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hangover tips


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all of you judgy types should probably just not get yourself involved in this topic.

Nope, I'm gonna judge.

Based on the type of drink and how many it took to get sloshed. :P:

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Nope, I'm gonna judge.

Based on the type of drink and how many it took to get sloshed. :P:

oh yeah. ;)

i had a couple AMFs once. never again. taste like shit, gets you drunk p fast, and were super sugary. that's like the worst combo.

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oh yeah. ;)

i had a couple AMFs once. never again. taste like shit, gets you drunk p fast, and were super sugary. that's like the worst combo.

If you want sugary, get the virgin versions or eat the liquor-filled chocolates. Unless it's the Bailey's Irish Cream/butterscotch schnapps combo my mom introduced me to.

If you want alcohol, that's what beer/hard liquor is for. My preference was whiskey, because of the taste (I'm weird, 'k?).

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yeah i know haha i got it at the behest of the friends i was with that night. i've only had sugary drinks twice, and coincidentally those are my only two hangovers.....

Terrible friends, real ones would give you decent whiskey :P:

EDIT: It's been a while since I drank last. . .

Edited by eclipse
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Don't be a pussy. Drink more alcohol.

In all fairness, the trick is drinking water BEFORE you go to sleep. Not many people can do this but not a lot of people understand limits with alcohol.

I work at a bar (as a line cook but it's a pub) and I drink quite a lot. As in I'll start with two shots-worth (in Israel, a shot is a chaser and a double shot is a shot) of Glenmorangie in a lowball. That's just my shift drink and it lasts me an hour at least. I had one night where I drank about four or five of these (half the bottle).

Edited by Jim Moriarty
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Dear Jim,

You have a drinking problem


Excellen Freyjadour

adding my two cents

okay drinking is fine or whatever but you should not be drinking half a bottle while on the clock this should be common knowledge omg

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Most of the people I know usually do, since student budgets and all. Alcohol taxes are really high, so if you drink somewhat often, you're way better off just buying an 18 or a 24 pack rather than burning 2-4 times the money at a bar. You have to drink relatively fast and it starts to taste like cardboard after a while, but unless you're over 20, it's legitimately the cheapest way to go about it.

Edited by Topazd
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