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Who is the most OP unit in Fire Emblem History


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For those who live under rocks OP = Over Powered.

So who is the most OP

Is it Sigurd the most OP of all lords (imo)

Is It Julia 2nd gen destroyer of armies (provided she has Nosferatu which is more OP here then it is in FE 13 which is crazy, though I am not being as serious with this one I named it for kicks and giggles).

is it Sacred Seth himself

Is it (FE 10) Haar God of the skies

Is it Chris(I am playing FE 12 right now dang he is OP)tifer Walken over the bodies of his foes

Is it Robin user created death

Is it Morgan the most OP child (imo)

Or is it (FE 13) Tiki goddess of death

Or is it someone I forgot to mention....

I personally think it is (FE 10) Haar the man is a god.

Edit: No wait it is Arden of course it is Arden.

Edited by Locke087
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Seth probably

FE10 Haar isn't as op in comparison because many other units can wreck the parts he's present in too (albeit a small tad less easily), and Sigurd still dies more easily than Seth if you make a mistake or just get unlucky (like jumping into a pile of enemies that have killers or magic when equipped with javelin to kill his avoid).

Robin needs more exp to do essentially the same as Seth does and even broken!MU can die more easily in L(+) than Seth in FE8 HM.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Seth by far, for reasons Gradivus stated

Dagdar and his final chapter crippling bases, Robin, Tiki, and Ike the only FE character who can legit claim to have killed a Goddess are good runners up

Shoutout to Tiki!Morgan, ie the BALANCED Dragon. lorewise

I don't know enough of Fates plot or characters to really say for sure yet, but the fact Corrin is a manakete with a chainsaw sword makes him a potential contender in my book.

Edited by MCProductions
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Seth actually kind of struggles come lategame, Sigurd gets better and better as the game progresses. Most gen 1 units kind of suck too, so it's all the Sigurd show. Seth's supporting cast is a lot better. If you make Sigurd fight Eltshan or equip him with a javelin you're doing it wrong. That's like making Seth fight Lyon with an iron sword.

Sigurd also sets up other units directly for success in the second half of the game. His impact is even felt when he doesn't exist anymore.

Shoutouts to Alm too, he's pretty busted

Edited by General Horace
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Agreed on the Seth comments but I think Titania from FE9 came pretty close. Her only issue is the fact that she (and everyone else) can't damage Ashnard but I wouldn't be surprised if she came close to soloing FE9.

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Narron in Tear Ring Saga. He joins right after the prologue chapter and is a lv1 Cavalier with Elite. As if that wasn't hax enough, he will also become the resident Master Knight. TRS is usually actually rather well put together, so I really wonder what happened there. Narron is designed like he was meant to join around halfway into the game, not right after the first map.

Edited by BrightBow
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As others have already said, Seth by far. Although most of the MU's are pretty broken as well. Especially Kris from FE12 with his very early access and all. I'd say Palla(in fe12) would be among the best as well as long as she is eventually equipped with Iote's Shield. She's practically unbeatable then.

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Apoth Anna, never specified playable unit after all. (Even if she's not the hardest for the units you have to beat her in the game single handedly as a unit I'd say she's the top)

Edited by Dwlr
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That's because the enemies that you fight are a load of minor-league scrubs.

Funny how someone who plays only on the easiest modes of FE games say this....

But even on Hard Mode, Seth is still gud...aside from the Lagdou Ruins where enemies are actually strong.

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I honestly think that it's Robin. It's a mix between his great stats, the fact that he gets EXP quickly and the way awakening is. He just makes the game trivial.

Everyone's OP in that game

I actually want to say Nailah. It's been a while since I did hard mode in FE10 but Nailah just basically cannot die in Normal.

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Ardan is clearly the correct answer. Despite being unable to double with bad movement, stats and growths, he's managed to win his way into our hearts. That's truly too powerful. Or Sigurd, he's kinda good too.

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I'd say Sigurd > Seth > Robin ??? Titania in that order, probably, compared to enemies in their own games on the hardest difficulty. Robin does need to get through a few chapters of earlygame hell before they reach the point of godhood, whereas Sigurd and Seth just consistently wreck everything in their path from start to finish (but Sigurd does get Tyrfing and extreme Celice inventory passdown and all that good shit, Audhulma isn't Seth's PRF after all and it does require him to ease up on the Javelins early to get it, though it's pretty much superior than Vidofnir). Titania is also hella amazing, but I also only played PoR once so I can't really judge her performance over many instances. Also I only played Hard, not Maniac, since I wanted to be able to read the dialogue, so I don't know her Maniac Mode performance.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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did i say seth i meant meg

Ardan is clearly the correct answer. Despite being unable to double with bad movement, stats and growths, he's managed to win his way into our hearts. That's truly too powerful. Or Sigurd, he's kinda good too.

this too though

Edited by maybe
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by destroyer of armies you mean destroyer of 13 units once she gets the tome that makes her good right

julia getting to destroy 13 units with naga? how charitable, she's lucky if she even gets to kill julius like she was supposed to

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julia getting to destroy 13 units with naga? how charitable, she's lucky if she even gets to kill julius like she was supposed to

yeah all she really did for me was kill julius the other guys almost managed to kill her

i just felt like there was probably some reason people hype her up as not sucking so I mentioned that it is at least possible to do

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by destroyer of armies you mean destroyer of 13 units once she gets the tome that makes her good right

Correct with Nosferatu she will kill everything(well at least mine did)..... Naga is fine too.... This was more of a joke though.

The denial of how OP Haar is, is strong in this thread (avability guys, avability FE10 has stronger units but they lack Haar's avability)

It seems like Seth is winning buy a large margin

I wonder if I should do a poll.....

FE 13 Tiki...?

A while a zero second seal Tiki still the better then most of your units, I think second seal Tiki's Rating on my file speaks for it's self 305 for reference my super Morgan is only 261 and of all the heavily abused units on this profile ( I have a 275 Kjelle ) she is still the highest rated so she is pretty good... Edited by Locke087
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