right?


On the plus side, I now have a Tsubasa badge to match my avatar, so thanks for that. I'm glad to see some Genei Ibun Roku characters in there.

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One other question. You said you didn't have time for everyone you wanted. I'm assuming that you're referring to Barry and Maiko? They're the only other characters with default portraits from trailers left. There's Tsurugi as well, but he doesn't have a non-Carnage form art, so that's certainly not going to happen.

Either way, I love the badges for this game. Especially Mamori. Thank you so much for these badges.

i like how GIR #FE will totally have more badges than Fates by the end

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One other question. You said you didn't have time for everyone you wanted. I'm assuming that you're referring to Barry and Maiko? They're the only other characters with default portraits from trailers left. There's Tsurugi as well, but he doesn't have a non-Carnage form art, so that's certainly not going to happen.

Either way, I love the badges for this game. Especially Mamori. Thank you so much for these badges.

i like how GIR #FE will totally have more badges than Fates by the end

That would be spoilers.

Actually, I was considering Maiko, Barry and Yashiro, but I decided to opt for Mirage Masters only for now. Maybe I'll add them after the game comes out in English.

Tiki gets a free pass for being a Fire Emblem character.

I think i saw Yashiro's non-Carnage art, but by the time he was announced, I got too busy with other badges : P

Edited by VincentASM
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Aw, I rocked that Makalov badge for years. Anna is a bit easier on the eyes I suppose.

Since attractive young women seem to be a priority might I suggest a Niime badge?

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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This probably makes zero difference right now but I just rewrote the badge code to make it 400% more efficient (originally it was so embarrassingly inefficient).

If you notice any oddities, please let me know. Since I was lazy, I chucked away part of an if statement for people with no badge selected. Plus I'm really tired now >___<

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