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Mirriel is underrated


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I never seen Miriel as underrated.

She's the classic mage, high mag with low def, but that's not bad by any means.

The reason that reason Miriel may not stand out to some players is because they already Robin, who can also use magic, comes earlier and tends to have better defenses.

Of course there's nothing stopping you from using both.

You're right about Robin being for viable due to being usable at the start and has balance Defense and Res. Miriel can deal good damage to units with bad Res, but she doesn't do much damage to other mages on higher difficulties due to enemies mages having high Res and stronger tomes. She is also really prone to getting badly hurt or dying easily at the start. Robin can use swords to damage mages so that helps plus he can take damage, especially if he has a Defense asset or Res asset. Miriel is a better mage to run with, but I really wish they increased her Res growth and her starting magic just a bit (maybe +1 due to her having the +2 Mag skill.

Edited by Radiance
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You're right about Robin being for viable due to being usable at the start and has balance Defense and Res. Miriel can deal good damage to units with bad Res, but she doesn't do much damage to other mages on higher difficulties due to enemies mages having high Res and stronger tomes. She is also really prone to getting badly hurt or dying easily at the start. Robin can use swords to damage mages so that helps plus he can take damage, especially if he has a Defense asset or Res asset. Miriel is a better mage to run with, but I really wish they increased her Res growth and her starting magic just a bit (maybe +1 due to her having the +2 Mag skill.

I believe that also applies to a +mag Robin as well? I am not so sure, but +mag on Robin sounds like he/she outclasses Miriel. That said I usually go for +Def, so I guess that my Robin outclasses Miriel as a mage in some aspects.

And we come to the main thing that I don't like about Miriel...she is too weak to take a hit if there are archers about. Sure she can hit back, but that is of no use when she dies :/ I think that a def point would be well earned D:

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I believe that also applies to a +mag Robin as well? I am not so sure, but +mag on Robin sounds like he/she outclasses Miriel. That said I usually go for +Def, so I guess that my Robin outclasses Miriel as a mage in some aspects.

And we come to the main thing that I don't like about Miriel...she is too weak to take a hit if there are archers about. Sure she can hit back, but that is of no use when she dies :/ I think that a def point would be well earned D:

Yeah a Mag+ Robin will outclass Miriel for sure, but even with Magic not being the asset he still is supeior. The tactian class is balanced and has great offense and defense. Miriel lacks the defensive stats and growths needed early on in harder modes. Robin comes early and is usable for three levels where he can gain levels to raise his stats early compared to Miriel who comes to chapter 2 being level 1 while you might have a level 5-7 Robin. His magic is also good and he is the first to use tomes in the game. Also Robins skill gives him 50% more exp when paired is a factor Edited by Radiance
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Miriel is a really good unit cause he got Mag, Skl, Spd that's all he needs as offensive Mage. She also provides a good classes for Laurent so he can't perfectly functional as front unit or hard support especially with Gregor as his dad since he can also switch to Berserker support (That's what I'm doing). And yeah Robin will outclass ALL mage cause that OP Veteran but still Miriel can do well chipping attack from distance just make sure anyone can't hit her :)

Edited by KamuiSama
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Yeah a Mag+ Robin will outclass Miriel for sure, but even with Magic not being the asset he still is supeior. The tactian class is balanced and has great offense and defense. Miriel lacks the defensive stats and growths needed early on in harder modes. Robin comes early and is usable for three levels where he can gain levels to raise his stats early compared to Miriel who comes to chapter 2 being level 1 while you might have a level 5-7 Robin. His magic is also good and he is the first to use tomes in the game. Also Robins skill gives him 50% more exp when paired is a factor

That sounds like a reason for her to be overlooked, even in normal mode :/ and it is a shame too. Thankfully Miriel has access to Vengance but even then she pales to Robin D:

Miriel is a really good unit cause he got Mag, Skl, Spd that's all she needs as offensive Mage. She also provides a good class for Laurent so he can't perfectly functional as front unit or hard support especially with Gregor as his dad since he can also switch to Berserker support (That's what I'm doing). And yeah Robin will outclass ALL mage cause that OP Veteran but still Miriel can do well chipping attack from distance just make sure anyone can't hit her :)

Yeah, she doesn't have veteran...I wonder though what Laurent would be with verteran...that sounds...almost scary to think about it! At least Miriel can reclass a few times to get a bit more strength.

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Yeah, she doesn't have veteran...I wonder though what Laurent would be with verteran...that sounds...almost scary to think about it! At least Miriel can reclass a few times to get a bit more strength.

Try pairing male Robin with Miriel and find out!

IMO, Miriel isn't bad -- she mainly requires some careful planning since she joins in Chapter 2 at level 1 and with a tome that doesn't have as much power as Robin's Thunder (by this point, Robin would most likely already have some training in especially with the gamebreaking Veteran skill on). On lower difficulties, she should be able to live as long as you take your time and have Lissa heal her if needed.

