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Having trouble finding a succinct summary: What's the tl;dr on skinship?


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What does it do?

What do you get from it? Just supports? Special items? Accessories?

Is it required for anything/is there anything that can only be obtained through it?

What do you miss out on if you don't use it?

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Skinship…. you just move your stylus around on the screen over their face to fill up a heart gauge. There are certain patterns that fill it up more regularly. The character also talks a bit while your doing it.

Example of what skinship looks like (Matoi being skin shipped):

After you finish, they also say a few vocalized lines. The lines that they say change depending on whether you're married to them or not. If you're married to them, they might also invite your Avatar to kiss them after the fact (you don't actually see the two kissing).

As for what you get, I believe you just get one combat's worth of "hearts" added towards their next support rank with the Avatar. Maybe I'm mistaken, but that's what I thought I heard.

What you miss out on is just some vocalized lines during the skin shipping itself and the post-skinship lines, including the married couple lines.

Edited by astrophys
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It's an otaku stereotype simulator. You invite someone from the army (that can consist of everything from prepubescent kids to married people) sworn to serve you as you silently stroke their faces - in front of your partner if you're married. You win the creep jackpot if you marry any of the siblings.

It opens up swimsuits and additional, optional lines of dialogue (most of which are pretty terrible), as well as increase the support level slightly, but it's definitely something you can - and arguably should - skip.

Edited by Thane
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It's an otaku stereotype simulator. You invite someone from the army (that can consist of everything from prepubescent kids to married people) sworn to serve you as you silently stroke their faces - in front of your partner if you're married. You win the creep jackpot if you marry any of the siblings.

It opens up swimsuits and additional, optional lines of dialogue (most of which are pretty terrible), as well as increase the support level slightly, but it's definitely something you can - and arguably should - skip.

So there are outfits locked behind it?

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After completing a map or waiting a few hours, an exclamation mark appears over your My Room, which is a treehouse in your My Castle. When this mark is showing, you can invite one unit to your room for some rubbing.

You can choose to invite any unit except for captees, amiibo and Einherjar (basically, only units you can Support). However, only a small number of units, randomly chosen and marked with a heart icon, will actually gain support points after Skinship. These units are placed at the top of the list and change every time you visit. The number of units marked with hearts depends on the level of your My Castle.

When you are married, your spouse shares the My Room with you. Every time there is an exclamation point on My Room, you can rub your spouse in addition to another unit.

Occasionally, you will walk in on your spouse sleeping, initiating a unique Skinship where you stroke your spouse to wake them up. You get gently rub them or violenty poke them, for different responses.

You will also occasionally walk in to find your spouse overheated and sweating. This initates a unique Skinship where you blow into the microphone to cool them off.

Every time you Skinship your spouse, you earn a heart. Filling up all the empty hearts (30 to 50 rub-downs) will earn you a kiss, some dialogue, and a swimsuit.

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You will also occasionally walk in to find your spouse overheated and sweating. This initates a unique Skinship where you blow into the microphone to cool them off.

I completely forgot about that...why on earth is that a thing? Like, at least touching someone makes some sort of sense, but what does Kamui do in-game when you blow into the microphone? Does he do that as well or what?

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You will also occasionally walk in to find your spouse overheated and sweating. This initates a unique Skinship where you blow into the microphone to cool them off.


who the hell blows on their spouse to cool them down get a fan

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Adding on to what some people have already said, some of the dialogue lines are actually character-expanding stuff not touched on elsewhere (to my knowledge), not just fluff. I doubt there's much there that's going to change your mind about a character if you didn't like them, but I've caught a few lil tidbits that added a cute lil detail to some characters.

Edit: I suppose we don't really know which lines will still be there post-localization, but those particular lines are all harmless, so I dunno why they'd go.

Edited by blinkingbrave
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Adding on to what some people have already said, some of the dialogue lines are actually character-expanding stuff not touched on elsewhere (to my knowledge), not just fluff. I doubt there's much there that's going to change your mind about a character if you didn't like them, but I've caught a few lil tidbits that added a cute lil detail to some characters.

And sometimes you get gems like these.



