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Nintendo World in NYC under Renovations!


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So on January 19th, Nintendo World will be closing its doors for a mass renovation. The store will be closed for AN ENTIRE MONTH!!!

However.... they are reopening on February 19. (That date isn't special for any other reason amirite guys ahahah)

During the renovation, Nintendo will be updating its interior with bigger TVs and new activities for everyone. I, for one, am excited for Nintendo World's new appearance, especially since I'm a frequent visitor there!

(If you guys haven't figured it out yet, Feb 19 is also the date Fe: Fates will be released in the US.)

......COINCIDENCE!?..... yeah probably.



NintendoNY will be reopening this friday!! Woooo!! Along with Fire Emblem Fates!

The store will be having a reopening ceremony at 12pm to celebrate!! (Ribbons 'n scissors 'n everything!)

They also announced that every purchase from the store will net you a free Mario or Zelda Coin!

There's going to be a Pokemon Event for the rereleased of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow! There's also a Splatfest!!

I'll be heading there with a bunch of my friends!! I'm so excited!! Can't wait to see how the new store looks!

Edited by ChocolaChao
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Too bad I won't be there, I don't live in NY but go out there one a year for business and always swing by the store. Having been there for Pokemon XY and Smash's launches I would be a little scared of how big a crowd there would be.

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After the most recent drop of Nintendo's economical actions, let's hope they'll do a great renewal to its own image through these kind of things and attract more people.

Though more proper advertising is what they should need above anything else than this, to be honest.

It's seems they're also trying to appeal to more people with the FE series.

Edited by Edrall
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Would be cool if Fire Emblem got some stuff there, the date being the same does seem a bit suspicious!

I agree! I would love to see some Fire Emblem have its own kinda spot light. Idk if the word spot light is the word I want to use but like its own little world. Well I never visited NW before but hopefully I would get to go one day.

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First Sakurai promotes FE, now Nintendo World?! Mind blown away. I'm not even close to that area. Vegas has no such thing :/. They should release the items like Azura necklace and some FE merch. Lets hope that's the case with the date and them selling FE merch

Edited by Radiance
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I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. There might be circumstantial evidence if Fates is the only game from Nintendo released on that date. However, it's possible that the renovations needed to be done anyway, and the reason why they're reopening in time for Fates is because they anticipate more activity in that location.

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I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. There might be circumstantial evidence if Fates is the only game from Nintendo released on that date. However, it's possible that the renovations needed to be done anyway, and the reason why they're reopening in time for Fates is because they anticipate more activity in that location.

Yeah I was just kidding though. FE just has been getting promoted a lot lately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm a few days late but never late than never! Nintendo World is now closed for renovations and will reopen its doors on Feb 19th!!

Nintendo World will also be relinquishing its name for a new one! Starting next month, the store will be called Nintendo NY!

Updated OP

Edited by ChocolaChao
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Too bad I don't live anywhere near NYC. I do wish Nintendo World stores would open up elsewhere in the country so I COULD maybe go to one someday. But I tell you, I WILL someday! I'm not giving up on that, no way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated OP!

It's happening THIS FRIDAY!! It'll reopen with a BIG Ceremony at 12pm!! Be there or be squared!!

There's going to be a Pokemon Event for the rereleased of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow! There's also a Splatfest!!

Sorry no FE news

Nonetheless, I'm attending!

Edited by ChocolaChao
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