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Everyone's picked their side, but is there anyone on their preferred side that they don't like? (possible character spoilers)


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Even though I'm NOHRMASTERRACE and think Arthur is the bees knees, I don't think I'll be using him too much since his personal skill means he's pretty trashy in terms of minimizing his reliability.

That and NotSevera on higher modes looks like a complete armtwist to work with since you gotta reclass her to Pegasus Knight and I don't know yet if it's worth the early reclass and E-weapon rank at that stage of the game.

SrY benoit also speed is king even in FE14 and you be lacking

Edited by eclipse
We, uh, kinda went "there", but it was inevitable.
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I don't know much about how character stats work out in this game yet, but I'm not planning on using NotInigo, because I didn't like Inigo.

I also don't care for Niles, but that's because I don't care for his design and I'm seeing him FRICKEN everywhere, so I'm sick of him. Probably going to use him anyway tho, because capture is awesome

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Setsuna and Asama seem completely useless compared to Sakura and Takumi. Ryoma and Hinoka are good, but they don't obsolete Hinata and Subaki.

Tsukuyomi comes at lolLevel 1. He's much more workable on Revelations.

Orochi isn't great. She's serviceable but takes a bit of effort.

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I'm Nohr4Life but I absolutely cannot stand Pieri. That talking in 3rd person... the edgy "I kill for fun!" attitude... the special snowflake heterochromia..... She is the embodiment of 2009 DeviantArt. There's also Camilla. There's not much to like about her. She's just so clingy and overprotective and grossly obsessive. I like her hair, though. Lavender is my favorite but Camilla is just ICK.

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Arthur is prone to those enemy crits so he's a problem. Selena is really good even on Lunatic. You just need to get her to level 5 Falco, but Rally Speed is so good on Nohr it's worth it. She can also rescue skip a few levels. She makes a great pairup bot for Xander, Leo and Silas too.

Edit: Benoit is outclassed by Xander, Leo and Flannel.

Edited by OurBoyRoy
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Selena in Nohr is pretty great as a Falco as a support unit on Lunatic.

For me in Hoshido I barely ever use Asama since I don't like his character from what I know about it and gameplay wise is pretty meh-bad.

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Since I've not played the game yet, all I can say is that I don't like that there are Awakening look-alikes for children. But that won't really matter much because I'm not bothering with the children. They don't belong in this game to me.

Edited by Anacybele
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Since I've not played the game yet, all I can say is that I don't like that there are Awakening look-alikes for children. But that won't really matter much because I'm not bothering with the children. They don't belong in this game to me.

Gurei and Rhajat stick out, but Matoi looks perfectly normal tbh. She fits in because Cordelia was basically long-haired Catria in the first place. It also helps that she's posed almost completely differently.

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Gurei and Rhajat stick out, but Matoi looks perfectly normal tbh. She fits in because Cordelia was basically long-haired Catria in the first place. It also helps that she's posed almost completely differently.

I don't care. I'm still not bothering with the children. Not even Ryoma's, no matter how much he resembles Ike to me.

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Also NOHRMASTERRACE right here, and Selena/Luna basically turned me off tsunderes for life. Later I realized that I didn't actually hate the "tsundere" type in general, I just hate how she's kind of a bitch to everyone in Awakening.

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Nohr, Pieri is my oc and they stole it completely terrible. Other than that Eponine and Soliel are both leaning towards being killed off. Also Benoit looks terrible compared to Effie so he'll probably end up benched.

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Nohr, Pieri is my oc and they stole it completely terrible. Other than that Eponine and Soliel are both leaning towards being killed off. Also Benoit looks terrible compared to Effie so he'll probably end up benched.

I thought about mentioning Eponine and Soleil, but seeing as I already said I disliked their fixed parents, I felt that would be in poor taste.

Pieri I find meh.

I've not been able to look at Elise kindly since Corrin's Smash reveal trailer with that AWFUL dub.

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So many Nohrmals in this thread. You'll never be Glorious Nippon.

Not a fan of Tsukuyomi, Hinata, Setsuna or Asama as I like using their alternate choice (Orochi, Kazahana, Takumi, and Sakura) better. I don't like Tsukuyomi (brat) or Yuugiri (blood knight) personality-wise either.

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I've not been able to look at Elise kindly since Corrin's Smash reveal trailer with that AWFUL dub.

You know that's not her actual VoiceActor doing the dub in the SmashReveal, right?

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I am very indifferent towards Setsuna and Tsubaki. Their personalities don't do anything for me and there are better options out there.

As for kids, I am not very fond of Hisame, he is too mellow.

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Glorious Nippon here NekoKnight! s support lz

Tsukuyomi's too much of a brat, I don't care much for the three Awakening kids (I guess I don't mind Matoi), Asama... I'll admit I like him x Elfie, but I don't really like him in general, Setsuna is just........ there.... so I kinda forget she exists. Same with Orochi. Do shared characters count? Because I don't like Silas or Felicia either.

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There is not a single character in Birthright that I have never used in any run.

...aside from Yukimura and Izana, but I don't have anything against them. I just never bother building anything other than shops / resources / statues until super late-game.

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I'm Nohr4Life but I absolutely cannot stand Pieri. That talking in 3rd person... the edgy "I kill for fun!" attitude... the special snowflake heterochromia..... She is the embodiment of 2009 DeviantArt. There's also Camilla. There's not much to like about her. She's just so clingy and overprotective and grossly obsessive. I like her hair, though. Lavender is my favorite but Camilla is just ICK.

Agreed on Pieri for sure, she is the only character who I down right do not like in Nohr (she has some good supports, but just no thanks) and I would much rather use Silas anyway because at least he has a higher skill growth rate that would help with activating Luna when he becomes a Great Knight and while I can understand that Camilla isn't for everyone I would say her character comes worse off as an enemy imho.

Now for units for me I probably would use Nyx over Odin, however as a Witch that is and for the latter being a Sorcerer (again higher skill growth like Silas for Vengeance activation). Oh and Lazwald over Arthur if I had to choose one Hero even though I do like both of them the former comes out for me.

Now for Hoshido... Screw Asama, he's the Pieri of Hoshido for me (though technically that would maybe be Yuugiri who I also despise) and I think there are enough Stave users and Setsuna is also a no go like others have said (Hinoka has the worst subordinates out of all the royals). I probably would use Subaki if Hinoka wasn't the superior choice for Falcon Knight, hence why I'm planning on having him be a Dark Flier instead that way still keeping him as a pegasus rider, but having something to differentiated himself from Hinoka seeing as how he does have a higher magic growth rate to consider.

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Ah, I forgot the children existed. I don't care for any of the Hoshidan kids besides Shinonome, Matoi, Midoriko and Kinu, and that's 50% based on their appearance.

What happened to "don't judge a book by it's cover" though? I'm sure SOME of them are good characters outside of their designs.


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Since I've not played the game yet, all I can say is that I don't like that there are Awakening look-alikes for children. But that won't really matter much because I'm not bothering with the children. They don't belong in this game to me.


Though if I went in blind, I would've totally missed Cordelia. She looks like what I'd expect out of Tsubaki's kid!


I went with Hoshido because I like the dudes better. . .BUT it's the same side as Tsukuyomi, who looks like a he took the worst qualities of Donnel and Ricken, and produces a kid that doesn't even look like him. . .bleh. Had the women been the ones to bear the kids, Tsukuyomi would be Forever Alone.

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