Edited by gayserbeam
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Yeeeeah, I duuno much about Yuugiri (edit: not to mention that line is about the same degree of 'tame' as some of her story lines anyways, iirc), but those Zero lines actually go somewhere meaningful to his character (that's kinda in his other supports anyways) if you look at 'em all as a chain.

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Some of the things a character may say during skinship sessions can be quite spoilerific or otherwise be seen as neat Easter eggs:


Azura telling the player that she would die for a world in which Korrin lives; Flora telling Korrin what she would kill herself if she were to betray Korrin; Selena telling Korrin her true name; etc.

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Yeeeeah, I duuno much about Yuugiri (edit: not to mention that line is about the same degree of 'tame' as some of her story lines anyways, iirc), but those Zero lines actually go somewhere meaningful to his character (that's kinda in his other supports anyways) if you look at 'em all as a chain.

They are also probably not going to exist like that at all in localization. The Niles one is nope. Thats getting changed.

Anyway, notice how theres an extra emphasis on spouse and different skinship options. Thats because this feature was originally planned to be a post-marriage only thing. (but ultimately, they wanted to try out the new technology of live 2D and it not be so limited.) As for the swimsuits, i think its the only outfit you get from doing this.

Fun fact: Accessories are not tied to Private Quarters. (i originally believed they were) Thats tied to accessory shops and for Kamui, the MU screen. So you can put goofy stuff on people's heads without the Private Quarters existing. You...get the option to remove Private Quarters from your Castle, if you so want. While i do believe its there by default when you get My Castle, you can get rid of it.

EDIT: correction: you can do in Private Quarters is change Kamui's hairdo and little clip thing that you picked on the customization screen from when you started the game. Like if you dont like Kamui's hair or something.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Every time you Skinship your spouse, you earn a heart. Filling up all the empty hearts (30 to 50 rub-downs) will earn you a kiss, some dialogue, and a swimsuit.

There is also a heart bracelet you get after filling up the second big heart, iirc. The swimsuit is after filling up the 3rd big heart.

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So there are a couple lines of dialogue, and a swimsuit, and that is about it. Is it needed for Nohr to get supports up, because I find this a little creepy. I understand someone putting their hand on the face of their loved one, but this is like..... Pokemon Amie, Hikikomori edition.

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So there are a couple lines of dialogue, and a swimsuit, and that is about it. Is it needed for Nohr to get supports up, because I find this a little creepy. I understand someone putting their hand on the face of their loved one, but this is like..... Pokemon Amie, Hikikomori edition.

Except without the increased chance of a critical hit Amie can give you.

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Is it needed for Nohr to get supports up

I would hardly imagine it being "needed". Its supposed to be some trivial support increase, something like one combat's worth of hearts/points, and it can only be between the Avatar and another character, so it won't even help with any non-Avatar supports. The Avatar already has fast supports with Azura and the Servants anyways, and given how the points system works for supports I imagine that it would only rarely have an impact, and not a make-or-break impact at that.

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For the folks saying it is needed... the support point increase is absolutely trivial, the My Room isn't always ready, and you can't choose which units will have heart marks (for support points) so Skinship has no significant effect on Support building at all. It's there for fun.

Now, I wouldn't recommend destroying My Room even if you don't want to skinship, because it's the only way to change your haircut after character creation. Regardless, you are never forced into Skinship upon entering My Room except for the occasional spousal blowing / sleeping minigame.

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I actually really like skinshipping regardless of what others think and I'm glad it's in the game because I enjoy some fanservice, y'know.

For one, the only same gendered S-supports are Niles and Shara. You can bond with someone of the same gender even if it's in a weird way. The models look great. Once you're married it feels really personal. I enjoy it as well as the hot springs and the optional weapons and outfits.

yeah I like putting characters in fun clothes so what

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Now, I wouldn't recommend destroying My Room even if you don't want to skinship, because it's the only way to change your haircut after character creation. Regardless, you are never forced into Skinship upon entering My Room except for the occasional spousal blowing / sleeping minigame.

For people who don't know what this actually is, reading this must be incredibly alarming.

Skinship is great if you have a member of the army you really wanna feel up. Other than that though, its really has no purpose, just trivial bonuses.

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