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New Fire Emblem Fates Screenshots?


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also lol at takumi owning kamui so easily, archers are OP in this game

I'm actually willing to bet all archers not named Takumi still suck. I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT TAKUMI'S BOW CAN DO?

Nifty screencaps tho, seeing as I'm completely unspoiled to the story at this point, I can't wait to actually put these screenies in context.

I'm rather indifferent to the default Male Corrin design, it could be better, but I'm not going to use it anyway, so I don't care.

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I'm actually willing to bet all archers not named Takumi still suck. I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT TAKUMI'S BOW CAN DO?

Nifty screencaps tho, seeing as I'm completely unspoiled to the story at this point, I can't wait to actually put these screenies in context.

I'm rather indifferent to the default Male Corrin design, it could be better, but I'm not going to use it anyway, so I don't care.

Setsuna? Idk, I kinda forget she's in the game and she actually has the worst growth total in the game so this might be accurate?

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Well, I just don't find his design pleasing to look at. His hair is kind of doofy and his costume is so tight he looks like he could use oxygen support and something to eat.

I dislike his giraffe neck, personally

I can't unsee this now, thanks guys.

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… Are we going to have an option to turn the captions off? I hope so, because the captions for that one chapter 5 scene (if it is the final version) kind of made me roll my eyes.

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Corrin's neck is fine. It's long, but it's not terrible. It's definitely not Yosuke tier neck. I really like the rest of his design though.

I miss Senri Kita

I absolutely despise Kita's art and adore Kozaki's but okay

Kozaki has almos perfect art omg. His Twitter has the best art the series has ever seen.

Edited by Miss Kira
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… Are we going to have an option to turn the captions off? I hope so, because the captions for that one chapter 5 scene (if it is the final version) kind of made me roll my eyes.

you could turn them on and off in awakening so... probably? i mean i don't recall playing any games before where there was just no option to turn off the subtitles so i doubt they would do that

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I'm actually willing to bet all archers not named Takumi still suck. I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT TAKUMI'S BOW CAN DO?

Uh, what

My Setsuna was stellar since the beginning, bonus points for joining close to a chapter that is full of pegasi and wyverns. From there on she could ORKO Armors in a casual stroll. On lategame she isn't much (mine has strength issues), but I found her extremely useful during early and midgame. Zero (ok, he's an Outlaw, not an Archer, but I beg to differ the difference) also ORKOed practically everything from the chapter he joined and the next one (I haven't played beyond that - I'm doing a Hoshido run, and I'm still on chapter 21).

But Takumi takes the trophy for being the reincarnation of Briggid with Ichival.

Edited by Rapier
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I still can't get over how ugly this official translation made by professionals is. The font is horrible, some name changes are ridiculous (Yato? Xander? Niles? As official names?) and I agree about Corrin. I just hope they were able to flavor the dialogue well, as it was done with Awakening.

also lol at takumi owning kamui so easily, archers are OP in this game

I see somebody hasn't been around for a while.

"Xander" is most likely due to lip-lock in cutscenes (it's the same reason the perfectly servicable "Liz" became "Lissa"; it was pronounced "Riz-u", and had two lip flaps for it). Plus, there's the whole thing with Alexander the Great that has made the name grow on me over six months.

Which one sounds like a real name: Niles or Zero? When I think Zero, I think of two characters: (a) a red maverick hunter/resistance fighter and (b) the name of a certain Brittanian Prince's alter-ego. Neither of which are normal people. Plus, "Niles" has "Nil" (nothing) in it.

"Yato" is due to, well... talk to yourself for a moment and say Yatogami several times. There's a reason why my elder brother goes by Alex instead of Alexander, and it's probably the same reason Yatogami and several other names were shortened.

If you have any questions about the localization, I'll do my best to explain the reasoning/justification behind them.

Edited by The DanMan
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Zero's strength is really middling, and can't be fully fixed through Pair Up, sadly. If you aren't collecting capturable bosses, his only longterm application is pair up fodder and lockpicking. Besides the occasional sniping, he's hardly that useful. I'm glad it's been proved one doesn't need Pass to clear Nohr's Endgame, because training him all the way to Adventurer 15 is hard to justify.

Setsuna seems pretty lacklustre.

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Zero's strength is really middling, and can't be fully fixed through Pair Up, sadly. If you aren't collecting capturable bosses, his only longterm application is pair up fodder and lockpicking. Besides the occasional sniping, he's hardly that useful. I'm glad it's been proved one doesn't need Pass to clear Nohr's Endgame, because training him all the way to Adventurer 15 is hard to justify.

Setsuna seems pretty lacklustre.

A little off-topic, but are we talking about strictly Lunatic here? Because I found on Conquest/Hard Zero was one of my best units (maybe because of a little bit of favouritism) and I used him all the way to endgame as a Golden Kite. Setsuna is also salvageable but not necessarily amazing. You can generally make use of any character you like on Normal and Hard, IMO.

But Zero can definitely be more useful than just pair-up and lockpicking, and I didn't find it difficult at all to train him up. But again, maybe that's me using characters I like instead of necessarily the best ones.

And of the localisation, I can say it looks pretty good to me, actually. Apart from some awkward phrasing and dialogue I'd say it's solid and I haven't found anything too cringe-worthy from what we've been shown so far (apart from the Smash direct...)

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Which weapon is Kodachi btw? It's not Yato, so what is it, one of the toys you randomly get from My Castle?

Late reply, but I didn't see this answered elsewhere. Kodachi is a throwing katana. Think Javelin or Hand Axe, but it's a katana. Same drawbacks and whatnot.

EDIT: I hate you, Blue. :P

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If you have any questions about the localization, I'll do my best to explain the reasoning/justification behind them.

Explain Subaki

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I still can't get over how ugly this official translation made by professionals is. The font is horrible, some name changes are ridiculous (Yato? Xander? Niles? As official names?) and I agree about Corrin. I just hope they were able to flavor the dialogue well, as it was done with Awakening.

also lol at takumi owning kamui so easily, archers are OP in this game

. Xander is a real name. It's actually Greek.
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Eh, I'm not a fan of changing names, particularly easy to pronounce Japanese names. Making names universally pronounceable is meaningless because:

1. Your ability to say a name out loud has no effect on your ability to enjoy a game.

2. Even as 'western' names are concerned, everyone has their own opinion on how names are pronounced. There was a whole thread on the General board about people's differing understanding of how to say names. This is what happens when you take names from many different cultures, each with their own pronunciation rules.

Does he get at any point a weapon with his name on it? If so then character limits might be the reason.

Tsubaki's Gold Naginata

Edited by NekoKnight
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