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Vacation/sick day on February 19th?


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Yeah, it's National Fire Emblem Day. School's out for everyone!

I wish

I don't plan on taking the day off, BUT I happen to be within bus distance to my Gamestop. . .so come lunchtime, I'm headed on over to pick it up! May not be able to play until I get home, but I think I can wait~!

EDIT: Too bad PxZ2 comes out, like, three days before this. Might hold off on the PxZ until I'm well and truly done with Fates.

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I work full-time and am an undergrad student.

I literally planned my whole class schedule so that it doesn't interfere with Friday and weekends.

I might take off, but I get my paycheck cut into whenever I call out so I don't think it's the grandest of ideas.

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Requested the 19th off, and I sincerely hope I get it off just so I can pick up the game plus the new 3DS as soon as Best Buy opens. I've gone full-nerd over this game in a way I've never done before. @.@

I just hope that I still have an SE preordered because my online receipt says "Pre-order release date is now Dec 31". I really hope that's just a placeholder or a goof in the system; I don't think I could wait any longer.

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I preordered the Special Edition at Best Buy and am somehow glad I didn't do it for Amazon. I preordered the Rock Band 4 Band Bundle and it didn't arrive until 1 p.m., an hour and a half before I had to leave for work. As much as I would love to take the 19th off, I have to work since there's an anime convention in March and I'd rather have all work days signed in before the payroll is due. At my work, February gives me my highest paycheck. I also don't have classes until Tuesday so the reward pays off!

I still check my order status to make sure the placeholder changed, because New Year's Eve is way too far. XD

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I only have three classes this semester thank god & I ended up having every Friday off.

so I'm in luck; will be playing Fates all day if I manage to wake up early enough to snag a copy at the store I don't do that preorder thing

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I go to high school so I can't really do that and unfortunately that whole weekend I'm busy with Speech and FFA :(. I'll just bring my 3DS to those events ig, I'll probably bring it too school too. Can't wait, preordered it today. Wish I could've gotten Special Edition but whatever.

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Bless the fact that I work graveyard shift at my job so I don't have to worry about taking off. I could finish work, relax for a few hours, and then take the bus to the Gamestop at my mall to pick up my copy.

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My only worry now is that my manager intends to put me on the graveyard shift. Just so long as I DONT have to work Friday, I'll be fine. It'll suck having to sleep before I can play the game, though.

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Update on my case, actually! I have the Friday before the 19th off, as well as the following Monday. It's a bit of a bummer considering that I'd be so close to getting that Friday off, but hey, shorter school week means shorter time to Fates.

Although, my problem is that I'm wishing for a snow day on the 19th, but that might hinder my ride to Gamestop. Speaking of Gamestop, since I didn't preorder both Birthright and Conquest, is it possible to buy the keychains when you walk in, or are those off-limits to me now?

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Oh Naga, this is like Fallout 4 all over again...

In all seriousness, Fates doesn't have a release data in Europe, so I guess I'll just be envious of you lucky people who get a chance to play it so early...

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I'm in Europe so while I work on friday I doubt the eshop will have updated before I get out from work anyway. I have made sure to ask for time off for the weekend though.

Right now I'm just really happy for buying a Canadian 3DS back in 2012. I have a new big SD card ready and everything.

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I've got to haul ass out of town on the 19th. I'm going to have to pass by EB Games right when it opens and grab it before my trip leaves.

I've already played the game, but I preordered the English version and I don't want to miss out on those keychains...

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I lucked out this time. I don't have classes on Fridays until the week after Fates comes out. Unlike back in 2013 where I had to leave my Drawing II class early in order to get Awakening. >_> (Panicked since I was told that very morning that they were only getting a few copies in and when I called later they said they only had one copy left and I had pre-ordered it, but wasn't guaranteed my copy...)

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I won't be home from work until 8pm-ish and unfortunately can't get the day off. I'm hoping that my boyfriend will be off so he can be here when it gets delivered. If he isn't, then I'm gonna ask a friend or family member to come over to my place and wait for it so it doesn't get sent to the post office for pick up the next day, haha... can't have that. ; ]

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