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Uglyest animations


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PoR had a number of issues with fliyng mounts- no real swooping motion or anything the wyvern/peg just kinda perches while the rider pokes.

yeah, I already mentioned it but this was one I thought was really dumb looking

I think they tried a little too hard to make it look like the FE4 animations because it is literally the same thing, I think the wyvern even perches in the same pose

the problem is they don't translate very well into 3D, and just end up looking really awkward

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The GBA games have terrible animation in general.

This times 10. You have stuff like Warriors, Berserkers, Fighters, Druids, Great Knights, and even more. GBA animations are insanely over the top.

People also say stuff like how Awakening animations look bad, but it is because they aren't insanely over the top? Only General Crits look bad. Otherwise, all the people who say that GBA had the best animations because 3D looks boring confuse me. How do you feel about the SNES animations? Are they also too mundane?

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This times 10. You have stuff like Warriors, Berserkers, Fighters, Druids, Great Knights, and even more. GBA animations are insanely over the top.

People also say stuff like how Awakening animations look bad, but it is because they aren't insanely over the top? Only General Crits look bad. Otherwise, all the people who say that GBA had the best animations because 3D looks boring confuse me. How do you feel about the SNES animations? Are they also too mundane?

yeah, that's pretty much exactly how I feel about it.

I like the GBA animations because of how ridiculous and over the top they are. Sure it takes a while and it looks fucking ridiculous but it's fun to watch bartre spin around with his axe and land it in the enemy's head, or for dieck to toss an axe in the air, catch it, and land on the enemy. is it realistic? no. but it's enjoyable to watch.

the snes animations are pretty boring aside from maybe a few of the crits in thracia and a few of the magic animations in fe4/5

they're mostly just "character walks forward with weapon, hits enemy with weapon"

although i do enjoy how they're the only fire emblem games where the horse is good. like, the horse actually walks backward and forward when it dodges and attacks.

Also, Shadow Dragon actually has really good animation even if the aesthetics are dull.

as much as I dislike Shadow Dragon's animations, I do have to agree on this, it's pretty well animated. the problem is more that the art style isn't particularly interesting nor are the animations. the animation itself is fine.

Edited by maybe
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This times 10. You have stuff like Warriors, Berserkers, Fighters, Druids, Great Knights, and even more. GBA animations are insanely over the top.

People also say stuff like how Awakening animations look bad, but it is because they aren't insanely over the top? Only General Crits look bad. Otherwise, all the people who say that GBA had the best animations because 3D looks boring confuse me. How do you feel about the SNES animations? Are they also too mundane?

Well, I love insanely over the top stuff like the GBA animations, so yeah I feel the SNES animations are mundane. I do consider them superior to the 3D animations tho.

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This times 10. You have stuff like Warriors, Berserkers, Fighters, Druids, Great Knights, and even more. GBA animations are insanely over the top.

People also say stuff like how Awakening animations look bad, but it is because they aren't insanely over the top? Only General Crits look bad. Otherwise, all the people who say that GBA had the best animations because 3D looks boring confuse me. How do you feel about the SNES animations? Are they also too mundane?

Maybe people like the GBA animations cuz they ARE over the top. In fact, if the GBA art style sucked so much, then why do we have spriters imitating it or evolving it up to this day both for mugs and class animations?

But you can't have a post without telling us how much you hate the GBA games can ya.

Bold: only one person said that about Awakening's animations. Most people were concerned about the dumb looking sword throwing.

I mean, Awakening's aesthethics are not crap (very nice looking maps, like the one where you recruit Brady) and definitely not the worst in the series, but saying only the General's crits look bad when almost every tome user does the same animations, when some units don't even have special colored promotions, when some other units have special animations (like Tiki closes her eyes when she's a bride), etc.... it can be boring and/or inconsistent.

I also have a super special mention from Awakening:


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The over the top animations work because they're quick, too. The slowness of the Path of Radiance animations makes the absence of hit reactions look more ridiculous than in the other games. (


I agree with Starman that Shadow Dragon had good animation. They're pretty fluid! But I think weapons completely overlapping target sprites made them uglier than they should have been. Compare Jagen's sword (overlapping) to

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FE9's animations, understandably.

They were still new with the whole 3D thing...

ESPECIALLY the flying units and swordmasters.

Ike PROMOTED looks better... but his ranger animation quality was ugly as sin.

The generic soldier looked better than everyone:

The animations were stiff and whatnot.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Did you say this simply because I mentioned Lyn two posts above?

Um...no? I'm really not a fan of his battle animations, especially that tip-bounce thing he does. And, while Lyn is my favorite character, her animations are not my favorite. Ephraim's are my favorite, and Roy's once he has the Sword of Seals.

