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Please suggest a skill for over powered killing

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Topic. For when you are are incredibly over leveled, have maxed stats with Limit Breaker on and the enemy hasn't a chance... what do you use to maximize the humiliation?

I'm thinking Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, and Ignis would be the holy trio, with Galeforce for the ladies. What do you suggest to further decimate the unworthy? :)

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I guess for the highest damage number you'd be looking at something like LB/Aggressor/*faire/Luna(or Ignis)/ something like All Stats +2 with the highest forged single strike weapon you can find.

Edited by General Zelgius
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Ignis > Luna, since the enemy with the lowest Def takes an additional...2? dmg from Luna, and w/e like 30 or something with Ignis

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For sheer damage? Ignis tends to be better off than Luna if the enemy has "no chance" since your Mag or Str should be higher than the gain you get from half their defense. Aggressor and Faire both add to damage and then All Stats +2. The highest potential damage weapons I believe are the special weapons that can be forged for more damage. Alm's Blade, Sigurd's Lance (tied with Gradivus, but SIgurd's Lance has a higher crit), Hector's Axe, Pathia (Not forgeable), and Valflame (Not forgeable). That said it's only for the highest single hit damage number, if you want highest damage potential then you'd need the weapons that can attack twice per turn. If you just want to clear a map as fast as possible then the movement skills and Galeforce to get the position where the enemy kills all their units on your character would allow that the easiest or you could use rescue staffs to extend your movement range without the traversal skills though Pass may still be required to get behind enemies to get all of them in one turn.

Edited by Dwlr
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Ignis > Luna, since the enemy with the lowest Def takes an additional...2? dmg from Luna, and w/e like 30 or something with Ignis

Ignis is only better than luna if your off-attack stat is better than the enemies applicable defense stat, which is most of the time... assuming an offatk of 30 base typically there's only like ~15 enemies in Apo SR that where luna would be better.

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LB/GF/Agg/Proc/Faire for Galeboys, LB/GF/Faire/Proc/Proc or All+2 for girls, LB/Agg/Faire/+Hit/+Hit or All+2 for hard supports. Lucina replaces a Faire with DSt+.

Those combos are tried and true for stuff strong enough to warrant it. If you're fighting things that are doomed no matter what, critstacking is a fun way to go, and you're better off piling on mobility and utility skills than raw damage boosters.

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Ignis+Luna combo is basically a pair that ensures that you'll have very little trouble proccing something, especially if the unit's Skill stat is maxed out and is paired up with an A/S support. Even better for the case of Avatar!Lucina or Lucina!Morgan as they can run Aether on top of that.

Armsthrift contributes nothing in regards to damage output; only use it if you don't feel like grinding for money/weapons should a weapon break.

The most damage in a single blow possible is 636 but it's extremely situational (enemy has to be a flying unit with as low Defense as possible; in this case, a Pegasus Knight with like 3 Defense)), and requires a specific pairing with a certain Asset/Flaw combination and lots of boosts.

If you truly want to humiliate enemies, you can always try killing them with silly joke weapons like a Ladle or Slack Bow.

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That's when I hack out Lethality.

See, if I'm already overkilling, I might as well add insult to injury by pointing out that the RNG can murder them, at any given time. . .if my stats won't do it first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use this M!MU build: LB/Vengeance/Vantage/Wrath/Armsthrift

Since this relies on taking damage, and I use it as a sage, when fighting most skirmishes I never get hit so I usually end up humiliating the risen with a useless 3 skills and a proc that adds 0 damage and still 1-turning them.

Bonus points if it's with an unforged Wind tome (1 mt).

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