If Robin were to be left out of the equation (since s/he outclasses practically the entire playable cast), Miriel can be a strong Mage/Sage for sure with good growth rates in the stats that do matter (Magic, Skill, and Speed). With reclassing at hand, she can pass down Demoiselle or Dual Support+ (both normally female-only skills) to Laurent. The only first generation characters I can think of besides Robin who can potentially outclass Miriel as a Sage are Lissa, Sumia and Maribelle as they can get Galeforce, don't have negative Magic mods, have at least a decent support pool, and (if it matters) join at least relatively early (Lissa joins in Prologue; Sumia, Chapter 3; Maribelle, Chapter 5); however, they both require reclassing to be a Sage with Galeforce whereas Miriel can simply pop a Master Seal and don't have to give a crap about getting Galeforce at all.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Miriel is Ricken except made of tissue paper and without any good skills

Except Vengeance which is a pretty good skill for inheritance-purposes if nothing else

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That doesnt help if she dies before being able to activate the skill xD.

But yeah, Miriel hits hard, even more if you pair up her with Ricken (I always pair up those 2, I can't find another member for her, even Henry doesnt seems good).

Luna and Tomebreaker on Laurent = Good bye enemies.

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That doesnt help if she dies before being able to activate the skill xD.

Except Vengeance which is a pretty good skill for inheritance-purposes if nothing else

Luna and Tomebreaker on Laurent = Good bye enemies.

Stahl passes Luna, + Vantage for mad VengeanceVantage combos [which, he has Tomebreaker naturally sooooo]

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@Elieson: Except Vengeance which is a pretty good skill for inheritance-purposes if nothing else

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So you can pass down vengeance and reclass her straight from Sniper/BK or w/e to GK I don't see the problem

Don't waste Luna on someone who already has Luna

Anyway Laurent's main use postgame is hard-support so he doesn't even need Luna there. For ingame L+, reclass to Sorc and run with Mire

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Nah, I wouldn't say that Miriel is underrated. She can be a good unit in L+ provided you give her enough kills in chapter 3 and the Lunatic club acknowledged that the last time I checked (which is admittedly a while ago). One could fault her for being so squishy when you get her but that applies to the whole cast sans Fred/Robin.

Maybe she is underrated outside of SF but to me it doesn't look like people underrate her here.

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So much confusion regarding optimization here. A crash course on Laurent:

-Ingame: He stands up well as a lead even on Lunatic+. Usually, he Nostanks, and can either skip Vantage or get it passed down from Gregor or Lon'qu. I don't even find it that necessary, and prefer to pass Gregor AT instead (Laurent should always go straight from Mage to DM). Strong inheritance options from Miriel are Tomefaire and DSp+ depending on her class route- the former is good for getting kills and healing a little more, the latter makes him slightly less weak while he's getting going. Either way, he tends to have very high Atk, so also can do well in the back, and gets fast supports with Lucina who is always recruited.

Skill-wise, he should be using Vengeance, TF/DSp+, Vantage/AT, and two others.

-Postgame/Apo, Laurent has no Galeforce, and is thus a hard support. Procs (Luna, Vengeance) don't activate in the back, so which ones he has never matter. He usually goes magical, but has all the classes and skills to go physical with the right mods (Stahl, Gregor).

Skill-wise, he always uses LB, Agg, TF/AF, and Hex + Anathema or All+2 and something else.

In neither case does he want to use Luna- postgame, it does nothing, ingame it's too out of the way (passing it from his father might be possible, but wouldn't be nice for his bases, and earlygame lead GKs don't do well on Lunatic+).

Ricken!Laurent's class overlap isn't that bad- he still gets four (good) promoted classes, and Hit+20 can be used to good effect if desired. His mods don't support physical, though, so he'll not be using them in Apo.

As for Miriel herself (aka on topic), she's quite nice. I don't usually see her praises sung, but Interceptor used her in Lunatic+ and that's pretty good as far as ratings go.

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I'll be the first to admit that I'm one of those people who actually have underrated her from the start. Idk, she always was rather shaky for me in all of my runs and didnt grow very well for me. However, in my (intended) "canon" play through where I devoted to making use of the entire 1st generation only, she came through for me in the post game, and Apotheosis without being Limit Broken. 'Course, this is just me in Hard mode, and I paired her with The Vaikening

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  • 3 months later...

As a character she's rather eh but gameplay wise she did pretty well for me. For my one grind per mission run (with no pair ups) she performed pretty well, bringing alot of magic damage and turning her squishiness into a nasty weapon via vengeance. Growth wise she was pretty consistent, getting her magic, skill and even defence to a good value, keeping her from being a pure glass cannon (which olivia and cordelia ended up being). I was impressed at how much killing power she had without the pair up system to utilize.

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