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What's the point of buying mangas virtually


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I dunno man, maybe some people like paying to show support for the publisher/mangaka and don't mind owning it on a device/computer??

its not all that much different from people who like to read novels and stuff on like kindle, I prefer owning stuff physically too but I can see the advantages of digital

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Believe it or not, I get you. I've played most FE games for like 5+ years and bought them last year (FE6-9). I'm actually all for supporting, thing is, wasn't sure if it would be too different, in this one aspect.

Edited by Soul o:
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not being in book form means there's (sometimes!! theoretically!!) no cost of material so you lessen paper consumption in the world and everyone wins

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not being in book form means there's (sometimes!! theoretically!!) no cost of material so you lessen paper consumption in the world and everyone wins

fuck why you ruin everything fo everyone go home you hippie

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why do people buy videogames online honestly

Do you like, Steam, bruh. Steam sales, mang. Steam. Sales.

I used to ask meself the same question, then Steam happened. The LoK series for 5 freaking dollars? gtfo before I woop yo' ass.

why do people buy video games?

go outside and read a book you loser

'the hell man. If I wanted to be more of a loser, I'd read a book. You say "GO PLAY SOCCER", dipwat.

But I wanna read the book inside.

Yeah, like, 'the hell. I hate sunlight.

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not being in book form means there's (sometimes!! theoretically!!) no cost of material so you lessen paper consumption in the world and everyone wins

Yeah man. Plus, you know what i like doing with my digital comics? Making sigs and shit out of them with screencap features. I bought a bunch of Thor comics on my phone for that reason.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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