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Online Serenes Smash Tourney, Grand Victor IceSage.


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I'm just used to Gamepad way more than GC controller. I just repaired mine after like 2 years of it having a busted B button and I'm just not remembering how to properly use it

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What the dude above me said.

though I hardly ever use it to begin with. Maybe for occasional dash-USmashes but that's about it

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All I'm seeing so far on the bracket are 2-0s. It's like a good player got pared up with a bad one. I'm not trying to diss anyone here, because, well I was one of the "bad" ones... :P

Nah, This is typical in smash first rounds even with more equal people, which most of these games were pretty close!

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I wasn't expecting to do well anyway. It's still good practice at any rate.

I successfully managed to grab someone with Ganondorf's lame-ass grab, so in my mind that's a win in and of itself.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Give us back melee dthrow chaingrabs

But yeah Dorf's grab is like there with Little Mac's for worst grab in the game, and Dorf doesn't have the excuse of having super good normals for it. At least Robin's crappy grab gets dthrow followups at low %s and bthrow kills in certain situations

Edited by Batter the Beast
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My match was 2-0. I won and my opponent was Draco. I got the first replay, but I did not get the second because I am dumb. I asked Draco if he saved the second match and if he can send it to Jedi. GG Draco. It was nice meeting you and playing you. Pretty good for playing Wii u for the first time.

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He's already strong as it is. He would be broken if he had a guaranteed follow up.

problem is that you have to actually grab someone as ganon for it to work. keywords: grab as ganon
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problem is that you have to actually grab someone as ganon for it to work. keywords: grab as ganon

If you aren't grabbing your opponent to do Ganoncides, you're doing it wrong

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