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Um...no? I'm really not a fan of his battle animations, especially that tip-bounce thing he does. And, while Lyn is my favorite character, her animations are not my favorite. Ephraim's are my favorite, and Roy's once he has the Sword of Seals.

Oh, well, alright. I was just making sure. The timing of your post just seemed weird to me is all. Sorry about that.

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Fire Emblem 9 was so laughable at the time. I still laugh at it to this day. I like the game but man oh man those animations are just not good at all. I cringe everytime a flying unit attacks. FE10 definitely improved it a lot more especially on the cavalries.

FE11 and FE12 while was made smoothly ultimately didn't have much going for it.

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Here is another vote cast at FE9 fliers. I really hated having my wyvern riders swoop up, land, and have the rider awkwardly poke the enemy.

I really dislike a lot of the Tome/Spell animations in Fates. A lot of hybrid classes simply hold the tome/spell without any of the flair of Dark Mages and Spell Casters. Some of them don't even get a unique critical hit animation. This goes for magical weapons as well.

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That's my vote. Other than that, while Fates' animations look smooth, they're ugly as sin. I'm not hating on this game blindly since I've praised several gameplay aspects, but they're going so hard for the rule of cool that it actually becomes ridiculous; more than one class lie down while attacking for crying out loud.

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There is something off about RD Ike's various backflips. I haven't seen the animation frame by frame yet but it feels like he is not moving his arms or other parts of his body that should be in motion.

Also in the SNES games and TRS, the idle sprite for most female units have those weird Y legs. It's especially annoying in TRS. In the SNES games you only see those sprites at the very start of the battle but in TRS they keep returning to them after attacking or dodging. I think Awakening has the legs bend like that too, from what I recall.

Speaking of Awakening, there would be the various animations for Armored Knights in Awakening. Despite their heavy armor, they are hopping around like rabbits and attack with a lengthy slide as if they were using a Smash Custom Move.

Edited by BrightBow
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Hooligan Ike from Path of Radiance comes to mind, but that's less ugly and more ridiculous-looking.

So I'll say Divine Dragons in the DS games for being both bland and poorly modeled.

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Poor Ike. I loved his animations, even if some of them probably didn't make sense. :( Dem flips!

Also, Lord Ike's critical was one of the best. He turns his back to his target after striking like a boss!

I do admit that other PoR animations were choppy though, probably because IS was new to working with completely 3D graphics.

Edited by Anacybele
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FE10 and FE13 have the best.

Honorable mention to FE11 and FE12 for having skippable animations, the next best kind of animations.

GBA and FE9 animations are horrendous that they legitimately keep me from playing those games. Honestly can't pick the worst offenders because they're all so bad.

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Going to echo criticisms for FE9's and the DS games animations.

Also, I know this thread is supposed to be about the visuals of animations, but I want to add that the sound effects for the the Cavalier and Paladin classes in the DS games always bothered me. Specifically, the sound effects for when they move. I've never been able to figure out exactly what I didn't care for about them, but something just sounds off, IMO.

Edited by shinpichu
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While FE 10 had some great animations, especially the Sentinel's Impale animation, and the Deadeye animation, PoR had some really choppy slow ones.

Awakening's are just too crazy for me. Too many flips, slides, and spins. I especially don't like the Archer, Assassin, Knight, and Cavalier animations. The mounted units jumping horse animation looks really silly to me. The Knight sliding around looks ridiculous, and especially when they get a crit and the do that wierd upwards arm shake scream thing before they attack. What is this, WWE? Then the Assassin's animations are just boring, let alone the fact that I hate that they use swords instead of knives, and the idle animation for them looks like they are trying to take a shit.

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This times 10. You have stuff like Warriors, Berserkers, Fighters, Druids, Great Knights, and even more. GBA animations are insanely over the top.

People also say stuff like how Awakening animations look bad, but it is because they aren't insanely over the top? Only General Crits look bad. Otherwise, all the people who say that GBA had the best animations because 3D looks boring confuse me. How do you feel about the SNES animations? Are they also too mundane?

GBA Animantion are truly memorable.

I can still remember most of the animation and crit for most class. Awakening wasn't bad, but no animation stands out (really, I can't even say if they's bad or good, because I can't tell you what they looks like.), and the crit were quite unimpressive (the character's face isn't enough.)

The colourfull graphisms and cool looking animatons just made the game so much more fun. (A GBA Swordmaster Crit is one of the best thing ever.)

Yeah, Fighter doesn't looks really good (but at least we have Spinny Warriors).

SNES animations are somewhat clunky, especially the mage animation (thankfully Spells looks good), but seeing the characters move all across the screen, and not simply come back to their place is great. It's something rare enough to be noticed

I didn't played the Tellius games, and the DS games didn't let strong impression other than the ugly as hell graphism.

Edited by Tamanoir
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