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I'm one of the oldest members of the FE community.


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And after about the longest hiatus ever, I think I'll pay a return for some time.

If you don't know who I am, suffice to say, it's better that you don't. I've had a history that I'd... rather forget about. I was a rather unpleasant person to be around. But after some unforseen circumstances, I've been forced to grow up faster than I was projected to do so. And after a nostalgia trip, I've arrived here, 7 years later.

In any case, because 7 years really is a long time, and I probably posted less than 5 times when I did post here, I may as well be considered new. So, hi!

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wow ur old

but...... what do you mean by seven years later? because when I look at your join date and the current date...

was that nostalgia trip a time travel trip??

or maybe even you made an alt account in 2011?!?

or you're so old you forgot how to math??????

oh but I guess I can welcome you back anyway c:

welcome back happy new year

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I suppose I can explain.

I was an FEU member back around 2009, and made some contributions to the ancient romhacking scene (they're nonexistant now, but back then I'd think it was some decent discoveries), as well as caused some unneeded drama that forced my ban there. FEU eventually got shut down, and all its members since moved here. I didn't follow suit until 2011, and even then, I posted so little, it feels like I never posted at all.

FlyingAce24, Nintenlord, and Mage Girl was some of the ancient names I remember back then that I used to talk to a lot. I don't know if they're still around anymore, however..

Edited by Falaflame
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Everyone can have a rough time. Don't worry, it's ok being honest about it. You'll get better and better with the right chance.

Welcome back and hope you'll enjoy staying here with us! ; ) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Edited by Edrall
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I suppose I can explain.

I was an FEU member back around 2009, and made some contributions to the ancient romhacking scene (they're nonexistant now, but back then I'd think it was some decent discoveries), as well as caused some unneeded drama that forced my ban there. FEU eventually got shut down, and all its members since moved here. I didn't follow suit until 2011, and even then, I posted so little, it feels like I never posted at all.

FlyingAce24, Nintenlord, and Mage Girl was some of the ancient names I remember back then that I used to talk to a lot. I don't know if they're still around anymore, however..

Oh okay, so you just weren't counting that time

Nintenlord is definitely familiar to me, maybe the first, the third is too generic it could be anybody ^o^

I don't think I've seen them around lately unless they changed their usernames and I wasn't paying attention! (or unless they didn't even join the forum or joined under a different username)

Well hopefully you reintegrate into the community just fine!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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are you really one of the oldest

cause if you're counting 2009 as old then there's at least 666 members older than you, not counting the people who signed up between my join date here and your join date on FEU

and not even counting the people on older forums

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Well, I joined the FE circle back around late 2006, but the last time I really did anything major was back in 2009, shortly before I disappeared.

So, to put it short, almost a decade. Bounced around FESS (barely did anything there though), FEFF (same here), FEP and FEU (these are where I made most of my contributions), then kind of fell off the face of the earth from there. Not gonna deny there's people who've been around longer than me (If I recall my memories correctly, LR, you may be one of them), just saying it's been forever since I've been around, so I'm not quite up to snuff at all as far as what's new.

But above all, I'm just glad there's people who don't judge me based on my past, especially since it's been so long ago, and I've since learned from my really bad mistakes. And if there are, I don't blame them. I don't like the person I used to be, either. I'll have to earn the right to wipe my slate clean.

That being said, my drama-mongering days from FEP and FEU are well behind me, and I'm willing to contribute once again. Nice to meet you all! ^^

Edited by Falaflame
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i joined FESS late 2005, FEFF in mid 2005 but left when my computer died, and i got more active on FESS during 2006

so theres that, although i know there's a ton of people way before that

(also i don't know you hahaha so there's that)

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i joined FESS late 2005, FEFF in mid 2005 but left when my computer died, and i got more active on FESS during 2006

so theres that, although i know there's a ton of people way before that

(also i don't know you hahaha so there's that)

I suppose my memory isn't completely garbage after all. just mostly

To be fair, at the last bit, this makes things significantly easier for me. O:

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You did? Glad to see someone browses FEP every now and then. A lot of things are preparing to undergo a massive overhaul, including FETO, which was (and still is) FEP's drawing point. In fact, FETO is going through massive amounts of changes right now, including 21 additional new skills, new classes, new maps, and a whole bunch of re-balancing. Sprite uploader still isn't fixed, but there's temporary solution to that.

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