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Characters often called terrible but worked really well with you and vice versa?


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I've been playing FE8 recently. Franz has not been treating me well. At all. Meanwhile, Kyle's been treating me a lot better with his high Strength and Defense. And Garcia's been doing pretty well too.

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Mia and Nepheenee didn't turn out that well for me.

All of my Eliwoods turn out great.

My Eirikas are almost always better than my Ephraims.

In my girls only run of FE8 Cavalier->Great Knight!Amelia was MVP due to her high SPD and CON. Also my only Axe user.

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Bad --> Good

Bors ended up with 12 speed at level 12, I gave him no stat boosters.

Roy was amazing my first playthrough, probably because I gave him boots and con ring.

I don't know if Lilina is considered bad but she's sitting at capped magic with 14 skl, 13 spd (dropped one speed wing though), and 14 defense. All at level 17, can't wait to promote her.

Good --> Bad

Lance always turns out worse than Allen for me, he's stuck with 9 strength right now at level 14.

Hector has been bad every playthrough after my first.

Miriel never turns out well enough for me to use.

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Bad --> Good

Bors ended up with 12 speed at level 12, I gave him no stat boosters.

isn't bors' speed generally regarded as weirdly good for a knight

like yeah he's usually considered a bad unit so it makes sense to bring him up but his speed is usually pretty decent so that's not a big factor


in fe9 she was bad and could barely double anything and died really easily and got multiple empty levels why do people think she's good again

in fe10 she was just as bad up until she promoted to dragonlord

she was pretty good then but she was completely terrible until then

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For terrible people, Merric as well.

For good people I never got much use out of: Lachesis, Azel, Azel!Arthur, Claude!Corple, Beowulf!Delmud, Levin!Fee, Est, Half of the units in FE3 Book 2 considered to be good. The list goes on.

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isn't bors' speed generally regarded as weirdly good for a knight

like yeah he's usually considered a bad unit so it makes sense to bring him up but his speed is usually pretty decent so that's not a big factor

Just checked his averages and he's about five points above it.

Lilina on the other hand just promoted and is 17 skill(six above average) and 17 speed (15 without speed wing, still two above average). All of this with S rank in tomes.

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Good despite their reputations

Roy, despite many claiming him to be the worst Lord in the series, he did so well in my three playthroughs of FE6 that I consider him the third best Lord in the GBA games unit wise

Eliwood, like father like son, they both turn out very useful for me. I consider Eliwood better than Roy because of his awesome promotion, but still behind Lyn unit wise.

Wrys, I don't know why, but he always turns out good enough for me to kill Gharnef with. His lowly staff will beat your ass

Bad despite their reputations

Hector, Could you please get some speed, skill, and resistance. At the very least, get some more Movement in your promotion so I don't need to use the darn boots

Ephraim, the king of getting strength screwed is right here ladies and gentlemen

Franz, why would anyone use him when Seth exists

Jill, I don't know what went wrong but she's never been good for me in both FE9 and 10

Soren, see above

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Levin!Fee ended up not so great for a few runs until I got lucky at last! Azel!Arthur was stuck in the same boat for a while but favoritism took hold and I still used him...

Bad units as good... Eliwood usually comes out excellent for me. Which is great, I love him~

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Serra always seems to turn out extremely well for me and can dodge better than Lucius can (damn his Luck!) so I generally let Serra be my Aureola-user instead of Lucius in FE7. I understand that people here generally like Lucius better than Serra, but for me it's vice versa.

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My Erk tends to work out well a lot. So does Lowen.

Whenever I plan on using all three peg knights in a game they always turn out great but I can never use just two for some reason as one always turns out bad.

Eliwood is always my best lord. He always maxes Str and Spd some how.

Any Est I try hard to using turns out decent too, but barely.

In fact, most units I use that are considered good tend to be bad for me. Vanessa is by far the worst peg knight I raised in any GBA FE, I only ever had one good Seth and my Lugh was better then Lilina somehow.

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Posted · Hidden by eclipse, December 15, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by eclipse, December 15, 2015 - No reason given

My Erk tends to work out well a lot. So does Lowen.

Whenever I plan on using all three peg knights in a game they always turn out great but I can never use just two for some reason as one always turns out bad.

Eliwood is always my best lord. He always maxes Str and Spd some how.

Any Est I try hard to using turns out decent too, but barely.

In fact, most units I use that are considered good tend to be bad for me. Vanessa is by far the worst peg knight I raised in any GBA FE, I only ever had one good Seth and my Lugh was better then Lilina somehow.

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For me at least Dorcas turned out pretty well on my first playthrough

his skill and strength and skill maxed out

I had used him all the way through the game till the very end

he died on the final chaper because someone put poison in his mutton

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For good people I never got much use out of: Azel!Arthur, Claude!Corple, Levin!Fee [...]

These units aren't actually that good. I don't think they're considered very good either.

Beo!Delmud is good but held back by a horrible str cap in lategame. Give him a Power Ring and/or a critsword and he'll be fine though.

Azel is generally considered a bad unit actually. I think he's quite underrated in fact.

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I remember two units who did't really work out.

The first one was Fir. Perhaps its my own fault for playing normal mode, but she wasn't all that good there. Her awfull con gave her a rough start where everything slower her down and her strenght just wasn't very good. She did get the crit bonus with promotion, but by that point I was already too annoyed to care.

Fe10 Jill is usually very good when I use her, but in my current game she sits as level 19 unpromoted and she hasn't gained strenght even once. This also causes her speed to drop since axes are heavy and weapon weight only matters in early game.

I did have characters ending up better then usuall too.

My Eliwood was actually pretty great last time around. He capped defence of all stats, while still having good strenght and speed.

