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Online Serenes Smash Tourney, Grand Victor IceSage.


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Current Matches that can be done reminder.

Knife vs Karnage

Gemma vs DavidSW

N7 vs DarkDestr0yer

Elieson vs NeedTheFriction

IceSage vs Jotaro Kujo

Stardust vs Zerker

Tsunami vs Pink Forde

Kira vs Knight

Water Mage vs Gorgar

Also When the 24th hits, I will start PMing people regularly to see the progress of match arrangements, like every 2 days or so.

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The prize is clearly the greatest gift of all: The respect and admiration of your peers.

I don't know about you, but the gap between me and Horace in the standings is reward enough for me.

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Nice matches ice and jotaro. The robin is solid man, along with cloud. I was mind blowned to see gamer stage, watch out for Mom. Elie and Friction had a nice match as well. All I got to say is shout out to my boy Doc Luis in the intro! Can't wait to see whats next

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