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Fire Emblem merchandise from Comiket Market 89 (Dec 29-31, 2015) | All Hail Luyairis


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Luyairis and I have been gradually accounting for the missing money, and while roughly $450 is still unaccounted for, it's beginning to look like much (and possibly all) of it was legitimately spent on unforeseen expenditures. In hindsight, it wasn't efficient having someone travel all the way into, around, and back out of Tokyo, and it ended up costing so much that this entire venture will cost each of us at least twice as much as the items we bought (but on the bright side, still less than what our items will be worth someday, if not already :D). So... what now?

I've tossed out the old calculations (the grossly underestimated shipping, the stipends, underestimated travel costs, Japan Post boxes, etc.) and recalculated what everyone actually owed based on the actual costs.

  • The missing $450 will be considered an expenditure, just like Felix's travel costs, etc. and will be distributed among everyone. However, it won't be a flat $30 across the board. Your share of the expenditures will depend on how large of an order you received/will receive; the less items you got or are getting, the smaller your share of the expenses will be. Larger orders are covering larger shares, but a smaller share per item. This seemed the most fair.
  • You'll obviously also each be charged for your received items, plus all other known expenditures that applied to everyone (bus tickets, etc.).
  • In addition, you'll only pay for the packing/shipping that applied to you specifically: Felix paid roughly Â¥13,000 to ship the first five orders, so that will be covered by those five people. Peach used about Â¥20,000 to package and ship the remaining ten orders to me, which is being spread out among all 10 us. After that, I am shipping the remaining individual orders to the remaining recipients, who will pay for their individual shipping.
  • Your ACTUAL bill will be compared to what you actually paid, and your remaining balance or refund will be calculated.
  • Some of you will end up owing money, particularly if you got all or most of your order, especially Day 1 folks. Your initial payment was based on calculations that grossly underestimated expenses, which thus weren't covered. With everyone else, those underestimations are being covered by the money for items they ordered but didn't get. If you owe money, I will let you know how much. If you are getting a refund, I will let you know how little.
  • The four whose orders were canceled will get full refunds within the week.
  • Once those who owe money pay their balances, I will ship out the remaining orders.
  • The remaining money will be distributed to everyone owed refunds. Please do not expect much, some refunds are in the double digits (USD), and some are in the single digits. Actually, if you just assume you all owe $50 each, when I tell you your refunds (or balances), it won't sting as much.
I realize this will disappoint many of you, and I apologize. Luyairis and I have spent a ton of time combing through what records we had to try and find what was originally about $1100-1200 missing, and to find the best options given that most of it was indeed spent. Please realize that even though you individually lost money on this, we all lost money on this, and some of us (those of us with large orders) lost even more. Luyairis and I will continue to see if the remaining $450 was not spent on actual expenses, and if it somehow eventually pops up, we will distribute (refund) it separately at that time.

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me but please don't shoot the messenger. Know that Luyairis and I feel bad enough about this as it is, and will continue to see if any of the missing money wasn't spent and can be refunded at some point.

Edited by christianponte
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  • All remaining orders have been shipped and tracking numbers have been sent out via PM.
  • Full refunds have gone out to those whose orders were completely canceled.
  • All those who OWE (or owed) money have already been notified.


  • Partial Refunds (pending reception of remaining owed funds; priority to those owed larger refunds)
  • Sleep
Edited by christianponte
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According to the tracking info I have, all but two orders have been delivered. Of the remaining two, one should be delivered today, and the other seems to be taking longer due to international shipping. Luckily, no one is in blizzard territory.

Edited by christianponte
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Good to hear everything is starting to arrive safely. Looks like even the other items I had to purchase via auction (notably the badge sets) have finally shipped to me, so I should get those in a couple days.

Still waiting on some payments before we start the partial refunds. We could technically start to refund several of the smaller ones (since most refunds are almost negligible), but I had intended on prioritizing those due the largest refunds. I imagine they're more in the hole at this point and getting those sooner could actually have a meaningful impact, versus fulfilling a bunch of the single-digit refunds first.

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I suppose its not possible to get the first 4 items anywhere else, is it? If so, sucks that I missed it...

Also, will something like this be done for the next Comiket? I could never afford going there myself.

Pretty nice you did this at all, though.

Edited by Ultros
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Ebay + Japanese Auction Sites and a Forwarding Service

Since it's a limited edition convention exclusive, you are going to be paying a huge premium as it's being scalped now. And there's going to be stuff at the next Comiket just like there's stuff at the Cipher Fes that's happening this month and next week.

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yeah, I'm still trying to get a players box pixel/dot version, and have yet to find one under $100! These things are super expensive right now, and will probably get worse unless they re-release them later.

FYI, the artbooks are being sold at cipher festival EAST/WEST too.

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Also, will something like this be done for the next Comiket? I could never afford going there myself.

Pretty nice you did this at all, though.

If there is, it won't be me. I don't think Kyokko really wants to either. I'm only helping several close friends.

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