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What would your personal skill be?


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Bad Influence: Enemy Units have significantly worse hit rates with my presence on the map.

Too bad I'm a shitty unit otherwise.

I feel like this would be really OP if you made your unit a healer or something similar and kept them up the back

OR if you made them a swordmaster, heck why not a whole team of sword masters that literally wont be able to get hit

Edited by Mackc2
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Dislikes Fighting : If a valid weapon is in the inventory but unequipped avoid + 50

or perhaps the more realistic

Low Stamina: After fighting all stats -1 for 1 turn, takes priority over all other debuffs (Makes it a bit better).

or maybe just

Bookworm: The more tomes there are in my inventory the higher my defense and magic get. (+1 each)

Would you use a character with any of these skills?

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I'm a serious person I swaer

Hacker Voice: "I'm in" - all player units have +10 in stats, Rinka and Ryouma have +20 for favoritism

Oops I broke the code - all player units have -10 in all stats, Ryouma's model is permanently shirtless

Armor Designer - +5 damage against all classes that, in at least one of their variants, including custom models, have battle panties

Butter him up - +3 damage around a 2 tile radius of Ryouma and Marx but also provide +3 damage to them as well. If Ryouma and Marx are in guard stance with each other, the lead unit deals +5 damage instead of +3.

Baralord - +2 damage dealt by self and a muscular character when within a 2-tile radius of one

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Chivalry - If an adjacent female unit is attacked, may redirect the attack to user instead. When subbing in, damage dealt +4, damage received -4, immune to critical hits and can't be KOed.

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