I'll also mention the trainees. I know they're horrible under normal conditions, but if I use them, they usually turn out alright.

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I remember two units who did't really work out.

The first one was Fir. Perhaps its my own fault for playing normal mode, but she wasn't all that good there. Her awfull con gave her a rough start where everything slower her down and her strenght just wasn't very good. She did get the crit bonus with promotion, but by that point I was already too annoyed to care.

Fe10 Jill is usually very good when I use her, but in my current game she sits as level 19 unpromoted and she hasn't gained strenght even once. This also causes her speed to drop since axes are heavy and weapon weight only matters in early game.

I did have characters ending up better then usuall too.

My Eliwood was actually pretty great last time around. He capped defence of all stats, while still having good strenght and speed.

I'll also mention the trainees. I know they're horrible under normal conditions, but if I use them, they usually turn out alright.

Yeah, forgot to add Jill. I level'd her up to 18 and she never gained STR so I dropped her.

And damn guys, never thought Eliwood would make a strong unit or cap anything. He was decent for me in every playthrough and never capped anything -except once, he capped SPD-. He isn't necessarily bad though, I would rate him 6.5/10.

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I've never had Heath impress me much. He's a wyvern rider in a game with pretty bad enemies so he should be a good unit in theory, but he never even managed to outclass the pegs for me. His jointime combined with all the mages in HHM doesn't help him I think.

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Every Serra I've ever used ends up from average to phenomenal; I don't recall ever getting a bad Serra.

My very first Lilina was speed blessed, so I'm inclined to use her over the other mages, though she's been never quite been as good as that first one.

Azel always turns out better than the impression I get from him on these forums. He starts frail, sure, but FE4!Mage Knight.

Jamka is a pretty damn good combat unit considering that he's an archer, and he usually works pretty well for me.

Kent really likes getting speed screwed but strength blessed, it's like having a more defensive but slightly weaker Sain, which could both be good and bad.

Florina without LM is really difficult for me to use properly, I'd almost always take Fiora or Farina over her.

I don't think I've ever gotten a good Beowulf before, I've tried to use him repeatedly but he always sucks.

Franz has a tendency to get strength screwed, though he usually ends up around average, but that's still underwhelming for earlygame cav.

I'm only on C14 of FE9 but Soren started out weak as shit and never got better, he's didn't get any defense for 7 levels and HP maybe 3 times.

I forgot Shanna my Shannas never get defense or strength, it's so stressful

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I was lucky with Lilina in Binding Blade. Her Skill was 18-20 by endgame, her Spd 20-24?, so she did not have the mobility problem that was reputed to be.

I actually think that the weakness of the trainees in SacRed Stones are a non-issue. Sure, they do need babying, but saying that they are a pain to raise in SS seems like unnecessary whinging when you've already got an easy way of level-grinding in the Tower of Valini.

Shamna was another unit that needed babying, but her spectacular Avoid was really worth it.


Not a bad unit per se, and she is in fact decent generally, but Milady was surprisingly unreliable in avoiding Berserkers and their critical hits. And this includes times she was killed by one of their criticals despite equipping a sword.

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Lyn- Always a solid unit for me, it's true she's frail so I just use her to slay bosses. With a robe she take an extra hit, and after promotion she's good.


Eliwood- I. Am. Disgusted. In the 12 years I've been playing this game there has only been 2 playthroughs where I've had a decent Eli. He's like Lyn with the speed and good prf weapon, and his bulk is barely better.

Sain- He never gains speed for me ever. It's for this very reason that I've never finished by Saladin runs.

Lowen- Never got his hype of being Oswin on a horse. Yeah he's durable but his offense is the pits. I can never put with him until promotion.

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The good

-Eliwood, Noah, Treck, Sue, Gonzo, Lott, and Brighton always seem to consistently be really, really good for me in their games despite being "eh" kind of units.

Garcia, Lowen and Lott especially seem to enjoy getting a combo of really good str/def or str/spd or spd/def by lvl 10.

The bad

-Fe10 Non-T Oscar always seems to be mediocre for me. Edward also seems to get stat screwed too.

-Fe9 gives me one stat screwed Cav on average. It's often Oscar, unless Ihave the appropriate band.

-I don't like using Saleh alot because he gets magic screwed for me alot.

-Also fuck Dart, he never gets more than like 14-15 skl most of the time.

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Since I am more enarmored of the GBA games...

THE BAD ended up GOOD!

FE6: While she's not terrible as a unit, I often get a Thany with nasty amounts of STR. From time to time, I even touched Sophia and somehow ended up okay despite of the rough start. Lilina gets SPD for me, that's pretty nice. Also, Noah gets pretty blessed, and that's cool so I gave him Durandal for kicks and laughs.

FE7: Eliwood kicking ass with good stats across the board and an Isadora who hurts like truckload of bricks. There's also one incident of Rebecca getting STR hence an archer who hits like a nuke!

FE8: L'Arachel is meh at first, but she's fun once she gets her attacking magics!



FE6: Lugh... GET SOME MAG you freaking banana! I want you to hit like a wrecking ball not a fruit flung across the hall!

FE7: Bah, I don't get why Heath likes to screw up on my runs. Also, I recall having a Kent that hits like a wet tissue paper and it was so humiliating!

FE8: There's this one incident where Kyle was not cooperating with his stats (*cough*Total RNG screwage*cough*), but that doesn't mean I hate him since I generally get ones with good stats. For the really annoying ones, Lute with the SPD of an average 20/1 Lilina.

P.S I had a Pent capping magic and I didn't know what the heck was going on; then I suddenly recalled his growths and I was like "What a Surprise!"

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